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From Paul A. Trainor, Developmental Biology: We Are All Walking Mutants. In: Paul M. Wassarman,
editor, Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol. 117, Burlington: Academic Press, 2016,
pp. 523-538.
ISBN: 978-0-12-801382-3
© Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc.
Academic Press
Author's personal copy
Developmental Biology: We Are
All Walking Mutants
Paul A. Trainor1
Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]
What is Developmental Biology? Developmental Biology is a discipline that evolved
from the collective fields of embryology, morphology, and anatomy, which firmly
established that structure underpins function. In its simplest terms, Developmental
Biology has come to describe how a single cell becomes a completely formed organism.
However, this definition of Developmental Biology is too narrow. Developmental
Biology describes the properties of individual cells; their organization into tissues,
organs, and organisms; their homeostasis, regeneration, aging, and ultimately death.
Developmental Biology provides a context for cellular reprogramming, stem cell
biology, regeneration, tissue engineering, evolutionary development and ecology,
and involves the reiterated use of the same cellular mechanisms and signaling pathways
throughout the lifespan of an organism. Using neural crest cells as an example, this
review explores the contribution of Developmental Biology to our understanding of
development, evolution, and disease.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King's horses and all the king's men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Opie and Opie (1951)
If ever there was a nursery rhyme that captured the essence and perhaps ultimate translational goal of Developmental Biology, it is the story of Humpty
Dumpty. Mending or rebuilding Humpty Dumpty would signify that our
mechanistic understanding of the development of a complex living organism
was so complete that we could recapitulate it at will. This idea, however, is
Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 117
ISSN 0070-2153
2016 Elsevier Inc.
All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
Paul A. Trainor
currently still a dream and very far from reality. Nonetheless, the tremendous
progress that has been made during the past 50 years in the field of Developmental Biology offers enormous hope and promise for the future.
But what is Developmental Biology? This is a question often naively
asked by students enamored with the wonders of stem cells, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. In simplistic terms, Developmental
Biology evolved from the collective fields of embryology, morphology,
and anatomy. While these fields in their heyday may have been predominantly descriptive, they firmly established the principle that structure
underpins function. Developmental Biology has since come to describe
in its purest form, how a single cell becomes a completely formed organism
and implicit within that definition is the concept of time, which is one of the
Developmental Biology’s founding and underlying principles. However,
one could easily argue that this definition of Developmental Biology is
too narrow.
There are a limited number of possible behaviors for any given cell or
tissue in an organism. Therefore, one of the characteristic features of development is the reiterated use of the same cellular mechanisms and signaling
pathways in different tissues at different times. For example, epithelial-tomesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process in which epithelial cells alter
their polarity and cell adhesion characteristics to become migratory and
invasive mesenchymal cells. EMT was initially described as an embryonic
feature of gastrulation (Hay, 1963, 1995; Trelstad, Hay, & Revel, 1967),
but has since been shown to be an underlying feature of placenta development, neural crest cell formation, neural tube closure, heart valve formation,
organogenesis, and palatogenesis (Thiery, Acloque, Huang, & Nieto, 2009).
EMT is, however, also an essential regulator of tissue homeostasis and repair
in mature or adult organisms, particularly during fibrosis and wound healing
(Kalluri & Weinberg, 2009; Nieto, 2009). Furthermore, EMT is a critical
driver of cancer metastasis (Barrallo-Gimeno & Nieto, 2005; Vega et al.,
2004; Ye et al., 2015).
The loss of E-cadherin is considered a fundamental component of EMT,
and numerous molecular pathways are reiteratively used to regulate EMT
during embryogenesis and adult tissue homeostasis including TGF-b,
Ras-MAPK, FGF, Wnt, and Notch signaling (Hay, 1995). Taken together
with the fact that certain childhood solid tumors and metastatic cancers such
as melanoma and neuroblastoma derive from specific embryonic progenitor
cells, this lends support to the idea that cancer in some instances is a disorder
of development.
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Developmental Biology
Thus, the established definition of Developmental Biology is too narrow, as the process of development continues long after embryogenesis,
throughout maturation, and even during aging. In fact, it could be argued
that even when an organism ceases to function, developmental mechanisms
still kick in to try and preserve cells, organelles, and other machinery despite
the ultimate futility of doing so. Therefore, one could consider Developmental Biology to be a process that begins with a single cell and ends only
with the death of the organism it gave rise to.
Developmental Biology, which defines how a progenitor cell becomes a
tissue and then an organ and an organism, has spawned new fields such as
cellular reprogramming, stem cell biology, regeneration, tissue engineering,
evolutionary development (Evo-Devo), while also contributing to newly
emerging fields such as evolutionary developmental ecology (Evo-DevoEco). It is important to realize that without Developmental Biology these
new fields would have no context. The fact that in vitro fertilization is possible and that we can grow organs and also model human diseases in vitro
(Lee & Studer, 2010) is largely dependent upon our understanding of development. This is where our knowledge of progenitor cells, lineage, fate, tissue interactions, signaling, survival, and differentiation has come from.
In the 1960s, the administration of thalidomide to reduce nausea in
women during their first trimester of pregnancy resulted in numerous babies
being born with major limb and other developmental abnormalities
(McBride, 1963, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1981). This phenomenon unequivocally illustrated that maternal environmental exposures could cross the placenta to the detriment of the embryo or fetus. These observations also
became a lightning rod for studies investigating the etiology and pathogenesis of birth defects. However, before one can understand the etiology and
pathogenesis of abnormal development, it is essential to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of normal development.
But what is normal versus abnormal when there is such an incredibly
broad phenotypic spectrum of variation within and between species? Developmental Biology helps us to understand we are all walking mutants, and
that morphological traits which may be advantageous to one organism could
be disadvantageous to another. For example, the reduced or absent limb
morphology of certain species of snakes, lizards, and skinks has evolved
numerous times and is thought to facilitate burrowing and movement
through dense vegetation (Gans & Wever, 1975; Wiens, Brandley, &
Reeder, 2006). However, in contrast, the equivalent reduced (phocomelia,
micromelia, meromelia) and absent (amelia) limb conditions in humans are
Author's personal copy
Paul A. Trainor
recognized as birth defects that impair grasping, mobility, and other functions. Similarly, ectrodactyly (split/cleft hand or foot) and syndactyly (fused
digits) are features of a congenital syndrome in humans known as split-hand/
split-foot malformation (SHSFM). While disadvantageous in humans,
ectrodactyly and syndactyly are characteristic features of Chamaeleonidae
(chameleons) and have facilitated their adaptive radiation throughout arboreal niches (Diaz & Trainor, 2015).
It would be remiss to think the 1960s represent the beginning of the study
of Developmental Biology. The German embryologist Hans Driesch, for
example, demonstrated as far back as 1892 that after splitting two-cell and
four-cell sea urchin embryos into single cells, each cell had the potential of
a zygote and could develop normally into a mature sea urchin (Driesch,
1892). Perhaps more remarkably, Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold discovered in 1923 that the dorsal lip of the blastopore of a tailed amphibian (Triturus)
could when transplanted into another embryo induce host tissue to form a
complete secondary axis (Spemann & Mangold, 2001). This region became
known as the embryonic organizer, and its true nature was subsequently revealed through the discovery of growth factors (Cohen, Levi-Montalcini, &
Hamburger, 1954; Levi-Montalcini, Meyer, & Hamburger, 1954).
One particular cell type that has always fascinated Developmental Biologists is the neural crest cell, which is considered a uniquely vertebrate cell
type. Neural crest cells comprise a migratory stem and progenitor cell population and are synonymous with vertebrate development and evolution.
Neural crest cells are thought to have been first recognized and described
by William His (His, 1868). However, the term neural crest cell is attributed
to Arthur Milnes Marshall (Hall, 2009) and it reflects the anatomical origin
of the cells in the closing or closed folds of the neural plate or neural tube,
respectively. Over the past 145 years, neural crest cells have provided a
unique paradigm with which to study various developmental processes such
as morphogenetic induction, multipotency, EMT, migratory chemotaxis,
and contact inhibition of locomotion, lineage, and fate determination
(Trainor, 2014).
During the first half of the twentieth century, the majority of neural crest
cell research was undertaken in amphibian embryos and often involved
interspecies transplantations (Horstadius, 1950). The 1960s saw the introduction of tritiated thymidine cell-labeling techniques to visualize and trace
the migration of neural crest cells throughout developing amphibian and
avian embryos (Chibon, 1964, 1965, 1967; Weston, 1963, 1970). The
end of the decade culminated with the seminal introduction of the
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Developmental Biology
quail-chick marking system (Le Douarin & Barq, 1969; Le Douarin, 1973).
While similar in principle to the earlier generation of amphibian chimeras by
German embryologists (Andres, 1946, 1949; Wagner, 1949, 1959), the quail
nuclear stain and subsequent quail-specific antibody enabled embryologists
(Developmental Biologists) to easily distinguish individual neural crest cells
of quail origin from the surrounding tissue of another host avian species.
With this technique, generations of scientists reliably marked and studied
the properties of neural crest cells (Le Douarin & Kalcheim, 1999). These
approaches were instrumental in Drew Noden’s demonstrations of the
remarkable properties and contributions of cranial neural crest cells particularly to the head (Noden, 1975, 1983, 1984, 1986) and remain a fundamental staple of neural crest cell research today. In the late 1980s, new vital dye
cell-labeling techniques opened the door to visualizing neural crest cells in
any species, but particularly fish, avians, and mice (Bronner-Fraser & Fraser,
1988, 1989; Schilling & Kimmel, 1994; Trainor & Tam, 1995; Trainor,
Tan, & Tam, 1994). These experimental techniques in combination with
advances in imaging and transgenic and knockout animal models afforded
for the first time opportunities to follow in real time, the dynamics of neural
crest cells, as well as their developmental plasticity and fates. Collectively,
these techniques facilitated comparative analyses of neural crest cell development, fate, and evolution, highlighting the interplay between plasticity
and commitment, and species-specific patterning properties, which helped
spur the quest to identify the evolutionary origins of neural crest cells.
The importance of neural crest cells and the central role they played in
the evolution of diverse phenotypic variation in vertebrates, particularly
with respect to craniofacial structures, was captured in the “New Head”
hypothesis (Gans & Northcutt, 1983). This model essentially suggests that
most of the morphological and functional differences between vertebrates
and other chordates exist in the head and are derived from neural crest cells,
epidermal (neurogenic) placodes, and the muscularized hypomere during
embryogenesis. Furthermore, neural crest and placodes contribute to the
formation of special sense organs and other neural structures which may
be homologous to portions of the epidermal nerve plexus of protochordates.
Thus, many of the defining or characteristic features of vertebrates became
concentrated in the head and reflect the fact that the evolution of vertebrates
is associated with a shift from passive to active modes of predation.
Despite nearly 150 years of study, key questions about neural crest cells
still remain. For example, what was the prototype of the neural crest cell and
when did a neural crest cell really become a neural crest cell? The first
Author's personal copy
Paul A. Trainor
challenge to answering such a question is to delineate the critical properties
that define a neural crest cell. These include: (i) an origin at the neural plate
border, or the junction between neural ectoderm and nonneural ectoderm;
(ii) multipotency; (iii) formation via an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
and acquisition of polarity and migratory ability; and (iv) regulation by a
conserved gene regulatory network. These features must be considered individually and collectively in any analysis of the evolutionary origins of neural
crest cells (Munoz & Trainor, 2015).
Numerous model systems including, but not limited to Amphioxus,
jawless basal vertebrates such as lamprey and hagfish, as well as numerous
species of amphibians, fish, avians, and rodents, have all been employed
to explore the origins, behavior, contributions, and potential of neural crest
cells. Neural crest cells have consequently been shown to contribute to
nearly all tissues within a vertebrate organism, giving rise to neurons, glia,
Schwann cells, cartilage, bone, smooth muscles, adipocytes, and melanocytes, among many cell types and tissues (Fig. 1). Neural crest cells are also
integral to organization of the vertebrate brain and have possibly enhanced
its growth in vertebrates (Creuzet, Martinez, & Le Douarin, 2006; Le
Douarin, Brito, & Creuzet, 2007; Le Douarin, Couly, & Creuzet, 2012).
Neural crest cells have evolved to provide specific advantages suited to an
animal’s environment, especially through contributions that improved
metabolism, circulation, and respiration (Green & Bronner, 2013; Green,
Simoes-Costa, & Bronner, 2015; Landacre, 1921; Lievre, 1974; Mongera
et al., 2013). However, one of the most significant accomplishments of neural crest cells has been to the evolution of the “new head” which includes
hinged jaws, special sensory organs, and neural circuitry. These predominately neural crest cell-derived structures facilitated vertebrates becoming
predatory, shifting away from the filtration-feeding lifestyle of their Amphioxus-like ancestors (Gans & Northcutt, 1983; Northcutt & Gans, 1983).
Within the head and face, neural crest cells can differentiate into chondrocytes that form cartilage, osteoblasts that generate bone, and odontoblasts that produce teeth and scale dentine (Chai et al., 2000; Couly,
Coltey, & Le Douarin, 1993; Jiang, Iseki, Maxson, Sucov, & MorrissKay, 2002). Interestingly, only the dentine-secreting cells are considered
to be an exclusively neural crest cell derivative. Each of the other cell types
can also originate from within mesoderm (Hall, 2009; Hall & Gillis, 2013).
This suggests that dentine may be a definitive marker for the presence of
neural crest cells in fossils and extant organisms, underpinning the idea that
the first mineralized skeletal tissues of the vertebrate subphylum were of
neural crest cell origin. Fossilized early vertebrates, such as pteraspidomorphs
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Developmental Biology
Figure 1 Neural crest cells. Schematic representation of neural crest cell derivation from
the neural tube (green) and their migration via specific pathways (purple arrows) to give
rise to numerous distinct cell types throughout the human body.
agnathans found in the Burgess Shale, exhibit dentine-derived ossified external armor ( Janvier, 1996; Le Douarin & Dupin, 2012; Smith, 1991). However, as vertebrate evolution proceeded, gnathostomes developed an
endoskeleton comprised somite-derived cartilage and bone. Consequently,
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Paul A. Trainor
the putatively neural crest cell-derived exoskeleton, which was presumably rendered obsolete, was lost, such that only the neural crest cell-derived
skull, facial bones, and cartilages remained ( Janvier, 2011). Interestingly,
while trunk neural crest cells generally no longer contribute to skeletal
formation in avians and mammals, they still maintain a latent ability to produce mesenchymal derivatives including skeletal tissues under appropriate
in vitro conditions (Calloni, Glavieux-Pardanaud, Le Douarin, & Dupin,
2007; Coelho-Aguiar, Le Douarin, & Dupin, 2013; Ido & Ito, 2006;
McGonnell & Graham, 2002; Nakamura & Ayer-le Lievre, 1982). Furthermore, extant Chelonians (turtles, terrapins, tortoises) possess an extensive
trunk bony exoskeleton and appear to have retained the ancestral neural
crest-exoskeleton condition in the form of trunk neural crest cell contributions to the nuchal bones and plastron of the carapace (CebraThomas et al., 2007, 2013; Clark et al., 2001; Gilbert, Bender, Betters,
Yin, & Cebra-Thomas, 2007).
The origin of neural crest cells and therefore by default the origins of vertebrates has been debated based primarily on shared structural homology
between primitive vertebrates and protochordates (urochordates and
cephalochordates), which had separated by the early Cambrian period
(Dupret, Sanchez, Goujet, Tafforeau, & Ahlberg, 2014; Gai, Donoghue,
Zhu, Janvier, & Stampanoni, 2011; Hall & Gillis, 2013; Mallatt & Chen,
2003). Comparative embryology suggests that cephalochordates are the sister clade to vertebrates and Amphioxus for example has been used extensively
as a model to explore the origins of vertebrates (Bertrand & Escriva, 2011;
Delsuc, Brinkmann, Chourrout, & Philippe, 2006; Holland, 2013; Holland
et al., 2008). However, decades of extensive work in Amphioxus have not
revealed the presence of bona fide primitive neural crest cell-like cells by
either morphology or molecular markers (Hall & Gillis, 2013; Yu, 2010).
Perhaps, it is highly unlikely that neural crest cell-like cells will be found
in Amphioxus given the lack of typical vertebrate neural crest cell derivatives
such as peripheral pigment cells, dentine-, bone-, and cartilage-forming
cells. Although dorsal root nerves in Amphioxus are ensheathed by Schwann
cell-like glial cells (Bone, 1960; Peters, 1963), the origin of these cells is ectodermal. Furthermore, numerous invertebrate animals also possess peripheral
glial cells despite a complete absence of neural crest cell-like cells (Coles &
Abbott, 1996; Hall & Gillis, 2013). This suggests that the glial cell fate of
ectodermal cells evolved prior to the divergence of neural crest cells from
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Developmental Biology
The missing evolutionary link could perhaps be explained by the recent
discovery that urochordates appear genomically more closely related to vertebrates than cephalochordates (Delsuc et al., 2006). Consistent with this
idea, it was recently provocatively proposed that rudimentary neural crest
cell-like cells may exist in at least one genera of urochordates, the mangrove
tunicate Ciona intestinalis (Abitua, Wagner, Navarrete, & Levine, 2012).
Blastomere a9.49 found near the neural plate border of C. intestinalis
expresses various neural plate border markers and perhaps some neural crest
cell specification signals (Abitua et al., 2012; Imai, Levine, Satoh, & Satou,
2006; Jeffery et al., 2008; Squarzoni, Parveen, Zanetti, Ristoratore, &
Spagnuolo, 2011). Furthermore, this blastomere gives rise to the gravity
sensing otolith, and the melanocytes in light-sensing tissues (Nishida &
Satoh, 1989). Interestingly, ectopic expression of Twist endows the a9.49
blastomere lineage with migratory ability. This suggests that a gene regulatory network of the type that might be expected in rudimentary neural crest
cells was indeed already present in this lineage and furthermore that it
evolved before the divergence of urochordates and vertebrates. More
importantly, the identification and characterization of this neural crest
cell-like lineage that gives rise to pigment cells in a urochordate suggests that
the vertebrate neural crest cell specification gene regulatory network was
partially achieved by co-opting existing differentiation networks together
with an EMT gene regulatory network to endow rudimentary neural crest
cell-like cells with migratory ability. It still remains to be determined
whether more neural crest cell-like cells will be identified in this subphyla
of diverse extant urochordates, which would imply that neural crest cells
began to evolve in the Precambrian period.
Thus, there is still much to be learned about how neural crest cells
evolved from primitive neural crest cell-like cells. The identification of additional neural crest cell-like cells and variation between the cells, their derivatives and active pathways, will promote our understanding of the steps that
were necessary for neural crest cell formation prior the divergence of vertebrates from protochordates. Furthermore, this knowledge may also facilitate a better understanding of neural crest cell formation in mammals.
Although we understand many of the signals required for neural crest cell
formation in avian and aquatic species, the counterparts underpinning mammalian neural crest cell formation remain to be functionally determined.
What is clear, however, is that the origins of neural crest cells are closely
linked to evolution of the vertebrate lineage.
Author's personal copy
Paul A. Trainor
In the twenty-first century, much of our focus now revolve around the
contributions of neural crest cells to congenital disorders and diseases, which
are collectively termed neurocristopathies. The ability to do so has been
largely facilitated by recent advances in our comprehension of the roles of
neural crest cells in vertebrate evolution and development. Understanding
the true genetic and cellular etiology and pathogenesis of individual
neurocristopathies offers the potential for developing therapeutic avenues
for their clinical prevention. What is clear is that depending on the phase
of neural crest cell development that is disrupted, whether it be formation,
migration, or differentiation, very different malformations or syndromes can
arise ( Jones & Trainor, 2004; Noack Watt & Trainor, 2014; Walker &
Trainor, 2006). For instance, within the head and face, perturbed neural
crest cell formation is associated with Treacher Collins syndrome (Dixon
et al., 2006; Jones et al., 2008), whereas perturbed neural crest cell migration
and/or differentiation is associated with craniosynostosis (Merrill et al.,
2006; Reardon et al., 1994). Within the trunk, perturbed vagal neural crest
cell formation can lead to total intestinal aganglionosis, while altered neural
crest cell migration, survival, or differentiation result in Hirschsprung disease
(Butler Tjaden & Trainor, 2013). Numerous studies have uncovered and
characterized the pluripotent stem cell-like characteristics of neural crest
cells during embryogenesis and their persistence into adulthood. Thus, there
is tremendous excitement in the potential to repair the affected neural crest
cell process during embryogenesis, as well as for neural crest cells to be used
in tissue engineering, surgery, and regenerative medicine.
Studies of neural crest cell development, evolution, and disease are notable not just for their fundamental contributions to our understanding of basic
developmental biology and clinical disease, but also because they serve as an
important reminder that every organism is a model organism. From sea
quirts to Amphioxus, lampreys and hagfish, frogs, fish, birds, mice, and rats,
as well as humans, each of these organisms has played an important role in
furthering our understanding of Developmental Biology. It is important,
however, not to get hung up or overly focused on working with one organism only. Organisms that may have had held a prominent place in Developmental Biology studies for historical reasons, may not always remain the
most ideal model organisms. Every organism has its advantages and disadvantages as a model for study in a laboratory setting, and it is more important
to ask the right questions and then determine and choose the right organisms
with which to answer those questions. Evidence for this is particularly true in
the neural crest cell field from evolutionary studies in Amphioxus, tunicates
Author's personal copy
Developmental Biology
and lampreys, lineage tracing and transplantation in amphibians and avians,
time-lapse imaging in fish, conditional spatiotemporal genetic alterations in
mice, and genomic and epidemiological studies in humans. This illustrates
the need for education and instruction across multiple organisms, which
is not always easy to achieve during the normal course of one’s training
in Developmental Biology. However, this is where unique courses such
as the MBL Embryology Course come to the fore, which for over 120 years
has highlighted for eager students the endless diversity of organisms with
which to study the breadth of Developmental Biology.
In summary, this essay set out to capture the classic principles of Developmental Biology and recent advances in our understanding of the roles of
neural crest cells in vertebrate evolution and development. The classical definition of Developmental Biology appears to be too narrow and its contribution to the Stem Cell, Regeneration, and Tissue Bioengineering fields
among others remains under appreciated and under recognized. In Developmental Biology, everything changes with time and everything is also context dependent. The fundamental knowledge that Developmental Biology
has provided has, however, directly influenced our understanding of vertebrate development and evolution, as well as the pathogenesis of congenital
disorders, and set the stage for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
to treat disease. This is particularly true with respect to neural crest cells.
Thus, fundamental investments in basic Developmental Biology have provided the basis for translational discoveries and applications and will continue to so. As the essays in this celebratory issue attest, the concept of
“Developmental Biology” has undergone as much change as the field itself
and must continue to evolve to the capture the mechanisms that give rise to
the immense diversity of living organisms.
I greatly appreciate the contribution of Mark Miller who was solely responsible for the
artwork in Fig. 1 as it originally appeared in the Stowers Report Spring 2014. Research
in the Trainor Laboratory is supported by the Stowers Institute for Medical Research and
the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (DE 016082).
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Author's personal copy
Paul A. Trainor
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Developmental Biology
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