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PHYSIOLOGICAL Ptibtishcd THE AMERICAN VOLUME 35 and copyright by PHYSIOLOGICAL JANUARY Mechanism REVIEWS SOCIETY, INC. NUMBER 1955 I of Action and Properties of Pyridine Nucleotide-Linked Enzymes’* * E. RACKER From the Department of Biochemistry, New Haven, Yale University Connecticut3 Sclzool of Medicivte HE substrates available as food for unicellular and multicellular organisms are rather stable. Their utilization by the cell is therefore preceded by a processof activation and degradation which is accomplishedby specific enzymes. The principal activities of these enzymes consist of oxidation-reduction, cleavage, group transfer and removal or addition of water, phosphate, CO2 and ammonia. GENERALCONSIDERATIONS Oxidation Reductions and Formation of High Energy Bonds In the courseof these processesthe food substancesare transformed into compounds with high energy bonds (I) which can contribute to the pool of pyrophosphate nucleotides. In theselatter compoundsenergy is stored in a form immediately available for the purpose of biosynthetic or mechanical work. Oxidative processes contribute the major share of these energy rich bonds. At present at least six apparently different reaction types are known which lead to the formation of compounds with a high energy bond A F of hydrolysis of about - 8000caloriesor higher). These reactions are listed in table I. It can be seenthat in the first four reaction types a thiol ester is the primary product; this can then be transformed into an acyl phosphate. In reaction 5 an enol phosphate is formed by the dehydration of a phosfihorylated hydroxy-acid. In reaction 6, ATP* is formed by a seriesof reactions called oxidative or coupled phosphorylations. The detailed mechanism of these latl Investigations carried out in the author’s laboratory and referred to in this review were supported by grants from the U.S. Public Health Service and the National Research Council. 2 ABBREVIATIONS: ADH, alcohol dehydrogenase; Ale, alcohol; Ald, aldehyde; AMP, adenosine$-phosphate; ADP, adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; BAL, 2,3-dimercapto propanol; CoA, coenzyme A; DHA, dihydroxyacetone phosphate; DPN, diphosphopyridine nucleotide, coenzyme I; DPN-ase, diphosphopyridine nucleotidase; DPND, reduced deutero-DPN; DPNH, reduced DPN; EDTA, ethylenediamine tetra-acetate; FAD, flavin-adenine dinucleotide; G-6-p glucose-6-phosphate; GDP, guanosine diphosphate; GSH, glutathione; GTP, guanosine triphosphate; IAA, iodoacetate; IDP, inosine diphosphate; ITP, inosine triphosphate; LDH, lactic dehydrogenase; OAA, oxaloacetate; OSA, oxalosuccinate; PCMB, para-chloromercuribenzoate; PEP, phosphoenol pyruvate; 6-Pg, 6-phosphogluconate; ThPP, thiamine pyrophosphate. a Present address: The Public Health Research Institute of the City of New York, Inc., Foot of East 15th Street, New York 9, N. Y. E. RACKER 2 TABLE Reaction Type of an aldehyde to a thiol I) Oxidation &c=() ( + R1C+SR2 a) Oxidation of a ketoacid : Examples Triose-p-dehydrogenase; dehyde + acylenzyme) ‘Cofactors’ DP?\J’ and GSH (acetal- CH3 1 e H + C=(-j R’C 1 SR2 CH3 I : ester I to a thiol ester Pyruvic dehydrogenase + acetyl lipoic? (pyruvic Lipoic acid CO2 CH3 CH3 HOG&C=0 + I H s C--O I s ---) & R 3) Thioclastic Thiolase (acetoacetyl acetyl CoA) cleavage SR SR I C=O H&- CH3 I i I C=O 4) Oxidation-reduction e I C=O + CHz I I CH3 C=O of ketoaldehyde H 0 CH3-CyC=O H 0 + CHo-C-C=0 H : H+SR i* 5) Dehydration acid CHzOH of phosphorylated CHOPO3Hz COOH 6) Phosphorylation tion Glyoxalase (Methyl lactoylglutathione) .glyoxal GSH I SR hydroxy- Enolase (z-phosphoglyceric phosphoenolpyruvic) CHz C-OP03H2 COOH coupled to DPXH oxida- ter reactions is unknown, but the first successful attempts at a physical rractronation (2) and a functional separation of individual steps of the electron transportlinked phosphorylations have been reported (3). In reactions 1-4 which lead to formation of thiol esters the awld acceptors are either glutathione, coenzyme A or lipoic acid. With a given enzyme the reactions are usually restricted to only one of the mercaptans. Other SH compounds do not substitute readily. Pyridine nucleotides are linked directly only to reactions I and 6, but participate in secondary reactions with the products of reacfions z-5. In 1 I- . l January 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 3 the first four reactions the substrate donates its ‘acyl moiety’ to the sulfur of the cofactor while the residual portion of the substrate combines with the portion of the cofactor originally linked to the sulfur. The formation of citric acid from acetyl CoA and oxaloacet,ate may be visualized as belonging to reaction type 3. ! i COOH HOiOC--CH*+C---CH2COOH I1 i0 I H--GXoA /H II I 1 $ 0 II H:!O + CH3-- C-S-CoA + COOH COCH2COOH The thioclastic cleavage of citric acid leading to the formation of acetyl CoA (cf. 4) has the unique feature of condensinga carboxyl with an SH group resulting in the formation of a high energy bond by dehydration. All the reactions leading to the formation of high energy bonds may be considered as oxidation-reduction processesin a broad sense.The oxidation-reduction may be an intramolecular reaction either in the substrate (e.g. 2-phosphoglycerate* phosphoenolpyruvate) or by participation of the cofactor (e.g. S-S lipoic acid + S-acyl-lipoic-SH). It may be an intermolecular reaction requiring the aid of a hydrogen carrier (e.g. DPN in triose phosphate oxidation). In the actual processwhich results in the formation of the high energy bond this hydrogen carrier may act either as a hydrogen acceptor (e.g. in triose phosphate oxidation) or as a hydrogen donor (e.g. in coupled phosphorylation). Since it is apparent that the oxidative step is the key reaction in the formation of high energy bonds, the fate and the mode of transport of the electrons must be known before the energy producing machinery of living cells can be understood. Animal cells have a ‘hierarchy’ of electron carrier systems which are ranked according to their potentials from the strongly reducing lipoic acid to the high potential of the cytochrome oxidase system. If the oxidation-reduction potential of the substrates (e.g. a ketoglutarate-succinate) is sufficiently low, the entire chain of carriers from lipoic acid to pyridine nucleotides to flavoprotein and to the cytochromes may be employed. Frequently the chain of carriers is shorter either becauseof the higher potential of the substrates (e.g. succinate-fumarate) or becauseof a short circuit which serves to simplify the processat the expense of energy yield. Such short circuits are probably used by the cells for specific synthesis or for the accumulation of a reductant (e.g. reduced glutathione or coenzyme A). In some microorganismsthe complex electron transport system, characteristic of animal cells, appears to be lacking. Instead, the hydrogen is transported by a hydrogen carrier, usually a pyridine nucleotide, to an acceptor available in large quantities (e.g. pyruvate, acetaldehyde, amino acids, S-S compounds, nitrates, etc.). Frequently the reduced acceptors are excreted by the microorganisms as waste products. High energy bonds may be formed by these anaerobic oxidationreductions, as in the case in the formation of I ,3-diphosphoglyceric acid during glycolysis. The hydrogen acceptor must not only be available in amounts stoichiometric to the oxidized substrate, but should also have a higher oxidation-reduction potential. The transfer of the hydrogen from the reduced carrier to the acceptor has not been recorded in the literature to give rise to high energy bonds. However, such 4 E. RACKER Volume 35 a possibility should be consideredand could be justified on theoretical grounds. It may be suggested that an anaerobic coupled phosphorylation at the electron transport level participates in the formation of high energy bonds in muscle. Such a reaction may account for the unexpectedly high yield of up to 1.9 molesof creatine phosphate per mole of lactic acid formed in living muscle under anaerobic conditions (5). Chemistry of Pyridine Nucleotidesand SH-Cofactors Comprehensive reviews are available on the chemistry and biosynthesis of pyridine nucleotides (6-8) as well as on the chemistry of coenzyme A, glutathione and lipoic acid (9-13). Therefore only a few recent developments in this field and somesingular chemical features, which have a bearing on the discussionof mode of action of these cofactors, have been selected for a more detailed discussion. L4n evaluation of the data on coenzyme III will not be presented, since the subject has been reviewed elsewhere (8). This cofactor, obtained from yeast, appears to be closely related to DPN and can be converted into DPN by absorption and elution from charcoal (14). In view of this fact and the high reactivity of DPN with various compounds,which will be discussedbelow, the possibility that coenzyme III is DPX, reversibly complexed to another compound, may be considered. Position of Hydrogen in Reduced DPN. Karrer and his collaborators have studied the products of chemical reduction of N1-methylnicotinamide and the Wsubstituted pyridine derivatives (IS, 16). Reduction with sodium hydrosulfite and comparison of the product with known ortho and para dihydro compoundsled them to conclude that reduction of the pyridinium ring of DPN and of simpler N1-substituted nicotinamide derivatives occurred in the position ortho to the pyridinium nitroge:n. Recent experiments demonstrate that the para position is the actual site of reduction in the case of DPN (17) as well as in N1-methylnicotinamide (x8). Fisher et al. (19) have observed that reduced DPN prepared with sodium hyhrosulfite in the presenceof heavy water transferred only about one-half of its deuterium to acetaldehyde in the presence of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase. The reaction is stereospecificsince the enzyme is capable of removing the hydrogen only from one side of the plane of the pyridine ring. It was therefore possibleto obtain oxidized DPN containing deuterium and to localize the position of the deuterium by the following procedure (17, 20) : DPN was reduced by sodium hydrosulfite in the presenceof heavy water and the isolated reduced DPN oxidized wit,h acetaldehyde in the presenceof alcohol dehydrogenase.DPN was then cleaved by DPNase and the nicotinamide isolated. After methylation with methyl iodide and oxidation with alkaline ferricyanide the 2- and 6-pyridones were isolated and analyzed for deuterium. The data obtained by this procedure ruled out reduction of DPN in. either of the two ortho positions and strongly pointed to the position para to the nit,rogen as the site of enzymatic reduction. Confirmation of this view has come from experiments of Vennesland, Westheimer and their collaborators (2 I). Xicotinamide labeled with deuterium in the 2,~ or 6 position was incorporated into DPN by means of the DPBiase reaction. After chemical reduction DPNH containing deuterium in position 4 gave rise by enzymatic transfer with lactic dehydrogenaskto deuteriumlabeled lactate, while deuterium in the other positions did not. The stereospecificutilization of hydrogen from one side of the pyridine ring as shown in FomuZa A and B has been demonstrated for alcohol and lactic dehydro- genase (Cf. 22). Recent stereospecific utilization t apparen side of the nice #tinamide experiments in Vennesland’s laboratory demonstrate the of hydrogen in the case of bacterial testosterone dehydrotly with the bacterial enzyme the hyd .rogen from the &her ring is transferred. CONHZ D\ 1 -;<-->W--R CONH, E-I I >(-.-)X--R (A> (W Adler et al. (24) reported that addition of hydrosulfite to a DPN solution in 0.1 N KaOH under anaerobic conditions gives rise to a yellow compound with an absorption peak around 360 mp. The a,uthorssuggestedthat this compound is either a one-stepreduction product of DPX (e.g. a semiquinone radical) or an addition product of hydrosulfite and DPN. It was not possible to reduce the compound with amalgams to DPXH as might have been expected if a one-step reduction product had been formed, nor was it possibleto detect a free radical by microwave spectroscopy (25). Yarmolinsky and (Xowick (26) recently presented strong evidence for a third hypothesis. Since they obtained IOO per cent transformation of the yellow compound into reduced DPX under anaerobic conditions, they could rule out the one-stepreduction product, which could maximally yield 50 per cent DPNH by an anaerobic oxidation-reduction process.With DzO, DPX and hydrosulfite it was shown that deuterium was not incorporated into the yellow intermediate although it was present in DPXH, the final -product of the reaction. The yellow compound, af ter- removal of excess hvdrosuliite and sulfite, was found to contain sulfur and on hydrolysis at neutral a pi1 yielded stoichiometric amounts of DPNH and sulfite. In view of thesefindings and someother experimental observations with formaldehyde sulfoxalate, the authors suggest that hydrosulfite is first hydrolyzed to sulfoxvlic- which reacts with DPN to form a sulfoxylate (DP&--O--S-O Ka). This ~Tellow intermediate is then hydrolyzed to yield DPNH and sulfite as outlined . be1ow: Mechanism of Reduction of DPN H by Hydrosulfite. OSOH + H H+ --+ Hz0 H \/ /\/ , COKH2 I’ I! ii + SOT + 2H+ The similarity of t.his reaction mechanismto that proposed for the interaction of triose phosphate dehydrogenaseand DPN will be discussedlater. 6 ?‘ollr?tle -75 E. RACKER Chemical Interactions With Pyridine Nucleotides and With SW Cofactors. Meyerhof el aZ. (27) observed changes in the absorption spectrum of DPN on addition of cyanide or bisulfite. Interactions between acetone and alkali with N’-substituted nicotinamide derivatives were described by Najjar et ctL. (28); Needham et al. (29) reported a reaction between free trioses and DPN. These interactions were studied in great detail by Colowick, Kaplan and their collaborators (30-32). They found that the interaction of DPN with cyanide leads to the appearance of an absorption band at 325 rnp and to a decrease of absorption at 260 rnp. The reaction is readily reversed on dilution. DPN treated with 5 E; alkali gives rise to a compound with a high absorption at 340 rnp, followed by a secondary reaction to form a fluorescent compound with a peak at 360 rnp (31). The reaction of DPN and dihydroxyacetone and hydroxyl ions gives rise to a compound with an absorption spectrum quite similar to that of DPNH. The E340 = 6.3 X 10~ cm.2/mole is identical to that of DPNH (32). The compound exhibits an acid lability similar to that of DPNH and it has the same RF in paper chromatograms. The non-identity with DPNH was establishedby the lack of reaction with alcohol dehydrogenasein the presenceof acetaldehyde. Dihydroxyacetone reacts only with pyridine compounds which contain a quaternary nitrogen and an amide group. This fact and several other features led the authors to suggestthat the reaction may serve as a model for biological interactions with DPN. A detailed hypothesis for an interaction of TIIW with phosphate in coupled phosphorylation was presentedseveral years ago (33). Several agents have been shown to oxidize reduced DPN. o-Quinones (34), phenazine dyes (35), riboflavins (36)) ferricyanide (37), m-dinit robenzene (38) and 2,Gdichlorophenolindophenol (39) have been reported to react in the absenceof enzymes. It should be pointed out however that some of these nonenzyrnatic reactions are quite sluggishand occur at appreciable rates only at. high concentrations of the oxidant. At low concentrations, ferricyanide, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and several other dyes do not oxidize DPNH readily (40, 41). When quantitative measurementsof dehydrogenase activities are carried out, particularly in purified preparations, diaphorase must be added to insure that the oxidation of DPNH is not the limiting step. Reactions of SH compounds with various reagents have been ext-ensively reviewed by Barron (42). Sulfhydryl reactive compounds have been widely used in studies of physiological mechanisms,e.g. the effect of iodoacetate on muscular contraction (43), or the effect of p-chloromercuribenzoate on bleaching and synthesis of rhodopsin (44). ‘Sulfhydryl inhibitors’ have been very useful in the elucidation of the mechanismsof enzyme action, e.g. of triose phosphate dehydrogenase (45) or of thiolase (46). They have also been used in studies of t,he interaction of proteins with pyridine and flavine nucleotides (47-51). Three SH inhibitors, narnel~ iodoTABLE 2. EFFECT OF INHIBITORS ON FREE Iodoacetate, TO Inhibition GSH” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enzyme (charcoal treated) t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPN-enzymet . . . . .. .... ... .... ... ... ... AND BOUND GSH Todoacetamide, yc Inhibition X-ethylmaleimide, sj Inhibition 4 12 IO0 5 30 07 94 * Reaction measured by nitroprusside test. GSH: 0.067 p moles/ml. t Reaction measured by activity tests. Enzyme: 0.03 p moles/ml. Inhibitors: incubated for 12 min. at room temperature in 0.01 M potassium phosphate PH 6.5. 26 o. T I ,U moles/ml. Ja.nuary I 955 WRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 7 acetate, iodoacetamide and N-ethyl maleimide, have been recently compared in regard t,o their reactivity with free and protein bound glutathione (so). It was found that GSH and the SH group of triose phosphate dehydrogenase reacted at comparable rates with each of these inhibitors. Most reactive is N-ethyl maleimide, least reactive is iodoacetate. But this order of reactivity was only found with enzyme free of DPN. In the presenceof DPN the enzyme becamevery susceptibleto iodoacetate and lesssusceptibleto the maleimide (seetable 2). Thus it is clear that the reactivity of SH inhibitors with proteins may largely be determined by properties of adjacent groups. Oxidation-Reduction Potentials. The oxidation-reduction potential of the DPN and TPN system has been generally assumedto be about -0.28 volts. Accurate measurementsand calculations indicate a more negative value of El (25O, PH 7.0) c -0.32 volts for DPh’ and -0.324 for TPN (52). It is important to stressthat the more recent data were obtained with crystalline enzymes, sincein crude systems erroneousvalues due to sidereactions may be obtained. Alcohol dehydrogenasefrom yeast, ca.talyzing the reactions ethanol C acetaldehyde and isopropanol + acetone, and glutamic dehydrogenase from liver, catalyzing the reaction glutamic acid * a ketoglutaric acid + NH3, were used in these studies. Calculations of Ei for some biological dehydrogenations are listed in table 3 (52). Recent potentiometric measurements (53) in the presenceof milk xanthine oxidaseand benzylviologen as electromotively active mediator gave a value of -0.318 volts for the DPN system. Potentiometric measurementsof SH-SS systems have not met general acceptance (cf. II). At,tempts to demonstrate the reversibility of the nucleotide-linked reduction of oxidized glutathione have failed (54, 55). No reduction of TPN by reductase and GSH could be detected even when the reaction was coupled to a TPNH oxidizing system such as provided by pyruvate in the presenceof lactic dehydrogenase (40). Such measurementsdemonstrate that the potential of the GSH system must,be considerably higher than that of the DPN system. In view of the above, and the reactivity of GSH with the ascorbic-dehydroascorbicsystem (cf. 56, 57), the potentiometric value of +0.03 volts (II) for GSH-GSSG appears reasonable. On the other hand data obtained with the DPN-linked lipoic acid dehydrogenase indicate a very low potential (-0.42 v.) for the lipoic acid system (13). This low potentia,l has been ascribed to the presenceof intramolecular SH groups in reduced lipoic acid (I I). It is therefore apparent that SH compounds, depending on their structure and the position of the SH groups, may cover a wide range of Eh values. In view of the presenceof SH group in proteins capableof reducing DPN, a phenomenon to be discussedlater, a systematic analysis of the steric factors which govern t,he potethls of SH--SS systems would be of considerable value for the underst,anding of the mode of action of some dehydrogenases.It is hoped that further discoveries of nucleotide-linked enzymes which catalyze the oxidation of SH and reduction of S-S compounds may permit equilibrium studies, thus supplementing available potentiometric data on SH compounds. Functional Role of” Thkol and Pyridine Nucleotide Cofactors The major role of sulfur containing cofactors appears to reside in their function as acyl group carriers, while the pyridine nucleotides have been looked upon as hydrogen carriers. A rigid division of labor doesnot seemto exist however, as is apparent from the participation of lipoic acid and GSH in hydrogen transfer reactions. Less widely known is the participation of pyridine nucleotide in reactions other TABLE 3. Ei Reductant Isocitrate3+ H+ DPNH + H+ TPNH -+- H+ Tsopropanol Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate”Ethanol a-Glycerophosphate2L-Lactatex,-Malate VALUES FOR + HPOJ+ SOME BIOLOGICAL DEHYDROGENATWNS Oxidant Q! Retoglutarate* DPN+ TPN+ Acetone I, 3 Diphosphoglyceric4Acetaldehyde Dihydroxyacetone phosphat& PyruvateOxaloacetate2- (,sz) ---O.& .%- o.j20 0.324 ...- 0 * q6 -’ - 0. 286 --0.204 -.-0.192 --O.IC)O - -0. Ii,6 than oxidation-reductions. A possible role of DPN in phosphorylation reactions was suggested many years ago (58). The observation was made that DPN can substitute for adenylic acid in the transphosphorylation from phosphopyruvate to glucose. These findings have been dismissed on grounds of contamination with adenylic acid either in the DPN preparation itself or due to enzymatic cleavage of DPN. However, a pronounced inhibition of phosphorylation by Naf, which ockrred only in the DPN-linked system, appears to contradict the simple contamlination theory. Recently it was found that DPN is required for phosphorolysis, arsenolysis and acyl group transfer catalyzed by triose phosphate dehydrogenase (45) as well as for acetyl phosphate hydrolysis (59) which all occur in the absence of oxidation-reduction. In phosphorylation coupled to DPNH oxidation an interaction between the phosphate and the pyridine nucleotide appears likely. A reaction of DPN with phosphate, analogous to that with cyanide, alkali or hydrosulfite, has been proposed to play a part in coupled phosphorylation (33). In this connection it may be significant that DPN is firmly attached to some dehydrogenases as well as to mitochondria and tissue particles (60) which carry out coupled phosphorylations. To these observations bearing on secondary functions of nucleotide coenzymes one may add the following findings: Adenosine-5’-phosphate and adenosine-2’phosphate act as cofactors in dehydrogenase and transhydrogenase reactions (61 t 62); decarboxylation of oxaloacetate by ‘malic’ enzyme is either st.imulated or inhibited. by TPN depending on the source of enzyme (63, 64). 1’I’P st.imulate=; OAA carboxylase (65). Adenosine-$-phosphate is a cofactor for phosphorylase b, while it is not required for the activity of phosphorylase a (65”). Interaction of UPN with inorganic phosphate is indicated by kinetic studies on triose phosphate dehydrogenase (66, 67). The reduction of GSSG by DPNH in the presence of glutathione c reductase from yeast is stimulated by phosphate, while the reaction with ‘WNH is not (57). It is therefore quite apparent that the cofactors can interact wit-b the enzymes and with other cofactors in several ways and that a sharp demarcation between the functions of nucleotides and SH cofactors does not exist. Although it is possible that in some of the above quoted instances the unexpected role of the cofactors ~nay k-,e due to an interaction with the protein rather than to a participation in the reaction mechanism, it appears very likely that in the mechanism of transport of electrons, phosphates and acyl groups, the nucleotides and SH cofactors have mdtiple rather than a single function. Inferaction Between the Cujuctors and the Pre/eins Warburg (68) has emphasized the role of pyridine nucleotides :t.s prosthetic groups of enzymes, he refers to ‘pyridinoproteins.’ ObjecCons to this view h:~ve been January 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 9 raised by others (38, 69) who look upon pyridine nucleotides as hydrogen acceptors more alike to a reducible substrate. This difference in viewpoint (besides serving as a welcome subject for polemic discussions) may actually be a reflection of a dual physiological role of the nucleotides. These compounds may serve as prosthetic groups, firmly attached to the enzyme protein, but also as hydrogen carriers freely dissociable and mobile within the cell. In the latter capacity they may be essential for oxidation-reduction reactions catalyzed by soluble enzymes (e.g. in glycolysis), as well as for the formation of important cellular reductants such as GSH, which probably plays a major role in the maintenance of the oxidation-reduction potential within the cell. On the other hand the firmly bound nucleotide may participate in functions other than simple oxidation-reductions as was pointed out above. In coupled phosphorylation, the structural proximity of firmly bound nucleotide at the active center of electron transfer may permit a selective interaction with phosphate with an efficiency which could not be achieved in a solution containing complex and competitive mixtures of enzymes and cofactors. The existence of a functional division of bound and free nucleotides within the living cell is indicated by the apparent inability of pyridine nucleotides to penetrate into the mitochondria. Lehninger and his collaborators have shown (cf. 3) that although endogenous DPN is readily utilized for coupled phosphorylation in the presence of a suitable substrate such as /3 hydroxybutyrate, added DPNH is not used in phosphorylation unless the mitochondria are first exposed to hypotonic conditions which presumably alter their permeability. If an exclusion of external DPNH bv mitochondria, which are the site of coupled phosphorylation, takes place within. the living cell, it is apparent that reduced DPN, formed by soluble enzyme systems e.g. during glycolysis, is not available for the efficient process of oxidative phosphoryla tion. The protein portion of an enzyme without its coenzyme is frequently referred to as apoenzyme. The implication that the apoenzyme functions only as a carrier for the functional coenzyme (68) is most certainly erroneous. There is evidence for the fact that the protein not only plays a role by determining substrate specificity, but may participate actively in the catalytic process. This is most clearly demonstrated by the formation of acyl enzyme in the case of triose phosphate dehydrogenase which has been freed of DPN (so). There is a remarkable similarity in the amino acid composition of triose phosphate dehydrogenase from yeast and from rabbit muscle (70). A crystalline protein was recently isolated from papaya juice and analyzed for amino acids. Its composition was similar to that of egg lysozyme, and a test revealed the crystals to be indeed 1ysozym.e (7 I). The similarity of amino acid composition of enzymes from such diverse sources as mentioned above is not likely to be accidental and points to the amino acid sequence as a determining factor in the interaction between the proteins and their cofactors and substrates. An experimental approach to the specific site of the interaction between apoenzyme and DPN will be discussed in the section on triose phosphate dehydrogenase. The apoenzymes contain a specific and limited number of sites which may bind several moles of pyridine nucleotides. In triose phosphate dehydrogenase there are at least three such sites (50) and four in alcohol dehydrogenase (72). The K, values for the oxidized and reduced nucleotides show considerable variations in different dehydrogenases and are not always identical with the true dissociation constants (48, 49, 72, 73). It is of interest to note that the ‘oxidizing enzyme of fermentation’ (triose phosphate dehydrogenase) binds oxidized DPN more firmly than DPNH, IO E. RACKER Volume 35 while in the case of the ‘reducing enzyme’ (alcohol dehydrogenase) the opposite is the case. Thus the K, values appear to favor the degradation of carbohydrates rather than the process of synthesis. The specificity of the interaction between the apoenzyme and the coen.zyme is usually quite rigid. Many dehydrogenases will react only with DPN and not at all or sluggishly with TPN or desamino DPN, others will only use TPN as coenzyme. There are however examples of dehydrogenases which react nearly equally well with DPN and TPN such as glucose and glutamic dehydrogenase. It is of interest that the same enzyme from different tissues or organisms may show a different nucleotide specificity. Glutamic dehydrogenase activity is said to be TPN specific in some microorganisms (74) but DPN specific in others (75) as well as in plants (76), while the beef liver enzyme reacts with either. An aldehyde dehydrogenase from liver is DPN specific (77), while a similar enzyme from yeast acts with TPN as well (78). Malic enzyme from liver is TPN specific (79) from L. arabinosus DPN specific (80). Yeasts (61) as well as animal tissues(81) contain two dehydrogenasesfor isocitric acid, one for TPN, the other for DPN. An interesting example of specificity has been recently described by Kaplan et aZ. (62) in the caseof pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase from Pseudomonas jluorescens. The enzyme requires for activity the presence of an adenosine-2’-phosphatederivative, which can be supplied by adenosine-2’-phosphateitself, or by adenosine-2’)5’-diphosphate or by TPN. The activation by the latter, which actually may also be a reactant in transhydrogenation reactions, is complicated by the fact that TPN is inhibitory at high concentration and can only be used at low concentration and in the presenceof phosphate. The inhibitory effect of TPN can be counteracted by adenosine-2’-phosphate.Another curious alteration in reactivity of a nucleotide with a protein that might. lend itself to a study of enzyme mechanismswas reported by Pullman et ul. (82). The authors observed that with lactic dehydrogenasefrom pig heart, desaminoDPN is lessactive than DPN for lactate oxidation, but desaminoDPNH is more active than DPNH for pyruvate reduction. Since these experiments were carried out. at high nucleotide concentrations they probably represent a true difference in the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Although there are claims to the contrary, it is doubtful that nonspecific hydrogen acceptors can replace the pyridine nucleotide in its function wit.h the dehydrogenases.In a frequently quoted paper, Dixon and Zerfas (38) presented carefully controlled experiments indicating the substit,ution of alloxan and other oxidizing agents for DPN as hydrogen acceptor in alcohol and malic dehydrogenasecatalyzed reactions. In an attempt to repeat these experiments in our laboratory with cryst,alline alcohol dehydrogenasefrom yeast, it was found that acetaldehyde was formed from alcohol with alloxan as hydrogen acceptor, but, that the reaction required traces of DPN in order to proceed at significant rates. In order to demonstrate the combined effect of both DPN and alloxan on alcohol oxidation it. is essentialin these experiments to use an alcohol dehydrogenase preparation which contains neither DPN nor DPNH oxidase (the latter can be found as contaminant in crude crystalline preparations of ADH). It becameapparent from these and other esperiments t.hat alloxan oxidizes DPNH under the experimental conditions and acted as the final hydrogen acceptor. These findings fully explain the data of Dixon and Zerfas provided one assumesthat trace a.mount.s of DPN were present in their preparations. It should be pointed out h owever tha~t t,he aut.hors considered this possibility and tested their purified dehydrogenasepreparation for DPN. Employing January I 955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES II a very sensitive methylene blue and flavoprotein-catalyzed test for DPN, they failed to discover its presence. However, recent findings of the presence of firmly bound DPN in crystalline enzymes reopens the question of the validity of their conclusions, since the flavoprotein catalyzed test may be unsuitable for the detection of protein-bound DPN. Finally a few words may be said about the specific sites on the proteins which combine with the pyridine nucleotides. In some instances in which studies in this direction have been made, SH groups were implicated. This has been indicated by direct spectrophotometric measurements (45, 48, 49) or indirectly by studies on the protective effect of pyridine nucleotides against enzyme inactivation by some oxidizing agents (47) and by more specific ‘SH inhibitors’ such as N-ethyl maleimide (so). It is clear however that the SH groups do not represent the only point of attachment since in the case of triose phosphate dehydrogenase ‘oxidized enzyme’ contains bound DPN (83) and IAA inactivated enzyme binds DPN quite firmly (50). An approach to the other sites of binding have been made by Astrachan (84) who studied the susceptibility of bound DPN to the action of various DPN-degrading enzymes. The ability of DPN fragments to combine with the enzyme was also investigated, and only adenosine diphosphate ribose and desamino DPN were found to be bound by the enzyme. The results with DPN-degrading enzymes were consistent with the idea that in oxidized enzyme DPN may be bound by its pyrophosphate group. The specificity of thiol cofactors is usually quite rigid, although exceptions have been reported (46). In several instances dephospho CoA can substitute for CoA (85) and in the case of glyoxalase, asparthione and isoglutathione can replace glutathione (86). Little is known however regarding the role of the pantothenic acid moiety of CoA or of the peptide linkages of GSH for the catalytic process or for the combination with the enzyme protein. Mtiltitude of Dehydrogenases and Their Interaction With Substrates Multitude of Dehydrogenases. One of the most challenging problems in enzymology concerns the mechanism of substrate activation. In the early days of enzymology there appears to have been considerable resistance to the notion of a multitude of enzymes for the various substrates. Since it was considered unlikely that a minute microorganism such as E. coli could contain a specific enzyme for every one of the hundreds of substrates which it was capable of utilizing, a challenging theory was proposed to overcome this apparent difficulty (87). It was suggested that the bacterial cell possessed a limited number of activating centers common to certain groups of substrates. In spite of the fact that the advances of the past 20 years has increased vastly the number of substrates known to be utilized by microorganisms,the theory of common activation centers has been abandoned, mainly beca.useit has become possiblein a large number of substrate activations to separate the protein catalysts from each other and thus demonstrate their individualities. Indeed, instead of finding common enzymes for similar substrates, discoveries of multiple enzymes for a single substrate were made. Two distinct and separableisocitric dehydrogenasesexist in yeast (61) and animal tissues(81). The liver of someanimals contains three different enzymes catalyzing the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid (cf. 88). This latter fact is especially surprising when one realizes that social activities leading to acetaldehyde formation are not pursued by most mammals.It is quite possiblethat someof these enzymes act under physio- 12 ILRACRER Vohme 35 logical conditions on substrates other than acetaldehyde, e.g. long chain aldehydes or even compoundslike xanthine which is attacked’by one of the aldehyde oxidases. In liver tissue one can detect two different enzymesoxidizing malic acid (cf. 4), two alcohol oxidation reactions (cf. 89) and two enzymes which cleave citric acid to acetyl CoA and oxaloacetic acid (90). In most instancesthe enzymes can be shown to differ somewhat in their reaction mechanism.The hydrogen carrier may be of a different oxidation-reduction level as is the case in DPN-linked and flavin linked aldehyde dehydrogenases.The TPN-linked isocitric dehydrogenasediffers from the DPN-linked reaction in yeast, the latter showinga marked stimulation by adenosine5’.phosphate. The malic dehydrogenasein liver catalyzes the DPN-linked oxidation of malic acid to oxaloacetate while the malic enzyme catalyzes a TPN-linked oxidative decarboxylation to pyruvic acid. Even more striking differencescan be noted when enzymesfrom different sources are examined. The enzymatic mechanism of activation of acetate to acetyl CoA is very different in animal tissuescompared to bacteria, which form acetyl phosphate as an intermediate. The action of acetaldehyde dehydrogenasein animal tissue i.s again different from that of bacteria which require coenzyme A for the process.In most instances the reason for these variations in mechanism is not apparent; in someone might speculate that they fulfill a specific purpose. The role of the ‘malic’ enzyme is probably to furnish malic acid from pyruvate and COZ, while malic dehydrogenaseoxidizes the malic acid, to oxaloacetate. Thus the two enzymes function in seriesrather than in parallel, catalyzing the synthesisof OAA. The oxidation of aldehydes in mammalian liver does not need to take the hurdle of an acyl CoA in= termediate if its ‘purpose’ is that of detoxifying aldehydes. The sacrifice of a single high energy bond is unimportant in a tissue which can produce over IO ATP by oxidizing the acetic acid which is formed. But in a bacterium which may utilize acetic acid to make acetaldehyde, which it requires for the formation of desoxyribose-sphosphate, the passagethrough a reducible ‘active acetate’ may represent an enzymatic mechanismvital for survival. Of coursewe realize that such teleological reasoning may be consideredby someto be deplorable. The Enzyme-Substrate Compound. The major contributions to our understanding of the interaction of enzymes with their substrateshave come from kinetic and spectroscopic studies. With hemoproteins additional information has been gained by measurementsof paramagnetic susceptibility. Critical reviews on this subject have been recently written by Chance (91, 92). While it is apparent t.hat kinetic data cannot prove a mechanismof enzyme action, the more direct spectrophotometric measurements on enzyme-substrate compounds have the drawback that more than one compound between substrate and enzyme may be formed, particularly when the substrate is a very reactive substancesuchasH202 or an aldehyde. Protein-substrate compoundswhich are not involved in the catalysis may be formed, The recognition of the limiting true enzyme-substrate intermediate, or as Chance calls it, the ‘Michaelis compound’ must depend on a correlation between its formation and degradation on the one hand, and accurate kinetic measurementsof the overall catalytic processon the other hand. Much speculation and calculation has been devoted to the postulated existence of ternary complexesin systems involving the interaction of a donor and acceptor component. No direct evidence is yet available for the existence of such complexes and in a few casesof direct analysis a sequential processinvolving the protein as carrier between acceptor and donor has been demonstrated (57, 91, 93). Isotope January rg55 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES I3 studiesmay prove of great value in the determination of the reactionsequence when several reactants participate (59, 94, 95). It should be emphasizedhowever that the existenceof numerousexchangereactions make it imperative that enzymes of highest purity be used in such isotope studies. Preliminary data of this type with partially purified preparations indicate that high energy enzyme-phosphate or enzymenucleotide bonds can be formed, capable of secondary reaction with suitable acceptors. Unfortunately only very few data are available demonstrating the formation of an enzyme-substrate complex by its isolation. These experiments are particularly difficult to carry out, since they require a> large amounts of enzyme and b) stability of the intermediate compound. While the first condition can be met with someenzymes which are readily prepared in gram quantities, the secondcondition has to be met by setting up artificial conditions. Formation of acylenzyme has been accomplishedin the caseof triose phosphate dehydrogenaseby two different procedures. Acylenzyme was formed with acetyl phosphate as substrate. Further enzyme action was prevented by boiling at a PH which preserved the acyl bond and precipitated the denatured acylenzyme. The secondand lessdrastic method consistedof depriving the enzyme of its bound DPN and thus preventing the DPN dependent catalytic degradation of acylenzyme. The principle in both procedures is essentially the same-it is based on either a permanent or a temporary inactivation of the overall catalytic process,thus permitting the accumulation of an intermediate enzyme complex (so). An intermediate enzyme compound was also recently discovered in the case of phosphoglucomutase(96). It was shown that in the reaction Glucose-I-phosphate + Glucose-I, 6-diphosphatee Glucose-I, 6-diphosphate+ Glucose-6-phosphate the enzyme accepts and donates phosphate in a cyclic manner. With glucose-6phosphate or glucose-I-phosphate and large amounts of phosphoenzyme, glucoseI, 6-diphosphate was formed in amounts stoichiometric to the amount of phosphoenzyme. The de-phosphoenzymeformed in this processcould be rephosphorylated by incubation with glucose-1,6-diphosphate. Thus a similar principle-omission of the acceptor molecule-permitted stabilization of phosphoenzyme. Another aspect of enzyme substrate interaction often aids in studies of enzyme mechanism. Considerable specificity in regard to substrate activation has been claimed with many enzymes; however, closer examinations revealed in some instancesthat related substratesare attacked slowly if large amounts of enzymes are used. Thus a slow motion picture of the enzyme, perhaps sometimesslightly distorted, can be obtained. Objections might be raised against the use of large enzyme concentrations and the use of ‘nonphysiological’ substrate. The possibility of nonspecific chemical interactions between the substrate and the protein, as well as the occurrence of side reactions due to traces of impurities, makes it indeed essentialto evaluate such experiments together with data obtained with ‘natural’ substrates. It is apparent from the above discussionthat neither the kinetic nor the ‘static’ approachescan be regarded as decisive in the elucidation of the interaction between the enzyme and the substrate. Each of the various approacheswill at best make a contribution to the circumstantial evidence required to make a case. It is possibleto account for the optical specificity of enzyme catalyzed reactions by assumingthree ‘sites’ of attachments for the substrate (97, 98). The concept of 14 E. RACKER Volume 35 the site is not limited to chemical bonding, but may include electrostatic or van der Waals forces or the fitting of a substrate group into a ‘hole’ in the protein by the cohesive forces of water (22, 99). Experimental approachesto properties and number of the anchoring sites of substrates have been made by kinetic studies (100, Iooa, IOI) and also by study of the influence of inhibitors and modifications of the substrate on the interaction. The latter approach, which has yielded very valuable in formation in the caseof hydrolytic enzymes (cf. 102-104) has not been extensively explored with dehydrogenases. TABLE 4 Croup I R’ R’ R’ I I I CHOH = C=O or CT==0 + CO2 I I I R2 R2 R3 A) Enzymes oxidizing alcohols C) Enzymes oxidizing hydroxy acids I) Alcohol dehydrogenases I) Lactic and malic dehydrogenase and 2) ac-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase others 3) Homoserine dehydrogenase 2) ‘Malic’ enzyme, ‘isocitric’ enzyme and ‘phosphogluconic’ enzyme B) Enzymes oxidizing or reducing cyclic compounds 3) Hydroxy acid thiol ester dehydroI) Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases genases 2) Quinone reductase 0) Enzymes oxidizing hemiacetals 3) Quinic and shikimic dehydrogenases 1) Glucose and glucosed-phosphate de4) Inositol dehydrogenase hydrogenases z) Thiohemiacetal dehydrogenases IT) Formic dehydrogenase Group II R1 R1 R1 I I I c=o * C=O or C--O + CO2 I I I R2 S S R3 R3 A) Glyceraldehyde+phosphate dehydrogenase. B) Pyruvic dehydrogenase. C) a ketoglutaric dehydrogenase. D) /3 aspartyl semialdehyde dehydrogenase. Group III R’ R’ I I R2CH F= RT 1 II R3H R3 A) Amino acid dehydrogenases. B) Dihydroorotic dehydrogenase and others. Group IV 2RSH e RSSR A) Glutathione reductase. B) Cystine reductase. C) Lipoic acid dehydrogenase. D) Hydrogenases and the ‘Hill reaction.’ Groupv Nucleotide transhydrogenases A) Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenases. B) Pyridine-nucleotide genases. flavin-nucleotide transhydro- January 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 15 A remarkable stereospecifrcity has been pointed out for a large number of dehydrogenases (22), to which may be added the example of the apparent nonspecificity of bacterial fermentation leading to D +-lactate. This reaction has been recently shown to be due to the participation of two dehydrogenases, one for L-lactic the other for n-lactic acid, the latter being removed during purification. The combined action of both enzymes catalyzes a DPN dependent racemization of lactate (105). On the other hand the possibility of an enzyme with two points of attachments, which would catalyze the formation of racemic mixtures cannot be entirely dismissed. It may be profitable to investigate this possibility kinetically in the case of other racemases which do not require DPN or TPN. Catalytic Process. Little solid knowledge is available in regard to the actual mechanism of the catalytic process. A most important development has come from experiments with labeled substrates (cf. 22, 106, 107). Other fruitful approacheshave been made by spectrophotometric studies of the interaction of substrate with the coenzyme-enzyme complex (45, 92), by studies with inhibitors and by kinetic investigations (45, 72, 108). These experiments will be discussedin detail with the appropriate enzymes. Models of Enzymes, Coenzymes and Substrates. Important information in regard to enzyme mechanism has been gained from the use of ‘enzyme models,’ ‘coenzyme models’ and ‘substrate models.’ Coenzymes can occasionally serve as sluggish enzyme models. Oxidation of DPNH by riboflavin phosphates (36), cocarboxylase catalyzed decarboxylations and condensations(109), and chemical transacetylation reactions with acetyl CoA (IO, IIO) can be quoted as examples. The vitamin portion may serve as model for the coenzyme, e.g pyridoxal in transamination (III) and N-methyl nicotinamide in oxidation-reductions (15, 16). Lynen has used SH compoundsas models for coenzyme A (46). Substrate models have played an important role in specificity studiesof polymer substratessuch as proteins (103). One of the earliest modelsfor biological oxidations was charcoal in the classical experiments of Warburg (I I 2). Langenbeck has recently reviewed someof the older work on enzyme models(I 13). A decisive new development in ‘model enzymology’ has comefrom the concept of polyfunctional catalysis (114). In studies on acid-base catalyzed mutarotation of tetra methyl glucoseSwain and Brown discovered a high efficiency of action exhibited by compoundswhich contain two active groups in the samemolecule. Thus a-hydroxypyridine, a ‘double headedenzyme model,’ containing an acid and base group is visualized as making a ‘concerted’ attack, which results in the simultaneousremoval and addition of a proton to the sugar. Extensive kinetic data indicated the formation of a substrate-catalyst complex not unlike that encountered in enzyme catalyzed reactions. Classijication of Dehydrogenases The specific enzymes which catalyze hydrogen transfer reactions can be classified according to the type of reaction which they catalyze. An attempt at such a classificationappearsjustified in spite of the fact that in many instancesthe reaction mechanismis still obscure.It may help to compareenzymes from the point of view of primary reaction mechanismand thus to avoid confusion created when e.g. pyruvic dehydrogenaseis listed as a DPN-linked enzyme. The following five groups of nucleotide-linked dehydrogenaseshave beenselected for discussion(table 4). 16 Group I catalyzes the reaction type 35 I RI (I) Volume E. RACKER Rl I CHOH I + I DPN+(TPN+) + C-0 I R2 + DPNH(TPNH) + H+ R2 or C=O I +CO, + DPNH(TPNH) + H+ Rt This group is the largest and includes enzymes which oxidize alcohols, hydroxy acids and hemiacetals. Enzymes which catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of hydroxy acids and of formic acid can be readily fitted into this group until the detailed mechanism is shown to be of another type. Triose phosphate dehydrogenase has been listed in group II although the possibility of a thiohemiacetal as intermediate in the reaction has not been excluded (57). Grozcp II contains enzymes which are proposed to operate by an aldehydolysis of an S---S or an S-C bond according to reaction type 2 In this reaction R2 may be DPN and may become dissociated on reduction as in glyceraldehyde+phosphate dehydrogenase, or it may be the sulfur of lipoic acid and be reduced to SH during pyruvic acid oxidation. hwp III contains enzymes which catalyze a process in which a double bond other than with oxygen is formed following dehydrogenation according to reaction type 3 RI R1 I I (3) R”---C--H + DPN’(TPN+) s R2-C + DPNH(TPNH) + H+ i RLH II R3 This group has been least well studied. The amino acid dehydrogenases have been classified in this group since experimental evidence does :not favor the nonenzymatic formation of an imino compound (IIS). Because the mode of action of these enzymes has not as yet been elucidated their grouping is rather arbitrary. The best characterized of these reactions is that catalyzed by dihydro erotic dehydrogenase (I 16). The reaction with dihydrofolic acid and DPNH to give tetrahydrofolic acid is now being investigated (I 17). Group IV comprisesthe enzymes catalyzing either the oxidation of an SH or the reduction of an S-S compound. In most known instancesthe hydrogen carrier is a pyridine nucleotide, but in the case of glutathione transhydrogenase GSHGSSG acts as hydrogen carrier system (57). Hydrogenase and the ‘Hill reaction’ may be listed here also although the evidence for SH group participation is only indirect. Jantiar y 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES =7 Gaup v lists the enzymes, which catalyze transhydrogenation reactions either from one pyridine nucleotide to another or from a pyridine nucleotide to a flavin nucleotide. The latter is usually firmly attached to a protein, forming a yellow enzyme. This group of enzymes is of particular interest in view of the formation of high energy bonds in the process of coupled phosphorylation. SOME PROPERTIES OF INDIVIDUAL DEHYDROGENASES No attempt will be made to cover comprehensively all nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases,or even thoselisted in table 3. Instead, a few enzymes which have been studied more thoroughly will be discussedin greater detail, and somefeatures and properties of other dehydrogenaseswill be presented. Descriptions of purifications and assaysof enzyme activity in crude and purified systemswill be entirely omitted, since they will be dealt with elsewhere(118). Historical aspectsand distribution of the enzymes will not be covered either, since they have been discussedin other reviews (7, 119). Group I Enzymes Oxidizing Alcohols. Alcohol dehydrogenase from yeast (yeast A Da>. The discussionof this enzyme has been kept formally separated from that of liver ADH, becauseof the striking differences between the two proteins, but a complete separation of the discussionwas neither possiblenor desirable. Crystalline alcohol dehydrogenasehas been obtained from brewers’ yeast (120) and from bakers’ yeast (121, 122). The enzyme catalyzes the reaction: Alcohol + DPN+Aldehyde + DPNH + H+. In the presenceof small amounts of enzyme [DPNH] [Acetaldehyde] [H+] = the equilibrium constant K = 1-q x 10-l? [DPN] [Ethyl alcohol] The effect of hydrogen ion concentration- on the equilibrium has been used to advantage for the determination of DPN in the absenceof carbonyl trapping reagents (I 21). While at an alkaline PH DPN is reduced with alcohol excess,at prr 7.0 with aldehyde excessDPNH is completely oxidized. These changesare quantitatively measuredat 340 rnp in the presenceof crystalline alcohol dehydrogenase. Electrophoretic analysis of yeast alcohol dehydrogenaserevealed the presenceof one major and one minor component. Several recrystallizations did not change this pattern either at PH 5.0 in 0.1: M acetate buffer (122) or at PH 8.0 in Verona1buffer (40). The smallerand inactive component representedbetween 5 and 20 per cent of the total protein, depending on the type of preparation used, length of &ly& etc. (122). a) Inactivation studies. The crystalline enzyme can be dialyzed against distilled water and lyophilized (I 20, I 21). However, this procedure occasionally leads to considerableenzyme inactivation which can be avoided by dialysis against 0.01 M buffer at PH 7.0 (40). The enzyme is very sensitive to heavy metals, especially copper (120) and appears to be rapidly inactivated by contact with rubber stoppers (I 23). In dilute solution a protective colloid, e.g. serumalbumin, protects the enzyme against rapid inactivation (I 2 I). These findings may account for considerablevariation in the IL., with various crystalline preparations. Values for the turnover number for alcohol oxidation between 25,ooo-3+00/150,000 gm. protein have been reported (120, I22), and even higher values have been observed (123). Yeast alcohol dehydrogenaseis an ‘SH-enzyme’ exhibiting marked sensitivity toward IAA (I 24) and other SH reactive compounds.The enzyme is protected against 1% E. RACKER Vdume 35 IAA by the addition of DPN (125, 126). This is in contrast to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(TDH), which becomesmore sensitive to IAA in the presence of DPN (127, 128). This fact, together with the protection afforded to the enzymes by the respective substrates (ethanol and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate) against IAA (125, 126), permits a differential inactivation of the two enzymes in the presence of inhibitor (I 26). This feature has been of somepractical usefulnessin phosphorylation studieswith alcohol dehydrogenaseand alcohol as hydrogen donor (3, 130). b) Specificity. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenasehas beenreported to be specific for DPN (82). However, Stafford and Vennesland (13 I) have observed TPN reduction with twice recrystallized ADH, at a rate I/ISOO that obtained with DPN. Similar high activity ratios for DPN/TPN have been reported with other dehydrogenases (132). It should be pointed out that a TPN-linked alcohol dehydrogenaseis present in yeast extracts (40). The possibility that crystalline ADH is contaminated with the TPN enzyme must be considered.The experiments of Dixon and Zerfas (38) on the substitution of DPN by other oxidizing agents in the alcohol dehydrogenasereaction have been critically discussedin a preceding section on “Interaction between the cofactors and proteins.” Various alcoholscan serveassubstrate for the crystalline yeast enzyme (I 20, I 25). Ethanol and ally1 alcohol are the most rapidly oxidized substrates,n-propyl alcohol, jz-butyl alcohol, n-amyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol are oxidized at progressively decreasingrates. Considerably higher concentrations of ADH (20- to so-fold) are required to demonstrate appreciable rates of oxidation with methanol, ethylene glycol, isobutyl a.lcohol,set-butyl alcohol and glycerol. In connection with the problem of glycerol fermentation, it is significant that both dihydroxyacetone and glyceraldehyde are rapidly reduced at high concentrations in the presence of DPNH and yeast ADH (40, 133). Studies on the effect of substitutions of the substrate (125) revealed that NH2CH2CH20H and similar compoundswere not utilized, nor did they inhibit alcohol oxidation at concentrations five-fold that of ethanol. Substitution with a halogen however gave rise to inhibitory compounds, e.g. fluoroethanol in five-fold excessinhibited ethanol oxidation completely. Fluorobutanol was not inhibitory, and in fact was itself slowly oxidized. The interaction between yeast ADH, coenzyme and substrate is stereospecific. With deuterium-labeledethanol it wasshown that only one of the two enantiomorphs is oxidized by the yeast enzyme and that reduction of DPN is stereospecificin regard to the plane of the nicotinamide ring (cf. I 22). c) Kinetic studies. Negelein and Wulff in studies on the kinetic properties of ADH from brewers’ yeast determined the Michaelis constants of the various reactants. No distinction was made between the true dissociation constant (&) and the Km values (120). In view of the fact that considerable discrepancies between the K, and X0 values have been reported in various enzyme catalyzed reactions (cf. 73), Hayes and Velick (122) determined the ADH binding of DPN and DPNH by the ultracentrifugal separation method. According to their calculat,ion 4 molecules of DPN or DPNH are bound per molecule of protein and, similar to liver ADH the reduced and oxidized form of the coenzyme compete with each other (48,49). As can be seen from table 5 in the case of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase the K, values and the apparent dissociation constant are not very far apart, DPNH being bound more firmly than DPN. The relationship between the equilibrium constant, the Km values and maximum in which kT velocities is formulated by: K, = (V~,,,Ka&DPN&‘I/2 max &&,&, Jamary x95; PYRIDINE TABLE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED 5. SOME PROPERTIES ENZYMES OF YEAST ADH 19 ADH ADH From Bakers’ Yeast From Brewers’ Yeast Molecular weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michaelis constants (moles/l. at 26’) (PH 7.6) K,(DPN).................................. K,(DPNH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K,(alcohol)................................. K,(acetaldehyde) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apparent dissociation constants as determined by ultracentrifugation at o”-so (moles/l.) K(DPN)................................... K(DPNH).................................. 150,~ 9 3.0 x x 2.4 X 1.1 x 1~0,ooo (49) Io-5 IO-+ IOIO+ (120) 1.7 2.3 I.8 x X x (122) IO-4(122) IO+ IO* 2.6 X IO-~ 1.3 X 10~~ representsthe Michaelis constants and VI and V2 the maximal velocities of the forward and back reaction. This equation was discussedseveral years ago (134), without realizing that it had been derived 20 years earlier by Haldane (135). The first accurate experimental verification for its validity was presented by Negelein and Wulff (also without reference to Haldane) for ADH from brewers’ yeast (120). Similar data were obtained for ADH from bakers’ yeast (122). The calculations for ADH from liver appear to be more complex. According to Alberty (136) the experimental data of Theorell and Bonnichsen (49) are best fitted at several PH units by the equation: K, = (V?,,,Ka~&PP~~ )/( V&&&&&, a relation which Alberty suggestsmay involve an oxidation-reduction of the enzyme protein. A participation of the SH groups of the protein in the reaction catalyzed by ADH has actually been suggested(125, 137). Negelein and Wulff (120) reported that with large amounts of ADH a spontaneousreduction of DPN without addition of substrate takes place, and alsosuggestedparticipation of SH groups. But becauseof its slownessthe reaction was consideredunlikely to play a role in the processof alcohol oxidation. Kaplan, Colowick and Neufeld (138) consider the participation of the enzyme itself in oxidation-reduction unlikely, since ADH did not catalyze an electron exchange between DPN and desaminoDPN. However, theseexperiments were of necessity carried out in the absenceof substrate, and therefore do not seemto rule out decisively participation of the protein in the over-all reaction. The direct participation of SH groups in the hydrogen transfer is however very improbable in view of the experimentswith deuterium-labeled substrate, since equilibration with water would have been the result of a formation of labeled SH groups (cf. 22). The latter experiments were carried out with the yeast enzyme only, and data on deuterium transfer in the case of liver ADH would be desirable in view of the calculations of Alberty (136). For both liver and yeast ADH the equilibrium constant has been demonstrated to be dependent on enzyme concentration (49, 122). This was shownto be due mainly to the differences in the dissociation constants of oxidized and reduced DPN in the caseof liver ADH (48, 49). However, the dissociation constants of the enzyme-substrate complex must also play a significant role in determining the equilibrium constant in the presenceof large amounts of enzyme (122, 136). A further complication arisesfrom observations of Negelein and Wulff (I 20) that brewers’ yeast alcohol dehydrogenase seemsto bind considerable amounts of acetaldehyde nonspecifically, a finding, which is not unexpected in view of the reactivity of aldehydeswith proteins in general. If a similar nonspecific binding of acetaldehyde takes place with bakers’ yeast and liver alcohol dehydrogenase,the equilibrium data obtained at high enzyme concentrations acquire a different meaning. In fact, experiments carried out a number E. RACKER 20 Volume 35 of years ago (40,121) which indicated an effect of enzyme concentration aswell as of glycylglycine buffer on K, were interpreted in the light of Negelein and Wulff’s findings of nonspecific binding. Because of these data, caution was suggestedin regard to the evaluation of K, values obtained even at low enzyme concentrations. The agreement between. the observed values for the Michaelis constant and the dissociationconstant for acetaldehyde-ADH, ascalculated from the equilibrium shift (122), has been taken to indicate that the major binding of aldehyde is at the catalytic site. This apparent agreement may be fortuitous however since the Michaelis constant for acetaldehyde doesnot necessarily represent the true dissociation constant. d) Mechanism of action. Some clues to the mechanism of action have been obtained from spectrophotometric studies using enzymes as reactants. In the case of yeast ADH several investigators searchingfor spectral changes,similar to those describedfor liver ADH and DPNH, have failed to find them (I 22, I 25). Although there is general agreement that dramatic spectral changescannot be demonstrated with yeast ADH, small but reproducible changeshave been observed when DPN was added to large amounts of ADH (40). The observed increments in absorption are only partially (35%) prevented by preincubation of the enzyme with IAA under conditions which lead to nearly complete (95%) inhibition of enzyme activity. Thus a quantitative correlation between the spectral changeand enzymatic activity similar to that obtained with triose phosphate dehydrogenase(57) dould not be observed with ADH. The above described absorption changes occur very rapidly and are completed by the time readings are taken after mixing. It is therefore unlikely that they are related to the sluggishincrementsof absorption at 340 mp observedby Negelein and Wulff (120). An interaction between DPN and SH groups of yeast ADH is also indicated by the protective action of DPN against IAA inhibition (I 25, 126). Thesefindings point to the formation of a DPN-S-enzyme complex similar to that observed in the caseof glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.In analogy with the latter, a mechanismof action of ADH may be visualized in which the alcohol substrate cleaves the DPN-enzyme linkage by a processof alcoholysis. There are two alternative modes of such a cleavage as outlined in the diagram below. In (a), the hydrogen is transferred directly to DPN to form DPNH, while the rest of the alcohol combineswith the sulfur to form an enzyme thiohemiacetal, which dissociatesinto aldehyde and free enzyme. In (b), a DPN-alcohol complex is formed which the enzyme must cleave in a secondstep to yield DPNH and aldehyde. In view of the isotope data, it must be assumedthat in both casesthe hydrogen attached to the carbon and not to the oxygen of alcohol is transferred by the enzyme to DPN. 4 + H+ + Enzyme-S-CHOH-CH&--+ b) Enzyme-SH + Hf c-- Enzyme-SH + CHS CHO) + CH~CHO) + DPN >CH~HCH, (- <G> A secondsite for alcohol on the enzyme, independent of the presenceof DPN is indicated by the fact that ethanol protects the enzyme against IAA in the absenceof DPN. Similar protective action against IAA by substratesor substrate analogs,which do not necessarilyreact directly with SH groups, will be discussedin connection with January T 955 PYRIDliL’E NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED EKZYMES 21 IAA inactivation of triose phosphate dehydrogenases. The previously discussed interaction between DPN and various compounds such as dihydroxyacetone (32) and particularly the observations made by Kaplan and his collaborators (139, 140) with liver alcohol dehydrogenaseand hydroxylamine are in line with the idea of an alcoholysis process.The experiments with hydroxylamine will be discussedbelow. Alcohol dehydrogenase front liver (liver A DH). The crystalline enzyme has been isolated from horse liver (141). The enzyme has a molecular weight of 73,000 and binds 2 molesof DPNH per mole of enzyme; thus per mole of nucleotide the mokular weight is about 37,000, close to the value for yeast alcohol dehydrogenase(I 22) and for triose phosphate dehydrogenase.The latter enzyme which has a molecular weight of I 20,ooo (cf. 72) contains 3 molesof DPN per mole of enzyme (so). In many other respectsliver ADH is quite different from the yeast enzyme. The liver enzyme contains lessaromatic amino acids with 280 rnp absorption, it has a different substrate specificity and a different susceptibility to someinhibitors (e.g. iodoacetate). Liver ADH is lessthan I/IOO as active as yeast ADH with ethanol as substrate, but with acetaldehyde as substrate it is about I/IO as active. a) Specificity. llliver ADH reacts with TPN at about I/IOO of the rate with DPN (82). The substrate specificity is broader than that of the enzyme from yeast. The liver enzyme oxidizes vitamin A to retinene (142, 143). Ethanol and several higher primary alcohols are oxidized by both yeast and liver ADH (Kmat PH x0.0 for etha+ no1 = 2 x Io-3, ally1 alcohol = 4 X IO-~, n-propanol = 2.3 X IO-~, n-butanol = in the caseof liver ADH). The reactivity with methanol doesnot seemto 2.2 x Io-4 have been clearly establishedwith liver ADH. Theorell and Bonnichsen (49) devoted a paragraph to the important fact that methanol is not oxidized by the crystalline enzyme, while Theorell and Chance (48) in a paper published simultaneously recorded extensive kinetic data on the reduction of formaldehyde by the sameenzyme preparation. If it can be established that this extraordinary behavior is due to the properties of the enzyme, the investigation of this discrepancy might yield important clues regarding the mechanism of action of the dehydrogenase. The oxidation of methanol, which seemsto take place quite readily in crude liver preparations, is of considerableimportance in methanol poisoning. The clinical use of ethanol in these patients prevents the formation of toxic formaldehyde and permits the urinary elimination of methanol (144, 145). This therapeutic successhas been quite persuasively explained on the basis of a competitive inhibition of methanol oxidation by ADH in the presenceof ethanol, a phenomenonwhich has been shown to take place in Giro with crude preparations of ADH (145). b) Kinetic studies. Important studies on the kinetics and mechanismof action of liver ADH have been published by Theorell, Bonnichsen and Chance (48, 49). They demonstrated a 2oo-fold discrepancy at PH 7.0 between the dissociation constant (&) and the K,, value for the DPNH-enzyme complex. As was shown many years ago by Michaelis and Menten, and modified by Briggs and Haldane (cf. 135) the enzyme catalyzed reaction can be written as: E + S 2 ES; ES 3 E + product k2 k:! + k3 K, = 7 1 The dissociation constant K. for the enzyme-substrate complex (ES) is equal to the MichaeIis constant K, only when K3is very small compared to k2 ; then K,, = k 2lk 1 =Ko. 22 E. RACKER Volz.4nte jy If however & is small compared to K3, marked discrepanciesbetween the two values for Km and & arise, and modified calculations are necessary.An analysis of steady-state kinetics, applied to liver ADH (48), revealed that in the presenceof excessaldehyde the K, for reduced DPN doesnot dependon the dissociationvelocity of DPNH but on that of DPN. Thus K, for DPNH could be equal to K, only if the rates of DPNH and DPN coming off the enzyme were equal. Since in ADH from liver DPNH is much more firmly bound than DPN, a large discrepancy between K, and KD results. On the other hand the rates of associationof DPN and DPNH with the enzyme are rather similar and the tighter bonding with DPNH helps to explain the greater reactivity of the enzyme with acetaldehyde as compared to alcohol. In the case of the yeast enzyme the K. values for DPNH and DPN are considerably closer to each other (122) and the difference between the rates of the forward and back reaction is lesspronounced (I 20). The changesin the equilibrium constant at higher enzyme concentrations, first describedfor liver ADH (4, have been discussedearlier. It was suggestedby Theorell and Bonnichsen that these shifts in equilibrium may play a physiological role, since the redox potential of the enzyme-bound DPN-DPNH system (& = - 0.21) as compared to the free nucleotides (EL = -0.28) is much closer to the level of the alcohol-aldehyde system (EL = - 0.16). “The reaction velocity in the system would probably be favored by the diminished potential difference, and the equilibrium shifted so that the oxidation of ethanol would be favored” (49). This reasoningbecomesapplicable to the open systemof the living cell if the removal of acetaldehyde is dependent on an enzyme catalyzed reaction which requires a high acetaldehyde concentration, becauseof a poor affinity of acetaldehyde to the enzyme. It may be pointed out that this situation actually applies to the enzyme which utilizes acetaldehyde for the synthesis of desoxyribose-s-phosphate(146). c) Mechanism of action. An interaction between coenzyme nucleotides and the SH groups of enzymes was first proposedby Rapkine (47). It was also suggestedby the experiments of Hellerman et al. on the competition between p-chloromercuribenzoate and FAD for D-amino acid oxidase (51). The first quantitative, spectrophotometric measurementson the formation of a complex between -DPNH and liver ADH were reported by Theorell, Bonnichsen and Chance (48, 49). They found that the addition of DPNH to crystalline ADH from liver leads to a pronounced shift in the absorption maximum from 340 1nl-L for free DPNH to 325 rnp for bound DPNH (table 6). By the use of an ingeniousmethod specially designedto eliminate changes due to free DPNH, the reaction kinetics of the ADH-DPNH complex were studied (48). Accurate titration showedthat at PH 7 there were 2 molesof DPNH bound per mole of enzyme (K. = IO-~ M at 27’) and at PH IO one mole of DPNH was bound (K = 3 x Io-6 M). Measurements of various velocities are summarized in the foliwing formulation of the mode of action of the dehydrogenase(147). ADH H+ $- + ADH-DP)NH ( DPNH kl = 4 X k2 = + 10+bf-~ _____..___~X sec.+ ADH---DPNH + 0.4 sec.-l acetaldehyde +k4 ---------*‘* ’ *“-“M-’ ’ __-. sec*-L--.. ADH--DPN+ ADH-DPN+ +-.----k5 = ka = 2 x 45 sec.+ IO*M-' x ------- sec.-l ADH + + DPN+ ethanol .hIPU.Wy PYRIDINE 1955 TABLE mp: FreeDPNH.. BoundDPNH 6. MILLIMOLAR ... . .. . NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED EXTINCTION ENZYMES COEFFICIENTS FOR FREE AND ADH-BOUND 3x0 3.6 315 4.1 320 4.8 325 5.3 328 5.65 330 5.8 335 6.1 5.1 5.5 5.7 5.8 5.65 $6 593 340 6.25 4-7 DPNFI (49) 345 6.1 4-I 350 5.7 3.3 The data provide evidence for the participation of the DPN-enzyme complex in the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme. The agreement of the values for ,&I and h either measured directly or calculated from the over-all activity is cited as demonstration of the operation of the (modified) Michaelis-Menten mechanism in a nucleotide-linked dehydrogenase reaction. p-Chloromercuribenzoate, which has been shown to inhibit liver ADH activity (cf. 49), was found to abolish the DPNH shift due to combination with enzyme, while iodoacetate had neither inhibitory activity nor did it affect the DPNH-ADH absorption. This correlation between enzyme activity inhibition and in teraction with the complex is an additional indication for the participation of the latter in the enzyme catalyzed reaction. A significant observation was recently reported by Kaplan (140) on the effect of hydroxylamine, which wasfound to be a competitive inhibitor of liver and yeast alcohol dehydrogenase(139). In the caseof the liver enzyme a tightly bound complex between DPN, hydroxylamine and ADH is formed which results in inhibition of enzyme activity. The inhibitory complex can be dissociatedby prolonged dialysis, which restores enzyme activity. Of specia#linterest are the observations that the complex exhibits an absorption with a maximum at 300 rnp; that 2 moles of DPN are required per mole of enzyme to give maximum absorption; and that p-chloromercuribenzoate abolishes the absorption due to the complex. The complex was found tobe bound more firmly than even DPNH, in line with the fact that aldehyde reduction is inhibited also. In view of these findings Kaplan suggeststhat hydroxylamine as well asethanol interacts with DPN in the initial step, thus favoring alternative (b) of the above proposed mechanismof alcoholysis. Alcohol dehydrogenases from other sources.Alcohol dehydrogenasehasbeen found in various plants but these dehydrogenaseshave not been extensively studied. The wheat germ enzyme is similar to the yeast enzyme in regard to IAA sensitivity (131). The reactivity of crude wheat germ extracts with TPN suggestseither a lack of nucleotide specificity or the presenceof a second,TPN-linked alcohol dehydrogenase. The occurrence of a TPN-linked alcohol dehydrogenasemay permit the anaerobic function of the so-called‘oxidative pathway’ of glucose-6-phosphateutilization by a TPN-linked oxidation-reduction. Glycerol dehydrogenases. As has been pointed out previously, yeast alcohol dehydrogenase reacts with dihydroxyacetone, glyceraldehyde or glycerol as substrates (133,40). The existenceof a separateglycerol dehydrogenasehas beendemonstrated by means of hydroxylamine which inhibits alcohol dehydrogenasebut not glycerol dehydrogenase (148). The enzyme was found in extracts of Aerobacter aerogenes and catalyzes the DPN-linked oxidation of glycerol. Neither a nor @glycerophosphates are acted upon. With reduced DPN glyceraldehyde as well as DHA is utilized, the reaction with the latter being faster. The presenceof a specific dehydrogenasefor butylene glycol in extracts from the samebacteria (149) opensup the question of the possibleidentity of the two enzymes. The reduction of glyceraldehydeby DPNH hasbeenobserved with rat liver (150) aswell with beef, pig and horse liver preparation (40). Since the reaction is alsocatalyzed by three times recrystallized Volume 35 E. RACKER 24 liver ADH (40), no evidence for a specific liver glycerol dehydrogenase is as yet available. A glycerol dehydrogenase preparation has been obtained from E. coli (I 5 I). This preparation catalyzes the formation of dihydroxyacetone in the presence of glycerol and DPN. The enzyme has a p13 optimum of IO, similar to t.hat for alcohol oxidation by liver ADH, and is similarly inhibited at low concentrations of p-chloromercuribenzoate (10-6 M). It is very sensitive to Zn*, Cu* and Fe++. The enzyme has been purified about q-to 2o-fold and showed no activity with other alcohols tested (‘ethanol, a-glycerophosphate, erythritol, D-sorbitol and- D-mannitol). The K, for DPh was found to be 2.6 X IO--~ M and for glycerol IO-~ M. The enzyme withstood heating for prolonged periods at 6o”, a feature used in the purification procedure. A DPN-linked enzyme which oxidizes D-sorbitol and L-iditol to the corresponding ketosugars (D-fructose and L-sorbose) was partially purified from rat liver (152). The K, forsorbitol is 7 X IO-~ and K, is 0.24 at 20' and PH 810.The enzyme4showed no activity with D-iditol, D-mannitol and dulcitol. Provided that the activity with the two polyalcohols is due to the same enzyme, the specificity is determined by the configuration at carbon 2 and 4, but not at carbon 5. Other dehydrogenaseswhich act on phosphorylated polyalcohols have been. described but have not been studied in detail (153, 154, q4a). cr-glycerophosphate dehydrogeuase (arGDH). This enzyme catalyzes the reversible oxidation of L-cu-glycerophosphateto dihydroxyacetone phosphate: CH20HCHOHCH20POaH2 + DPN+ z$ CH20HCOCHzOPOgH2 + DPKH + H+. Baranowski has obtained the enzyme in crystalline form by refractionating crystalline Myogen A (155). This remarkable feat of slow fractional crystallization of a ’homogenousprotein’ into fractions of different enzymatic activities should be emphasizedfrom the viewpoint of protein ‘purity’ aswell asa procedure for purification. The principle of slow, automatic additions of ammonium sulfate hasbeen systematically applied by Biicher and his collaborators for the separation of a number of glycolytic enzymes from rabbit muscle (156). ar-G1ycerophosphat.edehydrogenaseis among the enzymes obtained in crystalline form. a! GDH obtained by Baranowski (155) was found to be very unstablein high dilutions. Highly purified preparations of a glycerophosphate dehydrogenaseobtained by an unpubl.ishedprocedure were also found to be unstable on dilution, but could 4 A further study by Edson and his collaborators (Biochem. of this reaction revealed that the enzyme catalyzes the oxidation with a configuration of I and II. CHzOH I HCOH CH20H I HCOH HOCH HCOH I and J. 5 7: 518, 19543 on the specificity at the second carbon of polyalcohols II It is of interest to note that the phosphorylated deri vatives of the ketoi)entoie, ketohep tose produced by this dehydrogenase serv ‘e as substrates for transketolase. ketohexose January I95 j PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 25 be protected by the addition of buffered bovine serum albumin (40). In contrast to these findings, the enzyme of Beisenherz et al. (156) was very stable in dilute solutions. This fact was confirmed in our laboratory with preparations kindly sent by Dr. Biicher, and their preparative method should therefore be considered the most suitable for obtaining stable preparations. The turnover number of a! GDH was found to be 26,500 moles of dihydroxyacetone phosphate per 100,ooo gm. of crystalline enzyme at PH 7.0 at 20'. The rate was doubled at 30’ (155). The equilibrium of the reaction was measured only at PH 7.0 [Dihydroxyacetone-p] [DPNH] [H-t] and from the data the estimated value for K = [a! glycerophosphate] [DPN] = 7.2 X IO+*. This value is not far from that obtained for the oxidation of ethanol by ADH (49, 121). The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of a! GDH was found to give a low ratio at 280/260 rnp and the possibility of bound DPN was suggested (155, 156). Recent investigationsof B&her (157) haveestablished that thenucleotidein a! GDH isneither DPN nor TPN, and is not reducible by sodium hydrosulfite. The possibility that a nonreducible nucleotide is essential for CIIGDH may be considered. Such a requirement would not be unlike the dependence of isocitric dehydrogenase in yeast (61) on adenosine-5’-phosphate. Little is known about the specificity of cy GDH. Crystalline Myogen A preparations, which are a rich source for a! GDH, have been shown to be inactive with ,8glycerophosphate, but catalyze the oxidation of I, 2-propandiol-r-phosphate with DPN as hydrogen acceptor (q8). The product has not been identified but by analogy might be expected to be monohydroxyacetone phosphate. It has shown that the product of I, 2-propandiol-r-phosphate dehydrogenation was oxidized further by crystalline triose phosphate dehydrogenase. In view of the presence of triose phosphate isomerase and other impurities in Myogen A (50, 158) the nature of the secondary oxidation remains obscure. Humoserine dehydrogemzse. Cell free extracts from bakers’ yeast have beenfound to catalyze the reversible oxidation of L-homoserineto aspartic-p-semialdehyde(T59). CH20HCH2CH NH2COOH + DPN+(TPN+) e CHOC?&CH NHzCOOH + DPNH(TPNH) + H’. Th e enzyme has been measuredwith DPNH or TPNH and aspartic+semialdehyde as substrate. Reversibility with L-homoserinebut not with D-homoserinehas been demonstrated. ‘Chol&e oxidase.’In the course of choline oxidation in liver betaine aldehyde is formed (160). The oxidation of betaine aldehyde is DPN-linked (161) and will be discussedtogether with other aldehyde oxidizing enzyme. Claims have been made that the oxidation of choline to betaine aldehyde is alsoDPN-linked (162). The data presented to support this conclusionare not convincing, sincethe possibility that the small stimulation observed on addition of DPN is due to residual aldehyde dehydrogenaseactivitv in the liver particles has not been rigidly ruled out. No DPN stimulation of choline oxidase activity has been reported by others (163, 164). Choline oxidasesolubilized with sodium choleate and purified 13.fold did not require DPN (165). Enzymes Oxidizing or Reducing Cyclic Compounds. Hydroxysteroid dehydrogejzases. Mamoli and Vercellone (166) demonstrated the transformation of 4androstene3 I 17-dione to testosterone by fermenting yeast. The first indication, of DPN participation in thesereactionswas obtained by Samuelset al. (167) who demonstrated a stimulation of the formation of IT-ketosteroids from testosterone in liver 26 E. RACKER I~rot24me 35 mince. The enzyme responsible for this reaction was later purified from steer liver (168). A DPN-dependent, a estradiol inactivating system in rat liver has been described (169). Participation of DPN in the C-I I-fl-hydroxylation of desoxycorticosterone to corticosterone by adrenal homogenates has also been implicated (I 70, I 7 I). A dehydrogenationat C&Ill or at Cll---Cl2 wassuggestedas the enyzmatic mechanism of hydroxylation, but recent evidence does not favor this pathway (172). Several other systemsof steroid interconversion appear to be stimulated by DPN or TP?G b73-I7@* An adaptive enzyme has beenobtained from Pseudomonascellsgrown on testosterone (177, 178). With partially purified enzyme the testosterone oxidation was [4-androstene-3-,I7-dione] [DPNH] ~- [H+] = studied and was found to have a K = [Testosterone] [DPN] 3.6 X IO? At PH 9.0 the enzyme could be usedfor assayof DPN and of testosterone. The enzyme wasfound to be unstable in dilute alkaline solution, and DPN stabilized it under theseconditions, SH compoundsdid not. p-Chloromercuribenzoate inhibited markedly at IO-~ M and DPN again protected completely. An interesting phenomenon of specificity was observed in regard to protection against alkaline inactivation. Testosteronedid not protect but 17 P-estradiol, which is alsoa substrate, did protect. A number of 3 P- and I 7 @-hydroxysteroidswere oxidized by the enzyme preparation and DPN. The adrenal cortical hormones (desoxycorticosterone, cortisone and 17-hydroxycortisone) were inactive. a! Hydroxysteroids were not oxidized by the purified enzyme, but a separable enzyme specific for 3 CYhydroxysteroids has been demonstrated (179). I 7 a-Estradiol and diethylstilbestrol were found to be potent inhibitors of the P-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.Attempts to dissociatethe 3- and 17-OH oxidizing,activity were unsuccessfulin the caseof the bacterial enzyme, but apparently two different enzymes are present in mammalian tissues(180). Q&one reductase. An enzyme, partially purified from peas, (18 I) was shown to accelerate the reaction, DPNH + H+ + p-quinone -3 DPN+ + hydroquinone. For all practical purposes the reaction is irreversible. The rate with TPNH was about half that with DPNH. Several derivatives of benzoquinone and napht hoquinone served as hydrogen acceptor instead of quinone. The enzyme was shown to have a ~JXoptimum at PH 6.5 while the quite rapid, nonenzymatic reaction was unaffected by per. Of particular interest is the inhibition of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction byI 2 ,4-dinitrophenol and related compounds. Quiutic and shikimic dehydrogenases. Extracts of A. aerogelzes were found to contain a DPN-linked enzyme catalyzing the oxidation of quinic acid to 5-dehydroquinic acid (182) and a TPN-linked enzyme which catalyzes the reduction of 5dehydroshikimic acid to shikimic acid (183). The latter enzyme was demonstrated also in E. coli extracts. Inositol dehydrogenase. Extracts from A. aerogetzes grown in the presenceof myo-inositol were found to catalyze the reversible oxidation of jnyo-inositol to 2 keto-(myo-inositol in the presenceof DPN (184). Myo-inositol + DPN+ $ 2 ketomyo-inositol + DPNH + H+. The equilibrium of the reaction was found to be far to the left. TPN was inactive. Enzymes Oxidizing Hydroxy Acids. Lactic and malic dehydrogenases and ofhers. a) Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH). LDH catalyzes the reaction: r,-lactate + DPN+ e pyruvate + DPNH + H +. At low enzyme concentration. the value of K = Pyruvatel WPNHI fH’1 = 4 x Io-12 (121, 185). The reaction with pig heart LDH [Lactate] [DPN+] proceedswith TPN also, but the rate with DPN is about 200 times a,srapid (132). January 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 27 Crystalline preparations of LDH have been obtained from several sources.Most extensive studies have been carried out with the enzyme from heart muscle (186) and the rat liver enzyme (187). The enzyme has been widely usedfor linked assay systems, e.g. for determination of pyruvate kinase. For this purposeLDH of highest purity is required. The preparation of rabbit muscleLDH (156) fulfills this purpose, particularly if recrystallized several times (so). LDH from heart muscle consistsof two active components (185) which are separableby electrophoresis.Rat liver LDH is electrophoretically homogeneousat several PH values. The molecular weight of the two enzymes is 135,ooo for muscleLDH (185) and 126,000 for the rat liver enzyme (187). An amino acid analysis of the latter revealed a high content of leucine, valine and isoleucine. SPECIFICITY. Pig heart LDH was shown to react with a large number of a! keto and a,y-diketo acids and DPNH (188). Hydroxypyruvate was also found to be reduced (189). Differences in PH optimum and Km values were observed with different substrates, the K, value for pyruvate being the lowest (K, = 5 X IO-~). The Km values for other substrates are some IO to IOO times larger. The K, values appear to vary with enzymes from different sources; a value for Km pyruvate of 9 X 10-6 with rat muscle LDH was reported (187). Km lactate = IO-~ M with pig heart muscle (185) and over IO times as high with rat liver LDH (187). INHIBITORS. Hydroxymalonate has been shown to inhibit lactic acid oxidation in tissue slices(190). Crystalline LDH was found to be markedly inhibited by a ,ydiketo valeric acid (188). Neither IAA nor p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibited the enzyme at PH 10.0 (185) and the conclusion was drawn that LDH probably doesnot depend on the presenceof SH groups. Although this appears reasonablein view of the rather high concentrations (IO-~ M) of inhibitor used, further investigations at lower PH values and with different SH inhibitors seemsto be indicated” sincea remarkable variation in susceptibility to various inhibitors exists in dehydrogenases(191). KINETIC STUDIES. The values for the turnover number of various LDH preparations differ somewhat, mainly becauseof differencesin experimental assayconditions (187). At comparableconditions pig heart LDH (185) and rat liver LDH (187) have similar turnover numbers. The maximum value is 32,900 moles of DPNH oxidized per minute per mole of enzyme at 24’ in Verona1buffer PH 8.8. Emphasishas been placed on the concentration of the secondreactant in determinations of K, in reactions involving more than one substrate or a substrate and a coenzyme (187). The equilibrium constant was increased up to 3o-fold by increasing the concentration of LDH (185). The significance of this phenomenon has been.discussed for ADH (seesection, “Alcohol dehydrogenasefrom yeast”). Chance and Neilands (192) have observed spectral shifts with LDH, analogousto those with ADH. The LDH-DPNH complex is however more difficult to detect spectrophotometrically becauseof the larger value for the apparent dissociationconstant. Of specialinterest is the speculation of the authors on the relationship of the large dissociationconstant to the high turnover number and the probability of not detecting spectral changes.A broader searchfor this type of correlation. which fits the caseof the liver ADH and yeast ADH seemsto be indicated. At first inspection it does not seemto hold for glucose dehydrogenase (193) or glutamic dehydrogenase (194) but in view of the greater complexity of thesereactions a more detailed analysis must be awaited. The spectral shift due to LDH-DPNH complex which showsa 330 rnp peak is not prevented by addition of p-chloromercuribenzoate.5 ___ ----ported 5 Since this was written, an interaction (NEILA~VDS, J. B. J. Biol. Chem. 208: between p-chloromercuribenzoate 1954). 225, and LDH was re- E. RACKER 28 Volzcme 35 Experiments with deuterium (195) show that, as in the case of ADH:, there is a direct and reversible transfer of hydrogen from the substrate to the coenzyme in the presence of the enzyme and that ADH and LDH remove or add hydrogen to the same side of the nicotinamide plane. b) Malic dehydrogenase (MDH). This enzyme catalyzes the reaction: I,malate + DPN e Oxaloacetate + DPNH + H+. K = [~~~laoa~etate~~DPN~l [Malate][DPN+] EH+1 _ , 5 x Io-la(52) ’ The equilibrium constant was about doubled when the malate concentration was raised from 5 X IO-~ M to 5 X IO-~ M, a finding which has been interpreted as an effect of the ionic strength on the activity coefficients of the reactants (52). Other salts added to 5 X IO-~M malate also increased the K values. TPN substitutes for DPN, but the rate with DPN is about 30 times more rapid (132). No substrate except malate has been shown to be oxidized by MDH. Straub has‘ purified the enzyme from pig heart muscle (196). A rather heat stable malic dehydrogenase has been reported to be present in extracts from a thermophilic bacterium (197). Nicotinic acid amide acts as a competitive inhibitor for DPN with purified MDH (198). Inhibition was also observed with adenine, adenosine and ATP (199, zoo). The muscle enzyme and MDH from the thermophilic bacterium have a Km = 0.01 M. p-Chloromercuribenzoate has been reported to be highly inhibitory to MDH, while iodoacetamide was without effect (191). c) Glycolic dehydrogenase (glyoxylic reductase). An enzyme obtained from spinach leaves (201) has been shown to catalyze the reaction: glycolate + DPN+ z@ glpoxyl.ate + DPNH + H+. The equilibrium of this reaction is far to the left, [Glyoxylate] [DPNH] [H+] k’= _.-- __._ ---~__ = 1.75 X 10-l~ (202). Large amounts of glycolate [ Glycolate] [DPN] (0.5~) had to be used to demonstrate reversibility. SPECIFICITY. Crude enzyme preparations were found to react with both DPNH and TPNH, but highly purified preparations (over rooo-fold) reacted with DPNH only. The purified enzyme still contains D-glyceric dehydrogenase. The activation of glyceric and glycolic acid, however, does not appear to be due to the same enzyme, because of a) different activity ratio obtained during fractionations b) different susceptibility to p-chloromercuribenzoate c) summation of activity in the presence of both substrates at saturating concentrations. The enzyme does not react with pyruvate, acetaldehyde, D-tartrate and mesoxalate (202). p-Chloromercuribenzoate (IO-~ M) inhibited the enzyme 68 per cent. Fluoroacetate ( roWi! M), cyanide ( xoW3M and formaldehyde (IO-~ M) had little or no effect (202). It has been suggested that glycolic dehydrogenase together with the Aavoprotein enzyme glycolic oxidase may play a role in the terminal oxidation in plants according to the following mechanism (201): (I) Substrate @) DPNH + + DPN+ Hf + Dehydrogenases > oxidized substrate glyoxylic a--id +- G1yoxylic DPN+ (,;;) Glycolic acid + 02 Glycolic --------+ oxidase DPhTH+ + H reducE-E+ + glyoxylic acid glycolic acid + H2 O2 January PYRIDINE q;j (4) Hz02 = Sum: Substrate NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED Hz0 + x0, + ENZYMES 29 go, DPN, g’YO’YliC “‘d_, oxidized substrate d) Glyceric dehydrogenase (hydroxypyruvate reductase). Stafford et al. (203) have demonstrated the presence of an enzyme in extracts from plant leaves which catalyze the reaction, D-glycerate + DPN+ s Hydroxypyruvate + DPNH + IF. The enzyme is inactive with either D or L lactic acid and, as pointed out above, appears to be distinct from the glycolic dehydrogenase (202). TPNH did not substitute for DPNH with D-glyceric dehydrogenase. Crystalline lactic dehydrogenase from pig heart has been shown to reduce hydroxypyruvate (189). The muscle enzyme is specific for the L-isomers of the hydroxy acids and does not react with D-lactic or D-glyceric acid. e) P-hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase. Although p-hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase was one of the very first dehydrogenases obtained in cell free extracts prepared from liver (204) the enzyme has not been extensively studied. The reaction catalyzed is DPN specific: L-hydroxybutyrate + DPN s acetoacetate + DPNH + H+. The enzyme is specific for the L-isomer. It does not react with p-hydroxypropionic, or-hydroxybutyric and y-hydroxybutyric acid (205). Some of the higher P-hydroxy acids were found to be oxidized slowly (206) but in view of the crude nature of the preparation other enzymes may have been responsible for these effects. f) Diketosuccinic reductase. Various plant extracts have been found to catalyze the oxidation of DPNH on addition of diketosuccinate (207). The product of this reduction has not been identified but is suggested to be a! keto-P-hydroxy succinic acid or its enediol, dihydroxyfumaric acid. This suggestion is supported by the ability of the product to reduce 2,6=chlorophenolindophenol. ‘Malic' enzyme, ‘isocitric’ enzyme arcd ‘phosphoglticoutic’ enzyme. a) ‘MaW enzyme (M.E.). Inanimal tissues, plants and bacteria an enzyme can be demonstrated which catalyzes the reaction: L-malate + TPN(DPN) e pyruvate + CO2 + TPNH(DPNH) + H+. Extensive reviews on these enzymes have appeared (208, 209). M.E. from wheat germ (210) is free of lactic dehydrogenase, while the DPN-linked L. a&itiosus enzyme has not been separated from lactic dehydrogenase. Therefore, the product of the reaction in this case is actually not pyruvic acid, but lactic acid. That the latter does not arise by direct decarboxylation of malate is indicated by the absolute requirement for DPN for malate decarboxylation. DPN is not needed for the decarboxylation of OAA catalyzed by the same enzyme. OAA-carboxylase and M.E. activity were compared in various fractions during purification of M.E. from various sources and the activities were found to run parallel. In the case of the bacterial enzyme adaptation in the presence of malate gives rise to the simultaneous appearance of both activities. It should be stressed that the two activities are about equal only when tested at their respective PH optima (PH 7.5 for WE. and PH 4.5 for OAA carboxylase). At PH 7.4 the rate of OAA decarboxylation is very small compared to the rate of malate decarboxylation. Moreover the decarboxylation of OAA can be inhibited by various substrate analogs, e.g. malonate which do not affect malate decarboxylation (79, 211, 212). An important observation has been made with highly purified preparations of L. arabinosus enzyme. As mentioned previously, lactic acid has been demonstrated as the end product. Since LDH can be obtained free of M.E. by fractionation or 30 E. RACKER Volwne 3j by using unadapted cells it has been assumed that M.E. is a separable enzyme and pyruvi.c acid is the primary dissociable product of the reaction. In fact it was possible to demonstrate formation of some pyruvate during the reaction. However, isotope studies have made it apparent that pyruvate does not necessarily equilibrate with pyruvate added to the reaction mixture (105) and lactic acid of a specific activity much higher than that of pyruvate was obtained. Thus the possibility of an M.E.LDH complex which permits the efficient conversion of malic acid to lactic acid is suggested. MECHANISIVI OF ACTION. It has been suggestedthat the enzyme is a ‘double headed’ enzyme containing an oxidative and a decarboxylating center on the same protein molecule. This concept has received strong support from the following experimental observations: a) Extensive purification failed to indicate separation of the two activities. b) A combination of highly purified preparations of malic dehydrogenaseand OAA carboxylase from iK Zysodeicticus did not catalyze the reductive carboxylation of pyruvate to malate although at high concentrations the forward re-, action, oxidative decarboxylation of malate, was catalyzed. c) Other enzymes with ‘multiple heads’ have been obtained which have been shown to be homogeneous proteins. Hlowever, the true intermediate of the reaction is unknown. Experimental evidence, consisting of the lack of reduction of OAA by M.E. in the presence of TPNH and the absenceof radioactivity in OAA when added as carrier during fixation of Cl402 into malate, argues against OAA as the true intermediate (cf. 208, 2x3). Therefore Ochoa and his collaborators have proposed the following alternative hypothesis, suggestingan oxalacetic hydrate lactone as an intermediate, which is decarboxylated to enol-pyruvate. 0 OH I! I C-CHz-C-COOH I I 0 p-iq -- + TPN+ e 0 OH II ! C-.-CH2-m-C--COOH IL--o--I i CO2 + + TP:SH + H+ u CHz= C(OH).-COOH As an alternative hypothesis, it might be suggestedthat the true intermediate is a product of the cleavage of a TPN-enzyme complex according to a mechanism similar to that proposedabove for alcohol dehydrogenase.Thus either a malate-TPN or a SH-malate compound would be formed. It is of interest in this connection that M.E. is very sensitive to mercurial inhibitors (213a). The previously mentioned experiments with L. arabinosus enzyme, which demonstrated that during lactate formation from pyruvate added pyruvate did not. equilibrate with ‘enzyme bound pyruvate,’ suggestthe possibility of a similar situation in the case of OAA. However, the lack of OAA reduction by TPNH and ME. still disfavors OAA as intermediate. It shouldbe pointed out that, if OAA is not the intermediate, the arguments derived from experiments with combined MDH and OAA decarboxylase quoted above lose someof their cogency. In other words, it is still conceivable that a combination of two appropriate enzymes acting on the true intermediates may catalyze the reductive carboxylation of pyruvate. Such experimental duplication of the action of a double-headedenzyme by two separableenzymes (aldehyde dehydrogenase and transacetylase) has been discussedin the case of triose January 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTID~-LINKED ENZYMES 31 phosphate dehydrogenase (93). Since a reductive carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to malate has been demonstrated (214), it should be possibleto imitate ‘malic’ enzyme by the following seriesof reactions. (I) pyruvate + ATP e phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) + ADP (2) ADP + ITP e ATP + IDP (3) PEP + IDP + COee OAA + ITP (4) OAA + DPNH + H++ malate + DPN Since, in a system which rapidly regeneratesATP and which has a high ATP/ ADP ratio, large amounts of phosphoenolpyruvate can be formed (so), the reductive carboxylation of pyruvate to malate should readily take place. In fact the above series of reactions is probably responsiblefor the earlier data of Utter et al. (215) and of Kaltenbach and Kalnitsky (216) on the synthesis of OAA from pyruvate. b) ‘Isocitric’ enzyme (isocitric dehydrogenase). TPN-LINKED ISOCITRIC ENZYME. The enzyme isolated from animal tissues (217) catalyzes the reversible oxidative Mn++ decarboxylation of n-isocitrate to cyketoglutarate. D-isocitrate + TPNf $ cxketoglutarate + CO2 + TPNH + Hf. The reaction has been assumedto go through oxalosuccinate (OSA) as an intermediate, but similar to the reaction catalyzed by ‘malic’ enzyme, a) the dehydrogenaseand carboxylase have not been separated b) OSA has not been established as an intermediate of isocitrate dehydrogenation. However, in contrast to WE., isocitric dehydrogenasecatalyzes the reduction of OSA with TPNH. Reversibility of the over-all reaction was demonstrated spectrophotometricallv as well as by a coupled oxidation-reduction reaction. By regenerating TPNH with glucose-6-phosphatein the presence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase the reductive carboxylation of a! ketoglutarate to isocitrate occurred as follows: Glucose-6-phosphate + TPN+ -+ 6-phosphogluconate a! ketoglutarate + CO2 + TPNH + + TPNH + H+ H+ -+ D-isocitrate + TPNf _-Sum: Glucose-6-phosphate + a! ketoglutarate + C O2 --+ 6-phosphogluconate + D-isocitrate If measuredin bicarbonate buffer the two acid groups which are formed in the reaction release2 CO2 while only I CO2 is fixed. Thus by this ingeniousmethod the rate of CO2 fixation is measuredby the CO2 liberated. The kinetics and specificity of the decarboxylation of oxalosuccinate have been extensively reviewed by Ochoa (208) and will not be discussedhere. It may be mentioned that the great specificity and the high affinity of the enzyme for TPN and D-isocitric acid make it a very suitable tool for the specific determination of these components. Lotspeich and Peters (218) have recently investigated the sulfhydryl properties of the enzyme. Monosubstituted arsenicalswere inactive, but diphenylchlorarsine was found to be inhibitory. Iodoacetate was without effect, but pchloromercuribenzoate, which appears to be the most generally effective SH inhibitor, was toxic. This type of rather specific distribution of susceptibility is very much in line with the observations of Barron and Singer (191) and emphasizesthe points stressedby theseauthors. DPN-LINKED ISOCITRIC ENZYME. A DPN specific enzyme which catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitric acid to LYketoglutarate was found in bakers? 32 l-3. RACKER I~‘Olm2t335 and brewers’ yeast, which contained also the TPN-linked enzyme (61). The DPNlinked enzyme required catalytic amounts of adenosine-5’.phosphate,which was found to have a high affinity for the enzyme (Km = IO-~ M). Adenosine-2’-phosphate, adenosine-g’-phosphate,adenosine, inosine-5’.phosphate and ATP were inactive. ADP had about I per cent of the AMP activity, but it is possiblethat the preparations were not free of myokinase activity. In contrast to the TPN-linked dehydrogenasefrom either animal tissuesor yeast, the DPN-linked enzyme did not react with oxalosuccinate. The enzyme neither catalyzed decarboxylation nor did it reduce OSA in the presenceof DPNH. In fact no inhibition of isocitric oxidation was observed by addition of OSA. It was not possibleto demonstrate reversibility starting with a! ketoglutarate and CO2 under conditions where reductive carboxylation with TPN-linked enzymes occurred. The enzyme required Mg* or 8InS-t for activity and showed nearly 50 per cent inhibition in the presenceof 0.01 a!t sodium cyanide or sodium azide. A. DPN-linked isocitric dehydrogenasefrom animal tissueshas recently been described (81). It was prepared from acetone dried mitochondria of various tissues (muscle, heart, kidney and liver). The 40. to so-fold purified enzyme resembledin many respects the yeast DPN-linked enzyme: metal requirements, lack of reversibility and inhibition by cyanide. However, the animal enzyme did not require addition of adenosine-5’.phosphatefor activity. In view of the other similarities it would be desirable to know whether the enzyme as well as the DPN preparation were free of AMP, particularly since somecommercial preparations of DPN contain AMP. c) ‘PhosphogIuconic’ enzyme. This enzyme has been shown to catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of D-6-phosphogluconate to ribulose-s-phosphate (219). D-6phosphogluconate + TPN+ g D-ribulose-s-phosphate+ CO2 + TPNH + H*. The properties of this enzyme purified from brewers’ yeast resemblethe ‘malic’ enzyme in several respects. a) No separation of oxidation and decarboxylation activity could be achieved in the course of a procedure which resulted in so-fold purification of the enzyme. b) The hypothetical intermediate, 3-keto phosphogluconate, could not be isolated or demonstrated. c>As in the ‘malic’ enzyme the over-all process is reversible and CO2 fixation into D-6-phosphogluconatecould be demonstrated. d) The enzyme is activated by Mg* or Mntt- and produces a keto compound as end product of oxidative decarboxylation (cf. 220). These findings support Horecker’s theory of the oxidation of the p hydroxy group as the reaction mechanism. However, Uehara has proposed an alternative mechanism(221). He suggestsan oxidation of phosphogluconateto 2-ketophosphogluconate followed by a cleavage to hydroxypyruvate and triose phosphate. The latter combineswith decarboxylated hydroxypyruvate on the enzyme to form ribulose-s-phosphate.This alternative hypothesis might be acceptable were it not for Horecker’s experiments which demonstrated the reductive carboxylation of ribulosej-phosphate to form phosphogluconate. CO2 fixation into hydroxvpyruvate has e not been demonstrated. Partially purified preparations from rat liver have been studied (222). The enzyme has an alkaline PH optimum (PH 9.0 in glycylglycine) and is slightly stimulated by someions (AfIg++,Mn++, Ca++ at 10~~M) but strongly inhibited by IO-” M Hgtt. The Kgnfor 6-PC was found to be 9 X IO-~ M at PH 9.0 and I X row5h5at PH 7.6 as compared to 5 X 10~~M of the yeast enzyme at PH 7.6. The Km value for TPN was much lessPH sensitive (2.4 X 10~~M at PH 9.0 and 2.8 X IO-~ M at prx 7.6). ,4 number January PYRIDIXE 1955 NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 33 of SH inhibitors were found to inactivate the enzyme, 2.5 X IO-~ M p-chloromercuribenzoate resulting in 83 per cent inactivation. Cystine, which had no effect on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, was found to be highly inhibitory to ‘phosphogluconic’ enzyme. Both nicotinamide and ATP compete with the nucleotide coenzyme for the enzyme. Of interest is the pronounced difference in enzyme content between the two sexes. Extracts from the female rat tissues contain more than twice the activity of the ‘phosphogluconic’ enzyme as compared to extracts from male rat tissues. Hydroxy acid thiol ester dehydrogenases (fl keto reductases). An enzyme which catalyzes the reaction 0 1I RCHOH-CH&-S-CoA + DPN+ + 0 0 II II R-C-CHH:!-C-S-CoA + DPNH + H+ has been purmed from liver tissue (223, 224). The enzyme appearsto react also with the S-acetoacetyl derivative of N-acetyl thioethanolamine, the CoA analog prepared by Lynen and his collaborators, as well aswith CoA, sincea 3oo-fold purification of the enzyme from sheepliver extract failed to separate the activities with the two thiol esters. From equilibrium studies at PH 7.0 and 7.4 with S-acetoacetyl-N-acetyl thio[acetoacetyl - sR] EDpNH] LH+] = 2 x Io-lO (cf 225) ethanolamine, K = . , wh.1ie [hydroxybutyryl - SR] [DPN] for CoA the K value = 6.3 X 10-1~ (225). This marked difference between the two values of K may well be an expressionof the influence exerted by the thiol residueon the equilibrium. However, other factors such as enzyme concentration and effect of buffers and ionic strength affecting K values have been discussedin connection with ADH and MDH. A study with the two thiol estersunder,comparableconditions would be of considerableinterest. It is apparent that the EO for the hydroxyacidketo acid system is considerably raised by combination with a thiol compound, particularly in the caseof CoA. These shifts in the redox potential may well assume physiologica. significance in the regulation of cell metabolism. All hydroxv acid thiol esters of Co-4 from C4 to Cl2 were found to be oxidized by highly p&ified preparations of the dehydrogenasefrom beef liver mitochondria (224). TPN cannot substitute for DPN. It has been shown that D-hydroxybutyryl-CoA is the substrate for the enzyme, the L-isomerbeing inactive (224, 226). Hydroxyl thiol ester dehydrogenaseswhich react with thiol compounds other than CoA also exist. Yeast extracts have been found to catalyze the oxidation of hydroxy thiol estersof glutathione (cf. 93) but neither the products nor the enzymes have been characterized as yet. Hemiacetal Dehydrogenases. Enzymes oxidizing hemiacetals.a) Glucose dehydrogenase (glucoseDH). GlucoseDH purified from beef liver (193, 227) catalyzes the reversible reaction: P-Glucose + DPN+(TPN+) e Gluconolactone + DPNH [Gluconolactone] [DPNH] [H+] = (TPNH) + H+. From the K, at PH 6.7 (227) X = [Glucose] [DPN] 3 X rod. However, Brink (193) reported a K value of 3 X IO-?. The enzyme acts on glucopyranose and oxidizes it to the lactone by removal of 34 E.RACKER l~olzcnz e 35 hydrogens from the hemiacetal. The lactone can be hydrolyzed spontaneously to gluconic acid, but a lactonase which accelerates the reaction has been described recently by Brodie (228). It is conceivable that a phosphorolytic cleavage of the lactone, analogous to the phosphorolysis of thiol esters, may be used by cells as a mechanism for trapping the energy of the oxidative step. SPECIFICITY. Purified glucose dehydrogenaseoxidizes D-xylose as well as giucase, but the pentose is oxidized at one-fourth the rate. The following substances were unaffected : raffinose, lactose, maltose, CYD-glucoheptose, ,B D-glucoheptose, D-mannose, D-fructose, D-ribose, D-glyceraldehyde, glycolaldehyde, acetaldehyde and several phosphorylated hexoses. Galactose and arabinose were very slowly oxidized compared to glucose.Since crude extracts oxidized these two sugarsat comparatively faster rates (about 20% of that of glucose) the possibility of a separate dehydrogenasefor thesesugarswas suggested.GlucoseDH preparations of somewhat higher purity were completely inactive with arabinoseand showedvariable activitk with different galactose samples (193). Since galactose obtained commercially is frequently contaminated with small amounts of glucosethe positive experiments may have been due to the presenceof glucose.Whether the crude extracts have a galactose and arabinosedehydrogenaseor a ‘waldenase’type enzyme (which transforms galactose into glucose) coupled to glucose dehydrogenaseremains to be explored. Comparative rates with a and ,&glucopyranose indicated that the latter is the primary substrate since cu-glucosewas oxidized after a lag period of over I minute and at a considerably slower rate. Similarly (5xylose appears to be the primary substrate. The product of the oxidation is suggested to be the &gluconolactone; however definite evidence on this point is still lacking. The published curves show little differencesin the rate of utilization of 6- and y-gluconolactone at comparableDPNH concentrations. These findings are complicated by contamination of the y-lactone by small amounts of Ei-lactone(227). INHIBITORS OF GLUCOSE DEHYDROGENASE (193, 229). A number of compounds structurally related to the pyridine nucleotides have been shown to inhibit the enzyme. It is concluded from the inhibitory action of nicotinamide, adenine, adenosine, ATP and others, that DPX has several points of attachment to the protein Pyridoxal and 4-pyridoxic acid are particularly potent inhibitors. Of interest is the inhibitory action of high concentrations of phosphate in connection with earlier studies of Harrison discussedbelow. Phosphorylated hexoses,pen.toses,glucose-& phosphate, fructose-I, 6diphosphate and others are competitive inhibitors of glucose. Since the binding of glucose-&phosphate is over 10,000 times as tight as that of glucose, and very small concentrations of glucose-6-phosphateinhibit glucose oxidation, the question of the physiological function of the enzyme has been raised (193, 229). It has been pointed out previously (153) that the experiments of Stetten and Stetten, showing a lack of isotopic dilution of urinary gluconate-Clj, have caused doubt in regard to the contribution made to the gluconate pool by the reaction catalyzed by glucosedehydrogenase. A rather interesting observation which does not seem to have been explored further was made by Harrison over 20 years ago (230). He reported that addition of xanthine oxidase to a preparation of glucose dehydrogenaseleads to the inactivation of the latter provided a hydrogen acceptor, either oxygen or methylene blue, is also present. Neither of the two enzyme preparations was pure enough to permit definite conclusions.The suggestionof the author that an aldehyde group on the enzyme is functional is worthy of further investigation, particularly in view of his January WRIDIKE 1955 NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 35 supporting experiments on the reversible inactivation of the enzyme by bisulfite. Also of interest is the observed protective effect of phosphate against this unique type of inactivation by xanthine oxidase in view of the reported reactivity of the enzyme with phosphate and sugar phosphate. Attempts to detect an absorption shift with DPNH and the enzyme similar to that describedwith ADH have been unsuccessful(193). b) Glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase (G-6-p DH). G-6-p DH catalyzes the reversible oxidation of G-6-p to the corresponding lactone (23I, 232). Glucose-6 phosphate + TPN+ e 6-phosphogluconolactone+ TPNH + H+. A simple procedure yielding a very active preparation of G-6-p DH has been published (233). Reversibility has been demonstrated with the &lactone of phosphogluconate (232). The gluconolactonase discussedabove catalyzes also the hydrolysis of the phosphogluconolactone (228). The lL for TPN and for glucose-6phosphateis 1.3 X 10~~ M for the liver enzyme, which is susceptibleto SH inhibitors such as p-chloromercuribenzoate and iodosobenzoate. Extracts from female rat tissuescontain about twice the activity of glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase as extracts from male rat tissues. G-6-p DH is considerably more inhibited by phosphate than is glucose DH (222). G-6-p dehydrogenasefrom E. coli has been shown to be stimulated by Mg* and Ca++, but inhibited by copper, zinc and other ions (234) Thiohemiacetal dehydrogenases (aEdehyde dehydrogenases). The nucleotide-linked aldehyde dehydrogenaseswill be provisionally classedin this group with the exception of glyceraldehyde3-phosphate dehydrogenase (TDH) which will be placed in group II. The reaction catalyzed by the thiohemiacetal dehydrogenasescan be written as follows: l (I) RICH0 + SHR:! 6 R1 CHOH SR2 (2) RICHOH-SR:! + DPN’S (y) RICSR~ RICSRz + DPNH + H+ II 0 --+ RICOOH + SH R2 + Et0 II 0 or 0 (3b) RIG-SR2 II 0 + H3P04 e RI-C // \ + SHRz OPOJI2 The evidence for the participation of an SH group is not equally good for each one of the aldehyde dehydrogenasesdiscussedbelow. Indications for the participation of a thiohemiacetal in aldehyde oxidation can be obtained in those casesin which one can demonstrate a specific cofactor, e.g. CoA in the bacterial dehydrogenase (130, 235) or glutathione in formaldehyde dehydrogenasefrom yeast (93, 236) or liver (237). When the SH groups of the enzymes participate in the reaction and no free SH compound is needed, evidence for thiohemiacetal participation is difficult to obtain. Alternative hypotheses of either aldehyde dehydrogenation to a ketene, followed by hydrolysis, or oxidation of an aldehyde hydrate must be en- 36 E. RACKER Vdume 35 tertained. The rather general SH character of most of the nucleotide-linked aldehyde dehydrogenases points however to the unified view of thiohemiacetal participation. a:) Liver aldehyde dehydxogenase. This enzyme although only partially purified from liver has been completely separated from alcohol dehydrogenase and has no mutase activity (77). It catalyzes the reaction: Acetaldehyde + DPN+ 4 acetic acid + DPNH + Hf. The equilibrium of the reaction is far to the right and attempts to reverse the reaction have been unsuccessful. SPECIFICITY. The enzyme reacts with DPN; TPN is inactive. Several aldehydes are oxidized by the enzyme preparation:-formaldehyde, glycolaldehyde, propionaldehvde, butylaldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, imidazolacetaldehyde (238), salicylaldehyde and benzaldehyde. Benzaldehyde is oxidized at a very slow rate (239) and inhibits markedly the oxidation of acetaldehyde (77). This finding and other observations with inhibitors may be quoted in favor of a single enzyme which activates the aliphatic as well as the aromatic aldehydes. In view of the fact that the enzyme preparations are not pure, the possibility that two separableenzymes are involved should still be considered.The oxidation of betaine aldehyde by the enzyme preparations will be discussedlater. Of considerable interest are the studies of Kendal and Ramanathan (240) on the formation of estersin a DPN-linked aldehyde oxidation system from horseliver. In the presenceof formaldehyde and methanol a volatile ester was obtained with the properties of methylformate. At first the reaction was believed to be due to a combination of action of ADH and Ald DH giving rise to an oxidation-reduction of the aldehyde. In such a system the methanol can be visualized as competing with water for the acylenzyme, giving rise to an alcoholysis instead of a hydrolysis. Since the enzyme was found to be quite resistant to IAA, the idea of aldehyde dehydrogenaseparticipation was later abandoned. The authors suggest as an alternative hypothesis that ADH may also catalyze the oxidation of a hemiacetal formed between the aldehyde and the alcohol. Thus ADH could catalyze the complete dismutation. Although a similar possibility has been considered to explain data obtained with crystalline ADH from yeast in the presenceof GSH thiohemiacetals(88) rigid evidence for oxidation of hemiacetals by ADH is lacking. The experiments demonstrating a failure of IAA to inhibit the formation of the volatile ester do not rule out the participation of aldehyde dehydrogenase.The latter enzyme is far less sensitive to IAA than is TDH and inhibition by IAA is obtained only after considerable time of exposure to the inhibitor. Moreover, little is known about the limiting factor during ester formation and more direct evidence than the effect of an inhibitor is needed. INHIBITORS. Ald DH is an SH enzyme. During dialysis it becomesinactive, unlesseither ethylene diamine tetraacetate (‘Versene’) or cysteine is added. Once the enzyme is ‘oxidized’, only partial restoration has been obtained with SH compounds (40). The enzyme is markedly inhibited by tetraethylthiuram disulfide and by chloralhydrate (241, 242); the latter inhibits competitively with ,the substrate, the former noncompetitively. The inhibition of the enzyme by these drugs may have physiological significance, which was discussedelsewhere(88). The question has been raised of the identity of the liver enzyme and glyceraldehyde-+phosphate dehydrogenase(243) which has been shown also to oxidize nonphosphorylated aldehydes, although at a slow rate. However, there can be little doubt that liver aldehyde dehydrogenase is not identical with triose phosphate Janzrcrrq, I t) j j PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 37 dehydrogenase (TDH) for the following reasons: a) The substrate specificity is different ; the liver enzyme is inactive with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. b) The liver enzyxne cm be saturated at very low substrate concentrations while TDH is not saturated by aldehyde concentration 1000 times as high. c> Arsenate or phosphate doesnot stimulate acetaldehyde oxidation by the liver enzyme, but doeswith TDPlf. d) Acetyl phosphate is not reduced by the liver enzyme but is by TDH. e) The enzymes behave differently during purification and can be separated. b) Yeast aldehyde dehydrogenases. An enzyme similar to liver Ald DH has been obtained from yeast (78). The enzyme was found to require SH groups as well as pot,assiumions for activity, Rubidium or NH*+ substituted for K.+, but Lif, Na+ and Cs+ inhibited. p-Chloromercuribenzoate inhibited at low concentrations ( IO-4 M), glutathione reactivated. Benzaldehyde was oxidized by the yeast enzyme, while salicylaldehyde was not. Formaldehyde and other aliphatic aldehydes (including succinic semialdehyde) were oxidized at a rate considerably slower than acetaldehyde. DPN (Km = 1.3 X IO-* M at PH 8.7 and 0.3 X IO-* M at PH 7.7) was usedat about the samerate as TPN. The purified enzyme contained only negligible amounts of pantothenic acid or lipoic acid. A TPN specific enzyme has been isolated from bakers’ yeast (244). It differs from the above yeast enzyme in its lack of a K+ requirement. Instead, it is stimulated by divalent cations (Ca*, Mgft, Ba* or Mn.+f). Acetaldehyde, glycolaldehydepropiona1dehyd.eand formaldehyde were shown to act assubstrates.Km for acetaldehyde = 3.5 x Io-5 III, for glycolaldehyde = 2.2 X 10~~ M and for TPN = 1.4 X IO---~ M. No data on the susceptibility of the enzyme to SH inhibitors are recorded. c) CoA-linked bacterial dehydrogenases. Extracts from CL Kluyveri (235) and from E. col-i (130) contain an enzyme which catalyzes the reaction: acetaldehyde + CoA + DPN+ ; acetyl CoA + DPNH + H+. Crude CL kluyveri extracts react with DPN and TPN, but with partially purified enzyme only DPN is active. Glycolaldehyde, propionaldehyde and butyraldehyde were oxidized at about one-third the rate of acetaldehyde. Formaldehyde, chloral and benzaldehyde were negative. No oxidation occurred in the absenceof CoA SH, which was required in stoichiometric [acetyl CoA] [DPNH] [H+] amounts to yield acetyl CoA as the end product. K = [acetaldehyde] [DPN] = I.2 x 10 --d.From the equilibrium constant and the AF of the DPN-linked oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid a AF for the hydrolysis of acetyl CoA of 13,040calories was calculated, which appears to be in good agreement with other data (245), but using a slightly different set of values for the DPN potential and the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid, a value of about - 8000 calorieswasobtained. This latter figure is in closer agreement with the AF of hydrolysis for other thiol esters (246). d) Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase. A stimulation of betaine aldehyde oxidation by DPN was observedby Klein and Handler (161). As mentioned above betaine aIdehyde is oxidized by purified preparations of Ald DH from liver, a reaction which is also inhibited by tetraethylthiuram disulfide (241). Recently another DPNlinked enzyme from rat liver, which is apparently specific for betaine aldehyde and is an SH enzyme has been obtained by Rothschild and Barron (165). The partially purified enzyme requires cysteine or GSH for activity. Acetaldehyde and glyceraldehyde (IO-~ M) inhibit betaine oxidation about 50 per cent. Formation of a thiohemiacet.aI as an intermediate has been suggested(165). FORMALDEHUDE DEHYDROGENASE. A DPN-linked formaldehyde oxidizing en- E. RACKER 38 zyme (93) has been partially purified from yeast (236) and from liver (237). Both enzymes require glutathione6 as cofactor and are DPN specific. The liver and yeast enzyme has been found to be inactive with acetaldehyde and various other aldehydes but the yeast enzyme oxidizes methyl glyoxal as well as formaldehyde (236). It is possible however that i-he activity with methyl glyoxal is due to a separate‘enzyme. BENZALDEHYDE DEIIYDROGENASE. Extracts from Pseudomonas jluoresce~~s grown on n-]L-mandelatecontain 2 separable enzymes oxidizing benzaldehyde (247). One is a DPN-, the other a TPN-linked dehydrogenase.Since even crude extracts contain little dehydrogenaseactivity for aldehydes other than benzaldehyde, the enzymes are consideredto be rather specific benzaldehyde dehydrogenasesinduced by mandelate or its meta.bolicproduct,s. Formic Dehydrogenase. This enzyme catalyzes the reaction, HCOOH + DlW+ * CO2 + DPNH + H+. DPN-linked formic dehydrogenasehas been purified from pea seeds(248-250). The reaction is irreversible for all practical purposes,sinceinsignificant amounts of C1402were incorporated into formic acid (249). Formic dehydrogenaseis one of the few nucleotide-linked dehydrogenasesreported to have a high sensitivity to cyanide. At IO-~ M concent-ration cyanide (248, 249), azide and pchloromercuribenzoate (250) inhibit the activity nearly completely while Fe+++, Cu++ and iodosoben’zoateinhibit strongly. IAA has no effect. The inhibition due to cyanide and azide is reversed by dialysis. These interesting properties of formic dehydrogenaseare not unlike those of other enzymes which require SH groups as well as a metal for full act,ivation. Group II The enzymes to be cliscussedin this group are consideredto catalyze a cleavage of an S-R or an S-S bond by an aldehyde or an a-ketoacid. The processresults in the formation of a thiol ester and a reduced cofactor. Since this type of aldehyde and keto acid oxidation has received considerableattention in the past few years (4, 13, 93), the discussionhere will be limited to an analysis of more recent developments and to aspectswhich have received lessattention in other reviews. Glycerafdehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Triose Phosphate Dehydrogenase = TDH). TDH has been obtained as crystalline protein from yeast ancl from rabbit muscle (cf. 72). It catalyzes the over-all reaction: CHPOP03H2CHOHCH0 + DPN+ + HP04= e 0 CHPOPO;1H2CHOHC / \ + DPNH + H’ OPO.7= The enzyme requires free sulfhydryl groups for activity and unlessprecautions are taken during the isolation procedure, particularly from rabbit muscle,the enzyme is obtained in the ‘oxidized’ form, i.e. it requires addition of an SH compound for maximal activity. It has been found (45) that if the isolation of the muscleenzyme is carried out in the presenceof a metal binder, e.g. KCN or ethylene diamine tetraacetate (EDTA), addition of an SH compound is not required. The enzyme is ‘fully 6 Miss Zelda Budenstein at Yale University has recently synthesized what glutathione. The synthetic preparation when added to the purified yeast enzyme of DPNH. appears resulted to be fox-my1 in oxidation hnuary 1955 PYKIDINE NC’CLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 39 reduced.’ It should be mentioned here that for the st,udy of the mechanism of action it has been important to deal with ‘fully reduced’ enzyme and several misinterpretations are in the literature because of the use of ‘oxidized enzyme.’ On the other hand it is difficult to define the fully reduced enzyme, since reactivation by SH compounds does not necessarily give full reactivation and varies with the different SH compounds used. From studies to be discussed below it may be concluded that fully reduced enzyme can be obtained by increasing the concentration of EDTA IOfold over that originally recommended (45) or by treatment of partially oxidized enzyme with BAL (128). An analysis of the amino acid content and of the end groups of the muscle and the yeast enzyme (70) revealed a high valine and low glutamic acid content in both proteins. Amino end group analysis yielded two valine end groups. No glutamic acid end group was obtained. The striking similarity between the two proteins has been emphasized (72). In fact it is felt that someof the quoted dissimilarities, with the exception. of the immunological differences, may be more apparent than real and due to differences in preparative methods and test conditions. For instance the striking difference in stability of the two enzymes in the absenceof DPN disappears when the muscle enzyme is fully reduced and metal contamination is avoided. Although undoubtedly minor differences exist, the two proteins obtained from so vastly different sourcesshow a remarkable unity of properties. TDH hasbeen shown to bind DPN (83). Recent experiments with fully reduced enzyme have shown that up to 3 molesof DPN can be obtained from each mole of several times recrystallized muscle TDH (so). TDH contains also at least 2 moles of firmly bound gluta thione per mole of enzyme (I 28). The mode of binding of GSH has not been established. GSH is not removed by treatment with charcoal, which removes bound DPN. It should be stressedthat free glutathione is adsorbed quantitatively on charcoal under these conditions. GSH is releasedfrom the enzyme after mild digestion with trypsin. This fact cannot be taken as evidence for a peptide or ester bonding of GSH since alteration in protein configuration may alter the binding properties of the residue. From amino end group analysis (70) it appearsthat GSH doesnot form a free amino end group. Provided that the pretreatment for end group analysis has not lead to a releaseof GSH which would be missedanalytically, one may suggestthat GSH is in a peptide chain, or is bound as a cyclic peptide. The binding of DPN to SH groups of the enzyme was first suggestedby Rapkine (47) who observed protection of the enzyme by DPN against some oxidizing agents. More direct evidence was obtained by spectrophotometric studies which demonstrated an absorption at 360 rnp due to the DPN-enzyme complex and its disappearanceafter treatment with SH inhibitors (45). Quantitative studies on the effect of IAA on the releaseof GSH by proteolytic digestion strongly suggestthat bound GSH is the binding site for DPN (128). These experiments will be discussed later. SpeciJi~i~. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is the most rapidly utilized substrate ulyceraldehyde, butyraldehyde, glycolfor TDH. Acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, b aldehyde, succinic semialdehydeand methyl glyoxal have been shown to be oxidized at considerably slower rates (251). Formation of acyl phosphate with most of these al&hy&s has been demonstrated by hydroxamic acid formation. No evidence for the formation of the acyl phosphate has as yet been published in the caseof glycera&+ydc. Reversibility of the over-all reaction is readily demonstrated with I ,3 diphosphoglyceric acid or acetyl phosphate and DPNH. The depenelcnre on phosphate or arsenate is a function of the substrate used. Without phosphate, 1. qlvceralde4 hyde-s-phosphate is hardly oxidized at all by TDH, while with some mu~le ‘I’DH preparations, glyceraldehyde is oxidized at the same rate in the presence ;JS in the absence of phosphate or arsenate. With acetaldehyde, a pronounced arsenate effect can be readily observed. This variation in phosphate dependence of the oxidation of different substrates is probably a reflection of the stability of the various acyl enzymes, e.g. glyceryl-enzyme being more labile than acetyl-enzyme. It is of interest to note that a similar labilization due to the presence of a hydroxyl group has been observed with thiol esters of GSH, e.g. glycolyl glutathione being more M~ile t ban acetyl glutathione. It has been known for many years that arsenate can replace phospl~te in the reaction catalyzed by TDH. It has been proposed that arsenate acts similarly to phospha.te by forming a I-arseno+phosphoglycerate, which is believed to be very labile and to be hydrolyzed spontaneously into free phosphoglyceric acid and arsenate. Alternatively, the possibility may be suggested that the 3.-arse~lo-~~-phosphoglycerate never occurs in solution but that arsenate and phosphoglycerate are separately released by the enzyme. This explanation is in line with the ability of the enzyme to hydrolyze acyl phosphates, a reaction which will be discussed later. Mechanism uj action. From the studies of kinetics and transfer reactions of acyl and phosphate groups which have been reviewed elsewhere(93) the fr)llowing z-step reaction sequencehas been shown to occur: reaction a) 0 / RC \ ‘\ ‘H + DPN+ + Enzyme-SH r” 0 // R C-S Enzyme + DPN 1-I -+- I-l+ 0 reaction b) // RG-S Enzyme + phosphate e 0 RC / + 3:nzynle- 231 \ Sum: ‘OPOsHz ______--_-l___ -------------0 / RCC + DPN+ + phosphate r‘ ‘\ “H --__... -.. 0 RC / \ + DPXII OPO~H’L The evidence for this reaction sequencemay be analyzed as follows: $- 11’ January 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 41 I) Reaction (b), the phosphorolytic step, can be functionally separated from oxidation-reduction since arsenolysis as well as P32 exchange has been shown to occur in the absenceof added DPNH. The evidence is not entirely conclusive since bound DPN is required for these reactions and a shuttling mechanism involving oxidation-reduction of bound DPN could not be entirely ruled out. However, IAAtreated enzyme, which did not catalyze oxidation-reduction even in the presenceof GSH, did catalyze arsenolysisif GSH was added. z) The enzyme catalyzes an acyl transfer to either GSH or CoA. This reaction can be carried out from either the aldehyde or the acyl phosphate and does not require inorganic phosphate; in fact the latter inhibits the reaction. -7) The occurrence of oxidation without phosphorylation, e.g. with glyceraldehyde as substrate, has been frequently cited as evidence for the formation of acyl enzyme. This cannot be consideredsatisfactory evidence, since it is obvious that the dehydrogenation of an aldehyde hydrate or the formation of a ketene could be an alternative explanation for this observation; in the case of the aldehyde dehydrogenasesfrom liver and yeast which are not stimulated at all by phosphate attempts to detnonstrate the formation of acyl enzyme have so far failed. 4) Perhaps the most cogent evidence has come from the direct demonstration of acyl enzyme formation. Using enzyme as stoichiometric reagent with acetyl phosphate assubstrate, up to I .8 equivalents of acyl groupshave beenshown to be formed on t,he enzyme. Two methods have been used to stabilize the enzyme-substrate compound, both consisting of a processof enzyme inactivation. The enzyme was either boiled at PH 4.5, at which acetyl phosphate is destroyed; or the hydrolysis was prevented by removing DPN from the enzyme. Since DPN is required for the hydrolysis or phosphorolysisof the acyl enzyme, stable preparations of acyl enzyme can thus be obtained.7Acyl enzyme has also been obtained with the natural substrate glyceraldehyde-g-phosphate. The TDH-DPN complex has been shown to exhibit an absorption with a flat maximum at. about 360 rnp, which was diminished by addition of SH inhibitors such as IAA or p-chloromercuribenzoate, by oxidation of the SH with oxidizing agents such as Hz02 or iodine and finally and most significantly by the addition of the substratesacetyl phosphate or I ,3 diphosphoglycerate. From these experiments it was proposed that a) the DPN-S-enzyme complex participates in the catalysis and b) a cleavage of S-C bond of the complex by the aldehyde takes place (aldehydolysis) resulting in the formation of acyl enzyme and reduced DPN. This process of aldehydolysis was proposed in preference to the previously suggestedmechanism of thiohemiacetal formation. However, other investigators have favored the thiohemiacetal as the primary intermediate becauseof the pronounced protective effect of 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde against IAA inhibition (127, 129). Since the phosphorylated substrate is an effective protector even in the absenceof DPN, the formation of a thiohemiacetal as the primary step was suggested,and a correlation between the protective ability and effectivenessas substrate was pointed out (129). A more detailed study of the protection mechanism revealed that such a correlation does not exist,. Substanceswere found, like 3-phosphoglycerate, which neither serve as substrate nor are capable of thiohemiacetal formation, but which effectively protected TDH agai,nst IAA (128). It is clear from these experiments and from the 7 Crystsllitle preparations of acyl enzyme (free of DPN) have been recently obtained by Dr. I‘. Krimsky in our laboratory. These preparations gave a positive hydroxylamine reaction even after boiling at plr ‘4.5 (which destroyed any residual acetyl phosphate). When DPNH was added to large amour& of acy1 enzyme, reoxidation of the nucleotide and formation of acetaldehyde took place. 42 E. RACKER Vohbme 35 high affinity of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate that the substrate interacts with the enzyme at more than one site and eliminates the objections raisedby Segal and Boyer (I 2 7) against the aldehydolysis mechanism. When prior to the addition of DPN, acetaldehyde was added to the enzyme to permit the primary formation of the thiohemiacetal, a marked inhibition (over 90 %) of the reaction rate was observed (so). The observation is dficult to reconcile with the theory of hemiacetal formation and favors the participation of the DPN-Scomplex in the reaction. The evidence for the participation of bound GSH in the reaction mechanism rests on the following: 1) Glutathione is releasedfrom the enzyme by proteolytic digestion. Addition of 3 equivalents of IAA, which are required to abolish the activity and the 360 rnp absorption complex, completely blocks the releaseof free GSH by tryptic digestion of TDH. 2) N-ethyl maleimide in excessalso inhibits the enzyme and the tryptic release of GSH. In the presenceof the substrate, acetyl phosphate, the activity as well as the releaseof free GSH is protected. 3) Digestion of acyl enzyme with trypsin leadsto the releaseof a thiol ester with the properties of acetyl glutathione (128). The crystalline enzyme has been shown to catalyze an oxidation-reduction step and a phosphorolvsis. In addition the following activities are catalyzed by crystalline TDH: a) Phosphotransacetylase.In the presence of acetyl phosphate and GSH or CoA the formation of acetyl glutathione or acetyl CoA has been shown (45, 59). However, the reaction proceeds at a slow rate and is very likely dependent on a nonenzymatic acyl group transfer similar to that observed by Stadtman (I IO) and by Wieland (IO). Acyl enzyme + RSH e acyl-SR + SH enzyme. b) Thiol esterase.Thiol estersare slowly hydrolyzed by TDH. This reaction too, is probably dependent on the chemical acyl transfer and secondary hydrolysis of acyl enzyme in the absenceof acyl acceptor. c) TDH has been shown to catalyze the reaction: DPNH -+ DPNX (252) which can be followed by the lossof absorption at 340 rnp. The structure of DPNX is unknown but supposedly identical with the compound obtained when DPNH is exposed to acid solution. DPNX is inactive as oxidation-reduction catalyst, but can be partially converted into DPN by crude yeast extract in the presenceof AT-P (253). d) Acyl phosphatase. Acetyl phosphate has been shown to be hydrolyzed by oxidized enzyme (59). Similar observations have been made with ‘fully reduced’ enzyme, demonstrating considerable instability of acyl enzyme in the presenceof DPN. Harting’s observation of an accelerated phosphatasereaction with oxidized enzyme was confirmed. IAA-treated enzyme was a.lsofound to have a higher phosphatase activity than reduced TDH. Both GSH and GSSG inhibited the hydrolysis of acetyl phosphate by the enzyme (so). From these observations one might speculate about the significance of other ‘phosphatase’activities found so frequently in cells damaged by enzymologists or by histochemists. Could they (the phosphatases)be artifacts? Could an important function such as that of a group transfer have ‘degenera.ted’into a hydrolytic process?It is of interest in this connection that some of the phosphataseshave been reported to be inhibited by SH compounds or activat,ed by iodoacetate like the phosphataseactivity of TDH (cf. 254). January PYRIDINE I955 NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 43 It is apparent from the above discussion that TDH looks more like a Medusa head than a simple double-headed enzyme. In summary one can outline the activity of this enzyme as follows: Under ‘normal’ conditions with fully reduced enzyme, the first step in the forward and back reaction is the formation of acyl enzyme. If the enzyme is deprived of DPN, acyl enzyme is stabilized. In the back reaction with acetyl phosphate, the acyl enzyme is reduced by DPNH and acetaldehyde is formed. In the forward reaction after the oxidative step has occurred the acyl group is transferred to another site on the enzyme and in the presence of phosphate or arsenate, it dissociates as acet.yl phosphate or as acetate and arsenate. This other site, the existence of which has been postulated because of the occurrence of arsenolysis in IAAtreated enzyme, is probably identical with the site responsible for the phosphatase activity. Both activities are dependent on the presence of DPN. If the enzyme is oxidized or blocked by IAA, the hydrolysis takes preference over transfer since no acyl acceptor group is present. The inhibitor effect of GSH and GSSG on the hydrolysis of acetyl phosphate by TDH remains to be explained. An interaction between these inhibitory compounds and the enzyme is indicated by these experiments and is also suggested by the stimulation of arsenolysis by GSH using IAA-treated enzyme. Pyruvic Dehydrogenase System. The enzymes which participate in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA have been proposed to catalyze the following series of reaction: / 0 [ 1 0 (I) CH3-C \ ThPP, -- CHs-C * CH3C \ COOH S \ 0 (2) Mg++ // \ / + H S / 0 II (7 I?;(-C-S R + CoA \ -+ / HS DPN+ -__------- R / HS \ (4) H \ H-S f,;) + HS HS \ HS / co2 0 II CH3-C-S -+ R + R 0 II + CH3--C-SCoA / s R = \ S R + DPNH + H+ / - - ThPP, Mg++ lipox acid r-4 Sum: pyruvate + DPN+ + CoA --yr--+ Acetyl CoA + CO2 + DPNH + II+ According to Gunsalus (255) lipoic acid and ThPP function separately and the enzymes which catalyze reactions 3 and 4 have been fractionated away from the 44 E. RACKER Volzme 35 enzyme or enzymes catalyzing the oxidative decarboxylation. According to Reed (x3) lipoic acid in amide linkage with ThPP is the functional coenzyme, called lipothiamide. It appears that both lipoic acid and lipothiamide may function as acyl and electron transport agents in react&s r-4. Xf lipothiamide can be shown to work with greater efficiency, we may be dealing here with another example of a polyfunctional catalyst -a double-headedcoenzyme. As in the case of the doubleheaded ‘malic’ enzyme, a similar efficiency may be operative with lipothiamide, permitting CO2 fixation into an CYketo acid during photosynthesis, an attractive theory suggestedby Reed (13). However, the available data on CO2 fixation into cyketo acids, even in crude systems which should contain lipothiamide, are not very encouraging. An alternative hypothesis has been proposedby Calvin (256) postulating the direct fixation of CO2 into pentose phosphate. Suggestive evidence in favor of pentose phosphate participation in CO2 fixation is forthcoming (257, 258). Theories concerning the mechanismof pyruvate decarboxylation and formation of ‘active aldehyde’ have been published (13, 255). Reaction 3 represents a thiol transacetylase reaction. Enzymes from 23. coli (259, CL ktuyveri and pigeon liver (259) have been shown to catalyze this type of transfer reaction with reduced lipoic acid. Several other SH compounds such as 2-mercaptoethanol and H& are also active. The enzyme from liver has been separated into two fractions, one reacting preferentially with lipoic acid or 2-mercaptoethanol, the other reacting with I~$. Reaction 4 is catalyzed by lipoic acid dehydrogenaseand will be discussedlater. c11Ketoglutaric Dehydrogenase. The oxidation of CYketoglutarate to succinyl CoA is believed to be analogousto pyruvate oxidation (4, 255). However, no evidence for the formation of succinyl lipoic acid has as yet been obtained. New advances have been made in our knowledge of the stepsfollowing succinyl CoA formation. For the enzymes obtained from animal tissuesthe reactions have been written as (260) : (a,) succinyl CoA + Pi + GDP + succinate + CoA + GTP (b) GTP + ADP e GDP + ATP In the reactions catalyzed by a highly purified enzyme from spinach, evidence for a phosphate acceptor other than ADP has not been obtained (26oa). Phosphate transfers between nucleotides of the type of reacfiofz b have become increasingly recognized in recent years (261, 262). The mechanismof the actual incorporation of inorganic phosphate in the course of reactiorz a into the nucleotide is still obscure. The fact that at least in the animal enzyme system the final phosphate acceptor is GDP may complicate the interpretation of the isotope exchange data. The presenceof a second nucleotide and the enzyme equilibrating it with ATP may account for some of the findings with P32labeled ADP. The purified spinach enzyme catalyzes the incorporation of V4labeled succinate into succinyl CoA and I332-labeledADP into ATP. However, for the incorporation of inorganic P3:! into ATP the complete system containing succinate and CoA is required. Succinyl phosphate has been ruled out as intermediate and accumulation of a free CoA phosphate has also been made unlikely (263). With the availability of GDP and highly purified enzyme, isotope data with Wlabeled GDP may vield information in regard to the sequenceof interactions. P-Aspartyl Se*mialdehyde Dehydrogenase. Black and Wright (264) recxently discovered an enzyme in extracts from bakers’ yeast which catdyzes the reaction, Jawary zg55 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 45 P-aspartyl semialdehyde+ H POd- + TPN+ L p-aspartyl phosphate + TPNH + H+. The enzyme appears to bear a number of similarities to triose phosphate dehydrogenase. It oxidizes reversibly an aldehyde to an acyl phosphate, and catalyzes the cleavage of P-aspartyl phosphate in the presenceof arsenate. The oxidation-reduction as well as the arsenolysisare inhibited by iodoacetate. Grotip III AmiaQ Acid Dehydrogenases. The enzymes in this group catalyze a dehydrogenation processwhich results in the formation of a double bond between two carbon atoms or two nitrogen atoms or a carbon and nitrogen atom. Most of the enzymes in this group have not been studied very extensively and will not be discussedin very great detail. Am&o acid dehydrogenases. The only well-establishedoxidative deamination of an amino acid by a pyridine nucleotide-linked enzyme is catalyzed by L-glutamic dehydrogenase. There is good evidence for the participation of DPN in a number of oxidationreductions of other amino acids particularly in some anaerobic microorganisms (75, 265). But wheth er these reactions are actually catalyzed by specific dehydrogenaseshasnot beendemonstrated. It was shownthat in extracts from CL sporogenes, DPN is reduced in the presenceof alanine, leucine, valine and other amino acids. However, the rate of DPN reduction with alanine, the most active of the group, is still about one-tenth as rapid as with L-glutamic acid. It is therefore apparent that the mechanismproposedby Braunstein (266) may be operative in this system: RNHs + a! ketoglutarate + R-COCOOH + glutamate (transaminase) glutamate + DPN+ e cy ketoglutarate + NH3 + DPNH + H+ (glutamic DH) Sum: RNHZ + DPW g1utamate) RCOCOOH + NH3 + DPNH + H+ As can be seenfrom the experiments of Nisman (79, there are a number of features which actually favor this alternative explanation. KCN and hydroxylamine, which are inhibitors of transaminase,also inhibit ‘alanine dehydrogenase.’Glutamic acid, which acts catalytically, can be shown to arise by proteolysis in well dialyzed bacterial preparations. Although it may be pointed out that someother nucleotidelinked dehydrogenasesare inhibited by KCN (formic DH and isocitric DH) and by hydroxylamine (ADH and glutamic DH), the slow oxidation of the amino acids by CL sporogenes extracts and their inhibition by aldehyde binders make it advisable to postpone acceptance of these specific dehydrogenasesuntil they can be fractioned free of glutamic dehydrogenaseor exceed it in activity. The problem of the hydrogen acceptor amino acids in these anaerobic bacteria is of considerableimportance. For example, glycine or proline can serve as acceptors in the DPN-linked system. In neither casehowever is evidence for a direct transfer of hydrogen from DPKH to the amino acid available. G&am,ic dehydrogenase (gZ&amicDH). Glutamic DH hasbeen crystallized from E. RACKER 46 1~~oltcm.e35 beef liver (115, 194). It catalyzes the reaction, Glutamate e cy ketoglutarate + NH4+ + DPNH(TPNH) + Hf H20 K = [ketoglut~r~~el w34+1 [glutamate] WPNHI [DPN+] m+1 = 2 x $- DPN+(TPN+) Io-15 $- &I (1,34) [H20] Despite the very low equilibrium constant, which is of the same order as that of the glycolic-glyoxylic acid system, the forward reaction is much more readily demonstrated with glutamate than with glycolate. This is understandable in view of the participation of water in the former reaction. a) Specificity. The enzyme reacts with DPN, desamino DPN or TPN as coenzymes. The rate is most rapid with DPN and about one-third as fast with TPN. The rate with desamino-DPN is about 60 per cent that of DPN. The only amino acid which is oxidized by the enzyme is L-glutamic acid. Every derivative of glutamic acid, which has been tested including glutamine and N-acetyl glutamic acid, was found to be inactive. D-glutamate was not oxidized and in fact. at equal molar concentration it inhibited the oxidation of I.-glutamate by so per cent. Km values for DPN and DPNH are about the same (IO-* M), for L-glutamate 1.1 X IO--~ M, for Q! ketoglutarate 0.7 X IO-~ M, for ammonia 5.6 X 10~~ M. Somewhat lower values for K, of DPN, DPNH and a ketoglutarate were reported by Strecker (1x5). b) Inhibitors. In addition to D-glutamate, glutamine and aspartic acid were also found to be inhibitory. Several metals were inhibitory at very low concentrations (Ag+ at 10~~ M). The inhibition by silver ions was not reversed by GSH, while that by p-chloromercuribenzoate (IO-~ M) was. At high concentrations anions were inhibitory (194). c) Mechanism of action. It has been proposed that the reversible oxidation of glutamic acid goes through the imino-glutaric acid as an intermediate (267). This compound was supposed to decompose and to be formed spontaneously. There has been little evidence for this concept and the kinetic evidence presented by Strecker ( IIS) points against the chemical formation of this compound in the course of the reaction. The kinetic approach which was used consists in a study of the effect of one reactant on the apparent Michaelis constant of the second reactant. Essentially the same method has been used by Bticher and Garbade for the study of a possible interaction between reactants (66). This fruitful approach has not been very widely used. Some objections have been raised to conclusions drawn from this type of kinetic data (73). These studies make it unlikely that spontaneously formed imino-glutaric acid is the intermediate in the reaction. An alternative mechanism, consisting of an unsaturation between carbon 2 and 3, followed by enzymatic deamination, was essentially suggested many years ago (268, 269) : I 1 CHNH2 6OOH I II I CH:! CH CH2 s CNH2 t’OOH C HtO II NH3+C-OH I COOH This mechanism could lead to the formation i * 6-O I COOH of an enol rather th.an the keto Junzlary 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 47 form of a-ketoglutarate and should result in a labilization of the hydrogen at carbon 3. Experiments with deuterium may help to exclude this possibility. No interaction between DPNH and glutamic DH could be detected spectraphotometrically and no shift in equilibrium at higher enzyme concentrations similar to that with ADH was observed (194). Dihydroorotic dehydrogenase and others. From a microorganism selected in a medium enriched with erotic acid an enzyme has been obtained (116) which catalyzes the reactions, Dihydroorotic acid + DPN+ s erotic acid + DPNH + H-t. The enzyme appears to be specific for erotic acid (Km = 1.1 X IO--~ a6>.No activity as measuredby DPNH oxidation was found with uracil, cytosine, s-methyl cytosine or thymine nor did any of these compoundsinhibit the enzyme. An interesting result was observed with Mg ++ which had no effect on the initial rate of the reaction, but stimulated when the reaction had proceeded for 20 minutes. Cysteine doubled the activity of the partially purified enzyme. There are several other examples of enzymes which may belong in this category. The TPNH-linked enzymatic cleavage of the hepatic carcinogen +dimethylaminoazobenzeneto NIN-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine and aniline, representing a reduction of RI - N=N - Rz to RlNHz + RzNH2 (270), the reduction of dihydrofolic to tetrahydrofolic acid by DPNH (I 17), and the saturation of some unsaturated steroids by TPNH (271) belong in this group. Also the DPN-stimulated oxidation of cholesterol may have an unsaturated C=C bond as an intermediate (2 72). The conversion of L-phenylalanine to tyrosine by a rat liver preparation (273) and the degradation of 2-C l4 lysine to acetate, butyrate and ammonia by an enzyme from a Clostridium (274) are reactions requiring DPN. It should be made clear, however, that in many of these casesthe oxidation of reduced nucleotide may be mediated by a flavin nucleotide and further study of the enzymes will be necessary to decidewhether a direct transfer of hydrogen from the reducedpyridine nucleotide takes place or is mediated by a flavoprotein or even by a cytochrome enzyme. The latter is implicated in the slow oxidation of DPNH in the presenceof fumarate and heart muscle preparations (275). Group IV This group consistsof enzymes which catalyze hydrogen transfers with SH and SS compounds. As mentioned previously, very marked variations exist among the EL values of various thiol systems, ranging from the verv negative lipothiamide (-0.42 cf. ref. 13) to the positive GSH (+0.04). It is apparent that the position of the equilibrium of a DPN- or TPN-linked system (EL = - 0.32) will depend on t.he particular thiol compound involved. The finding of a cystine reductase in yeast (276) is of interest sinceit may permit evaluation of the potentiometric data for the redox potential of cysteine (-0.14) by an independent method. It has been observed in our laboratory that somewell-dialyzed protein fractions obtained from various tissues (e.g. liver, yeast) catalyze the reduction of DPN or TPN in the absenceof any added substrate. This activity, which has been ascribed in laboratory jargon to ‘nothing dehydrogenase,’is very likely associatedwith SH groups in the fractionated protein and may be related to earlier observations of Hopkins and his collaborators on the reducing capacity of well washed‘tissueresidue’ (277). The protein fractions from liver and yeast which catalyze DPN reduction E. RACKER 48 V&me 35 give a strong nitroprusside test and may contain SH groups with a low enough potential to reduce the nucleotide. Glutathione Reductase (GSSG Reductase). The reaction catalyzed by this enzyme may be written as follows: GSSG + TPNH + H+ --) 2 GSH + TPN+. The enzyme has been demonstrated in plants, animal tissuesand microorganisms. For all practical purposesthe reaction catalyzed by the enzyme is irreversible, which is understandable from the large potential difference of abdut 0.35 volts, Spec@city. The enzyme from wheat germ has been found to be specific for glutathione and not to react with cystine, homocystine, y glutamyl cystine or asparthione. T:he enzyme has been repeatedly stated to have an absolute specificity in regard to TPINH (54, 55). Enzyme preparations of GSSG reductase from yeast and beef liver (57) were found to react quite readily with DPNH provided the test was carried out in phosphate buffer, inhibiting anions were avoided, and rather high concentrations of nucleotide were used. Because of these factors and the considerably slower rate with DPNH, the enzyme can nevertheless be used for the specific determination of TPNH under appropriate conditions. The enzyme from yeast, which has been purified about 3oo-fold, did not react with other S-S compoundstested (cystine, homocystine, cystinyl diglycine, lipoic acid and oxidized CoA). The mechanism of phosphate activation of the reaction with DPNH is of particular interest. It was shown that the stimulation was not due to enzyme stabilization, but attempts to demonstrate a phosphorvlated intermediate with inorganic phosphate labeled with P32have thus far failed.. The reduction of S-S compoundshas received considerableattention in connection with speculationson photosynthesis and the formation of a thiyl free radical was suggested(256). The stimulation of GSSG reductase by phosphate was not influenced by light. Cystine Reductase. An enzyme from yeast was found (276) to catalyze the reaction cystine + DPNH + H+ + 2 cysteine + DPNf. Little information is available on this enzyme, but from the Ei value for cysteine ( -o.L+) it may be predicted that it should be possibleto reduce DPN by high concentrations of cysteine in the presenceof cystine reductase. Lipoic Dehydrogenase. The reaction for the enzyme or enzymes which catalyze the reduction of DPK by lipoic acid or by lipothiamide has been written as follows: SH R / \ S + SH DPNC :R / \I + DPNH + H+ S The equilibrium with lipothiamide is estimated to be far to the right (Ei = ref. 13). The enzyme has been purified from IZ. c02i (255). Hydrogenases and the ‘Hill Reaction.’ The listing of these enzymes in this group is arbitrary and may have to be revised on further analysis. CL khyveri (2 78) and a hydrogenomonas(279) contain a hydrogenase which catalyzes the reduction of DPN by molecular hydrogen. The enzymes are activated by iron, cobalt and som.eother divalent metals. No direct evidence for the participa-0.42:, Jarmary 1955 PYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE-LINKED ENZYMES 49 tion of SH groups in this reaction is available; however, stimulatory effects by SH compounds have been observed (279). Calvin (256) has reported a stimulation of the photochemical cleavage of water by lipoic acid, when the latter is added to the intact cells. The relation of the Hill reaction to pyridine nucleotide-linked systems has been elaborated elsewhere (2 80). Groz@ V9 lbcleotide Transhydrogenases The enzymes in this group catalyze the reaction: DPNH(TPNH) + II+ + pyridine (flavin) nucleotide e DPN+ + reduced pyridine (flavin) nucleotide. Pyridine Nucleotide Transhydrogenase. The transhydrogenation reaction, TPNH + DPN+ e DPNH + TPN+, was shown to be catalyzed by an enzyme obtained from Pseudomonas juorescens (138) and from animal tissues (281). DifEculties were encountered in demonstrating the reversibility of the reaction with the bacterial enzyme, until it was found that TPN is a potent inhibitor of the reaction and that adenosine-2’.phosphate counteracts the inhibition. With the animal enzyme which is not stimulated by adenosine-2’.phosphate the equilibrium was found to be close to unity as expected from the similar values for the redox potential of the two nucleotides. SpeciJicity. The bacterial enzyme catalyzes also the hydrogen transfer from TPNH to desamino TPN and to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN). With DPNH a transfer reaction to desamino DPN and to NMN was observed. The animal enzyme catalyzes the transfer from DPNH to desamino DPN, but not from TPNH to desamino TPN. An interesting speculation was offered (282) that in animal tissues transhydrogenase, which is usually found associated with the tissue particles, may be concerned with the transport of hydrogen from bound to free nucleotides. The enzyme may be of importance for the efficient utilization of free TPNH in coupled phosphorylation by transferring the hydrogen to bound DPN. It may also function in the opposite direction, when ‘carrier DPNH’ is needed. Pyridine-Nucleotide Flavin-Nucleotide Transhydrogenase. These enzymes are widely distributed in animal tissues, plants and microorganisms. They are usually quite spectic for a particular pyridine-nucleotide and sometimes specific for a flavinnucleotide. Some of the yellow enzymes are autooxidizable, e.g. the old yellow enzyme (283) ; some require a dye as hydrogen acceptor, e.g. diaphorase (284) ; some transfer electrons via a metal, e.g. iron in DPNH-cytochrome c reductase (285). Little is known in regard to the actual mechanism of electron transfer between the nucleotides. Though free radicals have been frequently suggested, no direct evidence for this is available. Since highly purified preparations of both TPNH and DPNH oxidizing enzymes have been described (286-288) ; a direct study with large amounts of enzyme should be possible. Changes in the absorption spectrum of DPN-cytochrome reductase in the presence of p-chloromercuribenzoate have been reported (285). Further studies on the chemical oxidation of DPNH by riboflavin compounds and investigations with deuterium-labeled DPNH may shed further light on these reactions. An enzyme present in plants (cf. 289, 290) and in yeast (291) was shown to oxidize DPNH in the presence of ascorbic acid. The yeast enzyme is a flavoprotein which can be resolved and reactivated by either FMN or FAD. A labile one-electron oxidation product of ascorbic acid, formed by the action of ascorbic oxidase, was proposed to act as the primary electron acceptor (291). Votume E. RACKER 50 35 A detailed discussion of the individual flavoproteins will be omitted since these enzymes were covered in extensive reviews by Theorell(292) and Singer and Kearney (119). CONCLUDING REMARKS The impressive number of different DPN-linked enzymes obtainable from various cells emphasizes the general importance of these catalysts. But this is almost all we dare to say about their physiological function. The demonstration of an enzyme or even a chain of enzymes in a cell free homogenate will not be accepted as evidence for a physiological pathway by anyone who is aware of the polygamic nature of nature. Quantitative evaluation of alternate pathways is at its beginning and is vastly complicated by the uneven distribution of sets of enzymes in the structures of subcellular organization. One of the most important roles of DPN is its function as hydrogen carrier in biological oxidations. But our knowledge of the intracellular flow of electrons from DPNH is still very incomplete. In liver microsomes a major hemochromogen with a low redox potential (EJ = -0.12 v. at PH 7.0) has been found capable of oxidizing DPNH (293). In fact, calculation of the reduction rate of this new cytochrome (b6) by DPNH casts serious doubts in regard to the participation of the ‘classical’ flavoproteins in this process (294). Although this and other iron-porphyrin catalyzed oxidations of DPNH may be of great physiological importance, their discussion must be postponed until they have been further characterized. It may be appropriate to close this ‘physiological’ review by quoting from an address of N. L. Edson (295) : “In concluding, I ask to be forgiven for relating an unsubstantial tale which hangs on inadequately tested hypotheses. 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