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1. Robert Hooks : Robert Brown : : Cells : ?
(i) Cytoplasm
(ii) Mitochondria
(iii) Nucleus
(iv) Lysosomes
Ans: Nucleus
*Scientists who discovered major cell organelles
2. Suicidal bag : power house : : ? : Mitochondria
(i) Plastids
(ii) Golgi apparatus
(iii) Ribosome
(iv) Lysosomes
Ans: Lysosomes
*Functions of cell organelles
3. Leucoplasts : Chromoplasts : : Colourless : ?
(i) Coloured
(ii) Green
(iii) White
(iv) Black
Ans: Coloured
4. Amoeba : ? : : Unicellular : Multi-cellular
(i) Earthworm
(ii) Euglena
(iii) Paramecium
(iv) Bacteria
Ans: Earthworm
*Concepts related to ‘Diversity in the Living World’
5. Apical Meristem : Lateral Meristem : : Tips of stem : ?
(i) Sides of stem or roots
(ii) Base of leaves
(iii) Internodes on twinges
(iv) Outer covering of epidermis
Ans: Sides of stem or roots
*Concepts related to ‘Tissues’
6. Xylem : ? : : transport of water : transport of food
(i) Parenchyma
(ii) Phloem
(iii) Collenchymas
(iv) Sclerenchyma
Ans: Phloem
7. Malaria is caused by parasite :
(i) Salmonella Typhi
(ii) Vibro Cholerae
(iii) Plasmodium
(iv) Bacteria
Ans: Plasmodium
Cell body is the main part of a nerve cell. A large nucleus is present in the middle
of the cell body. It also contains cytoplasm. Dendron are hair-like parts arises from
the cell body. Various branches come out of the Dendron and these are called
dendrites. Each neuron has a long, thick and cylindrical part, which is called axon.
The nerve endings attached to the lateral branches of the axon, known as synapse.
Dendrites receive impulses and axon takes away from the cell body.
1. What is the main part of nerve cell?
(i) Nucleus
(ii) Cell body
(iii) Cytoplasm
(iv) Dendrites
Ans: Cell body
2. Name the hair-like part arising from the cell body.
(i) Dendron
(ii) Axon
(iii) Synapse
(iv) None of these
Ans: Dendron
3. What is the shape of axon?
(i) Rectangular
(ii) Cylindrical
(iii) Circular
(iv) Spherical
Ans: Cylindrical
4. What is attached to the lateral branch of axon?
(i) Nucleus
(ii) Axon
(iii) Synapse
(iv) Dendrites
Ans: Synapse
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.Which of the following is different from the others?
Hint: *Diversity in living world ( members of a particular phylum)
The progressive accumulation of toxic chemicals present in pesticides over a
period of time is called biomagnification. DDT is a harmful insecticide with very
high potential of bioaccumulation and magnification through foodchain. At
present its use is not recommended and even banned in a number of countries.
Over time , it gradually builds up in foodchain.: insectssmall predatorsbigger
predators. Additionally, many insects have acquired chain like resistance against
1.In which animal concentration of DDT would be greatest?
Ans: Eagle( Foodchains)
2.Even after 5 sprays of DDT, Ramakrishnan finds stem borers in his field. What is
the most common cause?
i)DDt cannot kill stem borers
ii)He has applied less DDT
iii)Stem borers in field have acquired resistance
iv)He has not applied DDT as per schedule
Ans: Stem borers in field have acquired resistance
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Questions 71-75 Pg.114
Question 25 Pg.136