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Founding of Rome
■ Foundation Myth:
■ Romulus & Remus – 753 BCE
– Mars
– She-wolf
Ancient Italy
was home to several groups. Both the
Etruscans in the north and the Greeks
in the south had a major influence on
the development of Rome.
Roman Republic
■ Tiber River – Latium Plain
■ Etruscans – Etruria (625-509 BCE)
– urbanization
triad of gods (Jupiter, Juno, Minerva)
Forum, Via Apia
Adopted from Greeks
Adopted from Greeks
■ Greeks (750-550 BCE) – Magna Graecia
The City of
Roman Republic
■ Romans’ Foundation Myth of the Republic:
– 509 BCE – Rape of Lucretia & Overthrow of Etruscan King
■ Patricians & Plebeians
– Patricians were aristocratic landowners who held all political power.
They were the minority, but were the only ones who could be elected to political
– Plebeians were the commoners, the farmers, merchants, artisans who were the
majority of the population.
They could vote, but could not hold political office.
■ Government
– Consuls – 2 men elected each year, commanded the army and ran the
Could only hold office for 1 year and could not run for office a 2nd year in a row.
Possessed imperium “the right to command.”
– Senate – 300 men who held office for life, controlled the budget and gave
permission for men to run for office.
They were an advisory body, made up of elder statesmen who offered guidance.
Their advice, senatus consultum, had the force of law, but was NOT law.
Assemblies – Legislative bodies
Centuriate Assembly – Made up of all the soldiers, made laws, & voted for consuls
and other political offices.
Tribal Assembly – Made up of non-soldiers/commoners, made laws
Roman Republic
■ Roman government ran on Patronage – the Patron/Client relationship
■ Twelve Tables – first written law code for Rome.
■ Struggle of the Orders (494-287 BCE)
– Non-violent
– Wealthy plebeians wanted political power/equality. Wanted the ability to marry
into the patrician class.
They win all of those rights and more. Now, at least 1 consul MUST be a plebeian
– Tribunes of the Plebs – New office created to protect plebeians, 12 men elected
for 1 year terms – Have the power to veto laws
– Plebeian Assembly – New assembly for plebeians to pass laws. Later can pass
laws that effect all Roman citizens.
Roman Expansion
■ Expansion (493 BCE) – Rome begins
conquering throughout Italian peninsula
– Roman Confederation (265 BCE)
Brilliant system of treaties, explain why
Roman Empire so successful
3 levels:
1)Allied Status – you have Rome’s
2)Municipal Status – you can make
legal contracts with Roman
citizens, marry a Roman citizen
3)Full Citizenship – you can vote
and hold office in Rome
Punic Wars