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School of International Development, University of East Anglia
Phone: +44 (0)1603 591036; Email: [email protected]
- Last updated January 2014 -
Free University of Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Ph.D. (Dr. rer. pol.) in Political Science, magna cum laude
Dissertation: Japanese Climate Change Policy. From Dusk to Dawn
2000-02 Visiting research student at University of Tokyo (German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) and Japanese government (Monbusho) scholarship)
Bonn University
Bonn, Germany
Master of Arts in Political Science, Economics and Japanese Studies
Dissertation: Negotiating the Kyoto Protocol: An analysis of negotiation dynamics in
international negotiations
University of East Anglia
Norwich, UK
Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Contemporary European Studies with Japanese language
Professional Experience
Since 2011
University of East Anglia, School of International Development
Norwich, UK
Senior Lecturer in Climate Change and International Development
Director of MSc Climate Change and International Development and Co-Director of MA
Globalisation, Business and Sustainable Development
University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute
Oxford, UK
James Martin Senior Research Fellow in Forest Governance (2009-11)
Tyndall Senior Research Fellow in International Climate Policy and Non-state Actors, Tyndall
Centre for Climate Change Research (2007-10)
Research Member, Exeter College; Research Associate, Department of Politics and International
Relations; Faculty Associate, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, USA
Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (IDGEC), Project of the
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
Executive Officer of IDGEC and Postdoctoral Researcher
UNFCCC Secretariat
Consultant and conference support during Conferences of the Parties and meetings of the
subsidiary bodies (COP3-COP5)
Research Assistant, part-time
Summer 1997
United Nations University, Environment Programme, Intern
Spring 1997
German Parliament, Intern
Summer 1996
European Parliament, Intern
Summer 1995
Bayer Argentina, Intern
Bonn, Germany
Tokyo, Japan
Bonn, Germany
Brussels, Belgium
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Other Roles
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Coordinator of Governance Theme
Earth System Governance Project, Member of Scientific Steering Committee and Oran Young
Prize Committee Secretary
International Studies Association, Environmental Studies Section, Harold and Margaret Sprout
Award Committee Member (2012-14), Nominations Committee Member (2010-12), Executive
Committee Member (2008-10)
Editorial Board member of Global Environmental Politics, Global Environmental Change, International
Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (book review editor: politics) and Development Studies
Books and Special Issues
Schroeder, H., Sikor, T. and McDermott, C. (guest eds.) (forthcoming) Beyond Carbon: Ensuring Justice and
Equity in REDD+ across Levels of Governance. Ecology & Society.
Schroeder, H., Burch, S. and Rayner, S. (guest eds.) (2013), Novel Multi-sector Networks and Entrepreneurship
in Urban Climate Governance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
Corbera, E., Schroeder, H. and Springate-Baginski, O. (guest eds.) (2011), Special Issue on REDD+ Governance
and Implementation, Environmental Science & Policy 12, 2
Biermann, F., M. Betsill, J. Gupta, N. Kanie, L. Lebel, D. Liverman, H. Schroeder, and B. Siebenhuener (2009),
"Earth System Governance: People, Places, and the Planet", Science and Implementation Plan of the Earth
System Governance Project, IHDP Report 20, Bonn, IHDP
Young, O.R., L.A. King, and H. Schroeder (eds.) (2008), Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal
Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Schroeder, H. (2001), Negotiating the Kyoto Protocol, An analysis of negotiation dynamics in international
negotiations. Münster: LIT Verlag
Journal articles
Schroeder, H., S. Burch and S. Rayner (2013), Novel multisector networks and entrepreneurship in urban climate
governance, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31(5) 761 – 768
Burch, S., H. Schroeder, S. Rayner and J. Wilson (2013), Novel multisector networks and entrepreneurship: the
role of small businesses in the multilevel governance of climate change, Environment and Planning C:
Government and Policy 31(5) 822 – 840
Jordan, A., T. Rayner, H. Schroeder, N. Adger, K. Anderson, A. Bows, C. Le Quéré, M. Joshi, S. Mander, N.
Vaughan and L. Whitmarsh (2013), “Going Beyond Two Degrees: The Risks and Opportunities of
Alternative Options, Climate Policy 13:6, 751-769
Sikor, T., G. Auld, A.J. Bebbington, T.A. Benjaminsen, B.S. Gentry, C. Hunsberger, A.-M. Iza, M.E Margulis, T.
Plieninger, H. Schroeder and C. Upton (2013), “Global Land Governance: From Territory to Flow?”, Current
Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(5), 522-527
Schroeder, H., M.Boykoff and L. Spiers (2012), “Equity and State Representations in Climate Negotiations”,
Commentary, Nature Climate Change, 2 (12): 834-836
Newell, P., P. Pattberg and H. Schroeder (2012), “Multiactor Governance and Environment”, Annual Review of
Environment and Resources, 37: 365–87
Biermann, F., K. Abbott, S. Andresen, K. Bäckstrand, S. Bernstein, M.M. Betsill, H. Bulkeley, B. Cashore, J. Clapp,
C. Folke, A. Gupta, J. Gupta, P.M. Haas, A. Jordan, N. Kanie, T. Kluvánková-Oravská, L. Lebel, D. Liverman,
J. Meadowcroft, R.B. Mitchell, P. Newell, S. Oberthür, L. Olsson, P. Pattberg, R. Sánchez-Rodríguez, H.
Schroeder, A. Underdal, S. Camargo Vieira, C. Vogel, O.R. Young (2012), “Towards a Strengthened
Institutional Framework for Global Sustainability”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4(1): 5160
McDermott, C., L. Coad, A. Helfgott, H. Schroeder (2012), “Operationalizing social safeguards in REDD+: Actors,
interests and ideas”, Environmental Science & Policy, 21: 63-72
Biermann, F., K. Abbott, S. Andresen, K. Bäckstrand, S. Bernstein, M. M. Betsill, H. Bulkeley, B. Cashore, J.
Clapp, C. Folke, A. Gupta, J. Gupta, P. M. Haas, A. Jordan, N. Kanie, T. Kluvánková-Oravská, L. Lebel, D.
Liverman, J. Meadowcroft, R. B. Mitchell, P. Newell, S. Oberthür, L. Olsson, P. Pattberg, R. SánchezRodríguez, H. Schroeder, A. Underdal, S. Camargo Vieira, C. Vogel, O. R. Young, A. Brock, R. Zondervan
(2012), “Navigating the Anthropocene: Improving Earth System Governance”, Policy Forum, Science, 335
(6074): 1306-1307
Shiroyama, H. M. Yarime, M. Matsuo, H. Schroeder, R. Scholz and A.E. Ulrich (2012), “Governance for
Sustainability: Knowledge Integration and Multi-actor Dimensions in Risk Management”, Sustainability
Science, 7 (1), 45-55
Page 2 of 6
Schroeder, H. and H. Lovell (2012), “The Role of Non-state Actors and Side Events in the International Climate
Negotiations”, Climate Policy 12 (1): 23-37
Bulkeley, H. and H. Schroeder (2011), “Beyond State and Non-state Divides: Global Cities and the Governance of
Climate Change”, European Journal of International Relations, doi: 10.1177/1354066111413308
Doherty, E. and H. Schroeder (2011), “Forest Tenure and Multi-level Governance in Avoiding Deforestation
under REDD”, Global Environmental Politics 11(4): 66-88
Corbera, E. and H. Schroeder (2011), “Governing and implementing REDD+”, Environmental Science & Policy 14,
2: 89-100
New, M., D. Liverman, H. Schroeder and K. Anderson (2011), “Four degrees and beyond: the likelihood and
implications of a global climate change of 4+ degrees”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369:
Schroeder, H. (2010), “Agency in International Climate Negotiations: The Case of Indigenous Peoples and
Avoided Deforestation”, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 10, 4, 317–332
Biermann, F., M. Betsill, J. Gupta, N. Kanie, L. Lebel, D. Liverman, H. Schroeder, and B. Siebenhuener (2010),
“Earth System Governance: Navigating the Anthropocene”, International Environmental Agreements:
Politics, Law and Economics 10, 4: 277–298
Chu, S.Y., and H. Schroeder (2010), “Private Governance of Climate Change in Hong Kong: An analysis of drivers
and barriers of corporate action“, Asian Studies Review 34, 3: 287-308
Biermann, F., Betsill, M., Camargo Vieira, S., Gupta, J., Kanie, N., Lebel, L., Liverman, D., Schroeder, H.,
Siebenhuener, B., Yanda, P.Z. and Zondervan, R. (2010), “Navigating the Anthropocene: The Earth System
Governance Project Strategy Paper”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2, 3: 202-208
Lovell, H. and H. Schroeder (2010), “Carbon Standards and Non-nation-state Actors”, Exploration & Production
- Oil & Gas Review 8, 1: 14-15
Okereke, C. and H. Schroeder (2009), “How can the objectives of justice, development and climate change
mitigation be reconciled in the treatment of developing countries in a post-Kyoto settlement? “, Climate and
Development 1, 1: 10-15
Schroeder, H. (2009), “Leuchtkraft in Gefahr: Staedtische Energieversorgung“, Politische Oekologie 114: 28-30.
Schroeder, H. and H. Bulkeley (2009), “Global Cities and the Governance of Climate Change: What is the Role of
Law in Cities?“ Fordham Urban Law Journal 36, 2: 313-359
Okereke, C., H. Bulkeley, and H. Schroeder (2009), “Conceptualizing Climate Governance beyond the
International Regime“, Global Environmental Politics 9, 1: 58-78.
Young, O.R., E. Lambin, F. Alcock, H. Haberl, S. Karlsson, W. McConnell, T. Myint, C. Pahl-Wostl, C. Polsky,
P.S. Ramakrishnan, H. Schroeder, M. Scouvart, P. Verburg (2006), “A Portfolio Approach to Analyzing
Complex Human-Environment Interactions: Institutions and Land Change“, Ecology & Society 11, 2
Hirono, R. and H. Schroeder (2004), “The Road to and from the Kyoto Protocol: The Perspectives of Germany
and Japan“, International Review for Environmental Strategies 5, 1
Schroeder, H. (2004), “The Japanese Top Runner Approach“ (in German), Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 3-4
Book chapters
Schroeder, H. and C. Okereke (2013), “REDD+ and Social Justice: Adaptation by Way of Mitigation?”, in
Successful Adaptation to Climate Change, edited by S. Moser and M. Boykoff. London: Routledge, pp. 81-94
Bulkeley, H. and H. Schroeder (2012), “Global Cities and the Politics of Climate Change”, in Handbook of Global
Environmental Politics, 2nd ed. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 249-260
Schroeder, H., J. Li, H. Bulkeley, C. Barbier, J. Zhao, M. Columbier, S.Y. Chu and S. Ghosh (2012), “Enabling the
Transition to a Low Carbon Climate Resilient Economy in Asian Cities: Drivers, Barriers and Solutions“, in:
Climate Smart Development in Asia: Transition to Low Carbon and Climate Smart Economies, edited by A.
Srinivasan, F. Ling and H. Mori. London: Routledge, pp. 148-183
Bulkeley, H., H. Schroeder, K. Janda, J. Zhao, A. Armstrong, S. Chu and S. Ghosh (2011),“The role of institutions,
governance and planning for mitigation and adaptation by cities“, in Hoornweg, D., Frire, M., Lee, M.,
Bhada, P. and Yuen, B (eds) Cities and Climate Change: responding to an urgent agenda, The World Bank;
Washington, DC, pp. 68-88
Schroeder, H. (2010), “The History of International Climate Change Politics: Three Decades of Progress, Process
and Procrastination“, The Politics of Climate Change: A Survey, edited by Max Boykoff. London: Routledge
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Schroeder, H., L.A. King, and S. Tay (2008), “Contributing to the Science-Policy Interface: Policy Relevance of
Findings on the Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change“, in: Institutions and
Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers, edited by O.R. Young, L.A.
King, and H. Schroeder. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Schroeder, H. (2008), “Analyzing Biosafety and Trade through the Lens of Institutional Interplay“, in:
Institutional Interplay: The Case of Biosafety, edited by O.R. Young, W.B. Chambers, J.A. Kim, and C. ten
Have. Tokyo: UNU Press
Schroeder, H. and D. Yocum (2006), “Vulnerability, Resilience, and Adaptation: Response Mechanisms in an
Environmental Emergency - The Asia Tsunami in Thailand and Hurricane Katrina in the United States“, in:
Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental Threats, edited by L. Simeonov and E. Chirila.
Dordrecht: Springer Verlag
Schroeder, H. and D. Yocum (2006), “European Institutions for Controlling Chemical Air Pollution: An Analysis
of CLRTAP - European Union Interplay“, in: Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental
Threats, edited by L. Simeonov and E. Chirila. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag
Schroeder, H. (2006), “The Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management“ (in German), in:
Jahrbuch Ökologie 2007, edited by G. Altner, H. Leitschuh-Fecht, G. Michelsen, U.E. Simonis and E.U. von
Weizsaecker. Verlag C.H. Beck
Schroeder, H. (2004), “Japan’s Contribution to International Climate Policy“ (in German), in: Japan 2004, edited
by Manfred Pohl and Iris Wieczorek. Institut für Asienkunde
Schroeder, H. (contributing writer) (1999), “The Americas“, in: A Guide to Delegate Preparation 1999-2000,
Model United Nations, edited by G.B. Julian and J.R. Gagain Jr.. New York: United Nations Association of the
United States of America
Reports and other publications
Schroeder, H. (2011), “Climate change mitigation in Los Angeles, US“, Unpublished case study prepared for the
Global Report on Human Settlements 2011
Bulkeley, H. and H. Schroeder (2009), “Governing Climate Change Post-2012: The Role of Global Cities –
Melboune“, Tyndall Working Paper 138
Bulkeley, H., H. Schroeder, K. Janda, J. Zhao, S. Chu and S. Ghosh (2009), “Cities and Climate Change: The Role
of Institutions, Governance and Urban Planning“, Report prepared for the World Bank Urban Symposium
on Climate Change, available at:
Bulkeley, H. and H. Schroeder (2008), “Governing Climate Change Post-2012: The Role of Global Cities. Case
Study: London“, Tyndall Working Paper 123
Schroeder, H. and H. Bulkeley (2008), “Governing Climate Change Post-2012: The Role of Global Cities. Case
Study: Los Angeles“, Tyndall Working Paper 122
Schroeder, H. and C. Okereke (2008), “How can the objectives of justice, development and climate change
mitigation be reconciled in the treatment of developing countries in a post-Kyoto settlement? “, A Report
on the Discussion Group on Developing Countries and a Post-Kyoto Deal at the DSA-DFID Policy Forum on
Climate Change and International Development, University of Greenwich
Okereke C. and H. Schroeder (2008), “How can the objectives of justice, development and climate change
mitigation be reconciled in the treatment of developing countries in a post-Kyoto settlement? “, A
Background Paper for the Discussion Group on Developing Countries and a Post-Kyoto Deal at the DSADFID Policy Forum on Climate Change and International Development, University of Greenwich
Young, O.R. with contributions by others (2005), edited by H. Schroeder, Institutional Dimensions of Global
Environmental Change (IDGEC) Science Plan, 3rd edition. Bonn: IHDP
Schroeder, H. (2003), From Dusk to Dawn: Climate Change Policy in Japan. Ph.D. Dissertation, Free University of
Barrett, B., W.B. Chambers, and H. Schroeder (2001), “Perceptions of Science and Politics in the UNFCCC
Process: Delegates at COP3 and COP4“, UNU/IAS EMD Series No. 8, United Nations University's Institute
for Advanced Studies, Tokyo
Paoletto G. and H. Schroeder (1997), “Enhancing Participation of NGOs in the FCCC Process“, GEIC Paper
Series, Global Environment Information Center Tokyo, October 1997
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Teaching & Supervision
Current modules at UEA
· Climate Change Policy for Development
· Perspectives on Globalisation
· Globalisation, Business and Development
· Advanced Qualitative Research and Analysis
· Resource Development and Conservation
· Natural Resources I
Previous teaching experience: Oxford University, University of California Santa Barbara, Free University of
Berlin, Technical University of Dresden and Bonn University
PhD students: Sabine Dauth, UEA; Ursula Flossmann-Kraus, UEA; Susan Conlon, UEA; Wei Shen, UEA
(completed); Lucy Baker, UEA (completed); Karen Anderton, Oxford (completed)
PhD external supervision: Harro van Asselt, Amsterdam/Oxford (Marie Curie fellow)
MSc students:
Hannah Betts, UEA 2013; Timothy Damon, UEA 2013; Adelaide Glover, UEA 2013; Mizuki
Kitagawa, UEA 2013; Luanna Ramalho, UEA 2013; Nsikan-George Emana, UEA 2012; Keane
Gruending, UEA 2012; Zerrin Afza, UEA 2012; Jie Xia, UEA 2012; Aya Naito, UEA 2012; Hyunjin
Kim, Oxford 2011; Sam Davidson, Oxford 2010; Daphne Liew, Oxford 2010; Leon Westby
(distinction), Oxford 2010; David Aitken (distinction), Oxford 2009; Emma Doherty
(distinction), Oxford 2009; Lysete Hernandez, Oxford 2009; Sofia Shellard, Oxford 2009;
Elizabeth Anderson, Oxford 2008; Joy Bailey, Oxford 2008; Shu Yi Chu (distinction), Oxford
2008; Jonathan Gaventa (distinction and best dissertation), Oxford 2008; Daniela Rey, Oxford
UG students:
Robert White, UEA, 2014; William Pasang, UEA, 2013
Grants, Awards, Scholarships, Consultancies
· UEA DEVCo Funding for “2014 Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance: Allocation and Access in
the Anthropocene”, 2013, £6,000
· UEA Internationalisation Investment Fund, “2014 Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance:
Allocation and Access in the Anthropocene”, 2013, £5,000
· UEA DEVCo Funding for Special Feature on "Beyond Carbon: Ensuring Justice & Equity in REDD+ across
Levels of Governance" in Ecology and Society, £1,800
· Principal Investigator: Asia-Pacific Network on Global Change Research, contribution to Oxford Conference
on „Beyond Carbon: Ensuring Justice & Equity in REDD+ across Levels of Governance”, 23-25 March 2012,
· Consultant: African Development Bank, Training workshop for AfDB Managers on Climate Change,
Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2012
· Co-investigator: The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and The Swedish Research Council for
Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas), The Role of Non-state Actors in the
Emerging Landscape of International Climate Co-operation, 2012-14, SEK 5450 and SEK 4750 (approx. £980k)
· Principal Investigator: Future of Cities Programme, University of Oxford, Urban Climate Governance, £25k
· Consultant: UNITAR e-learning course moderator on „Climate Change Diplomacy”,2010-12
· Consultant: UN Habitat commissioned research on Los Angeles and climate change, 2009, US$3,333
· Consultant: World Bank commissioned research on cities and climate change, 2008-09, US$15,000
· Co-investigator: National Science Foundation, Project on the Institutional Dimensions of Global
Environmental Change, Supplementary Grant, 9/2005-2/2007, US$165,000
· Co-investigator: Asia-Pacific Network on Global Change Research, Institutional Dimensions of Global
Environmental Change Synthesis Conference. Institutions for Sustainable Development in the Face of Global
Environmental Change: Questioning – Explaining – Demystifying, 2006, US$20,000
Page 5 of 6
· Scholar: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Japanese Ministry of Education (Monbusho)
research scholarship, 2000-02
· Scholar: Peaceboat Japan, International Student Scholarship, 2000
· Awardee: Outstanding Delegation Award, National Model United Nations, New York, 1999
· Scholar: Bonn University Exchange Scholarship to study at the University of East Anglia, 1994-95
Plenary Talks (selection)
University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona: Talk on “REDD+: impact upon the rights and livelihoods of local
Musol, Conference on Climate Change and Development, Valencia: The Role of the Local Level, Talk on
“Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: The Role of Local Actors and Civil Society”
British Academy, Conference on ‘Emerging Powers Going Global’, Session on ‘Global Sustainability with
Emerging Powers?’, Panelist
University of Westminster: Seminar on Eco-city politics: national policy, local leadership, public
accountability: Talk on “The multilevel governance of climate change in cities”.
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Workshop on Science at the Nexus of Climate
Change and Agriculture: Talk on “Institutions and Governance”
Second International Sustainability Science Conference, Rome: Talk on “REDD+: Who, What and
Fifth Urban Research Symposium, World Bank, Marseille: Talk on "Cities and Climate Change: The Role
of Institutions, Governance and Urban Planning"
Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Final Plenary:
Intervention on "Institutionalizing Research on Institutions – as a Crosscutting Theme?"
Attended by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and other dignitaries, Ceremony to Commemorate 100
Years of Inviting Foreign Students to Study in Japan, Tokyo: Salutation by the Foreign Students’
Representative (in Japanese)
Conferences, Workshops and Side Events convened, organised or coordinated (selection)
Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance: Access and Allocation in the Anthropocene –
conference chair
Beyond Carbon: Ensuring Justice & Equity in REDD+ across Levels of Governance, Oxford – conference
UNFCCC COP-16, Cancun: Side event on “REDD+ Governance and Implementation” – organiser and
University of Oxford: Panel discussion of COP15: What happened and what next? - organiser and chair
UNFCCC SB-30, Bonn: Side event on "Parallel Worlds – The Role of Observer Organizations in the COP
Process" - organiser and presenter
DFID/DSA Policy Forum, Greenwich: “International Development in the Face of Climate Change” –
session convenor
UNFCCC COP-13, Bali: Side event on "How Can We Get More GHG Emissions out of the Atmosphere
and Contribute to Sustainable Development?" – organiser and presenter
IDGEC Synthesis Conference, Bali: "Institutions for Sustainable Development in the Face of Global
Environmental Change" – conference coordinator
German (mother tongue); English (fluent); Japanese (good); Spanish (good); French (basic)
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