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Chapter 10 “The Roman Republic” Cornell Notes
A Republic
a. Rome
i. Magistrates
ii. Senate
iii. Assembly
b. United States
i. Executive
ii. Legislative
iii. Judicial
Vocabulary to know
a. Republic: government where citizens have the right to vote and elect officials
b. Patricians: (Aristocracy), nobles and wealthy families of ancient Rome
c. Plebeians: citizens of Rome, common man, lower class
i. Nickname was ‘Plebs’- Latin for “to fill up”
d. Orator: person who had the power of writing and speaking wonderful speeches
e. Veto: Latin for “I forbid”
f. Empire: a state containing several countries or territories
g. Civil War: war between groups from the same country
h. Reform: change or improvement
a. Patricians
b. Elected by Roman citizens
c. Enforced the law
d. Judged cases
e. Top 2 were the Consuls
a. Elected by the Assembly
b. 1 year terms
c. Top official in the Roman Republic
d. Most important job was to lead the army
e. Head over the Senate and Assemblies
f. Were the highest judges
a. Patricians
b. Life Terms
c. Chosen by Consuls
d. Advised the Consuls and the Assembly
e. Dealt with spending money and tax dollars
f. Approved or disapproved laws suggested by the Assembly
a. Plebeians
b. Elected the 2 Consuls
c. Elected the Magistrates
d. Voted on laws suggested by Senate and Magistrates
e. Declared war or peace
a. Headed by President
b. 4 year term
c. Leader of military (commander and chief)
d. Carries out federal laws and recommends new ones
e. Chooses Supreme Court justices
f. Has power to veto laws
a. Headed by Congress
b. 6 year terms
c. Separates into Senate and House of Representatives
d. Main task is to make laws
e. Passes laws
f. Writes spending bills
g. Impeaches officials
h. Approves treaties
a. Headed by the Supreme Court
b. Life time term
c. Interprets the Constitution
d. Reviews laws
e. Decides cases involving states’ rights
Law of the Land vs. Law Code
a. 12 Tables
i. Foundation of Roman government
ii. Originally unwritten
iii. Based on tradition and customs
iv. Plebeians argued for a fair written law code
v. Patricians put together a board of 10 men
vi. The board of 10 men wrote down the laws
b. American Constitution
i. Supreme law of the land
ii. Was written
iii. 1st of the 3 articles establish the separation of powers of the 3 branches of
government and the rules they must follow
iv. Adopted 9/17/1787
v. Went into effect 3/4/1789
a. From Carthage, North Africa
b. General of Carthaginian Army
c. Marched over the Alps to attack Rome in Italy
d. Used Elephants to defeat the 3 Armies the Romans sent against him
e. After years of fighting and Rome attacking Hannibal’s home land of Carthage, Rome
defeated Hannibal
Civil War
a. After Defeat of Carthage, Rome has more states and territories (land)
b. More land=More people=Fewer resources (food and money)
c. Government was afraid all the poor people (non-citizens) would rebel against the rich
government leaders (Senate)
d. Some politicians wanted to help out the poor and allowed both citizens and non-citizens
in their army
e. Traditional politicians didn’t want to help and kept only citizens in their army
f. Created 2 competing groups/armies
i. Traditional politicians and their army of citizens
ii. Reforming politicians and their army of citizens and non-citizens
g. 2 military leaders come about in the Republic against the Senate
i. Sulla- chosen to fight a rich enemy (or the Senate)
ii. Marius- the Assembly voted Sulla out, and Marius was to take Sulla’s place
iii. The 2 men fought and Sulla won
h. Sulla ruled as dictator close to a year before he retired
Pompey vs. Caesar
a. 2 men replaced Sulla
b. They ran the government
c. Ignored laws and customs
d. The 2 men disagreed and fought
e. Senate sided with Pompey, and Roman army sided with Caesar
f. Caesar won
End of a Republic
a. Caesar made himself dictator
b. Senate was angry
c. Senate killed Caesar on March 15, 44 B.C.
d. Caesar’s death did not save the republic
e. Nephew Octavian became 1st Emperor of the Roman Empire
f. Octavian called himself “Augustus” which means ‘greatly honored one’.