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Nobel Prize of physiology or medicine (1984)
Part I
The specificity in development & control of immune system
Niels L. Jerne, Georges J.F. Kohler. & Cesar Mistein were awarded the
Noble Prize in physiology or medicine (1984) jointly for theories
concerning" the specificity in development & control of
immune system" and the discovery of "the principle for
production of monoclonal antibodies"
Nobel Prize winners in physiology
medicine (1984)
Niels K.Jerne, Georges J.F. Kohler
& Cesar
Niels K. Jerns is a leading theoretician in immunology. He has been
considered by his 3 main theories that he has outlined the
development of medical immunology. In the present review, we
will present an outline of his work concerning skin diseases.
The first theory: (Specificity is predetermined)
Instead of the body creates antibodies in response to an antigen, Jerns
postulated that immune system has the specific antibodies it needs
to fight antigen. (1955)
The second theory: (Reactivity against self antigen creates diversity)
It was known that the immune system learns to be tolerant to the
individual's own self; Jerns postulated that this learning took
place in the thymus. (1971)
Thymus gland
The third theory: (antibodies, anti-antibodies theory)
It was known that T cells & B cells communicate with each others. Jerns
network theory (1974) postulated that the active sites of
antibodies were attracted to both specific antigen (idiotype) & to
other antibodies (anti-antibodies) to the same site The antibodies
were imbalance until another antigen introduce &binds It will
disturb the balance, creating an immune response The network
theory has been applied recently to diagnose & treat diseasee.
Jerne third theory: Network theory
Antibody 1 (AK-1) has a structure
in its variable (V) region which can
bind to antigen. The V region of
(AK-1) contains unique structures
which stimulate the production of
various anti antibodies (AK2).
Some Ak2 express v region
structures which mimic the antigen
& which therefore can stimulate
AK-1 production.
Some examples where the network theory has been applied to
experimental & clinical medicine:
1. Infectious diseases 2. Allergy, anti-pollen antibodies
3. Autoimmune disease 4. Transplantation 5. Endocrinology
Antigenic shift:
how a flu virus transforms &shift
Human network theory gives a •
picture of infectious disease
@Autoimmune disease: May be caused by antibodies directed by the
body own tissue. For example pemphigus vulgaris, alopecia
areata, vitiligo, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma…
T cell involvement in the immune pathogenesis of
Pemphigus vulgaris J. Clin. Invest. 116:1159, 2OO6
Auto-immune disease
Allergy, anti-pollen antibodies
@Transplantation: It contributes to immunological tolerance against
antigen in the foreign graft.
Face transplants in rabbit before moving to humans.
@Endocrinology: Antibodies against hormones & hormone receptors
may prevent binding of the hormone to the receptor It has been
described for insulin & its receptor
Diabetes mellitus (Type 1). Immune system
destroys beta cells