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Instructor: Mitchell Smith v. 3.0 (12/13/16)
Course: Integrated Science 3/4
Unit #4: Genetics: “Identity & Change”
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
Enduring Understandings: Students will understand that…
1. Most of the cells in a human contain 46 chromosomes:
44 “autosomes” (22 from each parent) + 2 “sex chromosomes” (1 from each parent) (4.1)
2. Gametes have one set of genetic material (1 x 23 chromosomes) whereas somatic cells have two
sets of genetic material (2 x 23 chromosomes). (4.1)
3. Meiosis is the cell’s way of passing genetic information from one generation (parents) to the next
(offspring) through fertilization (sperm + egg cell  zygote). (4.1)
4. Changes in DNA (mutations) happen randomly and help to create the variety of traits seen in
populations; it also produces negative effects in the individual. (4.1)
5. The structure of DNA is a double-helix. Its form explains how hereditary information is stored and
passed along to offspring. (4.2)
“Genes” are small segments DNA code found in the much larger DNA molecule. (4.2)
7. Cells can develop in different and complex ways as a result of various factors (the environment and
genetics). These both affect the identity of a living organism and how it changes over its lifetime. (4.2)
8. Individuals (like Gregor Mendel) contributed to the advancement of science; what we know now about
science is the result of many experiments. (4.2)
9. Nearly all human traits, even many diseases, are inherited in predictable ways. (4.3)
10. Cells store and use genetic information to guide their functions. An organism’s genotype determines
its phenotype. These traits can be dominant or recessive depending on the alleles found on their
genes. (4.1 & 4.3)
Essential Question:
1. How are traits passed from one generation to another and why do members of the same family
have different traits?
2. Why are some traits hidden in one generation and expressed in the next?
3. What influences one’s identity and how it changes throughout its lifetime?
Focus on “Science Practices”:
1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using math and computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
©Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, 2007
Instructor: Mitchell Smith v. 3.0 (12/13/16)
Mark your level of understanding after completing each activity:
A: I am ABLE to do this
B: I am BEGINNING to get this
C: I still CAN’T do this
4.1: Meiosis & Sexual Reproduction
4.1.1) I can define key vocabulary terms.
Self-check: Record practice Quizlet score here (_____%)
Success Criteria:
Minimum 80%
2 3 4
4.1.2) I understand the genetic differences (AKA the “karyotype”) between males and females. (LS1I.6)
Self-check: Describe both the autosomes and sex chromosomes for males and females.
Success Criteria:
Males = (______+ ______) and females = (______+ _______)
Both autosome, sex
quantities are
correctly described
KEY: (Autosomes + Sex chromosomes)
1 2 3 4
4.1.3) I can describe the steps involved in meiosis according to the “3D” model. (LS1I)
Self-check: Label and describe the meaning of each “D”.
Success Criteria:
Correctly label each
of the three phases
of meiosis.
-Three “D”s
-Chromosome #s
-Label each cell by
1 2 3 4
Success Criteria:
Correctly fill in each
blank space.
1 2 3 4
4.1.4) I understand the basic concept of meiosis. (LS1I.1)
Meiosis uses ____ diploid cell (____ n) (found in __________ and
__________) to make ____ unique gametes (______ cells) that are
each haploid (n).
©Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, 2007
Instructor: Mitchell Smith v. 3.0 (12/13/16)
4.1.5) I can describe the steps involved in the human life cycle (i.e. sexual reproduction). (LS1I.1 & LS1I.4)
Self-check: Starting from egg and sperm, tell the story of the haploid and diploid phases.
Success Criteria:
1 2 3 4
 Include all terms
 Contrast meiosis
and fertilization
4.1.6) I can describe how meiosis can create haploid gametes that are different from all other gametes (in
other words, with the exception of identical twins, no two siblings are identical). Furthermore, no child is
identical to either or both parents. (LS1I.2-3)
Self-check: Define each of the following terms that increase genetic diversity.
 independent assortment:
Success Criteria:
Define each Quizlet
2 3 4
 crossing over:
 mutation:
4.1.7) I can describe that the DNA code (in the form of individual genes) can be mutated (changed). LS1E)
Success Criteria:
1 2 3 4
Predict the three potential effects of mutations on the organism’s
Predict three
specific and
correct effects
4.2: Mendel & “Gene”
4.2.1) I can define key vocabulary terms.
Self-check: Record practice Quizlet score here (_____%)
Success Criteria:
Minimum 80%
1 2 3 4
4.2.2) I can explain how crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization produces unique
gametes and, as a result, unique offspring. (LS1I.3)
1. Self-check: Explain how unique gametes and, as a result, unique offspring are made.
2. “Crossing over” increases genetic variation by:
Success Criteria:
1. Each method is
2 3 4
3. “Independent assortment” increases genetic variation by:
4. “Random fertilization” increases genetic variation by:
©Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, 2007
Instructor: Mitchell Smith v. 3.0 (12/13/16)
4.2.3) I can compare and contrast a cell’s autosomes and sex chromosomes (LS1H.2)
Self-check: Compare and contrast autosomes and sex chromosomes.
Autosomes Only
Success Criteria:
Sex chromosomes Only
1 2 3 4
Include at least
two details per
4.2.4) I can compare and contrast an organism’s genotype and phenotype (LS1I.6-7)
Self-check: Compare and contrast autosomes and sex chromosomes.
Genotype Only
Success Criteria:
1 2 3 4
Include at least
two details per
Phenotype Only
4.2.5) I can solve monohybrid (one trait) and dihybrid (two trait) cross problems (AKA Punnett Squares
method) (LS1I.6)
Self-check: Correctly solve assigned monohybrid and dihybrid cross problems.
Success Criteria:
Instructor Approval Required [
88% score on
Punnett Squares
1 2 3 4
4.2.6) I can identify these inheritance patterns and solve related problems using the Punnett Square
method. (LS1I.6-8 & LS1H.2)
a) _______________________ (AA or Aa = dominant; aa =recessive)
b) _______________________
(AA=dominant; Aa=incompletely dominant; aa =recessive)
Success Criteria:
Correctly identify all
four patterns of
1 2 3 4
c) _______________________ (e.g. ABO blood types):
IAIA or IAi =A blood; IBIB or IBi= B blood; IAIB =AB blood; ii = O blood
d) _______________________
 X-linked (Girls: XAXA = unaffected; XAXa = carrier; XaXa = affected)
(Boys: XAY= unaffected; XaY = affected)
 Y-linked (Boys only: XYA = unaffected; XYa = affected)
©Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, 2007
Instructor: Mitchell Smith v. 3.0 (12/13/16)
4.3: Chromosomes & Inheritance
4.3.1) I can define key vocabulary terms.
Success Criteria:
Minimum 80%
Self-check: Record practice Quizlet score here (_____%)
2 3 4
4.3.2) I can describe how genetic material is built and packaged within the nucleus. In other words, the
nested order” (hierarchy) of genes, DNA, the cell and chromosomes. (LS1H.2)
Describe the hierarchy of the cell (Refer to Goal 3.1.7 for help).
Success Criteria:
Correctly describe
the four levels of cell
2 3 4
4.3.3) I can explain how non-disjunction causes certain chromosomal disorders (e.g. Down Syndrome,
Turner’s Syndrome, and Klinefelter’s Syndrome) (LS1I.3)
Success Criteria:
 Define “nondisjunction”
 Write the
karyotype for
each syndrome
(A + S)
 Explain how each
syndrome was
Down Syndrome (
Turner’s Syndrome (
Klinefelter’s Syndrome (
2 3 4
2 3 4
4.3.4) I can identify various X-linked traits, which affect mostly males. (LS1I.4 & LS1 I.6)
Success Criteria:
Identify three
inherited X-linked
4.3.5) I can interpret a pedigree and the symbols used to represent males, females, affected and
unaffected individuals. (LS1I.6-7)
Self-check: Correctly solve assigned pedigree problems.
Success Criteria:
Instructor Approval Required [
88% score on
1 2 3 4
Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
 Various vocabulary-building activities (LGLS, Frayer Model, etc.)
 Karyotype Activity
 Meiosis (cell division) Lab
 Mouse Genetics Gizmo
 Punnett Square problem solving
Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, dialogues, work samples, etc.):
 Human Planet film prompt
 Various reading passages
 Meiosis v. Mitosis compare and contrast
 Formative quizzes (3.1-3)
 (2) Quizlet vocabulary quizzes
©Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, 2007
Instructor: Mitchell Smith v. 3.0 (12/13/16)
 Essential Question Writing Prompt
 Unit 3 Exam
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
 End-of-Unit Reflective Journal
Quizlet Vocabulary:
Allele: A different form of a gene. (such as dominant versus recessive)
Autosomal Dominant: the inheritance of a dominant phenotype whose gene is on an autosomal
Autosomal Recessive: the inheritance of a recessive phenotype whose gene is on an autosomal
Autosome: A chromosome that is not directly involved in determining sex
Chromosome: A long, threadlike group of genes found in the nucleus of all eukaryotic cells.
Chromosomes are most visible during mitosis and meiosis. Chromosomes consist of DNA and protein.
Co-dominant: A trait for which both alleles of the heterozygote are expressed. The heterozygote’s
phenotype is different than either purebred form.
Cross breed: To produce (an organism) by the mating of individuals of different breeds, varieties, or
species; hybridize.
Crossing over: The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase I of
Dihybrid cross: A cross between two organisms where two different traits are being studied at the same
10. Diploid (2n): Two sets of homologous chromosomes. The number of chromosomes found in a body
(somatic) cell.
11. DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic material of cells that carries their genetic code.
12. Dominant (AKA complete dominance): In the heterozygote, the allele that determines the phenotype for a
certain gene (or trait). This phenotype is seen most often in a population.
13. Exhibiting: To show outwardly or reveal.
14. Fertilization: Male sex cell (sperm) unites with female sex cell into one cell (46 chromosomes -- 23 from
15. Gamete: Male sex cell (sperm) and female sex cell (egg).
16. Gene: A specific unit of hereditary information made of DNA monomers (A, T, C, G).
17. Generation: one step in a line of descent of a family; all the people born and living around the same time.
18. Genotype: The (invisible) genetic make-up of a person, expressed as a two-letter “code” or “symbol”.
19. Haploid (n): One set of homologous chromosomes. The number of chromosomes found in gametes (sex
20. Hereditary: transmitted from parents to their offspring; inherited.
21. Heterozygote (or Hybrid): An individual that has two different alleles (Aa) for a certain gene.
22. Homologous chromosomes: Chromosomes that have the same sequence of genes, that have the same
structure, and that pair during meiosis. In sexual reproduction, one is contributed by each parent.
23. Homozygous dominant (or purebred dominant): Having two identical (AA) dominant alleles for a given
gene (trait).
24. Homozygous recessive (or purebred recessive): Having two identical recessive alleles (aa) for a given
gene (trait).
©Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, 2007
Instructor: Mitchell Smith v. 3.0 (12/13/16)
25. Hybrid (or Heterozygote): An individual that has two different alleles (Aa) for a certain gene.
26. Incomplete dominance: A type of inheritance in which the phenotype of the heterozygote (Aa) is in
between the two homozygotes (AA and aa).
27. Independent assortment: One of Mendel's Laws that states that the maternal and paternal chromosomes
(in a homologous pair) separate from each other randomly during meiosis and end up in different sex cells.
28. Meiosis: A special type of cell division that produces genetically unique daughter cells with half the number
of chromosomes; half the number of the parent cell. In humans, these daughter cells contain only 23
chromosomes each whereas the parent cell contains 46.
29. Mutation: A change in the DNA sequence (A, T, C, G) which can be helpful, neutral, but mostly harmful to
an organism.
30. Monohybrid cross: A cross between two organisms where only one trait is being studied.
31. Non-disjunction: An error in meiosis in which homologous chromosomes fail to separate, resulting in
gametes with too many or too few chromosomes.
32. Parent: Organism that has produced offspring.
33. Pedigree: A chart or "family tree" that tracks which members of a family have a particular trait.
34. Phenotype: The expressed (often visible) traits of an individual, such as eye color.
35. Recessive: In a heterozygous individual, the allele that has no noticeable effect on the phenotype.
36. RNA (Ribonucleic acid): Similar to DNA with these exceptions: it has the sugar ribose instead of
deoxyribose; contains the chemical base uracil instead of thymine; is shorter; is single-stranded.
37. Sex Chromosome: One of a pair of chromosomes (X and Y) that differentiates between genders (male,
female) and is responsible for determining gender. In humans, they are the 23 rd pair of chromosomes.
38. Sex-linked genes (AKA X-linked): Sex-linked genes, unrelated to determining sex, most of which are
found on the X chromosome (one-half of the 23rd pair). In a smaller number of traits, the gene is found on
the Y chromosome (one-half of the 23rd pair).
39. Somatic Cell: Any cell in a multicellular organism except a sperm or egg cell.
40. Trait: An inherited characteristic; a trait is determined by genes.
41. Zygote: a fertilized egg
©Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, 2007