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Name: _________________________
Honors Biology Genetics
Final Exam Study Guide
Intro to Genetics
Green is dominant to yellow in pea plants. If two dwarf pea plants were crossed, what will their offspring
be like?
What is the probability of getting a pea plant with purple seed color when two heterozygous brown pea
plants are crossed with each other?
In the human ABO blood grouping, the blood proteins A and B are ______________________
Genes for sex-linked traits tend to be carried on what chromosome?
The physical description of an organism's genotype is its ______________________
Down syndrome in humans is due to ______________________
Colorblindness is a sex-linked trait. A woman with normal color vision, whose father was colorblind, mates
with a colorblind man. What chance do each of their sons have of being colorblind?
•In snapdragons, pink-flowered plants are produced when red-flowered plants are crossed with whiteflowered plants. This type of inheritance can best be described as ______________________
•Describe the genetic inheritance of hemophilia.
•Compare germ cell and somatic cell mutations.
Mitosis, Cancer and Meiosis
A body cell of an organism has 16 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found in this organism's
haploid cells?
When does separation of homologous chromosomes occur?
During which stage of meiosis does crossing over occur?
Describe p53.
The identical sides of each chromosome are called ______________ and are joined at the
Cancerous tumors are _______________ and the cells ________________________.
What are telomeres?
DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis
DNA is made up of building blocks called ______________________
If one strand of a DNA molecule has the base sequence CGT, its complementary strand will have the
sequence ______________________
The molecule that carries each amino acid to its correct position along mRNA in the cytoplasm is
The process of bringing in the appropriate amino acid into position along the mRNA in the cytoplasm is
called ______________________
The bases of RNA are the same as DNA except that RNA contains ______________________
The mRNA has a three-nucleotide sequence called _____________, while the molecule transporting the
amino acid has a complimentary sequence called a ________________.
Short pieces of DNA formed on the lagging strand of DNA are called ______________________
The RNA copy of DNA that travels to the cytoplasm to make proteins is ______________________
If an mRNA molecule reads UGC, the tRNA will read
Non-protein-coding portions of a eukaryotic gene are called ______________________
To turn genes off (like the Lac Operon), a protein called a(n) _______________ attaches to the gene to
block RNA polymerase.
The purpose of the Lac Operon is to ______________________
Over time, the same bones in different vertebrates were put to different uses. This is an example of
The streamlined shape of shark and dolphin bodies is an example of ______________________
Some genes control the functioning of groups of other genes. Mutations in these genes may have led to
sudden shifts in a species' evolution. These genes are called ______________________
Hardy-Weinberg problem: In a certain population, the frequency of a dominant gene is represented by p=.6.
What is the frequency of the heterozygous genotype?
Which radioisotope are scientists likely to use to date a human mummy? (Hint: half-life has to be relatively
How does natural selection occur?
Success in evolutionary terms has to do with ______________________.
The traits for good parenting (remember the Masked Boobies?) are selected for or against? Why?
Pea hens choose peacocks with the largest tails because tail size indicates ______________________
True or False? Humans evolved from apes.
True or False? Whales once walked on land.
The nucleus of an atom is composed of two subatomic particles, ______________ and ______________.
The ___________________ of atoms determine how atoms will react with each other.
When an electron is transferred from one atom to the next, and the two atoms are then electrically attracted
to one another, the type of bond is a(n) __________________ bond.
The loss of an electron is ______________; the gain of an electron is _______________.
Atoms that bear a positive or negative charge are known as ______________________
The type of bond that forms between two atoms when electrons are shared is a(n) _______________ bond.
A solution with a pH of 6 has _________ the concentration of H+ present compared to a solution with a pH
of 5.
The building blocks of carbohydrates are ______________________
Enzymes are catalysts because they operate to ______________________
The site on the surface of an enzyme where the reactant binds to the enzyme is called the
Recognize drawings of monosaccharides, disaccharides, and dipeptides.
Proteins are made up of ____________ strung together by _________ bonds.
Fatty acids that contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms possible are said to be
Each of the 20 amino acids differ from the others because of the ______________________
Carbon is found in all organic molecules. This is due in part to carbon’s ability to bond with up to
_____________ other atoms.
Cell Anatomy
The simplest cells are the ______________________
All living things are able to maintain stable internal conditions, whether they are single cells or complex,
multicellular organisms. This property is called ______________________
When plant cells are placed in a salt solution, they don't shrink up in the same manner as do animal cells.
This is due to the fact that plants have ______________________
Two organelles which are believed to have once been free-living bacterial cells are __________________
and __________________.
Cells need to use their ATP to move molecules when ______________________
When large vesicles (“sacs”) are pushed out through the cell membrane, the process is called
If a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic (distilled water) solution, what will happen to the cell? It will
Describe the cell membrane.
Bacteria and Viruses
CD4 receptors are found on ______________________
Bacterial cells divide by ______________________
Under harsh environmental conditions, some bacteria are able to form ___________________ to protect
them until conditions become more favorable.
Transformation in bacteria involves ______________________
Misuse of antibiotics may ______________________
___________________ are released by plasma cells to inactivate foreign invaders.
How could a person develop active immunity against the chicken pox virus?
The inflammatory response involves the release of ______________________
The chemical signal sent out by the macrophages to mobilize the immune system is
Antigens are ______________________
Organ Systems
Label a drawing of the excretory system.
 Label a drawing of a nephron.
 Label a drawing of the brain.
The part of the brain that allows the two hemispheres to communicate is called the
Multiple sclerosis causes the protective membrane that surrounds nerve cells to disintegrate. This
membrane is called the ______________________
What are the equations for photosynthesis and cell respiration?
Aquariums that contain tropical freshwater fish should maintain a water temperature between 78 and 82
degrees Fahrenheit or the fish will die. This is an example of ______________________
Some tropical freshwater fish are born who can tolerate colder temperatures. This is an example of
On a drawing of a food web, how could you identify the omnivores?
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria provide plants with a key component necessary for the production of
Competition may lead to ______________________
Under typical circumstances, food chains rarely include more than four organisms. Why?
What process leads to global warming?
Name two greenhouse gases.
Why is the rainforest hard to replant?
Genetic Engineering
____________________ are used to cut genes out of DNA in a genetic engineering experiment.
What is PCR used for?
What are the steps of PCR?
After going through a handful of cell divisions, embryonic stem cells are ________________________
Stem cells divide limitlessly. They have this unique characteristic in common with ___________________
Pluripotent stem cells were recently found (1/07) in ______________________
What is the most likely cause of Dolly’s (the cloned sheep) premature death?
In class, a four-step genetic engineering experiment was described where a gene of interest was given to
bacteria. In step two, the bacteria were covered in an antibiotic. WHY?
What were the primary goals of the Human Genome Project?
The lines in a DNA fingerprint indicate ______________________
What type of blood cells are used for DNA fingerprints and why?