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Euro Hist CPB
5.1 pages 150-153
Roman Civilization Arises in Italy
1. What are three geographic reasons why Rome was easier to unify than Greece?
2. Who are the ancestors of Rome? Where did they settle?
3. According to legend, who founded the city?
4. Of whom were the twins supposedly the son’s?
5. What does this lead Romans to believe about themselves?
6. Who are the Etruscans?
7. What are three examples of how Roman’s borrowed from the Etruscans?
Roman Civilization Arises in Italy
8. What happened in 509 B.C?
9. For how long would the Roman state last?
10. What does res publica mean? What is a republic?
11. Why did the Roman’s think this was a good idea?
12. What was the most powerful governing body?
13. Who are the Patricians?
14. How long did a Senator hold office?
15. What was the job of the consul? How many terms did a consul serve?
16. What could happen in the case of war?
17. How long could a dictator be in power?
18. Why did the Romans admire Cincinnatus?
19. Who are the Plebeians?
20. Who are the Tribunes and why are they important to the Plebeians?
21. List the changes the plebians forced the senate to make?
22. What happened in 450 B.C.?
23. What did the Twelve Tablets make possible for the Plebeians?