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Table 1. Definition and symptoms of mania and depression.
Definition: A period of elevated, irritable, or expansive mood for more
than one week accomplished by at least 3 of the following:
 Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
 Decreased need for sleep
 Increased talkativeness or pressured speech
 Racing thoughts or flight of ideas
 Distractability
 Increased activity or psychomotor agitation
 Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have high
potential for painful consequences
Definition: A period characterized by depressed or irritable mood or
diminished interest or loss of pleasure in most activities plus at least 4
of the following:
 Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt
 Sleep disturbance (increased or decreased amount)
 Fatigue or loss of energy
 Decreased concentration or indecisiveness
 Appetite or weight disturbances (failure to meet expected weight
gains in children or loss of 5% of body weight in 1 month)
 Psychomotor agitation or retardation
 Suicidal ideation or thoughts of death
Table 2. Summary of key molecular markers in bipolar disordera.
Mania vs. Control
Depression vs. Control
Late- vs. Early- stage
Effect of Exercise
Each arrow indicates a significant between-group differences found from previous studies[1-7]. A ↑ denotes a relative increase whereas ↓
denotes a relative decrease.
Cunha, A.B., et al., Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor is decreased in bipolar
disorder during depressive and manic episodes. Neurosci Lett, 2006. 398(3): p. 215-9.
Kim, Y.K., et al., Imbalance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines
in bipolar disorder. J Affect Disord, 2007. 104(1-3): p. 91-5.
Liu, H.C., et al., Immunologic variables in acute mania of bipolar disorder. J
Neuroimmunol, 2004. 150(1-2): p. 116-22.
Machado-Vieira, R., et al., Decreased plasma brain derived neurotrophic factor levels in
unmedicated bipolar patients during manic episode. Biol Psychiatry, 2007. 61(2): p. 1424.
O'Brien, S.M., et al., Cytokine profiles in bipolar affective disorder: focus on acutely ill
patients. J Affect Disord, 2006. 90(2-3): p. 263-7.
Ortiz-Dominguez, A., et al., Immune variations in bipolar disorder: phasic differences.
Bipolar Disord, 2007. 9(6): p. 596-602.
Neeper, S.A., et al., Exercise and brain neurotrophins. Nature, 1995. 373(6510): p. 109.