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Would Darwin Agree or Disagree?
A Scientist’s Ideas about Natural Selection
Place the statements about Natural Selection in the column that corresponds as to whether Charles
Darwin, father of “The Theory of Evolution,” would agree or disagree with.
The more offspring produced, Body structures can change
the better the chance of
during an organism’s life and
survival of that species to the these changes are passed to
next generation.
The more variety of traits
amongst offspring, the better Evolution can be observed in
chance of survival to the next
a single individual.
The finches of different
The best fit organisms of the
species on the Galapagos
environment will be able to
Islands probably did not have pass their adaptive traits to
a common ancestor.
their offspring.
It is not necessary for
organisms to have adaptions
that are best fit for their
environment to ensure
reproducing offspring.
A species is defined as a
population that produces
viable, fertile offspring.
A variety of traits already
exist within a population,
usually due to random
Natural selection can occur
within one generation.