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What is Quantum Mechanics?
What is the Quantum Scale?
What is Resonance on the Quantum Scale?
What it means for music?
Quantum Mechanics What is it?
Quantum mechanics is the science of the very small. Quantum mechanics explains the behavior of matter
and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.
In contrast, classical physics only explains matter and energy on a scale familiar to human experience, including
the behavior of astronomical bodies such as the Moon. Classical physics is still used in much of modern science
and technology. However, towards the end of the 19th century, scientists discovered phenomena in both the large
(macro) and the small (micro) worlds that classical physics could not explain.
• The reason for this difference comes from the treatment of matter in quantum mechanics as having properties
of waves and particles. One interpretation of this duality involves the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which
defines a limit on how precisely the position and the momentum of a particle can be known at the same time.[4]
• What the uncertainty principle tells us is that no matter how careful we are, no matter how precise our
instrumentation, we can never pin down both the particle-like and the wave-like properties of a quantum entity,
whether it be a photon or an electron, a quark or a neutrino(that’s everything). The uncertainty principle is a
statement that is fundamental to nature, to the universe, whether we are there to measure it or not.
• Quantum Entanglement: sub atomic particles are entangled which means they subtlety and
instantaneously influence each other across space.
• Quantum tunneling refers to the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle tunnels through a
barrier that it classically could not surmount
Quantum Entanglement:
Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or
interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently — instead, a quantum
state must be described for the system as a whole. Measurements of physical properties such as position, momentum,
spin, polarization, etc., performed on entangled particles are found to be appropriately correlated. However, this behavior
gives rise to paradoxical effects: any measurement of a property of a particle can be seen as acting on that particle and
will change the original quantum property by some unknown amount; and in the case of entangled particles, such a
measurement will be on the entangled system as a whole. It thus appears that one particle of an entangled pair "knows"
what measurement has been performed on the other, and with what outcome, even though there is no known means for
such information to be communicated between the particles, which at the time of measurement may be separated by
arbitrarily large distances.
Quantum Entanglement: sub atomic particles are entangled which means they subtlety and
instantaneously influence each other across space.
Quantum Tunneling/Communication
Quantum tunneling refers to the quantum mechanical
phenomenon where a particle tunnels through a barrier that it
classically could not surmount. This plays an essential role in
several physical phenomena, such as the nuclear fusion that
occurs in main sequence stars like the Sun.[1] It has important
applications to modern devices such as the tunnel diode,[2]
quantum computing, and the scanning tunnelling microscope.
The effect was predicted in the early 20th century and its
acceptance as a general physical phenomenon came midcentury.[3]
Tunneling is often explained using the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle and the wave–particle duality of matter. Pure
quantum mechanical concepts are central to the
phenomenon, so quantum tunneling is one of the novel
implications of quantum mechanics.
The quantum realm, also called the quantum scale, is a term of art
in physics referring to scales where quantum mechanical takes
effects. Typically, this means distances of 100 nanometers (10−9
meters) or less or at very low temperature.
In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is
the minimum amount of any physical entity
involved in an interaction. This means that
the magnitude of the physical property can
take on only certain discrete values.
For example, a photon is a single quantum
of (visible) light as well as a single quantum
of all other forms of electromagnetic
radiation, and can be referred to as a "light
quantum". The energy of an electron bound
to an atom is also quantized, and thus can
only exist in certain discrete values. As a
result, atoms are stable, and hence matter in
general is stable.
As incorporated into the theory of quantum
mechanics, this quantization of the energy of
electrons and the resulting implications are
regarded by physicists as part of the
fundamental framework for understanding
and describing nature.
Examples of Quantum Scale:
natural self-assembly
technological self-assembly
UV lithography
electron-beam lithography
nano-imprint lithography
scanning probe lithography
animal cells
small molecules
human hair
DNA bases
0.1 nm
crystalline lattices
1 nm
10 nm
quantum dots
100 nm
gates of transistors
1 µm
10 µm
electromechanical, fluidic, optical,
magnetic microsystems
100 µm
1 mm
DNA microarrays
Graphics by
The Centrosome, in most animal cells, acts as a Microtubule Organizing Center. Most Centrosomes contain a
pair of Centrioles arranged at right angles to each other in an L-shaped configuration. A Centriole is about 200
nm wide and 400 nm long. Its wall is made up of 9 groups of 3 microtubles.
Each microtubule is a hollow cylindrical tube with about 25 nm outside diameter and 14 nm inside diameter, made up of
13 columns of Tubulin Dimers.
Each Tubulin Dimer is about 8 nm x 4 nm x 4 nm, consists of two parts, alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin (each made up of
about 450 Amino Acids, each of which contains roughly 20 Atoms), and can exist in (at least) 2 different geometrical
configurations, or conformations, involving the position of a single Electron. ( The two preceding illustrations are from Molecular
Biology of the Cell, 2nd ed, by Alberts, Bray, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, and Watson (Garland 1989)
Resonance: at the Quantum Scale is the key that binds us to music
• Resonance is the means through which vibrational energy can get transferred from one physical entity to another with
great efficiency. Instruments are designed to resonate at a discrete set of frequencies- The Jazz of Physics, Stephon
• The term resonance originates from the field of acoustics, particularly observed in musical instruments, e.g., when strings started to
vibrate and to produce sound without direct excitation by the player.
• Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance,
electromagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and resonance of quantum
wave functions.
• Acoustic resonance is an important consideration for instrument builders, as most acoustic instruments use resonators, such as the
strings and body of a violin, the length of tube in a flute, and the shape of a drum membrane. Acoustic resonance is also important for
hearing. For example, resonance of a stiff structural element, called the basilar membrane within the cochlea of the inner ear allows hair
cells on the membrane to detect sound. (For mammals the membrane has tapering resonances across its length so that high frequencies
are concentrated on one end and low frequencies on the other.)
• Resonance in particle physics appears in similar circumstances to classical physics at the level of quantum mechanics and quantum field
Sound, music and many of the wonders of the quantum universe would not be possible without resonance The physics of resonance
governs why a saxophone plays a particular note.
The physics of baryogengesis is resonance. Quantum fields are like extended material and like a string, can vibrate with many resonant
frequencies…Quantum fields can interact each other. Particles are resonant vibrations of quantum fields can be realized similar to how
musical notes are created by plucking a guitar string
• Robin’s chemical compass (navigation) based on QM / Quantum Entanglement: a photon entering their eye creates an
entangled pair of electrons, each electron has two possible states, but note until it is measured the electron exists in
the two possible states at the same time. As the robin flies it chemical compass is making changes in their flight
pattern as it corresponds to logistics of the earth’s magnetic north pole. I theorize just as a robin’s sensitivity to the
earth’s magnetic wave/frequency; humans/living cells also have similar sensitivity to the heartbeat frequency/wave;
this the quantum resonance of music-the reason that music is so compelling for humans !
• Conga & drums
• Saxophone & drums
• Piano & drums
• Quantum Septet
Now lets show how the heartbeat resonates the music!
Acknowledgements/Reference Materials
The Jazz of Physics-Stephon Alexander, 2016
Music and the Making of Modern Science-Peter Pesic, 2014
PhiloPhysics BANNED BY CORNELL-Frank Dodd (Tony) Smith Jr., 2004
The Fabric of the Cosmos-Brian Greene, 2004
The Hidden Reality-Brian Greene, 2011
Drumming at the Edge of Magic-Mickey Hart, 1990
L’Opera-Bill Dixon, 1986
An Objective Psychology of Music-Robert W. Lundin, 1953
Secrets Of Quantum Physics-Quantum Biology Theory, 2016