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Science Pacing Resource Companion
Biology Quarter 3 Unit 1
Unit #1: Cellular Reproduction
Explain the processes (i.e., mitosis and meiosis) by which new cells are formed from existing cells and how in multicellular organisms groups
of cells cooperate to perform essential functions within the organisms. Explain the cellular processes that occur to generate natural genetic
variations between parents and offspring (B.6.1, B.6.2, B.6.3, B.6.4, B.6.5).
B.6.1 Describe the process of mitosis and explain that this process ordinarily results in daughter cells with a genetic make-up identical to the
parent cells.
 SWBAT: Diagram the stages of mitosis and explain that daughter cells are identical to parent cells.
B.6.2 Understand that most cells of a multicellular organism contain the same genes but develop from a single cell (e.g., a fertilized egg) in
different ways due to differential gene expression.
 SWBAT: Explain how differentiation comes about from the development of a single cell.
B.6.3 Explain that in multicellular organisms the zygote produced during fertilization undergoes a series of cell divisions that lead to clusters of
cells that go on to specialize and become the organism’s tissues and organs.
 SWBAT: Describe how a zygote divides to become a multicellular organisms and connect to tissues and organs.
B.6.4 Describe and model the process of meiosis and explain the relationship between the genetic make-up of the parent cell and the daughter
cells (i.e., gametes).
 SWBAT: Diagram the stages of meiosis and explain that daughter cells are different from parent cells.
B.6.5 Explain how in sexual reproduction that crossing over, independent assortment and random fertilization result in offspring that are
genetically different from the parents.
 SWBAT: Describe the connection between crossing over in meiosis and the many variations between parents and offspring.
Chapter 9
 Mitosis Diagram pg. 249
 Data Analysis Lab (Microtubules) pg. 251
 Mitosis in Yeast Lab pg. 259
Chapter 10
 Meiosis Diagram pg. 273 and pg. 275
 Crossing Over pg. 272
 Data Analysis Lab (Motor Porteins Affect Cell Division) pg.
 Punnett Squares pg. 280-282
 Punnett Square Mini-Lab pg. 281
 Phenotype & Genotype Lab pg. 287
Indianapolis Public Schools
Curriculum and Instruction
Science Pacing Resource Companion
Biology Quarter 3 Unit 2
Unit #2 Molecular Basis of Heredity
Describe the basic structure of DNA and how this structure enables DNA to function as the hereditary molecule that directs the production of
RNA and proteins. Understand that proteins largely determine the traits of an organism (B.5.1, B.5.2, B.5.3, B.5.4, B.5.5, B.5.6).
B.5.1 Describe the relationship between chromosomes and DNA along with their basic structure and function.
 SWBAT: Explain how DNA make up chromosomes. Draw and label a chromosome.
B.5.2 Describe how hereditary information passed from parents to offspring is encoded in the regions of DNA molecules called genes.
 SWBAT: Compare how genes affect heredity.
B.5.3 Describe the process by which DNA directs the production of protein within a cell.
 SWBAT: Produce a protein from a gene segment.
B.5.5 Understand that proteins are responsible for the observable traits of an organism and for most of the functions within an organism.
 SWBAT: Name two proteins that are responsible for traits.
B.5.4 Explain how the unique shape and activity of each protein is determined by the sequence of its amino acids.
 SWBAT: Explain what happens when we destroy the shape of a protein. Name and explain one disease caused by proteins altered
B.5.6 Recognize that traits can be structural, physiological or behavioral and can include readily observable characteristics at the organismal
level or less recognizable features at the molecular and cellular level.
 SWBAT: Name two traits, one observable and one non-observable.
Chapter 12
 DNA Structure pg. 329, pg. 331
 DNA Structure Lab pg. 331
 Chromsome Structures pg. 332
 DNA Replication pg. 333-334
 Central Dogma pg. 336
 Transcriptional and Translation pg. 338-340
 Mutations pg. 346
 DNA Extraction Lab pg. 351
Indianapolis Public Schools
Curriculum and Instruction
Science Pacing Resource Companion
Biology Quarter 3 Unit 3
Unit #3: Genetics
Explain how the genetic information from parents determines the unique characteristics of their offspring (B.7.1, B.7.2, B.7.3, B.7.4, B.7.5).
B.7.1 Distinguish between dominant and recessive alleles and determine the phenotype that would result from the different possible
combinations of alleles in an offspring.
 SWBAT: Predict a phenotype from a give genotype.
B.7.3 Determine the likelihood of the appearance of a specific trait in an offspring given the genetic make-up of the parents.
 SWBAT: Make a Punnett square and predict genotypes and phenotypes of offspring.
B.7.2 Describe dominant, recessive, co-dominant, sex-linked, incompletely dominant, multiply allelic and polygenic traits and illustrate their
inheritance patterns over multiple generations.
 SWBAT: Compare and contrast sex-linked incomplete and co-dominant traits.
Chapter 11
 Complex Inheritance and Humanity Heredity Pedigrees pg.
 Incomplete & Codominance pg. 302 – 303
 Multiple Alleles (Sex Linked) pg. 304 – 309
 Data Analysis Lab (Sickle Cell) pg. 303
 Nondisjunction & Down Syndrome pg. 313
 Coin Toss Baby Lab pg. 317
Chapter 13
 Applied Genetics (Genes & Biotechnology) pg. 360
 DNA Fingerprinting pg. 381
Indianapolis Public Schools
Curriculum and Instruction