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Name ___________________________________________ DNA Practice DNA Terms Practice: Match the definition in the RIGHT column to the correct term in the LEFT column by writing the letter of the definition with the matching term on the line. DNA Structure _____________ Phosphate A. Small molecule that helps build up the sides of a DNA molecule _____________ Sugar B. This nitrogen base always pairs with Thymine _____________ Adenine C. This nitrogen base always pairs with Cytosine _____________ Thymine D. This type of bond holds the nitrogen bases together _____________ Cytosine E. Large molecule that helps build up the sides of the DNA molecule _____________ Guanine F. Molecules that make up the rungs of the DNA molecule, found in pairs _____________ Hydrogen Bond G. This type of nitrogen base always pairs with Guanine _____________ Nitrogen Base H. This type of nitrogen base always pairs with Adenine DNA Replication A. A protein that speeds up a chemical reaction; a protein that breaks molecules apart and puts them together _____________ DNA Polymerase B. A mistake that can occur during DNA replication _____________ DNA Helicase C. These molecules make up the rungs of the DNA ladder, during _____________ Nitrogen Bases replication new molecules are found floating in the nucleus D. A protein that unwinds and unzips the DNA molecule _____________ Enzyme E. A mistake that occurs during DNA replication that increases the _____________ Mutation chances of survival of an organism _____________ Harmful Mutation F. A protein that attaches new nitrogen bases to create two new DNA molecules _____________ Helpful Mutation G. A mistake that occurs during DNA replication that decreases the _____________ Neutral Mutation chances of survival of an organism _____________ Sister Chromatids H. Identical strands of DNA that appear at the end of DNA Replication I. A mistake that occurs during DNA replication that does not affect the chances of survival of an organism Protein Synthesis A. A sequence of DNA bases that code for the production of a protein _____________ RNA B. Molecules that make up proteins; 20 different kinds _____________ RNA Polymerase C. Single stranded copy of DNA; contains Uracil instead of Thymine _____________ Gene D. The process by which RNA is read by a ribosome and amino acids are _____________ Amino Acids assembled by the ribosomes, according to RNA instructions, to _____________ Ribosome produce a protein. _____________ Protein E. A physiological characteristic of an organism _____________ Trait F. A protein that copies DNA in order to make RNA _____________ Translation G. A protein that reads RNA, assembles amino acids, and builds proteins _____________ Transcription H. The process by which DNA is copied into an RNA molecule I. A molecule that is made of amino acids and performs ALL important roles – structure, function, and regulation – of cells and organisms Put the following steps in order from FIRST to LAST: DNA Replication Protein Synthesis ____________ RNA leaves the nucleus ____________ Free floating nitrogen base pairs are ___________ The Amino Acids are put together in a attached to the exposed bases by DNA particular order and create a protein Polymerase ____________ RNA polymerase copies a gene and creates ____________ Two sister chromatids are created a single stranded copy -­‐ RNA ____________ The two sides of the DNA ladder ____________ The ribosome reads the RNA and assembles separate; exposed base pairs face the center Amino Acids ____________ DNA Helicase unwinds and unzips __________ The protein goes on to create a trait – the DNA molecule structural, functional, regulatory – at the cellular or organism level ____________ RNA finds a Ribosome