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I) General Information
A) defn: the study of _________________.
B) Why group things?
1) Makes it easier to _______________________________________________.
2) Makes it easier to ______________________________________________.
3) Shows __________________________________________________.
II) Historical Background
A) Aristole- (350 BC) first scientist to sort organisms as either plant or animal.
B) Carolus Linnaeus (____________________________-1700’s) - “Father of Modern Taxonomy”
1) Developed “____________________________________________” system for identifying every
2) Reasons for this naming:
(a) Common names vary from ________________ to ________________.
(b) Common names vary _____________________________ for the same organism.
(c) Sometimes the same common name is assigned to __________________________ in different
III) Binomial Nomenclature Rules:
A) Names should be in ___________________. Why? ________________________________
B) Every organism is assigned to a given Genus and species.
1) The ___________________ name is the first name and it is always “________________” and
italicized or underlined.
2) The ________________ name is always ______________________ and italicized or underlined.
o e.g. _______________ lupus or Homo ______________
IV) Criteria for Classification
A) Besides similarities in physical structures, we group things due to similarities in:
1) _________________________ data, e.g. rRNA
2) _________________________
3) _______________________________
V) Modern Classification
A) __________________________________ Classification
1) _______________________ – Study of evolutionary relationships.
2) Members of the same species share a recent _____________________ ______________________
3) ___________________________ show how one lineage branched from another over time.
VI) Classification Categories
A) Different levels (________) from the most general characteristics to more specific characteristics.
B) Eight levels of taxonomy are:
A) Achaea (________________ bacteria)
1) ________________________
2) _________________________ and few organelles
3) Cell wall and cell membranes _____________________________________ than other bacteria.
4) Live in extremely harsh environments: e.g. halophiles, thermophiles
B) Bacteria
1) Unicellular
2) Cell wall made of ___________________; cell membranes have ____________________.
3) No nucleus and few organelles
4) ___________________________________________ today.
C) Eukarya
1) Unicellular and __________________________.
2) Membrane bound nucleus with cellular organelles.
VIII) Four Kingdoms belonging to Eukarya domain are:
A) Protista - ______________________________________________________________________
B) Fungi - _______________________________________________________________________
C) Plantae - _____________________________________________________________________
D) Animalia - ____________________________________________________________________
Eukarya Domains
Bacteria and Archaea