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Quiz #3 Chapter 5 TAKE HOME QUIZ
Name: __________________________________
1) _____ is/are a relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge, capability, or attitude that is
acquired through experience and cannot be attributed to illness, injury, or maturation.
A) Reflexes
B) Neuronal development
C) Learning
D) Physical maturity
E) Intelligence
2) Which of the following IS NOT a mode or manner in which we learn?
A) through observation
B) through discovery
C) through association of stimuli
D) through exploration
E) through direct uploading
3) The type of learning in which an organism learns to associate one stimulus with another is called
A) operant conditioning.
B) classical conditioning.
C) maturation.
D) social-cognitive learning.
E) observational learning.
4) Which of the following would NOT be an accurate way to describe or label classical conditioning?
A) learning by association
B) Pavlovian conditioning
C) learning through rewards or punishments
D) respondent conditioning
E) learning to associate one stimulus with another
5) _______ is any event or object in the environment to which an organism responds.
A) Higher-order conditioning
B) Extinction
C) Negative reinforcement
D) Shaping
E) A stimulus
6) _______ conducted classic experiments in the physiology of digestion and eventually won the Nobel
Prize in 1904.
A) B. F. Skinner
B) Ivan Pavlov
C) Robert Rescorla
D) John Watson
E) Albert Bandura
7) Consider this statement: Eating uncooked chicken naturally causes sickness in humans. In Pavlovian
terms, what would the uncooked chicken be labeled?
A) unconditioned stimulus
B) conditioned stimulus
C) neutral response
D) unconditioned response
E) conditioned response
8) The _______ is a neutral stimulus that, after repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus, becomes
associated with it and elicits a conditioned response.
A) unconditioned response
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) neutral response
E) conditioned stimulus
9) _______ is the weakening and eventual disappearance of a conditioned response as a result of repeated
presentation of a conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus.
A) Generalization
B) Higher-order conditioning
C) Spontaneous recovery
D) Extinction
E) Discrimination
10) Which of the following is FALSE regarding John Watson’s work with Rosalie Rayner and Little
A) Watson struck a steel bar with a hammer to elicit the original unconditioned response in Little Albert.
B) Little Albert’s fear of the loud noise had generalized to objects such as a white rat, a white rabbit, a
Santa Claus mask.
C) Watson and Rayner were able to successfully undo the fears they conditioned in Little Albert.
D) Upon hearing the loud noise, Little Albert “jumped violently, fell forward, and began to whimper.”
E) Watson clearly showed a disregard for Little Albert’s welfare during the time he worked with him.
11) Who came up with the law of effect?
A) Edward Thorndike
B) B. F. Skinner
C) Albert Bandura
D) Ivan Pavlov
E) Robert Rescorla
12) The type of learning in which the consequences of behavior are manipulated so as to increase or
decrease the frequency of an existing response or to shape an entirely new response is
A) operant conditioning.
B) classical conditioning.
C) insight learning.
D) modeling.
E) social-cognitive learning.
13) The two most important concepts in operant conditioning are:
A) punishment and successive approximations.
B) positive reinforcement and shaping.
C) modeling and successive approximations.
D) reinforcement and punishment.
E) modeling and reinforcement.
14) Anything that follows a response and strengthens it or increases the probability that it will occur is
A) reinforcer.
B) behavior extinguisher.
C) operant.
D) insight factor.
E) punisher.
15) If Behavior A brings about a very desirable Response B, then the likelihood of Behavior A happening
again _______.
A) remains the same
B) increases
C) decreases
D) diminishes
E) remains constant
16) When teaching her dog to retrieve the morning paper from the driveway, Petrova most likely used
________ to teach the complex behavior.
A) extinction
B) spontaneous recovery
C) social learning
D) generalization
E) shaping
17) _______ consists of a series of gradual steps, each of which is more similar to the final desired
A) Insight learning
B) Successive approximations
C) A token economy
D) An operant
E) Classical conditioning
18) In operant conditioning, extinction occurs when
A) punishment is underused.
B) generalization is utilized.
C) positive reinforcers are increased.
D) negative reinforcers are increased.
E) reinforcers are withheld.
19) In operant conditioning, the tendency to make the learned response to a stimulus similar to that for
which the response was originally reinforced is called
A) extinction.
B) generalization.
C) spontaneous recovery.
D) secondary reinforcement.
E) positive punishment.
20) _______ is any event that follows a response and strengthens or increases the probability that the
response will be repeated.
A) Conditioning
B) Insight learning
C) Punishment
D) Reinforcement
E) Avoidance learning