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NJBCT Practice Quizzes
Quiz 1 – Metric Measurements, Microscopes, Scientific Method
Pages 3-6
Quiz 2 – Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pages 7-9
Quiz 3 – Cellular Structure and Function, Photosynthesis, Cell
Pages 10-11
Quiz 4 – DNA & Gene Expression
Quiz 5 – Cellular Reproduction
Quiz 6 – Biotechnology
Pages 12-14
Pages 15-16
Pages 17-19
Quiz 7 – Ecology, Human Impact, Evolution
Pages 20-21
Metric Measurement, Microscope, Scientific Method Units
Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.
_____1.Which procedure would most likely provide valid results in a test to determine if
drug A would be effective in treating cancer in white mice?
(a) injecting 1 mL of drug A into 100 white mice with cancer
(b) injecting 1 mL of drug A into 100 white mice with cancer and 0.5 mL of drug
X into100 white mice without cancer
(c) injecting 1 mL of drug A into 100 white mice with cancer and 0.5 mL of drug X
into another group of 100 white mice with cancer
(d) injecting 1 mL of drug A into 100 white mice with cancer and 1 mL of distilled
water into another group of 100 white mice with cancer
A biologist collected the data shown in the table below.Use the information for Question#2
_____2.Which statement is supported by the data in the table?
(a) Populations do not vary from month to month.
(b) Seasonal variations may affect populations.
(c) The grasshoppers increased in length in July.
(d) The populations are highest in September.
_____3. A student prepared a slide of pollen grains from flower. First the pollen was viewed
through the low‐power objective lens and then, without moving the slide, viewed through the
high‐power objective lens of a compound light microscope. Which statement best describes the
relative number and appearance of the pollen grains observed using these two objectives?
(a) low power: 100 small pollen grains; high power: 25 large pollen grains
(b) low power: 25 small pollen grains; high power: 100 large pollen grains
(c) low power: 100 large pollen grains; high power: 25 small pollen grains
(d) low power: 25 large pollen grains; high power: 100 small pollen grains
_____4. What is the approximate length of the earthworm shown in the diagram below?
(a) 9 mm
(c) 10.6 cm
(b) 90 mm (d) 106 cm
_____5. While viewing a specimen under high power of a compound light microscope, a
student noticed that the specimen was out of focus. Which part of the microscope should the
student turn to obtain a clearer image under high power?
(a) eyepiece
(b) fine adjustment
(c) coarse adjustment
(d) nosepiece
_____6.A science researcher is reviewing another scientist’s experiment and conclusion. The
reviewer would most likely consider the experiment invalid if:
(a) the sample size produced a great deal of data
(b) other individuals are able to duplicate the results
(c) it contains conclusions not explained by the evidence given
(d) the hypothesis was not supported by the data obtained
_____7. Students were asked to determine if they could squeeze a clothespin more times in a
minute after resting than after exercising. An experiment that accurately tests this question
should include all of the following except
(a) a large number of students
(b) a hypothesis on which to base the design of the experiment
(c) two sets of clothespins, one that is easy to open and one that is difficult to open
(d) a control group and an experimental group with equal numbers of students of
approximately the same age
Use this information for Question #8.
Students cut 20 rod‐shaped pieces of potato of the same diameter and length. Five pieces of
potato were placed into each of four beakers containing different concentrations of sugar
solutions. Each potato piece was measured again after 24 hours. The table below shows the
results of their experiment.
______8.Which graph below best represents the information in the data table?
a. (1)
b. (2)
c. (3)
d. (4)
_____9.How much water should be removed from the graduated cylinder
shown to leave 5 milliliters of water in the cylinder?
(a) 6 mL
(b) 11 mL
(c) 7 mL
(d) 12 mL
Use your knowledge of biology, along with the following information,
to answer Question #10.
A student studied the location of single‐celled photosynthetic organisms in a lake for a period of
several weeks. The depth at which these organisms were found at different times of the day
varied greatly. Some of the data collected are shown in the table below.
_____10. A valid inference based on these data is that
(a) most photosynthetic organisms live below a depth of 150 centimeters
(b) oxygen production increases as photosynthetic organisms move deeper in the lake
(c) photosynthetic organisms respond to changing light levels
(d) photosynthetic organisms move up and down to increase their rate of carbon dioxide
Chemistry and Biochemistry Units
Multiple Choice. Choose the BEST answer for each.
The following picture comes from the Periodic table of the Elements. Use
it to answer Question #11. Assume Boron does not have a charge.
_____11) Which line in the table below is correct for an atom of Boron?
Atomic Mass
______12) Which of the following shows a balanced equation which obeys the law of
conservation of matter?
a) H + O  2H2O
b) H2 + 2O2 H2O
c) 2H2 + O2 2H2O
d) 2H + O  H2O2
_____13) Which line in the table below is correct for the following equation?
K + Cl2
KCl + Cl2
K &KCl
K + KCl
_____14) The reactivity of an atom is determined by ..
a. The number of electrons in the outermost energy level
b. The number of neutrons in the atoms innermost energy level
c. The number of protons minus the number of electrons in the nucleus
d. The number of electrons in the innermost energy level
_____15) What is the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond?
a) Electrons are transferred in ionic bonds and they are shared in covalent bonds.
b) Electrons are shared in covalent bonds and they are transferred in covalent bonds
c) Electrons are produced in covalent bonds and they are destroyed in ionic bonds.
d) Electrons are destroyed in covalent bonds and they are produced in ionic bonds.
______16) Dehydration synthesis __?__ polymers, and hydrolysis __?__ polymers.
a. breaks down ; breaks down
b. builds ; builds
c. builds ; breaks down
d. breaks down ; builds
_____17) Which of the following statements about enzymes is FALSE?
a. An enzyme can only fit with its specific substrate(s).
b. Enzymes help to speed up chemical reactions.
c. Enzymes lower the amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction.
d. Enzymes work equally well at every temperature and pH.
e. Enzymes are necessary for most chemical reactions in living things.
_____18) Which of the following is correct?
a. An acid will have a pH below 7 and it will release OH- ions in water.
b. An acid will have a pH above 7 and it will release H+ ions in water.
c. An acid will have a pH below 7 and it will release H+ ions in water.
d. An acid will have a pH above 7 and it will release OH- ions in water.
Use the table below to answer Questions #19-20.
______19) Which molecule belongs in section U?
______20) In which section of the chart would find the structure containing “glycerol + fatty
a. U
b. Z
Cell Structure and Function, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Unit
Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.
______ 21) Which structure is present in both eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells?
a) nuclear membrane
b) mitochondrion
c) cell membrane
d) chloroplast
______ 22) Current evidence indicates that ribosomes are most closely associated with
a) contraction of the cytoplasm
b) production of DNA
c) synthesis of protein
d) regulation of mitosis
______23) A student could tell the difference between onion skin cells and human cheek cells
because the onion skin cells have a
a) cell membrane
b) cell wall
c) cytoplasm
d) nucleus
______24) In a plant cell, the synthesis of glucose and other sugar compounds from inorganic
raw materials takes place in the
cell membrane
______25) As a direct result of cellular respiration in humans,
liquid wastes are eliminated from the body
food is digested and absorbed into the blood
energy is released from digested food within the cells
nutrients are transported within the cells
______26) Which choice has terms in the correct order from simplest to most complex?
cells  tissues  organs  organ systems
tissues  organisms  cells  organ systems
cells  tissues  organ systems  organs
organs  organisms  organ systems  cells
______27) When Elodea cells are placed in a saltwater solution, the cells undergo __________,
which means the __________________ of the cell.
hydrolysis / bursting
plasmolysis / shrinking
plasmolysis / bursting
hydrolysis / shrinking
_______28) In both plant and animal cells, the cell membrane
a) produces enzymes
b) controls reproduction
c) is composed of sugars
d) regulates diffusion
______29) Which statement is true regarding the interdependence of photosynthesis and
cellular respiration?
a. the products of one reaction are the products of the other
b. the products of one reaction are the reactants of the other
c. the reactants of one reaction are the reactants of the other
d. none of these
Use the following information to answer
Question #30.
As the depth of the ocean increases, the amount of
light that penetrates to that depth decreases. At
about 200 meters, little, if any, light is present. The
graph below illustrates the population size of four
different species at different water depths.
______ 30) Which species most likely performs
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
DNA and Gene Expression Units
Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.
_____31.Which cell organelle is most directly involved with the bonding of amino acids?
endoplasmic reticulum
cell wall
_____32.The types of enzymes produced in a cell are regulated by the
a. shape of DNA molecules
b. order of nucleotides in DNA molecules
c. size of nucleotides in DNA molecules
d. location of DNA molecules
Some steps involved in DNA replication and protein synthesis are summarized in the table
_____33.At which step would a mutation lead directly to the formation of an altered gene?
a. A
b. B
d. D
_____34.Chromosomes can be described as
a. large molecules that have only one function
b. folded chains of bonded glucose molecules
c. reproductive cells composed of molecular bases
d. coiled strands of genetic material
_____35. Transcription occurs at/in the __?__, and translation occurs at/in the __?__.
a. ribosomes ; ribosomes
c. nucleus ; ribosomes
b. ribosomes ; nucleus
d. nucleus ; nucleus
Base your answers to questions 36 and 37 on the diagram below, which represents some
components involved in cellular protein synthesis.
_____36. Molecules C, D, and E will combine to form part of…
a polypeptide
c. a polysaccharide
d. RNA
_____37. Structure B represents a molecule of
a. nuclear DNA
b. ribosomal RNA
c. cytoplasmic DNA
d. transfer RNA
______38. The central dogma of molecular biology is:
traits  proteins  RNA  DNA
RNA  traits  DNA  proteins
DNA  RNA  proteins  traits
Proteins  DNA  traits  RNA
Use the following segment of DNA and
the codon wheel to answer Question #39.
_____39. Using this DNA sequence, transcription would produce a molecule containing:
c. meth - pro - val
d. tyr - gly - hist
_____40. How many codons are in this mRNA? AUG GAC UGG GCC CAA
a. 3
b. 15
c. 45
d. 5
Cell Reproduction Unit
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer.
_____41.An exact duplication of the complete set of chromosomes of a cell, followed by the
separation of these duplicate sets into two new cell as shown below is known as:
a. Mitosis
b. Zygote formation
c. Meiosis
d. Fertilization
_____42.Compared to the number of chromosomes in a normal human body cell, the number
of chromosomes in a normal sperm cell is:
a. The same
b. Twice as much
c. Half as much
d. Four times as much
_____43.In sexually reproducing organisms, the number of chromosomes in each body cell
remains the same from one generation to the next as a direct result of:
a. Mitosis and mutation
b. Differentiation and aging
c. Homeostasis and dynamic equilibrium
d. Meiosis and fertilization
_____44.If the chromatid labeled C below has a gene that codes for hair color, which of the
chromatids has a gene that will code for hair color (in general)?
a. A
b. B
c. all of these
d. D
_____45.Body cells in a fruit fly contain 8 chromosomes. How many of these chromosomes
were contributed by each parent of the fruit fly?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
______46. What phase of mitosis is shown to the right?
a. Telophase
c. Anaphase
b. Metaphase
d. Prophase
_____47.Which of the following form during fertilization?
a. Egg cell
c. Zygote
b. Sperm cell
d. Gamete
______48.Mitosis and meiosis are similar in that:
a. The chromosomes are replicated before either process starts
b. The chromosome number is the same when each process is done
c. Two separate cell divisions occur during both processes
d. Each process combined genetic material from two individuals
_____49.Which statement best explains the significance of meiosis for the survival of species:
Meiosis produces egg cells and sperm cells that are completely alike
Meiosis ensures the continuation of a species by asexual reproduction
Meiosis produces equal numbers of egg cells and sperm cells in animals
Meiosis results in genetic variation among the offspring that are produced
_____50.What is the name of structure a in the diagram below:
a. Centriole
c. Chromatids
b. Centromere
d. Cytoplasm
Biotechnology Unit
Read Chapter 15 in your textbook to answer the following.
_____51. Study the DNA fingerprint below. Which two
samples may be from a set of identical twins?
2 and 3
4 and 6
1 and 4
none of these
_____52.In the diagram below, a lamb named Dolly was produced using a cloning technique.
Read through the steps carefully. Dolly’s DNA would therefore…
A. be the same as the DNA in a body cell from Sheep “A”
B. be the same as the DNA in a body cell from Sheep “B”
C. be a mixture of the DNA from Sheep “A” and Sheep “B”
D. be the same as the DNA in an egg cell from Sheep “A”
_____53.What do we call the process of changing a gene to treat a medical gene or disorder
(such as replacing a defective insulin gene in a diabetic patient)?
a. gene therapy
b. cloning
c. DNA fingerprinting
d. selective breeding
e. gel electrophoresis
_____54. Primary goal(s) of the Human Genome Project included:
a. determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA
b. find new ways of making human clones
c. identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA
d. determine the biochemical composition of DNA
e. “a” and “c” only
_____55. Stem cells are:
a. differentiated somatic cells
b. undifferentiated gametes
c. differentiated somatic cells
d. undifferentiated gametes
_____56.Genetically modified (GM) or transgenic foods:
a. contain no DNA
b. are all dangerous
c. are all safe
d. have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering
_____57. Humans have kept and bred dogs for thousands of years, always looking to produce
animals that are better hunters, better retrievers, or better companions. We’ve done this by
allowing only those animals with wanted characteristics to produce the next generation. This
takes advantage of naturally occurring genetic variation, to pass wanted traits on to the next
generation of organisms. This technique is known as:
a. selective breeding
b. cloning
c. genetic engineering
d. mutation
_____58.Study the diagram below. What would we identify as the vector?
a. normal hemoglobin gene
b. genetically engineered virus
c. bone marrow cell
d. bone marrow
Ecology, Evolution and Human Impact Units
Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.
________61. Which component of a stable ecosystem can NOT be recycled?
a. oxygen
b. energy
c. water
d. nitrogen
________62. Extinction of a species could result from:
a. evolution of a type of behavior that produces greater reproductive success.
b. synthesis of a hormone that controls cellular communication
c. limited genetic variability in the species
d. fewer unfavorable mutations in the species.
________63. Classification of different
organisms is listed in the table. According
to this table, which organism is most closely
related to the house cat?
a. dolphin
b. songbird
c. lynx
d. wolf
________64. Male grizzly bears can maintain territorial control over many square miles. This
role as top predator in the territory is known as:
a. a habitat
b. an ecosystem
c. a biosphere
d. a niche
________65. In the diagram to the right,
which organism is classified as both a
primary and secondary consumer?
a. hawk
b. raccoon
c. snake
d. mouse
________66. In a species of plant, the sudden appearance of one plant with a different leaf
structure that enables this plant to survive longer than normal, results from a mechanism of
microevolution called:
a. artificial selection
b. photosynthesis
c. mutation
d. hydrolysis
________67. The guppy is a species of small freshwater fish. Scientists observed that the
average size of guppies in a pond decreased over a few years after the introduction of a species
of fish that preys on the largest guppies. Which of the following best explains the change in
guppy size?
a. dehydration
b. synthesis
c. inbreeding
d. natural selection
________68.Which process transforms chemical energy into energy that is useable by the cells
of an organism?
a. evolution
b. cellular respiration
c. digestion
d. photosynthesis
________69. Organisms are grouped into the 6 kingdom system of classification based on
a. phylogeny or lines of evolutionary decent
b. physical characteristics
c. similarities in the DNA sequences
d. all of the above
________70. Which of the following would cause average global temperatures to increase?
a. increased use of fossil fuels
b. increase in plant populations
c. decrease in vehicle emissions
d. increase of earth’s biodiversity