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Domains of Life Quiz Answer Key
1. True or False: Eukarya is separated from the other domains by the
presence of a nucleus in their cells.
true 2. True or False: Eukarya is composed of only multicellular organisms.
false 3. What are the three domains of life?
Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya 4. Which domains have members with membrane-enclosed organelles?
Only Eukarya has species with membrane-­â€enclosed organelles in their cells. 5. What distinguishes Bacteria from Archaea?
Archaea have a different cell wall from bacteria. Students may add that Archaea also often live in extreme environments. 6. Microscopic single-celled protists are members of which domain?
a) Bacteria
b) Archaea
c) Eukarya
d) Protista
7. Which is not a member of domain Eukarya?
a) a maple tree
b) a Portobello mushroom
c) a blue whale
d) a Spirochaete
8. Which of the following capture energy by photosynthesis?
a) a maple tree
b) a Portobello mushroom
c) a blue whale
d) all of the above
9. Which of the following absorb their nutrients from other organisms?
a) a maple tree
b) a Portobello mushroom
c) a blue whale
d) all of the above
10. If you find a single-celled organism living in a geyser, it probably
belongs to which domain?
a) Bacteria
b) Archaea
c) Eukarya
d) Geyseria