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1)Do two exercises of each:
c)Gap Filling
d)Sentence Reordering
e)Sentence Transformation (Direct – Indirect)
2)Read the following chapters and write the summary and meaning of difficult words:
a)Villa For Sale (Drama)
b)Novel ch-1 to 5 (Three Men In A Boat)
3)Do the following exercise -- 1 each (word limit 100-120):
a)Letter to the Editor
b)Write an article on the topic of your own choice
c)Write a Diary Page on how did you spend your summer vacation
4)Do two exercise on Story Writing.
1. Identify the type of plant tissue which shows the following features:
a. These cells contain dense or abundant cytoplasm and a single large nucleus.
b. They lie at the base of the leaves or internodes and help in longitudinal growth
of the plants ___________________________.
c. These tissues are derived by the differentiation of cells or meristematic
d. These cells contain chlorophyll and help in photosynthesis.
e. Theses sells contain large air cavities and help the plants to float.
f. The cells of this tissue are dead and are without protoplasm.
g. It is the outermost layer of plant body. ____________________________.
h. These cells assist sieve tubes on their function. _________________________.
These are the only living cells in xylem tissue.
The meristematic tissue that forms cork.
2. Give an important structural feature and main function of the following:
a. Parenchyma
b. Collenchyma
c. Sclerenchyma
d. Cork
3. Name the type of epithelial tissue located in the following region and also give its
structural detail:
a. Respiratory tract
b. Inner lining of intestine
c. Lining of kidney tubules and ducts of salivary glands
d. Lining of mouth
e. Skin
4. Give functions of the following connective tissues:
a. Areolar tissue
b. Ligament
c. Adipose tissue
d. Cartilage
5. Name the tissue with which the following terms are associated:
a. Haversian canal
b. Basophil
c. Striations
d. Dendrite
e. Chondrocyte
6. Answer the following questions:
a. Which tissue makes the husk of coconut?
b. How does cork act as protective tissue?
c. Name the waterproof layer present on the outer wall of epidermal cell?
d. Name the dead elements of phloem.
e. Which part of neuron receives impulse and which part takes it away from
f. Skeletal muscles are also known as Striated muscles? Why?
g. Name 2 types of Sclerenchyma.
h. What is lignin, suberin and cutin? Where are they found?
Give the main structural feature of cardiac tissue.
Define glandular epithelium.
7. Give reasons for the following:
a. We get a crunchy granular feeling when we chew pear fruit.
b. Branches of a tree move and bend freely in high wind velocity.
c. Water hyacinth floats on water surface.
d. If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapours appear on the wall of
glass jar.
e. Ciliated epithelium is found in respiratory tract.
f. Plants grow only at the tips.
Matter in our surroundings CHAPTER 1
1.Define the following:
Matter, diffusion, melting point, boiling point, sublimation, evaporation, freezing, latent heat,
latent heat of fusion, latent heat of vaporisation.
2. Name the three state of matter. Give one example of each.
3. Write two charateristics properties of each
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gas
4. What is the general name of
(a) rigid form of matter
(b) fluid form of matter
5. Why do gases diffuse very fast?
6. Name the process by which a drop of ink spreads in a beaker of water.
7. The boiling point of alcohol is 78 degree celcius. What is this temp. in kelvin scale?
8. The kelvin scale temp. is 0 k. what is the corresponding celcius scale temperature.
9. What are the two ways in which the physical state of matter can be changed?
10. Why does steam causes more severe burns than boiling water?
11. what is common name of solid carbondioxide?
12. State one condition necessary to liquify by gases other applying high pressure.
13. Write factor affecting evaporation.
14. How will you demonstrate that water vapour is present in air.
15. Why does our palm feel cold when we put some acetone (or perfume) on it?
1.Write three basic characteristics of cell.
2. Name the largest cell structure.
3. Name largest cell or organelle in animals.
4. What are lysosomes? How are they formed?. Write the functions.
5. Smallest cell organelle.
6. Draw neat and labeled diagram of animal and plant cell.
7. Write difference between plant and animal cell.
8. Which kind of plastids is more common in
(1) root of plant
(2) leaves of the plant
(3) flowers and fruit
9. How is bacterial cell different from an onion peel cell?
10. Name the organelles which show analogy written as under
(a) transporting channel of the cell
(b) power house of the cell
(c) packaging and dispatching unit of the cell
(d) digestive bag of the cell
(e) storage sac of the cell
(f) kitchen of the cell
(g) control room of the cell
1.Name the property of motion to which distance are related.
2. What is vector and scaler quantity. Give examples of each.
3. What do you mean by displacement?
4. IS displacement scaler or vector quantity?
5. Give two examples of non-uniform motion.
6. Write SI unit of acceleration, speed and velocity time.
7. Draw the distance time graph for a car moving with non-uniform speed.
8. Plot a speed time graph when the body is under non-uniform retardation.
9. What is the difference between distance and displacement.
10. Draw the velocity time graph of an object moving with uniform velocity.
11. Derive
v = u + at
s =ut+ଶat²
2as =v²-u²
12. An object undergoes an acceleration of 10m/s² starting from rest. Find the distance
travelled on 5 seconds.
13. A train is travelling at a speed of 75km/h. the breaks are applied so as to produce a
uniform acceleration of -0.5m/s². find how far the train goes before it stops.
14. The breaks applied to a car produce an acceleration of 6m/s² in the opposite
direction to the motion. If the car taken 2 sec to stop after the application of breaks.
Calculate the distance is travelled during this time.
Solve any two previous question paper of SA1 from NCERT website- 2016-17.
Make a map file of history and geography- SA1.
Brief ote o o stitue t’s asse l of I dia a d its philosoph .
Contribution of Indian freedom fighters with pictures- 10 to 15.
PPT on disaster management- Tsunami & Earthquake.
Note: All the work do in a Spiral file.
1. Prove that (3-√ )2 is an irrational number
2. Simplify
√ +½√
3. If a = √ + /√ -1 and b=1/a, Find the value of a2+b2
4. If = +√ , fi d the value of 2+ 1/x2
5. Ratio alize the de o i ator of / + √
6. Simplify
√ - /√ + - √ + /√ -2
7. Add √ + √ a d √ - √
8. Multipl √
9. Lo ate √ . o the u er li e
10. Find a and b if
√ - /√ + + √ + /√ - = a+ √
11. Lo ate √ o the number line.
12. If (a/b) x-1= (b/a) 2x-8, find the value of x.
13. If [3/4]6 x [16/9]5 = [4/3] x+2, find the value of x.
14. If x=9- √ , fi d the value of √ - /√ .
15. Find the value of k if [x-1] is a factor of 4x3 + 3x2 – 4x + k.
16. Factories 6x2 +17x+5.
17. Factories 2x3-13x2+26x-15.
18. Using identities , evaluate
a) 105 x 106
b) 93 x 107
c) [104]3
d) [999]3
19. Find the value of 27x3 + 8y3, if 3x +2y =20 and xy =11/9.
20. Find the value of x2 +1/x2, if x- / =√
21. If a+b=10 and a2+b2=58, find the value of a3+b3.
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कक्षा -9 (हहिंदी) ग्रीष्मकालीि अिकाश गह
ृ -कायय
1. 20 पष्ृ ठ सल
ु ेख ललखें |
2. दो अपठठत गद्यांश ललखकर उनके प्रश्नोत्तर करें |
3. उपसगग,प्रत््् ललखकर उनकय अभ््यस करें |
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