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Unit seven quiz
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Regarding dissociative identity disorder, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. When one personality is in control, the core personality will experience a “time lapse,” or a memory
b. When a person has a dissociative identity disorder, the person often experiences episodes of psychosis.
c. Identity disorders often begin with unbearable childhood experiences with the first dissociation allowing
the child to escape by creating another person to suffer the pain.
d. Each personality may have a distinct voice, vocabulary, and posture, that another personality does not
2. Social phobia, specific phobia, and agoraphobia are classified as __________ disorders.
a. somatic symptom
b. neurocognitive
c. factitious
d. anxiety
3. The major DSM-5 cateogies include all of the following EXCEPT a category called __________ disorders.
a. organic mental
b. elimination
c. neurodevelopmental
d. feeding and eating
4. As part of a class assignment to “find out how it feels to be crazy for a day,” students performed some
“strange” behaviors in public, such as talking to imaginary people, covering their heads with aluminum foil, or
walking around a mall with an open umbrella. The students would most likely to be viewed as abnormal based
a. social nonconformity.
b. cultural relativity.
c. neurotic behavior.
d. depersonalization.
5. Regarding social nonconformity, which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Social nonconformity involves disobeying one’s own private standards for acceptable behavior.
b. Social nonconformity always indicates some degree of psychological disorder, though it may be a slight
c. Social nonconformity is accompanied by subjective discomfort.
d. Social nonconformity may indicate a psychological disorder or a harmless eccentricity.
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Unit seven quiz
6. Schizophrenia that is marked by incoherence, grossly disorganized behavior, bizarre thinking, and grossly
inappropriate emotions is sometimes referred to as
a. disorganized schizophrenia.
b. paranoid psychosis.
c. catatonia.
d. dissociative fugue.
7. Sexual dysfunctions involve
a. the different paraphilias.
b. deviations in sexual behavior, such as pedophilia.
c. problems in sexual desire, arousal, or response.
d. one’s sexual identity not matching one’s physical sex.
8. Which of the following represents the most serious need for crisis intervention?
a. The most serious sign is no sign at all - most people give no warning before attempting suicide.
b. A person confides in a friend the details of a feasible plan for killing himself with carbon monoxide.
c. After weeks of depression, a woman abruptly gives away a book autographed by her favorite author.
d. After surviving a car accident, a young man takes up several high-risk activities, including hang gliding.
9. Negative symptoms of psychosis would include
a. a flat affect.
b. delusions.
c. hallucinations.
d. all of these.
10. Statistical approaches to abnormality define as “abnormal” those who
a. deviate from typical or average patterns of behavior.
b. are unhappy, withdrawn, and depressed.
c. are disabled by anxiety.
d. show evidence of loss of contact with reality.
11. Constance is extremely afraid of speaking or even eating in public. She is fearful that people are evaluating her,
laughing at her, or thinking terrible things about her. Consequently, she avoids being in public situations or
endures them with intense anxiety or distress when the situation can’t be avoided. Constance appears to be
suffering from a(n)
a. obsessive-compulsive disorder.
b. social phobia.
c. generalized anxiety disorder.
d. agoraphobia.
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Unit seven quiz
12. Which theory holds that depression is caused by repressed anger turned inward as self-blame?
a. psychoanalytic theory
b. existential theory
c. cognitive theory
d. behavioral theory
13. Which of the following is NOT identified in the text as a common characteristic of suicidal thoughts and
a. frustration in the search for love or trust
b. inability to recognize options other than death
c. extreme emotional pain
d. feelings of paranoia
14. A person that has the dissociative disorder known as a fugue exhibits a confusion about his or her personal
identity and
a. develops a severe depression.
b. abruptly travels away from home.
c. shows obsessive behavior.
d. has frequent auditory hallucinations.
15. Insanity is
a. the psychiatric term for multiple personalities.
b. required to be established before a person can be voluntarily treated at a mental hospital.
c. another name for SAD.
d. a legal term.
16. Which of the following disorders was formerly referred to as multiple personalities and is characterized by
having two or more alternating personalities, each with its own name, personal history, and self-image?
a. dissociative identity disorder
b. bipolar disorder
c. schizophrenia
d. dissociative fugue
17. When people suffer with chronic anxiety but also experience brief moments of sudden, intense, unexpected
episodes that involve a racing heart, dizziness, choking, trembling, and/or fears of losing control, then the person
would most likely be diagnosed with a
a. dysthymia.
b. somatic symptom disorder.
c. factitious disorder.
d. panic disorder.
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Unit seven quiz
18. Which of the following conditions do American psychologists Pamela Keel and Kelly Klump believe to be
primarily a syndrome of Western cultures, such as the United States?
a. bulimia
b. pedophilia
c. a nervous breakdown
d. multiple personality
19. The original DSM contained about 100 diagnoses with today's DSM-5 containing approximately
a. 220.
b. 1,000.
c. 750.
d. 350.
20. Which of the following disorders is caused by unusual webs and tangles in the brain that damage areas of the
brain important for memory and learning and eventually results in the person being mute and bedridden?
a. Munchausen syndrome
b. dissociative disorder
c. Alzheimer’s disease
d. schizophrenia
21. Factors that place a person at risk for developing psychopathology include
a. exposure to drugs.
b. low intelligence.
c. extremely poor child discipline.
d. all of these.
22. Marta believes that her husband has been replaced by a space alien, while Tanya believes against all evidence
that her husband is unfaithful. Marta would most likely be diagnosed with
a. schizophrenia, while Tanya would have a delusional disorder.
b. a conversion disorder, while Tanya would have multiple personalities.
c. multiple personalities, while Tanya would have schizophrenia.
d. delusional disorder, while Tanya would have a conversion disorder.
23. Aaron’s home was destroyed in a tornado a week ago. Right after the tornado, Aaron had difficulty sleeping
and had frequent nightmares about tornadoes when he did go to sleep. He also experienced difficulty
concentrating at work and became visibly nervous whenever he saw the wind blowing harder than a breeze.
Three weeks after the tornado, Aaron appears to be settling down and is sleeping better and able to function at
work like before the tornado. Aaron suffered from a(n) __________ disorder.
a. acute stress
b. generalized anxiety
c. somatic symptom
d. post-traumatic stress
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Unit seven quiz
24. Not all symptoms are equally prominent in every schizophrenic. Similarly, the different symptoms in any
individual can become more or less prominent over time. For these reasons, the various manifestations of
schizophrenia are referred to as
a. schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
b. somatic symptom disorders.
c. generalized schizophrenic disorders.
d. dissociative disorders.
25. Exhibitionistic, pedophilic, fetishistic, and voyeuristic disorders are classified as
a. somatic symptom disorders.
b. paraphilic disorders.
c. sexual dysfunctions.
d. gender dysphoric disorders.
26. False beliefs that are held even when the facts contradict them are called
a. illusions.
b. hallucinations.
c. fantasies.
d. delusions.
27. Phototherapy involves all of the following EXCEPT for
a. requiring exposure to the light for at least an hour.
b. the treatment being necessary from summer through fall.
c. a bright light or blue light being used.
d. the treatment taking place early in the morning so it stimulates dawn in the summer.
28. If you met an individual who appeared to be very charming at first, but later you discovered that this person
manipulated people and caused others hurt without remorse, you might suspect this person of having which
personality disorder?
a. antisocial
b. dependent
c. paranoid
d. narcissistic
29. Mitzi’s therapist tells her that her anxiety is due to her failure to make choices in her life that truly reflect what
she values, feels, and believes. He encourages Mitzi to make wise and courageous choices in her life and take
responsibility for finding meaning and happiness in life. Mitzi’s therapist supports the __________ approach.
a. psychodynamic
b. behavioral
c. existential
d. cognitive
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Unit seven quiz
30. It is estimated that what proportion of all suicide attempts are made by people who do not really want to die?
a. two-thirds
b. one-half
c. one-third
d. three-fourths
31. The mutism shown in catatonia refers to the person
a. not speaking.
b. being agitated.
c. being hyperemotional.
d. not moving.
32. Persons suffering from SAD tend to
a. feel tired and overeat.
b. become socially withdrawn.
c. sleep longer but more poorly.
d. exhibit all of these.
33. Aaron has had to reschedule his voice recital four times. Each time on the day before his recital, he loses his
voice. Aaron’s doctor CANNOT find anything that could physically cause Aaron to lose his voice. Thus,
psychological factors appear to underlie Aaron’s symptoms, which indicates that Aaron most likely has a
disorder within which DSM-5 category?
a. neurocognitive disorders
b. dissociative disorders
c. obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
d. somatic symptom and related disorders
34. Which of the following prenatal situations has NOT been shown to increase the risk of a child becoming
a. mother contracting influenza during the middle of her pregnancy
b. having an extra chromosome at pair 16
c. mother contracting rubella during the middle of her pregnancy
d. malnutrition during pregnancy
35. Those having which personality disorder are often referred to as sociopaths or psychopaths?
a. schizoid
b. narcissistic
c. antisocial
d. borderline
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Unit seven quiz
36. Susan is a very bright college student and does well in all of her classes, except for one. She is unable to
graduate because she keeps withdrawing from speech class. The few times she has actually tried to present her
well-written speeches, she has started shaking and sweating, her voice would quiver, and then she would
completely lose her train of thought. She would then leave the classroom and withdraw from the speech class.
Susan would be diagnosed as having a(n)
a. generalized anxiety disorder.
b. acute stress disorder.
c. social phobia.
d. panic disorder.
37. Dissociative, neurodevelopmental, somatic symptom, and paraphilic disorders are types of
a. social nonconformities.
b. mental disorders.
c. physiological disorders.
d. situational deviations.
38. Calvin has been on a “pleasure binge” for the last three days. He has cleaned out his bank account spending the
money on anything that gains his attention. He would be described as loud, elated, and hyperactive. A week ago
he was feeling like a failure and was withdrawn and unhappy. Calvin would most likely be diagnosed with
a. schizophrenia.
b. bipolar disorder.
c. dissociative disorder.
d. dysthymia.
39. The atrophy of brain areas in people with schizophrenia may be due to the
a. development of plaques and tangles.
b. toxic levels of acetylcholine that have accumulated in the brain and caused neuron death.
c. lack of neurogenesis.
d. destruction of dopamine receptors.
40. Which of the following is a new DSM-5 disorder combining the features of the three older disorders of
hypochondriasis, somatization disorder, and pain disorder?
a. dissociative disorder
b. somatic symptom disorder
c. psychosomatic disorder
d. somatic delusional disorder
41. Someone who constantly repeats nursery rhymes in her mind to block out recurring sexual fantasies is suffering
from a(n)
a. psychosexual disorder.
b. panic disorder.
c. traumatic psychosis.
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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Unit seven quiz
42. Discomfort in social situations, fear of evaluation, and timidity are characteristic of which personality disorder?
a. antisocial
b. histrionic
c. avoidant
d. schizoid
43. Disorganized schizophrenia is characterized by
a. silliness, laughter, and bizarre or obscene behavior.
b. delusions of persecution and grandeur.
c. severe depression.
d. attacks of fear or panic.
44. The incidence of seasonal affective disorder is highest
a. among adult males.
b. near the equator.
c. in the fall and winter.
d. in the southern U.S.
45. Knowing that Lloyd is suffering from bipolar disorder and currently is undergoing treatment, Joan assumes that
he will relapse sooner or later and, therefore, refuses to hire him as a delivery person. Joan’s reaction and
response to Lloyd’s application reflects the impact of
a. prejudice and discrimination.
b. labeling a person with a disorder rather than the problem.
c. social stigma.
d. all of these.
46. Historically, psychiatric terms have been abused by being applied to culturally disapproved behaviors that were
not really disorders. Some of those that were once considered mental disorders but are not considered disorders
today include which of the following?
a. paraphilic disorder and histrionic personality
b. nymphomania and self-defeating personality
c. delusional disorder and dependent personality
d. conversion disorder and narcissistic personality
47. The CT scans of the brains of young individuals suffering from schizophrenia show their brains to have
a. smaller ventricles.
b. tightly-packed surface fissures.
c. no surface fissures.
d. wider than normal surface fissures.
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Unit seven quiz
48. Regarding specific phobias, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. About 8.7 percent of all adults have a phobic disorder in any given year.
b. A phobic disorder differs from ordinary fears in that phobias produce overwhelming fear that may lead to
vomiting, wild climbing or running, or fainting.
c. People affected by phobias recognize that their fears are unreasonable.
d. Fear of closed spaces is the most common specific phobia of Americans.
49. Women who are independent, aggressive, and unemotional may be considered "unhealthy," while women who
show the opposite traits, such as being vain, emotional, dependent, and irrational (all "feminine" traits in our
culture) may be classified as having a dependent personality disorder. This example of the gender bias in judging
a. occurs because the standards we set for males are higher than those for females.
b. occurred in the 1950s but does not occur today.
c. occurs because the standards for judging normality tend to be based on males.
d. occurs because women are genetically predisposed to emotional dysfunction more so than are men.
50. Fear of using a public rest room or eating in public would both be considered symptoms of a(n)
a. acute stress disorder.
b. panic disorder.
c. adjustment disorder.
d. social phobia.
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