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Facil: Zeke Williams
Course: BIOL 1003A
Email: [email protected]
Office: ML408
Week: 13
Office Hour: Thursday 4-5pm
Intro (15min): finish Kahoots Activity #1 (30min): Short Answer questions. Divide up into two or more groups. Complete short answer questions. We will review answers when finished. 1. What is Mendel’s law of segregation, what biological process underlies it and when in meiosis does the process occur? Has this law been updated to take into account post-­‐mendelian genetics? Why or why not? 2. What is Mendel’s law of independent assortment? What biological process underlies it and when in meiosis does the process occur? Has this law been updated to take into account post-­‐mendelian genetics (why or why not)? DISCLAIMER: PASS worksheets are designed as a study aid for use in PASS workshops only. Worksheets may
contain errors, intentional or otherwise. It is up to the student to verify the information contained within.
Facil: Zeke Williams
Email: [email protected]
Course: BIOL 1003A
Office: ML408
Week: 13
Office Hour: Thursday 4-5pm
3. What is the chromosome theory of inheritance? 4. Imagine that you have two zygotes. The gametes that formed the first zygote contain chromosomes that experienced a lot of crossing over while the chromosomes in the second zygote didn’t undergo any crossing over. Just based on this information, which zygote’s inheritance is more likely to appear to be better modeled by mendelian genetics? 5. You are breeding fruit flies and notice that one trait is never passed from the father fruit fly to any male offspring. What is this trait and on what chromosome will its allele appear? 6. You are breeding fruit flies and notice a disease phenotype that always appears in the offspring of a diseased female but never in the offspring of a diseased male. Why is this? Activities #2 and 3 (30min): Competition. Divide up into two teams. Teams will be timed on both activities. The team with the fastest combined time wins. DISCLAIMER: PASS worksheets are designed as a study aid for use in PASS workshops only. Worksheets may
contain errors, intentional or otherwise. It is up to the student to verify the information contained within.
Facil: Zeke Williams
Email: [email protected]
Course: BIOL 1003A
Office: ML408
Week: 13
Office Hour: Thursday 4-5pm
-­‐-­‐ Activity #2: order of genes on a chromosome. You are tracking 5 genes: a, b, c, d, e. The genes are on the same chromosome. Relying on the following info, what order are they in? • in a dihybrid cross following the characters for a and b you find that 400 out of 600 offspring exhibit the parental phenotypes. • in a cross following the characters for a and c you find that 300 out of 600 offspring exhibit a recombinant phenotype. • in a cross following a and d you find that 60 out of 600 offspring are recombinant phenotypes. • for a and e you find that 450 out of 600 offspring exhibit the parental phenotype. • b and d have a 22% recombination frequency • b and c have a 15% recombination frequency • b and e have a 7% recombination frequency • c and d have a 37% recombination frequency • c and e have a 25% recombination frequency • d and e have a 14% recombination frequency -­‐-­‐Activity #3: Textbook scavenger hunt and pedigrees. Your team must complete the following 8 questions as quickly as possible. Use the textbook and cite the page number on which you found the answer for the first 5 challenges. The last 3 don’t necessarily require the textbook. DISCLAIMER: PASS worksheets are designed as a study aid for use in PASS workshops only. Worksheets may
contain errors, intentional or otherwise. It is up to the student to verify the information contained within.
Facil: Zeke Williams
Email: [email protected]
Course: BIOL 1003A
Office: ML408
Week: 13
Office Hour: Thursday 4-5pm
1) Using textbook… • List the sex determining karyotype feature for a female bird, a male grasshopper and a male bee. In section 9.20. • Finish the sentence: “This is the connection between Mendel’s laws and homologous chromosomes: . . . “ In section 9.3. • Finish the sentence then answer the question: “Based on the model for skin colour in Figure 9.13, an AaBbcc individual would be indistinguishable in phenotype from which of the following individuals: …? • Answer the question: “A white-­‐eyed female Drosphilia is mated with a red-­‐
eyed (wild-­‐type) male. What results do you predict for the numerous offspring?” Appears in section: “Sex-­‐Chromosomes and Sex-­‐Linked Genes” of Ch 9. • What is a Barr body and what does it do? Find answer in “control of gene expression” section of chapter 11. 2) No need to cite textbook pages (or even use textbook if you can do without it). • How many genes are on the Y-­‐chromosome and what is the SRY gene? (slide group: “human genetics III”) • Draw a pedigree representing a sex-­‐linked trait (can use slides and or text for reference). • Draw a pedigree representing mitochondrial disease inheritance. Closing (5min): happy exams!! J -­‐-­‐Zeke DISCLAIMER: PASS worksheets are designed as a study aid for use in PASS workshops only. Worksheets may
contain errors, intentional or otherwise. It is up to the student to verify the information contained within.