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Station #3: The Metric System and Microscope 1. Using LENGTH as your guide, fill out the Metric scale below. km hm dam m dm cm mm 2. Which unit you would use to measure the following objects? a. Distance from LA to Chicago? km kg mm m dm b. Weight of a medicine pill? kg hg mm cm mg c. Weight of a semi truck? g kl kg mg hm d. Height of a person? hl m dg l mm e. Amount of water in a swimming pool? dl kg kl dam cl f.
dam mm cg kl dm Length of an eyelash? 3. In each series, circle the largest number. Hint: Change each number to the same unit. Series A: 3m 325cm .275km 3176mm Series B: 1.5km 150cm 15m 150000mm Series C: 34g 2500mg 34kg 0.024g
4. Identify the letter of the eye piece A a. What is the magnification of the ocular lens found here? 10x magnified 5. Identify the letter of the objective lenses B What is the magnification of the: a. scanning lens? 4x b. low power lens? 10x c. high power lens? 40x 6. Name the focus that should be used under low power and when first finding an object? Course focus 7. Suppose you are viewing a cell under the lowest power (the scanning objective lens), what would be your total magnification (don’t forget about the ocular lens)? 40x 10x (eyepiece) x 4x (scanning lens) = 40x Station #4: The Cell Cycle Prophase Anaphase Telophase
1. Place the pictures in order from start to finish. D Æ AÆEÆBÆC 2. Which picture is metaphase? E 3. Which picture has the nucleus dissolving? A 4. Which picture has the cell enlarging? D Metaphase
7. Which picture has the spindle fibers dissolving? C 8. Which picture has the chromatids being pulled apart? B 9. Cytokinesis takes place at the end of which picture? C 5. Which picture has DNA being duplicated? D 10. Which picture shows Anaphase? B 6. Which picture has the spindle fibers being created? 11. In which picture is the cell performing its normal A 12.
operations? D
How many chromosomes are found in gamete calls? 24 How many chromosomes are found in diploid cells? 48 How many chromosomes are found in muscle cells? 48 How many chromosomes are found in sperm cells? 24 How many chromosomes are found in brain cells? 48 How many chromosomes are found in the zygote? 48 How many chromosomes are found in the egg cell of this individual organism? 0 ‐ It’s a male This organism is NOT a human. n=24, so 2n=48