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Dr. Steven K. Schmidt
1. In a photosynthetic microorganism that is doing only cyclic e- flow, the process of cyclic e- flow
a. ATP
c. glucose
d. all of the above
e. a and b
2. At the water-sediment interface at the bottom of a lake, which e- acceptor would be used last (or deepest
in the sediment)?
a. O2
b. CO2
c. nitrate
d. sulfate
e. Oxidized iron compounds
3. Anaerobic respiration leads to ATP production via
a. e- transport phosphorylation
b. substrate-level phosphorylation
c. ATPases
d. all of the above
4. In the reaction shown below A is more ______ and B is more ______ on the left hand side of the
AH2 + B -----> A + H2 B
a. reduced / oxidized
b. oxidized / reduced
c. oxidized / oxidized
d. reduced / reduced
5. Which of the following is not a potential electron donor for microbial photosynthesis?
a. H2 O
b. H2 S
c. reduced iron
d. O2
e. H2
6. Pseudomonas acidovorans uses a plasmid encoded pathway to break down phenol into pyruvate,
acetylaldehyde and NADH. The reducing power of NADH can then be used to generate ATP and to build
cellular materials using compounds like pyruvate. Therefore, Pseudomonas acidovorans is a
a. photoheterotroph
b. chemoheterotroph
c. photoautotroph
d. chemoautotroph
7. Imagine a chemoheterotrophic Bacillus sp. that subsists by eating globular proteins from fungi. Such
an organisms would probably do which of the following?
a. Produce extracellular proteases.
b. Produce extracellular amylases.
c. Produce anti-fungal antibiotics.
d. a and b
e. a and c
8. Common bacteriological filters (pore size = 0.45 µm) used to sterilize liquids will remove all viruses.
a. T
b. F
Generation time is:
equivalent to the doubling time of a population
the time all the enzymes are generated
the time necessary to generate a stable culture
the time between two transfers of a culture
10. In chemoheterotrophs, anabolic reactions depend on catabolic reactions for
a. glucose molecules from which all else can be built
b. CO2 and ATP from which all else can be built
c. NADH and ATP
d. all of the above
11. Which physiological processes are carried out only by Bacteria and/or Archaea?
a. chemoheterotrophy
b. autotrophy
c. Nitrification
d. All of the above
12. Draw a simple diagram showing how E. coli makes ATP via
1) aerobic respiration, and 2) anaerobic respiration. (8 pts)
13. What is the generation time (G) of an exponentially growing population of bacteria that has 2,000 cells
at 3 pm and 32,000 cells 11 pm. G = ln2 x t / (lnNf - lnNi)
A. 0.5 hours
B. 1 hours
C. 2 hours
D. 3 hours
E. 4 hours
14. If a population of bacteria has a generation time of 2 hours and the population (Ni) at time zero = 2 x
107 cells, after 6 hours what will the population size be? (Nt = No x 2n)
A. 6 x 107 cells
B. 8 x 107 cells
C. 1.6 x 108 cells
D. 2 x 1056 cells
E. 2 x 1010 cells
Paul Ehrlich's researches into chemotherapy were inspired by his observations that
pathogenic bacteria are always associated with a diseased organism.
certain stains are preferentially taken up by microbes
there is a zone of clearing around actinomycetes when they are cultured with other bacteria.
patients with syphilis got better if they drank a lot.
16. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
a. Redi - spontaneous generation
b. Winogradsky - chemoautotrophs
c. Beijerinck - nitrogen fixing Bacteria
d. Koch - 30 x magnification
e. d. all of the above
17. Spirochetes move by
a. rotating peritrichous flagella that wrap around the organism and cause the organisms to rotate.
b. rotating polar flagella that wrap around the organism and cause the organisms to rotate.
c. spinning little wheels attached to the outer sheath of the organism
d. a and c
13. Kluyver and van Niel proposed that all photosynthetic organisms were basically doing the following.
a. AH2 + B ----> A + BH2
b. CO2 + 2H2 A ----> CH4 + 2H2 O + A
c. 4H2 + CO2 ----> CH2 O + H2 O + 2A
d. CO2 + 2H2 A ----> CH2 O + H2 O + 2A
e. AH2 + B ----> CH2 O + H2 O + 2A
18. Magnetotactic Bacteria can follow the magnetic field lines of the earth. This allows them
a. to tell up from down and to swim downward.
b. to tell up from down and to swim upward.
c. to tell north from south and to swim south (in the northern hemisphere).
d. to tell north from south and to swim north (in the southern hemisphere).
e. all of the above
19. Which of the following pairs is properly matched?
a. Gram - / teichoic acids
b. Gram - / lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
c. Gram + / teichoic acids
d. all of the above
20. Acetoclastic methanogens do which of the following?
a. CH4 + CO2 ----> CH3 COOH
b. CO2 + 2H2 O ----> CH4 + O2 + H2 O
c. CH3 COOH + CO2 ----> CH4 + CO2
d. CO2 + 2H2 A ----> CH4 + H2 O + 2A
e. CH3 COOH ----> CH4 + CO2
21. Under the microscope, Streptococcus and Streptomyces spp. can be distinguished because
a. streptococci are chains of round cells and streptomycetes are filamentous
b. streptococci look like bunches of grapes and streptomycetes are filamentous
c. streptococci are filamentous and streptomycetes are chains of round cells
d. they can't be distinguished because they have the same morphologies (thus the similarity of their names).
28. How does E. coli behave when it is swimming towards a source of a chemical for which it has positive
chemoreceptors (i.e. it’s chemotactically attracted to that chemical)? (a drawing may help, 6 pts)
29. Briefly explain why Gram – bacteria are effected more by solvents (during the gram staining process
than are Gram + bacteria. (4 pts.)
30. Briefly explain 2 reasons for why microbes enter into the stationary phase of the growth curve. (4 pts.)
31. Draw and label the outer layers of a Gram - Bacterium. Be sure to include: lipopolysaccharide, outer
membrane, plasma membrane, peptidoglycan layer, and a transport protein
(8 pts.)