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Proteome Atlas of Pigeonpea: Developmental proteins
Sufia Farhat1*, Nisha Singh1, Sangeeta Singh1, Neha Jain1, Nagendra Kumar Singh1, Vandna
* Genomics and Proteomics Lab, National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, IARI,
New Delhi, India
Pigeonpea is the second most important food legume crop of India but its productivity has
remained stagnated for the last five decades. There is need to improve its yield potential by
changing the plant type and harvest index. In the present study we have developed complete
proteome atlas of root and shoot of young seedlings of pigeonpea. As a first step we have
identified the proteins of mature seeds and seedlings. A gel free LC-MS analysis were
employed for identifying proteins of the tissues. The proteins were extracted from seeds, shoot
and root after 10 days of germination. Total 78, 97 and 58 proteins were identified in seed, root
and shoot, respectively. The maximum proteins were found for seed followed by root and
shoot. Among them 45 proteins were common to all the 3 samples. The uncharacterized
proteins were maximum for shoot tissues. Interestingly Dof family of proteins were
significantly observed for all the samples. There are 38 Dof proteins are present in pigeonpea
genome, among them 13 were reported for seed, root and shoot samples. DNA binding with
One Finger (Dof) protein is a plant specific transcription factor having diverse role in plant
growth and development. An attempt to characterize CcDof gene family using various
bioinfomatic tools like protein motif analysis, phylogenetic analysis and secondary structure
analysis has been made. The structural, functional and in-silico studies of Dof transcription
factor attempted here exhibits great opportunity to analyse the pigeonpea genome in terms of
number of Dof genes and shed light on evolution of legume crops. The multiple functions of
Dof genes and their role and position in the metabolic pathways needs to be explored for crop