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Introduction to Psychology
Mr. Hackbarth
Chapter 6 Study Guide
Name: ______________________________
Score: _____ / 40
Date Due: _______________________________________________
Part 1: In the space provided answer questions 1 – 8 as completely as possible.
1. Briefly explain Pavlov’s experiment of Classical Conditioning.
2. Identify (define) the following:
a) Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
b) Unconditioned Response (UR)
c) Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
d) Conditioned Response (CR)
3. What is the difference between extinction and spontaneous recovery in terms of classical conditioning?
4. How is operant conditioning different than classical conditioning?
5. Identify (define) the following:
a) Reinforcement
b) Primary Reinforcer
c) Secondary Reinforcer
d). Positive Reinforcer
e) Negative Reinforcer
6. What are three different types of reinforcement schedules?
7. What is the difference between latent and observational learning?
8. What is the difference between proactive and retroactive inhibition?
Part 2: Matching: In the space provided, write term identified by each description. Choose your answers from
the word bank. Some answers will not be used.
conditioned response
spontaneous recovery
primary reinforcer
operant conditioning
1. Something that produces a reaction: ___________________________________
2. A learned response to a stimulus that was previously meaningless: ________________________________
3. The type of learning based on the consequences of an action: _______________________________
4. The type of learning that remains hidden until it is needed: ___________________________________
5. The type of learning that is acquired by watching and imitating others: ______________________________
6. When a conditioned response stops occurring: ____________________________
7. Act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar: __________________________________
8. Stimulus that encourages a behavior by meeting an organism’s basic biological needs: __________________
9. The process of our mind automatically connecting two events that happen together: ____________________
10. The revival of an extinguished response: ___________________________________
11. Conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward a desired goal: ___________________
Part 3: Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best selection given for each question or statement on the given
1. _____
Learning is best defined as
a. a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge due to experience.
b. the natural changes that unfold in a fixed sequence, relatively independent of the
c. an awareness of the outside world and of your mental processes, thoughts, feelings, and
d. the process of converting environmental energy into neural activity.
2. _____
Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement:
a. Not stealing cookies for fear of being spanked
b. Learning to take aspirin for headaches
c. Sewing a quilt to make your parents happy
d. Studying for an exam to earn an A
3. _____
Through operant conditioning, people learn to control
a. voluntary responses
b. involuntary biological behaviors
c. unconditioned responses
d. unconditioned stimuli
4. _____
A slot machine provides reinforcement to players based on a
a. variable – ratio schedule
b. fixed – ratio schedule
c. variable – interval schedule
d. fixed – interval schedule
5. _____
Most psychologists suggest that punishment is not the best way to deal with a problem because it
a. may cause children to learn to hit
b. may cause a child to run away
c. does not teach the correct way to act
d. all of the above
6. _____
Andre is participating in a psychology study. He is sitting alone in a room and every few
seconds a bright light flashes in front of him. When the light flashes, he blinks. After a while,
a phone rings right before the flash of light. Soon, Andre blinks when the phone rings. In this
example, the conditioned stimulus is the
a. phone ringing
b. flash of light
c. blinking after the flash
d. blinking after the ringing
7. _____
8. _____
When Ken kisses Barbie, his heart races. For a month, Barbie snapped her fingers just before she
kissed him. She stopped snapping her fingers, but now whenever Ken hears someone snapping
their fingers, his heart begins to race. This is an example of ____________________
conditioning and finger snapping is the _________________________.
a. classical; conditioned response
b. operant; conditioned stimulus
c. classical; primary reinforcer
d. classical; conditioned stimulus
Whenever your English teacher is giving a quiz, he carries the copes of the quiz into the room
in a black box, and you react with anticipation. If he walks into the room with any other color
box, you know that it is not a quiz and feel no anticipation. This illustrates the concept of
a. control
b. degradation
c. discrimination
d. generalization
9. _____
After learning about Pavlov in class, Wendy wanted to condition her own dog, Rover, to salivate
at the sound of a bell. Which of the following would be the most effective method for Wendy to
produce a strong conditioned response in Rover?
a. Present the bell and the food at the same time.
b. Present the bell and then after it stops ringing, present the food.
c. Present the bell first, and then present the food while the bell is still ringing.
d. Present the food, and then after the food is eaten, present the bell.
10. _____
Karen decides to try cotton candy for the first time at the Taylor County Fair. She enjoys it,
but unfortunately, later that day Karen comes down with the stomach flu. Now the smell or
thought of cotton candy makes her shudder and feel slightly nauseous. This is an example of
a. extinction
b. taste aversion
c. cotton candy phobia
d. learned immune response
11. _____
The Green Bay Packers, having practice every day of the year with no breaks would be
a. feedback
b. massed practice
c. transfer
d. distributed practice
12. _____
Joanna developed a phobia of dogs after a dog bit her on the leg. This can be explained as
classical conditioning. The pain of the dog bit would be
a. both the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus
b. the conditioned stimulus
c. the unconditioned stimulus
d. the neutral stimulus
13. _____
After Maria drank coffee for the first time, she felt more awake. She then drank coffee every
morning thereafter. Now when she even smells coffee, she feels more awake. Feeling more
awake after just smelling the coffee is the
a. conditioned stimulus
b. unconditioned stimulus
c. conditioned response
d. unconditioned response
14. _____
Ignoring the attention – getting behavior of hyperactive children can be a helpful tool to
elementary school teachers, since often the frequency of the misbehavior will decrease
and even stop. What operant conditioning process does this technique utilize?
a. negative reinforcement
b. shaping
c. stimulus discrimination
d. extinction
15. _____
A dog in a classical conditioning experiment salivates to a continuous buzzer but not to a
single bell ring. This is an example of
a. stimulus generalization
b. stimulus discrimination
c. partial reinforcement
d. continuous reinforcement
16. _____
Pookie, the dog, quickly learns that when she scratches at the door, her owner will allow her
to go outside to play. This is an example of ________________ conditioning
a. classical
b. operant
17. _____
After Nadia spills water all over her paining, her first grade art teacher gives her some M&M’s
to make her feel better. The next time art class meets, Nadia promptly and purposefully
spills water on her painting. The M&M’s acted as
a. positive reinforcers
b. negative reinforcers
c. secondary reinforcers
18. _____
In some situations, therapists give mental patients tokens such as poker chips for desired
behaviors. The tokens reinforce desired behaviors because they can be exchanged for
television time, desserts, and other desired commodities. The tokes are thus ______________
a. primary
b. secondary
c. partial
d. latent
19. _____
It has been rumored that Taylor County police officers receive a $10 bonus for every
20 speeding tickets they issue. This example (if it were true) would be _______________
form of reinforcement.
a. variable – ratio
b. fixed – ratio
c. variable – interval
d. continuous
20. _____
Continued gambling behavior is best explained in terms of which process of learning?
a. classical conditioning
b. social learning
c. partial reinforcement
d. observational learning
21. _____
Heidi continues to play the slot machines hour after hour because they provide reinforcement
on a ______________________ schedule.
a. continuous
b. fixed – interval
c. variable – interval
d. variable – ratio