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Core D Ancient History
Week 13
p. 106-114: Roman Republic
1. According to the introduction to chapter 5, what were some of the reasons for the success
of the Romans?
2. How did Romans come into contact with Greeks, and what aspects of Greek culture did
they assimilate?
3. What myths did the Romans have about how their nation was founded? How can we
know whether our understanding of how our nation was founded is factual or
4. Explain how the Roman senate was structured and how it functioned.
5. Explain the concept of “paterfamilias.”
6. Explain the concept of clients and patrons.
7. Give a brief summary of the process in which the plebeians gained political rights.
8. Who was Cincinnatus? Summarize his story (text box, page 113).
9. What is a “Pyrrhic victory,” and how did we get this expression?
10. Thoroughly summarize the Roman policies that made them so successful at empirebuilding.
Add to your Timeline:
Rome founded (753 BC)
Roman Republic (509-264 BC)
Roman conquest of Italy (493-264 BC)