Download Date: ______ Artificial Insemination (AI) ~ Producing offspring in a

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Animal Cloning
~ helps with product
~ Possibility to save
endangered species
~ Research purposes:
Genetically __________________
animals are better for research
studies that try to isolate one
Bovine Somatotropin (BST)
~ A hormone produced in the
__________________ gland of
cattle that increases
_____________ production
~ produced using gene splicing
genetic material into
_______________ bacteria
Embryo Transfer
Artificial Insemination (AI)
~ Producing offspring in a way
other than _________________
~ Producing offspring by
_________________ intervention
~ Most cows in the ____________
industry are produced using AI
~ The transferring of embryos
from one female to another
~ one female can produce
many calves in a year due to a
process known as
_______________________ which
causes the donor animal to
release several __________
instead of just one
~ ________________ animals can
have their embryos implanted
into _________________ animals
to protect the best animals
from injury during birthing