Download Chapter 18: Fighting Disease Section 1: Infectious Disease

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Chapter 18: Fighting Disease
Section 1: Infectious Disease
What is the relationship between pathogens and infectious disease?
What kinds of pathogens can cause infectious disease in humans? Be familiar with common
What are some ways pathogens can spread?
Section 2: The Body’s Defenses
How does the body’s first line of defense guard against pathogens? How do they help?
What happens during the inflammatory response? What are the key players?
How does the immune system respond to pathogens? Be familiar with T-cells and B-cells -basics
How does HIV affect the immune system and how does it spread?
Section 3: Preventing Infections
How does the body acquire active immunity? Be able to give examples.
o How do vaccines work? Why don’t doctors give antibiotics for everything?
How does passive immunity occur?
Section 4: Noninfectious Disease
What causes allergies? Asthma? How does your body try to fight them?
How does diabetes affect the body? Be familiar with the types of diabetes
What are the effects of cancer on the body? What can be done to help treat and prevent