Download Agilent TapeStation 2200 FAQ

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Agilent TapeStation 2200 FAQ
The Agilent TapeStation 2200 provides accurate, reliable results for DNA and RNA
assessments. This new technology utilizes proprietary ScreenTapes and assays from
Agilent to perform quality analysis and quantification. Sample quality information is
collected, analyzed and presented in a common format to the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer.
How does the TapeStation work?
This technology utilizes a ScreenTape gel matrix, similar to what you would find in an
agarose gel, to separate samples by molecular weight. These ScreenTape assays offer users
with scalability for varying sample types and numbers. Rather than consuming an entire
“Lab-on-a-Chip” (found on the Bioanalyzer), the TapeStation uses a ScreenTape with 16
independent lanes. This allows for individual samples to be processed and service costs
minimized. Samples are coated with an intercalating dye and electrophoresed. A high
quality camera then images the DNA or RNA. Individually packaged lanes inhibit cross
contamination and the automated loading process decreases the potential for sample error.
What can I expect as results from the TapeStation?
The TapeStation provides a Word or PDF document with your results. Results are shown as
a Gel Image, electropherogram, and a peak table.
Gel Image
HS D1000
Peak Table
Size [bp]
Calibrated Assigned Conc. Peak Molarity % Integrated
Conc. [pg/µl]
Will I still get a RIN (RNA Integrity Numbers)?
A RIN, the common RNA quality nomenclature from the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 has been
adapted for use with the TapeStation 2200. The RINe, otherwise known as the RIN
equivalent, provides users with a similar way to view their data. This new RINe represents
the relative ratio of the fast zone, the region between the 18s signal peak and the small
RNAs. Users can expect a difference in RINs between the Bioanalyzer and TapeStation and
visual inspections are also a critical component to determining RNA integrity. RINs are
only available for RNA samples. Please see ‘What is the difference between the Bioanalyzer
and the TapeStation’ for further information.
What applications are the TapeStation screen tapes designed for?
Any situation where Bioanalyzer results are required can be replaced with a TapeStation
analysis. In other words, if you only have 2 samples you can order a Bioanalyzer chip which
fits 11-12 samples, or you can purchase 2 lanes on the TapeStation.
What is the difference between the Bioanalyzer and the TapeStation?
At this time there has been little information to determine the benefits of using one system
over the other. Both systems provide accurate, reliable information on your sample quality.
However, recent study has revealed differences between the two technologies in their
capabilities to determine appropriate RIN scores. The Bioanalyzer, as a standard in the
field, has the ability to accurately determine RIN with little need for interpretation. The
TapeStation on the other hand may provide users with a 20% difference in RIN using the
RINe algorithem. In the below comparison we can observe the difference between the same
sample run on the Bioanalyzer 2100 using the Nano Chip versus the TapeStation 2200
using an RNA ScreenTape.
Sample 1: RINe : 5.1
RIN: 7.9
Sample 2: RINe: 5.4
RIN: 8.2
Sample 3: RINe: 5.0
RIN: 7.
What sample assay options can I choose and what are the qualitative/quantitative
Options available at the Vermont Genetics Network AGTC Microarray facility include
D1000 Screen Tape: 100pg/ul - 50ng/ul
High Sensitivity D1000 Screen Tape: 10pg/ul – 1000pg/ul
RNA Screen Tape: 25ng/ul – 500ng/ul
High Sensitivity RNA Screen Tape: 500pg/ul – 10,000pg/ul