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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
1) Judy has cancer and is receiving chemotherapy at a local hospital. Her parents notice that she now
rejects food that she willingly ate last week (before chemotherapy). Through the process of ________, the
food is now acting as ________. 1) _______
A) operant conditioning; negative reinforcer
B) appetitive conditioning; conditioned stimulus
C) negative reinforcement; conditioned stimulus
D) aversive conditioning; conditioned stimulus
E) conditioned reinforcement; unconditioned response
2) For Pavlov, a tone is to food as 2) _______
A) an orienting response (OR) is to a conditioned stimulus (CS).
B) an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is to an unconditioned response (UCR).
C) a conditioned response (CR) is to an operant stimulus (OS).
D) a neutral stimulus (NS) is to an conditioned response (CR).
E) a conditioned stimulus (CS) is to an unconditioned stimulus (UCS).
3) In deciding whether there is a fire in your classroom building, which of the following provides the best
early information as to whether there is a fire? 3) _______
A) the smell of smoke
B) the appearance of greenish flames
C) the flicker of flames
D) the sound of an alarm bell
E) the appearance of a fireman in your classroom
4) Thorndike's law of effect said that an organism will learn to perform responses that are 4) _______
A) rewarded.
B) reflexive.
C) preceded by a neutral stimulus.
D) preceded by a conditioned stimulus
E) prompted.
5) One of the best therapy strategies for eliminating conditioned fears involves combining ________ in a
process known as ________, first described by Mary Cover Jones. 5) _______
A) arousal and stress reduction; shaping
B) negative and positive reinforcement; aversion
C) primary and secondary reinforcers; social learning
D) conditioned and unconditioned responses; discrimination
E) extinction and relaxation; counterconditioning
6) Studies of observational learning demonstrate that 6) _______
A) reward has a greater influence on our behavior than does punishment.
B) nonhuman species cannot learn by imitation.
C) television viewing has more influence on behavior than direct observation of live events.
D) learning can occur in the absence of personal experience.
E) people learn antisocial behaviors (but not prosocial behaviors) through observation.
7) The capacity of an organism to form a "cognitive map" of their environment 7) _______
A) does not require active exploration of the environment.
B) is maladaptive in that such activity may not result in food reinforcement.
C) involves the hippocampus.
D) involves trial-and-error learning in a Thorndike box.
E) was first demonstrated by B.F. Skinner using rats seeking food.
8) The best strategy to teach an organism a new response is to use 8) _______
A) continuous reinforcement.
B) extinction.
C) secondary reinforcement.
D) intermittent reinforcement.
E) negative reinforcement.
9) Suppose that you taught your dog to roll over for the reward of a dog biscuit. Then, one day you run out
of dog biscuits. Which schedule of reinforcement would keep your dog responding longer without a
biscuit? 9) _______
A) negative reinforcement
B) noncontingent reinforcement
C) positive reinforcement
D) intermittent reinforcement
E) continuous reinforcement
10) In Bandura's classic BoBo doll experiment, those children that saw aggressive models 10) ______
A) were more likely to tell others to respond violently towards the bobo doll.
B) were less likely to behave violently towards the bobo doll.
C) were more likely to behave violently towards the bobo doll.
D) did not respond any differently than a control group that saw no violent behavior.
E) None of the above are correct
11) The operant chamber which has come to be known as a Skinner box was designed so that 11) ______
A) gerbils could make their way through a maze to a food pellet in the box.
B) animals could press a lever to receive food.
C) rats could eliminate painful stimuli.
D) he could punish his daughter, Deborah.
E) cats could pull a string to open the door to the box.
12) Which of the following proved to be difficult to explain in purely behavioral terms? 12) ______
A) a pigeon learning to press a lever in a Skinner box for a food reward
B) a trained seal doing a trick for a fish
C) a dog salivating at the sound of a bell
D) a chimpanzee using a pile of boxes and a stick to obtain food hung high in its cage
E) a child learning to read by receiving a piece of candy for every word he pronounces correctly
13) If you use money to buy ham the money is a ________, while the food is a ________. 13) ______
A) aversive stimulus; secondary reinforcer
B) primary reinforcer; secondary reinforcer
C) aversive stimulus; primary reinforcer
D) secondary reinforcer; primary reinforcer
E) secondary reinforcer; aversive stimulus
14) Food, sex, and water are considered examples of 14) ______
A) secondary reinforcers.
B) primary reinforcers.
C) intermittent reinforcers.
D) continuous reinforcers.
E) conditioned stimuli.
15) You see your brother come home after curfew and get grounded by your parents, in the future you
come home on time. This type of learning is best explained by 15) ______
A) insight learning.
B) operant conditioning.
C) social learning.
D) vicarious trial-and-error.
E) classical conditioning.
16) The most effective form of punishment usually involves 16) ______
A) psychological pain.
B) attacks on character.
C) penalties, such as loss of privileges.
D) intense physical pain.
E) delayed and inconsistent consequences.
17) The factor that makes a food aversion different from most types of classical conditioning is that 17)
A) there can be a long time delay between the CS and the UCS.
B) other people can cause us to develop the connection the CS and the UCS.
C) conditioning may not always involve a change in the person's response.
D) once the conditioning is established, it cannot be eliminated.
E) the conditioned response often occurs before the unconditioned response.
18) The similarity of positive reinforcement and positive punishment is that each involves 18) ______
A) increasing the likelihood of certain events.
B) adding a stimulus.
C) removing a stimulus.
D) desireable events or stimuli.
E) decreasing the likelihood of certain events.
19) Which one of the following is a conditioned reinforcer for most people? 19) ______
A) food
B) sex
C) money
D) a sharp pain in the back
E) water
20) Negative and positive reinforcers are similar in that these always ________ the likelihood of ensuing
responses. 20) ______
A) eliminate
B) decrease
C) increase
D) extinguish
E) have no effect on
21) When their goal path was blocked, Tolman's rats would take the shortest route around the barrier.
This, said Tolman, showed that they had developed 21) ______
A) classical responses.
B) operant behavior.
C) cognitive maps.
D) observational learning.
E) trial-and-error learning.
22) Which of the following would be most likely to be the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) involved in
classical conditioning? 22) ______
A) praise
B) music
C) money
D) a flashing light
E) food
23) Operant Conditioning explains how new behaviors can be learned while Classical Conditioning refers
only to ________ behaviors. 23) ______
A) cognitive
B) voluntary
C) reflexive
D) insightful
E) All of the above
24) B.F. Skinner was a radical behaviorist who refused to 24) ______
A) accept that individuals can change over time.
B) speculate about what happens inside an organism.
C) conduct research with animals other than humans.
D) believe that observation tells us anything about human nature.
E) understand how it was possible for people to change.
25) As a marine biologist, you are trying to teach a dolphin to jump over a bar. At first, you reward the
dolphin every time it swims near the bar. Then, you only reward her when she emerges from the water near
the bar. Eventually, you reward the dolphin each time she jumps out of the water. Then, you only reward
the dolphin when she jumps over the bar. This technique is an example of 25) ______
A) classical conditioning.
B) shaping.
C) discrimination.
D) positive punishment.
E) spontaneous recovery.
26) While walking down a dark alley, you jump at a loud noise. This would not be considered learning
because 26) ______
A) jumping is only done for survival purposes.
B) not everyone would jump in this situation.
C) jumping is a difficult skill, biologically speaking.
D) jumping is merely a reflex.
E) it is not a behavior.
27) The descriptors "positive" and "negative," when used in reference to reinforcers, are synonyms for 27)
A) "increase" and "decrease."
B) "voluntary" and "involuntary."
C) "conditioned" and "unconditioned."
D) "add" and "remove."
E) "new" and "familiar."
28) One of Pavlov's dogs had stopped salivating at the sound of the tone. The next day the tone was
presented again and the dog began salivating. Pavlov referred to this as 28) ______
A) spontaneous extinction.
B) higher-order conditioning.
C) shaping.
D) stimulus generalization.
E) spontaneous recovery.
1) D
2) E
3) A
4) A
5) E
6) D
7) C
8) A
9) D
10) C
11) B
12) D
13) D
14) B
15) C
16) C
17) A
18) B
19) C
20) C
23) C
24) B
25) B
26) D
27) D
28) E