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Digestive Enzymes
Clinical Strength
Comprehensive enzyme formula
• Includes ProCerelase®†, an exclusive combination of
hemicellulase, beta-glucanase, celluase, and phytase
• These four enzymes may support improved digestibility
of fruits and vegetables
• Contains a powerful enzyme blend that includes multiple
stages of protein, carbohydrate, fiber, amd lipid digestion
• Features differing pH tolerant proteases assuring the
effectiveness of the formula as the enzymes move
through the gut
90 tablets
† ProCerelase® is a Registered Trademark of National Enzyme Company, Inc
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Call Emerson Ecologics at 800.654.4432 or visit to place your order.
Healthy digestive function is a first step for the body to absorb and utilize
nutrients from the diet. Digestive enzymes are critical to that function, serving
as the body’s primary mechanism of macronutrient breakdown. But many
factors such as aging and eating a poor diet of excess processed foods can
impact the secretion of important enzymes and result in poor digestion. INNATE
Response’s™ Digestive Enzymes Clinical Strength provides a full spectrum of
enzymes that can act synergistically to provide digestive support at multiple
stages and throughout the digestive tract.
The human body naturally produces many enzymes, but this system is designed
to be supported by the enzyme activity which naturally occurs in the foods we
eat. Unfortunately, this activity is hampered by the processing, pasteurization
and cooking of foods that affect their enzyme profile. Coupled with the fact that
modern agriculture has diminished the nutrient density of foods1, many patients
may be caught in a cycle of nutrient deficiencies and poor digestion and could
benefit from a comprehensive enzyme formula that will bridge these gaps.
Digestive Enzyme Support
INNATE Response Digestive Enzymes Clinical Strength delivers a synergistic,
broad spectrum of digestive enzymes to provide activity for overall digestive
It does this by first providing the fiber digesting enzymes that the human body
does not produce, with ProCerelase®, an exclusive combination of hemicellulose,
beta-glucanase, cellulase, and phytase. This proprietary blend supports improved
digestibility of fruits and vegetables by carrying essential enzymatic energy factors
that break down the fibrous barrier of plant cell walls to unlock valuable nutrients.
Enzymes for a range of foods
Different enzymes work to break down specific macronutrients. The protease family of enzymes breaks down proteins from meat,
cheese, legumes and nuts; amylase is an enzyme that is particular to starch and carbohydrate metabolism; lipase helps to digest
dietary fats, such as butter and oil; and lactase is specific to the breakdown of lactose in dairy. The INNATE Response formula
supports optimal digestion of dietary proteins, fats, and complex and simple carbohydrates. The powerful blend of enzymes in
Digestive Enzyme Clinical Strength includes multiple stages of protein, carbohydrate, fiber and lipid digestion support for high potency
help to digest a wide range of foods.
Varying pH tolerance
Enzymes catalyze specific reactions and work most effectively in a particular range of conditions. Changes to the pH in the
gastrointestinal tract may also interfere with enzyme effectiveness, as few enzymes are able to survive the pH of pure gastric acid.
To address this, Digestive Enzymes Clinical Strength also features a range of pH tolerant proteases (3.0, 4.5, and 6.0) that have been
shown to survive and function across a broad pH range and assure the breakdown of proteins as they pass through the gut. As such,
many supplemental enzymes are not permanently denatured or harmed in this environment and may perform optimally. Additionally,
studies looking at lactase supplements found that ingestion of milk resulted in a gastric pH of 6.0, which protected supplemental
lactase and allowed digestion.2,3,4
Additional enzymatic support
Bromelain and papain are also included in the formula to provide an extra protein digesting benefit. Both compounds have long been
used in their whole plant or crude extract form, from pineapple and papaya in indigenous medicine for digestive support. Modern
research has also investigated these enzymes for potential benefits beyond digestion with encouraging findings. Bromelain, for
example, has been shown to have a potential utility in bone and joint health.5
Patients who will benefit from Digestive Enzymes Clinical Strength
It is known that poor digestion plays an integral role in various health concerns. Optimal digestive function is critical for overall health
and wellness. Today, a variety of patients may benefit from digestive support.
• Aging patients may experience a loss in digestive enzyme activity which may result in difficulty digesting dietary proteins
fats, plant fibers as well as complex and simple carbohydrates.
• Patients in need of relief from common digestive complaints, including occasional gas and bloating.
• Patients needing foundational digestive support for overall health.
• Vegetarians and others who consume diest high in fruits and vegetables may also benefit from digestive enzyme support.
Davis, DR. Declining fruit and vegetable nutrient composition: What is the evidence? Hort Science, Vol 44 (1): Feb. 2009: 18.
Gao et al. Effect of lactase preparations in asymptomatic individuals with lactace deficiency—gastric digestion of lactose and breath hydrogen analysis. Nagoya J Med Sci 2002
<ay: 65(1-2):21-28.
Lin et al. Comparative effects of exogenous lactase (beta-galactosidase0 preparations on in vivo lactose digestion. Dig Dis Sci 1993 Nov’ 38(11)” 2022027.
Ramirez et al. All lactase preparation are not the same: results of a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Am J Gastroenterol 1994 Apr; 89(4): 566-70/
Brien S, et al. Bromelain as a treatment for osteorarthritis: A review of clinical studies. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2004 Dec;1(3):251-257.
Harrison, Danielle, Digestive Enzymes 101, NEC White Paper, March 2013, page 3.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ©FoodState Inc 2017
ProCerelase® is a Registered Trademark of National Enzyme Company, Inc
LIT #50004 | V2
Call Emerson Ecologics at 800.654.4432 or visit to place your order.