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 A LOT of you are missing the
conflict paper from Monday!
 Make sure its in YOUR spiral!
Should be attached!
Comm Apps
Spreading of
information to
help or hurt a
 Telling only the
side you want
people to know
 Propaganda
appeals to
emotion rather
than intellect
A famous
endorses a
product idea or
Usually this
famous person
is a celebrity or
an athlete
Bandwagon- everyone is doing it
Sex Appeal- if you use this product you will be more
attractive and sexy
 Avante Garde- plays on our fears of being left out of
something. Will use phrases like “Be the first to
have… or Don’t be left out, get… today
 Snob Appeal- by having this product you will
appear rich, or better than everyone else
The slogan is so
attractive that
the audience
does not
challenge its true
 “ultra,” “Extra
 Loaded wordsemotional
Repeats the name or logo of the product or
includes a visual of it.
Hear or see the name or product AT LEAST 3 or
more times
-Gallery Furniture
-The Dump
When the commercial is created in a way to be humorous
to the general public.
The speaker criticizes a
person or product with
little or no reason or
“slamming the
Appeal to the
common, ordinary
 This tactic is used often
by politicians
When you GET
something for making
a purchase.
 Kids club, toy, coupon,
rebate, etc
What is the age of the target audience?
What is the social status of the target audience?
Is the audience male, female, or both?
What is the education level of the audience?
Watch TV Commercials and figure out what
propaganda is used.
As a class we will watch commercials and pick
out Propaganda.
Your group will create your own commercial
to market your product using propaganda
Create a Print ad for a REAL company
Include the following:
 Company Name, Logo, & Slogan
 Product
 3 types of Propaganda
▪ Must use the following:
▪ Glittering Gen
▪ Reward
▪ Any other your choice
Chose from:
 Nike
 McDonalds
 Skittles