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About the Author
Debbie Routh is an experienced junior high Life Science teacher. Debbie has 18 years of
teaching experience, including Biological Sciences, Earth Science, Health, Geography, Resource,
and Physical Education. She is a member of the National Science Teachers Association and has
co-planned with other teachers science curriculum for grades K–12.
Learning About
Debbie Routh
COPYRIGHT © 2003 Mark Twain Media, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-58037-788-1
Printing No. 1577-EB
Mark Twain Media, Inc., Publishers
Distributed by Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Inc.
The purchase of this book entitles the buyer to reproduce the student pages for classroom
use only. Other permissions may be obtained by writing Mark Twain Media, Inc., Publishers.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
Learning About DNA
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................................ 1
What Is DNA?............................................................................................................................ 2
The History of DNA................................................................................................................... 4
Learning About Microscopes..................................................................................................... 6
Microscope parts and functions........................................................................................ 7
How to Use a Microscope: Student Lab.................................................................................... 9
The Cell................................................................................................................................... 12
Cell Organization..................................................................................................................... 14
I’m Made of These?: Student Lab............................................................................................ 18
Mitosis..................................................................................................................................... 21
Meiosis.................................................................................................................................... 22
“Cell-a-bration Day”: Cell model project.................................................................................. 24
You Are What You Inherit......................................................................................................... 25
What Are Dominant and Recessive Traits?............................................................................. 27
Dominant and Recessive Traits in Humans............................................................................. 30
FYI: Common Mendelian Traits................................................................................................ 31
Predicting Heredity.................................................................................................................. 32
How Does DNA Work?............................................................................................................ 35
Modeling the Structure of DNA................................................................................................ 38
Some DNA to Study: DNA Research Project.......................................................................... 39
DNA Vocabulary List................................................................................................................ 40
DNA Crossword Puzzle........................................................................................................... 41
DNA Unit Test.......................................................................................................................... 42
Answer Keys............................................................................................................................ 44
Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 46
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Learning About DNA
Welcome to the exciting world of genetics (juh NET iks), which is the study of traits and
how they are passed on from parent to offspring. In this book, you will learn many things about
DNA, chromosomes, genes, the cell, and all of the components of heredity.
Has anyone ever told you that you have your mother’s eyes or your father’s smile? What
did they mean by that? After all, these are your eyes and smile, right? What they meant by this
remark is that you have close similarities to your parents. All offspring resemble their parents
because they inherit traits or characteristics from them. In this book, you will learn the reasons
This book will help you to understand concepts such as your genes, dominant and recessive traits, what a chromosome is, how to predict heredity, and how environmental factors
may affect the traits of plants and animals. Of course, we will also have to learn about cells,
the building blocks of life. That is where your DNA is located. But you cannot learn about DNA
located within the cell without some understanding of the microscope. A microscope is a necessary tool used by scientists to study the smallest unit of life.
Student observers will use many scientific process skills to discover the world of DNA.
The student reinforcement worksheets that serve as a follow-up activity for each lesson contain
at least one higher-level thinking question.
So come on, student observers, put on those thinking caps and use your process skills
to observe, analyze, debate, design, and report. This unit contains a variety of lessons that will
help you practice scientific processes as you make new, exciting discoveries about genetics
and the secret code of life called DNA.
Teacher note: This book supports the National Science Education Standards and is designed to supplement your
existing science curriculum. Each lesson opens with a manageable amount of text for the student to read. The
succeeding pages contain exercises and illustrations that are varied and plentiful. Phonetic spellings and simple
definitions for terms are also included to assist the student. The lessons may be used as a complete unit for the
entire class or as supplemental material for the reluctant learner. The tone of the book is informal; a dialogue is
established between the book and the student.
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Learning About DNA
What Is DNA?
What Is DNA?
DNA is the thread of life. In each of the cells that make up your body,
information is stored in the form of DNA. This information is the genetic blueprint that contains all of the directions that control the functions of your body.
The differences in the information stored are responsible for all of the inherited
differences among people. The cells in your body have stored a great deal of
information in a very small space. They can even make an exact copy of the
DNA to be passed on to new cells produced by your body. So what exactly is
this thing called DNA? It’s a complex chemical substance found in the cell’s
nucleus. This large organic molecule is called Deoxyribonucleic (dee OK
see RY boh noo KLEE ik) Acid. Scientists studied cells for many years before
they discovered the structures within the cells called chromosomes. The
chromosomes contain coiled and fixed genes. They consist of two strands
connected by base pairs like a twisted zipper. Each individual has a unique
genetic makeup.
The Shape of DNA
DNA is like a miniature ladder with two sides and rungs connecting the sides. The sides
twist around each other like a spiral staircase with ten rungs for each turn.
DNA Make-up
DNA is made up of three substances, all connected together in a definite pattern.
• Phosphate (P)
• Deoxyribose (D) - a sugar
• 4 bases - There are four nitrogen bases present in DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C),
guanine (G), and thymine (T).
The Sides or Strands of the Ladder—The Backbone
Imagine if you can, that each side of the ladder is made up of phosphates (P), joined
with units of deoxyribose (D). The units alternate to form the two strands.
Side 1: P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-
Side 2: P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-
Rungs of the Ladder—The Base Pairs
Now try to visualize the two strands connected by pairs of bases. Each base pair forms a
rung on the ladder. The four bases will only pair up with each other in an orderly manner. Adenine
(A) pairs only with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) only pairs with guanine (G). A single Dna molecule, or ladder, can have thousands of steps. The number of steps and how they are arranged
form a genetic code. The genetic code determines the different kinds of inherited traits.
Genetic Code:
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Learning About DNA
What Is DNA?: Reinforcement Activity
What Is DNA?: Reinforcement Activity
To the student observer: What is responsible for the differences in people?
Analyze: What would two developing embryos that contained the same genetic code look
Directions: Answer the following questions about a DNA molecule.
1. What is DNA?
2. What does DNA look like?
3. What substances make up a DNA molecule?
4. What is the backbone (sides) of the DNA ladder made of?
5. What are the rungs (steps) of a DNA molecule made of?
6. What are the four nitrogen bases present in DNA, and how do they pair up?
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Learning About DNA
The History of DNA
The History of DNA
Since the 1800s, it has been known that the nuclei of cells
contained a chemical called nucleic acid. People have always
noticed that certain traits are passed on from one generation to
the next. In 1857, an Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, was the first
person to describe how these traits called genes are inherited.
Mendel studied ordinary pea plants for eight years. The pea plants
made an excellent choice for experimentation because they grew
and reproduced quickly. He was able, in a relatively short period
of time, to observe nine generations of the pea plants. He observed a variety of traits in them, such as tallness or shortness,
the color green or yellow, smooth or wrinkled seed coats, and so
on. Mendel wondered why certain traits of the parents showed
up, while others did not. He used a branch of mathematics called
Gregor Mendel
probability to predict what kind of plants would be produced from
each parent. His research led to the principles of genetics and
his title, the “Father of Genetics.”
In 1928, a taxonomist named Frederick Griffith, who classified pathogens (disease-causing organisms), showed the existence of an inheritance molecule. He performed a remarkable
experiment with a bacterium called Streptococcus pneumonia. He observed that these bacteria
produced two types of colonies on the growth—medium-rough and smooth. It was known by
this time that chromosomes contained both protein and DNA. Scientists wondered: upon which
of these components was the heredity information written? Did the hereditary information come
from the protein or the DNA?
Griffith then used mice to conduct an experiment to test this question. He removed the
protein capsule and injected mice with only the DNA; the mice died. He also discovered the
one strain, smooth (S), was deadly while the other strain, rough (R), was harmless. He heated
the (S) bacteria and found it to be harmless, as the mice did not develop the disease. He then
injected the mice with the harmless (R) strain and found that the mice did not develop the deadly
disease. However, when he injected the mice with both the heated harmless (S) strain and the
harmless (R) strain, the mice all caught a raging case of the disease and died. Griffith realized
the (R) bacteria had transformed into a harmful strain, and the change became an inherited
permanent change, thus proving the existence of an inherited molecule.
In 1944, Oswald Avery continued the work of Griffith and identified DNA as the inheritance
molecule. Most scientists believed that protein had to be the substance that carried hereditary
material. They believed that DNA was not complex enough to carry out such a task. Avery
grew huge amounts of deadly bacteria in vats of broth that were heated to the temperature of
human blood. He then spun the broth in a centrifuge to separate the pneumococci. He broke
open the cells to extract fluid and began testing them one by one. This took years, and none of
the proteins Avery tried affected the pneumococci. Only a non-protein substance could induce
a smooth, deadly coat in harmless pneumococci. Analysis of the non-protein substance found
a 1.67:1 ratio of nitrogen to phosphorous. As it happened, this was the same ratio found in
DNA. Avery felt certain he had made a mistake. He added enzymes to the DNA transforming
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Learning About DNA
The History of DNA
The History of DNA (cont.)
agent, knowing it would digest any protein present. Avery then introduced the resulting product
to the harmless (R) strain, and the smooth coat appeared. Avery then became convinced that
DNA was, in fact, the inheritance molecule. Avery became the world’s first genetic engineer by
introducing a gene into an organism that did not previously have that gene.
In 1951, Rosalind Franklin discovered the double-helix shape of DNA. She discovered
that the DNA molecule was really a strand of molecules in a spiral form. By using an X-ray
technique, she was able to show that the spiral was actually two spirals, similar to a spiral staircase.
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick made a model of the DNA molecule. The
model was accurate and has changed very little since then. According to Watson and Crick, the
sides are made up of two twisted strands of sugar and phosphate molecules. The stairs that
hold the strands apart are made up of molecules called nitrogen bases. The DNA molecule is
made up of five elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
Francis Crick and James Watson
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Learning About DNA
Learning About Microscopes
Learning About Microscopes
Before we can observe and study cells, we must learn to use a very important scientific tool, the microscope. Micro means “very small,” while scope means “to look at.” Over time,
scientists developed a tool to make things look larger than their actual size. Microscopes use
lenses (curved pieces of glass) to bend light rays in order to make an enlarged image. The first
compound microscope was invented around 1590 by two Dutch eyeglass makers, Hans and
Zacharias Janssen. Their microscope had two lenses, one at each end of a tube, but the lenses
were poor; as a result, the images produced were blurred and distorted. It wasn’t until 1670 that
the quality of the lenses had improved enough to produce a clear image.
Kinds of Microscopes
There are many different kinds of microscopes. Microscopes are either simple (containing one lens) or compound (containing two or more lenses). A simple microscope is like
a magnifying glass. Have you ever used a hand lens before? If you have, you have used a
simple microscope. Light microscopes use light and lenses to magnify (enlarge) things. The
microscopes you use in your classroom are compound light microscopes. They let light pass
through the object and then through two or more lenses. Convex lenses are used as magnifying
lenses and bend the light toward your eye. They usually have an eyepiece lens with the power
to magnify something ten times. The objective lenses vary in power. Using the different objective lenses changes the magnification of the microscope. The low-power objective is usually a
10X magnification lens. It shows more of the object but less detail. The high-power objective
contains the lens with the greatest amount of magnification. It shows less of the object you are
viewing but shows it in greater detail. The magnification power of a microscope is the product
of the magnifying power of the lenses: take the magnification of the eyepiece and multiply it by
the magnification of the objective (nosepiece) lens to determine the total magnification of the
microscope. A standard microscope can make objects appear 50 to 500 times larger than their
actual size.
Magnification of a Microscope
Eyepiece lens = 10X (magnification)
Objective lens = 43X (magnification)
Total magnification =
430X (the product of 10 x 43)
Electron microscopes use electrons to magnify objects; this type of microscope does
not use light. Electrons are the particles that light up your television screen. Scientists use
electron microscopes to look at things too small to be seen with a light compound microscope.
The transmission electron microscope (TEM) is used to study parts inside a living cell. The
scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used to view dead cells and tissue. It is also used to
see the surfaces of the whole object. These microscopes are very expensive and are not likely
to be found in your classroom. They are used in research centers, hospitals, and doctors’ offices.
Electron microscopes can magnify objects 300,000 times their actual size.
Your classroom may have a light stereoscope microscope; this type of microscope is
used to see three-dimensional views of objects too thick to let light pass through. For example,
if you wanted to see a worm up close, you would use one of these microscopes.
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Learning About DNA
Microscope Parts and Functions
Microscope Parts and Functions
Microscopes are fun and easy to use if you know their parts and what they do. All compound microscopes have the same basic parts. As you read about the parts of the microscope,
locate each in the drawing below.
• Eyepiece - contains the lens you look through; the top part of the microscope
• Body tube - the hollow tube through which light passes; also maintains the correct
distance between the lenses
• Nosepiece - holds the objective lenses and rotates to change the magnification
• Objective lens - several objective lenses, each having a different magnification
• Stage - supports the object (microscope slide) being viewed
• Stage clips - used to hold the microscope slide in place
• Diaphragm (DY uh fram) - changes the amount of light that enters the body tube
• Mirror or light source - used to send light up through the hole in the stage, the object,
and the lenses
• Base - supports the microscope and is used to carry it; the bottom part of the microscope
• Arm - supports the body tube and is used to carry the microscope
• Fine adjustment knob - moves slightly to sharpen the image while focusing
• Coarse adjustment knob - turns to raise and lower the body tube or stage for focusing
(Always use this knob first.)
Coarse adjustment knob
Body tube
Fine adjustment knob
Objective lenses
Stage clips
Mirror or light source
Note: Always use both hands to carry a microscope. One hand should be on the arm, and the other hand should
be under the base. Always store your microscope with the low-power objective in place. When focusing your microscope, use the low-power objective first.
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Learning About DNA
Learning About Microscopes: Reinforcement Activity
Learning About Microscopes: Reinforcement Activity
To the student observer: Can you explain the proper way to carry a microscope?
Analyze: How does changing the objective lens from low to high power affect the image of the
object you are viewing (How does it change what you see in the microscope?)?
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What makes microscopes compound or simple?
2. Upon which part of the microscope do you place the object you are viewing?
3. Who invented the first compound microscope?
4. If the eyepiece of the microscope has a 10X lens, and the high objective has a 50X lens,
what is the total magnification in high power?
5. Which parts enable you to adjust the focus of the microscope? With which part should you
focus first?
6. When would you use an electron microscope?
7. When would you use a stereoscope microscope?
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Learning About DNA
How to Use a Microscope: Student Lab
How to Use a Microscope: Student Lab
To the student observer: Microscopes enable us to see things we cannot see with our eyes
alone. In this lab, you will learn how to use a microscope by becoming familiar with its parts. You
will also learn how to prepare objects for viewing. In this experiment, you will look first at a very
small, lowercase letter “e” cut from a magazine or even from this sheet. Using the lowercase
letter “e” will help you understand how a microscope works and how the lens system changes
the position of the object you are viewing. Be patient, and have fun while you explore the world
of the microscope.
Materials needed: (Note: Teachers may obtain threads by pulling the threads off the edges of
cut pieces of nylon and wool fabric.)
Strand of hair
Cover slip
Microscope slide
Nylon thread
Wool thread
Part A: Procedure
1. With a partner, study the figures below, and identify the parts of your microscope so you
will understand the directions in this lab.
2. Cut a small (the smaller, the better) lowercase letter e from a magazine, and place it on
a slide. Put a drop of water on the slide next to the letter, and place a cover slip over both
the water and the letter.
3. Place the slide on the microscope stage. Move the slide to center the e over the hole in
the stage. Use stage clips to hold the slide in place (You may have to move it slightly in
one direction or the other to bring it into your field of view. The field of view is the circle you
see when looking through the microscope.).
4.Turn on the light if your microscope has one. If it does not have a light, adjust the mirror
so that the light is reflected through the eyepiece.
5. Note the position (how it is sitting) of the letter e on the slide without looking through the
eyepiece. Is the letter sitting right-side-up, upside-down, sideways, etc.? In the Data and
Observation portion of this lab, draw a picture of the letter e as it looks on the microscope
Light Source
Microscope using a light source
(angled body tube)
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Microscope with a mirror
(straight body tube)
Learning About DNA
How to Use a Microscope: Student Lab
How to Use a Microscope: Student Lab (cont.)
6. Now it is time to check your objectives on the revolving nosepiece. Click the low-power
objective (usually 10X) lens in place. The low-power objective is the shortest one. The lens
should be directly over the hole in the stage. Turn the coarse adjustment knob to bring the
lens close to the slide. The low-power lens is short enough, so you shouldn’t hit or break
the slide or damage the lens.
7.Everything is now ready for you to look through the eyepiece and begin to practice focusing by slowly turning the coarse adjustment knob. Remember, if you cannot see the letter,
you may have to move the slide slightly to make sure the letter is under the lens.
8. When the letter is clearly visible, draw what you see in your field of view (through the eyepiece) in the data and observation portion of this lab. Discuss with your partner what you
have observed about the position of the letter.
9. When the letter is clearly in view, move the slide to the left while looking through the eyepiece. Which way did it appear to move? Next, with the letter in view, move the slide to
the right. Which way did it appear to move? Discuss with your partner what you have just
Part B: Preparing microscope slides for viewing
1. Place a drop of water on a clean glass slide. Put a strand of your hair on the drop of water
and place a cover slip on top.
2.Observe the hair, using the same procedure you used in Part A.
3.Observe the wool and nylon threads next, using the same procedure.
Data and Observations:
1. In the spaces below, draw what you observed about the letter e during your lab activity.
Without the microscope
Through the microscope
a. Position of the letter e
b. Position of the letter e
(in field of view)
2. In the spaces below, draw what you observed in your field of view when looking at the
strand of your hair and the nylon and wool threads during your lab activity.
a. hair
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b. nylon thread
c. wool thread
Learning About DNA
How to Use a Microscope: Reinforcement Activity
How to Use a Microscope: Reinforcement Activity
1. Compare your drawing of the letter e without the microscope to the drawing of the letter
as seen through the microscope. Note below how the microscope changed the position of
the letter. 2. What direction does the object appear to move into your field of view when compared to
the way you actually moved it?
3. Describe the difference you observed in the field of view between the two kinds of
4. Describe how to prepare a slide for viewing.
5. Why do you think it’s a good idea to always focus with the low-power objective in place
6. Which adjustment knob should you focus with first?
7. What is the magnification of your power objectives?
8. Do you know how to calculate the total magnification of the microscope you used today?
Write the procedure below.
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Learning About DNA
The Cell
The Cell
Observers, we need to take care of some business before we continue our study of DNA.
We can’t begin to understand what DNA is or how heredity works without understanding the
cell. So, let’s back up for a moment and take a look at cells.
A brick building is made up of many bricks, which are its basic units of structure. Cells
are like the bricks of a building; they are the building blocks of all living things. All living things
are made up of one or many cells. Plants and animals are made up of many cells, while some
living things consist of only a single cell. The human body has over ten trillion cells. Cells, the
smallest units of life, are the basic units of structure and function of all living things.
The first person to see cells was an English scientist, Robert Hooke. He used a simple
compound microscope (a microscope with more than one lens), to view thin slices of cork.
Cork is found in some plants. The first cells Hooke saw were dead cells that seemed to resemble
many small boxes. The small boxes reminded Hooke of the rooms monks slept in—these rooms
were called cells. So, Hooke decided to also name the structures that made up the cork cells.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (AN tun van LAY vun hook) was the first person to observe living cells.
He observed single-celled organisms in a drop of pond water. He used a simple microscope
that he had made, using a tiny glass bead for a lens.
The Cell Theory
By the 1800s, better microscopes were being made, and scientists had many ideas about
cells. Their ideas were put together into a theory, an idea that is consistently supported by data.
The credit for the theory goes to two German scientists, Matthias Schleiden, a botanist (one
who studies plants), and Theodor Schwann, a zoologist (one who studies animals). Schleiden
discovered that plants were made up of cells, and Schwann reported the same to be true of
animals. Together, they hypothesized that all living things were
made up of cells. Rudolph Verchow, a German doctor, hypothesized 15 years later that cells didn’t just form on their own. He
believed that cells divided from an existing cell to form new cells.
This discovery led to the third part of the cell theory. The cell
theory is one of the major theories in science. It is not based
on the hypotheses and observations of only one scientist, but is
the result of the discoveries of many scientists. Today, the Cell
Theory serves as the basis upon which histologists (scientists
who study cells) have built their ongoing explosion of knowledge
and information in cell biology.
The cell theory states that:
• All organisms are made up of one or many cells;
• Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all
organisms; and
• All cells come from other cells that already exist.
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Learning About DNA
The Cell: Reinforcement Activity
The Cell: Reinforcement Activity
To the student observer: Why is it important to study the cell in order to learn about DNA?
Analyze: What is the relationship between the improved microscope and the discoveries made
by scientists about cells?
Directions: Complete the following sentences.
are the building blocks of all living things.
was the first person to see cells.
3.The first cells observed were
cells in thin
slices of cork.
was the first person to observe
cells in a drop of pond water.
is one of the major theories in sci-
6.The work of
, and
led to the development of the Cell Theory.
are scientists who study cells.
8. List the three parts of the Cell Theory:
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Learning About DNA
Cell Organization
Cell Organization
Structure and Function
Cells have several things in common and come in two basic types. They all have a membrane, a gel-like material called cytoplasm inside the membrane, and a nucleus that controls
or directs the cell. The cytoplasm contains proteins, nutrients, and all of the other cell organelles
(structures). The control center is either a nucleus or nuclear material. The two basic types of
cells are eukaryotic (with a true nucleus) and prokaryotic (no true nucleus). Eukaryotic cells
have a nucleus surrounded by a membrane. DNA is located in this part of the cell, which is
the reason the nucleus is often called the control center of the cell. most cells are eukaryotic.
Prokaryotic cells have nuclear material floating around inside the cytoplasm but lack a nuclear
membrane. Bacteria, the simplest cells in existence, are prokaryotic.
Two kinds of cells:
Eukaryotic Cell
• Eukaryotic - a cell with a true nucleus; nuclear
material is inside a membrane.
• Prokaryotic - a cell without a true nucleus;
nuclear material is present, but it is not inside
a membrane (i.e., bacteria).
Prokaryotic Cell
The three main parts of a cell:
* Cell membrane - A thin layer that encloses the cell and controls the movement of
materials into and out of the cell; it offers shape and protection for the cell.
* Nucleus - Round or egg-shaped structure found near the center of the cell and is
usually darker in color; contains DNA and controls all cell activities.
* Cytoplasm - All the living material in a cell except the nucleus; contains proteins,
nutrients, and all of the other cell organelles.
plant cell
Animal cell
Cell membrane
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Learning About DNA
Cell Organization: Reinforcement Activity 1
Cell Organization: Reinforcement Activity 1
To the student observer: A membrane surrounds the nucleus of a cell. Based on what you
have learned, what do you think the job of a nuclear membrane would be?
Analyze: In your opinion, what do you think would happen to a cell if the nucleus was taken
out of it?
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What controls the activities of a cell?
2. List the three functions of the cell membrane.
3. List and explain the two types of cells.
4. A cell is mostly made up of what substance?
5. Label the three main parts of the cell in the diagram below.
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Learning About DNA
Cell Organization
Cell Organization (cont.)
The Other Cell Parts
A cell is a remarkable miniaturization of life’s functions. A cell moves, reacts, protects itself, grows, and even reproduces. It has a control center, power plants, internal communication,
and construction and manufacturing elements. Cells come in many sizes, shapes, and textures.
Cells are classified into four categories. Associated plant cells live in communities in association with each other to form the multi-cellular organisms that make their own food. Plant cells
are more rigid and contain a nonliving structure called a cell wall and green disc-shaped parts
called chloroplasts. The chloroplast allows the plant to make its own food. Plant cells are more
square or rectangular in shape. Associated animal cells also live in communities in association with one another to form multi-cellular organisms that move about in order to obtain food.
Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts or a cell wall. Free-living animal cells form single-celled
animal-like organisms. Free-living plant cells form single-celled plant-like organisms.
Going About Business—Organelles in the Cell’s Cytoplasm
Observers, now that you know what the three main parts of the cell are, let’s take a closer
look at the cell. A cell can be compared to a factory. There are many machines in a factory, and
each performs a certain task. It takes all of the machines working together to run the factory.
Organelles (the machines of the cell—parts that float in the cytoplasm) are responsible for
keeping the cell alive and working properly. Here’s a look at the organelles of that microscopic
blob of jelly called a cell.
The energy to keep the cell working is produced in sausage-shaped structures called
mitochondria (MYT uh KAHN dree uh). The food obtained or produced in the cell is burned in
a chemical operation to release energy. The mitochondria are often called the “powerhouses”
of the cell. The vacuoles (VAK yoo wohls), another cell organelle, are liquid-filled spaces that
serve as storage bins. They store food, water, and waste for the cell. Golgi (GOL jee) bodies,
protein-filled sacs, store and package the protein that the cell exports. When the protein is
shipped out, bits of the Golgi bodies break off, and the protein is neatly packaged and ready
for market. Ribosomes work under the direction of the nucleus to make the protein. Proteins
are the building materials of the cell. Ribosomes are often found along the edge of a transferand-delivery setup known as endoplasmic reticulum (EN doh PLAS mik ri TIK yoo lum), or
ER. ER is actually a network of tubes that makes up the transport system for the cell.
Animal cell
plant cell
Cell membrane
Cell wall
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Golgi bodies
Endoplasmic reticulum
Learning About DNA
Cell Organization: Reinforcement Activity 2
Cell Organization: Reinforcement Activity 2
Parts of Animal and Plant Cells
To the student observer: Explain what cell organelles are.
Analyze: Why does a cell need energy? In your opinion, which cells contain more mitochondria:
your skin cells or your muscle cells?
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Why are cells often compared to a factory?
2. List the three functions of the cell membrane.
3. What are the four categories of cells?
4. Label the cell parts and organelles in each cell below. Use the following terms:
Cell Membrane, Cell Wall, Chloroplast, Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic Reticulum,
Golgi Bodies, Mitochondria, Nucleus, Ribosomes, Vacuole.
plant cell
Animal cell B.
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Learning About DNA
I’m Made of These?: Student Lab
I’m Made of These?: Student Lab
No fooling, observers; you really are made up of many small units called cells. Just in
case you have ever wondered what a cell looks like, let’s take a look at animal and plant cells
under the microscope. In this lab, you will learn and practice how to prepare things for viewing
under a microscope. You will see the tiny individual cells (units) of which each living thing is
made. You will also have the opportunity to compare animal cells to plant cells.
Elodea (an aquarium plant)
Slides and cover slips
2 eyedroppers—one for water and one for staining solution
Iodine stain or blue staining solution in a small beaker or container
Toothpicks or prepared cheek cell slides
Procedure for observing plant cells
Onion cells and elodea leaf cells:
1.Obtain a small piece of onion and a green elodea leaf from your teacher.
2. Place the elodea leaf on the microscope slide and add a drop of water. Cover with cover
3.Use a needle to peel a thin, clear piece of tissue from the inside section of an onion.
4. Place the onion tissue on the microscope slide. Try to avoid having any wrinkles in the
5. Add a drop of staining solution to the onion tissue and cover with a cover slip. (The stain
helps to better reveal the clear tissue’s individual cells.)
6. View the onion and elodea under the microscope. Use low-power objectives for magnification. Then, taking care not to damage the lens or break the slide, view under high power.
7. Many small cells should be observed.
8. Draw what you observed in the field of view.
Onion Cells
Low Power © Mark Twain Media, Inc., Publishers
High Power
Elodea Leaf Cells
Low Power
High Power
Learning About DNA
I’m Made of These?: Student Lab
I’m Made of These?: Student Lab (cont.)
Procedure for observing animal cells
Cheek Cell:
1. Add a drop of staining solution to the center of a clean slide.
2. With the end of a clean toothpick, gently scrape the inside lining of your cheek. Stir the
toothpick in the staining solution. Note: You will not see anything in the staining solution
3. Place a cover slip over the drop of staining solution. View under low power and then, with
care, under high power.
4. Many small cells should be observed. They will be more rounded in appearance than plant
5.If your teacher has already prepared slides of cheek cells for you to view, you may skip
the first two steps. Students sometimes have difficulty making their own cheek cell slides,
and prepared slides save a great deal of time.
6. Draw what you observed in the field of view below.
Cheek Cells
Low Power
High Power
Strategy Check:
Do you agree with the idea that living things are all made up of cells?
Can you prepare and observe cells under the microscope?
Could you see differences between plant and animal cells?
Can you label the cells below correctly?
Cheek Cell
Elodea Cell
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Learning About DNA
Prove You Can: Reinforcement Activity
Prove You Can: Reinforcement Activity
Part A: To the student observer: Mark each column below with a check mark (✔) for the cell
or cells the words or phrases describe. More than one choice may be used for some words and
phrases. The first one has been done for you.
1. rectangular or brick-like shape
2. chloroplasts
3. nucleus
4. round or circular in shape
5. cell wall
6. cytoplasm
7. no cell wall
8. animal cell
9. plant cell
10. cell membrane
Part B: Analyze: Can you relate the parts of the cell to your school? Match each cell part function with the corresponding school area or part.
Cell wall
a. Supply or storage room
b. Doors and windows
c. Principal’s office
d. Bricks of the building
Cell membrane
e. Cafeteria
Part C: Predict: What if you were to look at a piece of tomato skin under the microscope? What
would you see?
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Learning About DNA
All living things grow and repair themselves by reproducing cells in a process called mitosis. In order to reproduce a cell, everything inside the cell must first be duplicated (copied).
Mitosis is the process by which a cell divides. Cells divide in two steps: the nucleus of the cell
divides first, and then the cytoplasm divides to form two daughter cells. During cell division,
DNA breaks into short pieces called chromosomes; each organism has a specific number of
chromosomes. For example, every body cell in fruit flies has eight chromosomes, or four pairs.
All chromosomes are found in pairs. You have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in all of your body
cells. Two of those chromosomes determine your gender. The others carry information, such
as your height, eye color, and so on. Mitosis can be broken down into five steps. This process
produces only body cells, not gametes (reproductive cells—eggs and sperm); they are produced
by the process of meiosis, which is described on the next page.
The Five Steps of Mitosis:
Step 1: Interphase - DNA breaks up into short chromosomes. Each chromosome makes an
exact copy of itself. Each pair stays attached in the middle (the centromere).
Step 2: Prophase - Chromosomes become visible; the nuclear membrane disappears. Two
small structures move to opposite ends of the cell, stretching threadlike spindle fibers across
the cells.
Step 3: Metaphase - Chromosomes line up along the middle (the center of the cell, and each
centromere attaches to a spindle fiber).
Step 4: Anaphase - Spindle fibers go to work like tugboats, pulling each pair apart toward opposite ends of the cell.
Step 5: Telophase - Nuclear membrane returns around each mass of chromosomes, and the
cell pinches apart in the middle (“furrowing” in animal cells, or “division plate formation” in plant
Normal cell Step 1: Interphase
Step 4: Anaphase
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Step 2: Prophase
Step 5: Telophase
Step 3: Metaphase
Cell divides, forming two daughter cells
Learning About DNA
Meiosis is cell division that produces gametes. Gametes (reproductive cells) have only
half the number of chromosomes as body cells. This half-set of chromosomes is called the
genome for an organism. This is important during fertilization. When reproductive cells (egg
and sperm) unite, the full number of chromosomes for the formation of body cells is restored.
For example, a fruit fly has eight chromosomes from both parents. It also has traits, or genetic
material, from both parents. Meiosis requires two divisions of the nucleus—Meiosis I and Meiosis
II. Meiosis I has steps and names like those in mitosis. During Meiosis I, the cell divides, forming two daughter cells with chromosomes still in pairs. Meiosis II begins with the two daughter
cells going through a second division of the nucleus; in this process, there is no chromosome
replication. The chromosome pairs are split apart, forming four daughter cells with half the
number of chromosomes (single strands of chromosomes).
Meiosis I
Normal cell Step 4: Anaphase
Step 1: Interphase
Step 2: Prophase
Step 5: Telophase
Cell divides, forms two daughter cells
Meiosis II
Two daughter cells divide
Forming two more cells (four total cells)
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Step 3: Metaphase
Learning About DNA
Mitosis and Meiosis: Reinforcement Activity
Mitosis and Meiosis: Reinforcement Activity
To the student observer: Why do you think chromosomes are copied during cell division?
Analyze: Is cell division a form of reproduction? Explain.
Directions: Complete the following sentences.
is the process by which cells reproduce body cells.
2.In mitosis, the nucleus
first, and then the cytoplasm.
3. During cell division, each chromosome makes an exact
of itself.
4.The two new cells that are formed by mitosis are called
5.Each body cell contains the same number of
6. Reproductive cells are called
are produced
by meiosis.
8. Gametes contain
the number of chromosomes of the body cells.
9.Humans have
chromosomes in their body cells, and
chromosomes in their reproductive cells.
10. During mitosis, the nucleus divides
, and during meiosis, the nucleus
Match the phase of mitosis to its proper description.
1. Chromosomes make exact copies of themselves.
2. Nucleus disappears, and fibers stretch across the cell.
A. Interphase
B. Prophase
3. Nuclear membranes return, and the cell pinches apart.
C. Metaphase
4. Paired chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.
D. Anaphase
5. Paired chromosomes tugged to opposite ends of the cell.E. Telophase
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Learning About DNA
“Cell-a-bration Day”: Cell Model Project
“Cell-a-bration Day”: Cell Model Project
To the student observer: Cell-a-bration Day is a project day. It’s a day to show off your creativity, while proving you understand that the cell is three-dimensional and an important part of
all organisms. You must meet the criteria and deadline your teacher sets by completing one of
these projects.
My Cell-a-bration Day is on
. (date due)
(Any project turned in late will be reduced one letter grade.)
My Cell-a-bration Day Project will be a typical (check one):
A. Plant Cell
B. Animal Cell
My project will be: (Check one)
A. A three-dimensional model
B. An edible cell
For my project I will be:
A. Working alone
B. Working with a partner
(partner’s name)
* Exchange phone numbers so you can get together to work on your projects.
Project Guidelines:
Cell models should be created so that the cell parts can be seen and labeled. (You may need
to include a key for your model.) It must include the name and function of the cell organelles.
The cell must be large enough so everyone can see and distinguish each of the organelles.
The cell model must be built or constructed by you in some way. Use any of the suggested
materials discussed in class (Styrofoam™, modeling clay, salt-dough, wood, shoeboxes, and
jars are all good materials to work from. Be creative and choose good representations for your
cell organelles. Have a great time building your cell!).
Edible cells should be made from something that is edible. This will be a food day, so plan to
make enough to share with the class. All other rules apply. It must be three-dimensional with
realistic representations of each of the organelles (Candies or frosting make good choices to
use for the organelles. Good bases for the cytoplasm may be cookie dough, cake batter, bread
or pizza dough, gelatin, or anything else that appeals to you.).
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Learning About DNA
You Are What You Inherit
You Are What You Inherit
The characteristics of a living thing are called traits. What if you were asked to list ten
characteristics or traits that would describe your appearance? Your list might include things like
dark curly hair, brown eyes, freckles, and a height of 4′6″ tall. It would be unlikely that your list
would be exactly the same as one of your classmates. This is because each person is a unique
individual. All living things are grouped according to their traits. They may share many group or
common traits with other members of the same group but have different individual traits. Traits
that are passed on from parents to their offspring are called inherited traits. The passing on of
traits from parents to offspring is called heredity. The study of heredity is called genetics. Let’s
explore traits further by taking a closer look at group traits and individual or inherited traits.
Group Traits
It’s easy to distinguish a bird from a mammal. Feathers are a group trait
among birds, while hair is a group trait among mammals. All members of a group
have certain traits in common. An owl has many group traits it shares with all
birds; yet, it has other traits that enable you to distinguish the owl from all of its
other feathered friends. A giraffe is easy to recognize from all other mammals.
Giraffes have hair, are warm-blooded, nurse
their young, and give birth to live offspring like
all mammals. You share many of the same
group traits with the giraffe, and you share
many group traits with other humans. Although humans and giraffes share many common traits, they
also have different traits that enable you to distinguish one
from the other. All humans share certain group traits, but no
two people are exactly alike—not even identical twins. There
are always individual differences called inherited traits that
allow us to identify members of the same group.
Individual Traits
There are always individual differences called individual traits.
No two organisms are exactly alike. Individual traits help us to identify
members of the same group. Think of your family and friends­—you
can tell one from the other, can’t you? Can you think of some inherited
family traits you and your family share? You are able to tell the difference between your family members by their differences or the traits
they do not share in common. Some individual traits include type and
coloring of skin and hair, shape of face and facial features, size, eye
color, etc.
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Learning About DNA
You Are What You Inherit: Reinforcement Activity
You Are What You Inherit: Reinforcement Activity
To the student observer: Can you identify five traits that belong to all humans?
Analyze: Can you identify these two humans by their individual traits? Write the correct boy’s
name under each picture.
Tom is short and very thin. He
has light skin and dark curly
John is tall and very muscular.
He has light-colored skin and
dark straight hair.
Part A. Directions: Study each group trait and decide if it is a mammal trait or a bird trait.
1.Hair covering is a
2.Feather covering is a
3.Hatching from an egg is a
4. Giving live birth is a
5. Nursing its young is a
6.Having sharp talons and curved beaks is a
7.Having light, hollow bones is a
8.Having sharp canine teeth is a
Part B. Directions: Complete the following sentences.
1. Characteristics of living things are called
2. Differences of individuals of the same group are called
3. Scientists
living things according to their traits.
4. Color of feathers is a(n)
trait among birds.
5.Having hair is a(n)
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trait among mammals.
Learning About DNA
What Are Dominant and Recessive Traits?
What Are Dominant and Recessive Traits?
Patterns of Inheritance
What traits have you inherited? Every living thing is a collection of traits that have been
passed down to them by their parents. These traits are controlled by something called genes.
Genes are made up of DNA and are located on the chromosomes. When pairs of chromosomes
separate into sex cells during a process called meiosis, pairs of genes also separate from one
another. As a result, each sex cell winds up with one form of a gene for each trait the organism
shows. If the trait is for hairlines, then the gene in one sex cell may control one form of the trait,
such as common baldness—an “m-shaped” hairline. The gene for hairlines in the other sex cell
may control another form of the trait, such as a straight hairline. The different forms a gene may
have for a trait are called alleles (uh LEELZ). An allele is one pair of genes that can appear
as alternatives in heredity, and they are located on equivalent portions of chromosomes. Most
cells in our bodies have two alleles for every trait.
Two Genes for the Trait Determine Inheritance
Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics who studied the inherited traits of pea plants,
noticed that genes (hereditary factors) always came in pairs. Every organism that reproduces
sexually receives two genes for each trait; they receive one gene from each parent. Mendel
noticed, however, that the genes were not always equal. He wondered why some traits found
in the parents showed up in their offspring, while other traits did not. To find the answer, he experimented with pea plants. These experiments led to the principal of genetics called the Law
of Dominance.
The Law of Dominance states:
• An organism receives two genes for each trait, one from each parent.
• One of the genes may be stronger; the trait of the stronger gene shows up and is
called the dominant gene. The trait of the weaker gene is “hidden” or does not show
up and is called the recessive gene.
The trait that was always visible in the offspring was considered to be the stronger of
the two. If the trait always showed up in the offspring, he called that gene the dominant gene
for that particular trait. The other gene, weaker and usually hidden by the stronger gene, was
called the recessive gene for that trait. If an offspring receives two of the same genes (either
two dominant genes or two recessive genes), the offspring will inherit or have that trait. There
are no other possibilities. An organism with two alleles for a trait that are exactly the same is
called homozygous (HO muh ZI gus). An organism with two different alleles for a trait is called
heterozygous (HET uh roh ZI gus).
Pure Traits
Pure traits can be either recessive or dominant. Pure traits may have two dominant
genes or two recessive genes. For example, a pea plant may have two genes for tallness, which
is a dominant trait in pea plants. This plant is a homozygous plant with a pure dominant trait for
tallness. All of the offspring from this plant will be tall. A pea plant with two genes for shortness
is also a pure organism. However, shortness in pea plants is a recessive trait. This plant is a
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Learning About DNA
What Are Dominant and Recessive Traits?
What Are Dominant and Recessive Traits? (cont.)
homozygous plant with a pure recessive trait for height. The offspring from this plant will be
short if it pollinates with another plant that has two genes for shortness. If this plant pollinates
with a tall pea plant, the tall dominant gene will mask or cover up the recessive gene for shortness. Both plants are homozygous or pure plants; one is a pure dominant pea plant, the other
is a pure recessive pea plant.
Hybrid Traits
Organisms that have two unlike genes for a certain trait are called hybrid. A pea plant
with one recessive gene for shortness and one dominant gene for tallness is a hybrid for that
trait. A hybrid is called heterozygous, as it has two different alleles. The offspring from a pure
tall pea plant, cross-pollinated with a pure short pea plant, will result in a heterozygous plant
for tallness. No organism has all dominant or all recessive genes. An organism may be pure in
certain traits and hybrid in others. Remember, student observers, that a dominant trait in one
kind of organism may be a recessive trait in another organism.
Homozygous Traits
Dominant Trait
Recessive Trait
pure tall
pure Short
Heterozygous Traits
Hybrid Trait
hybrid tall
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Learning About DNA
What Are Dominant and Recessive Traits?: Reinforcement Activity
What Are Dominant and Recessive Traits?: Reinforcement
To the student observer: Based on what you have learned,
can you explain why Zach’s hair is dark like his mother’s and
not blond like his father’s?
Analyze: What is the difference between a pure tall plant and
a hybrid tall plant?
Directions: Complete the following sentences.
1.The gene that always shows itself is called the
2. All short pea plants have two
3. An organism with two like genes for a trait is called
for that trait.
4.Each trait an organism has is determined by one gene from
5. Most cells in our bodies have
alleles for every trait.
6.The “hidden” gene that does not show up is the
7. An organism with two alleles that are exactly the same for a certain trait is called
8. An organism with two different alleles for a trait is called
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Learning About DNA
Dominant and Recessive Traits in Humans: Reinforcement Activity
Dominant and Recessive Traits in Humans: Reinforcement
Human genetics is very difficult to study, because the life span of humans is so long
compared to the life span of other animals and plants. As a result, scientists cannot study all of
the offspring produced in many generations of one family. Another difficulty in the study of human genetics is the number of offspring. Humans produce fewer offspring than other animals
and plants. It is difficult to compare traits with fewer offspring to observe. Scientists use what
they learn from studying other animals and plants to learn more about human genetics. How
many of the traits in the table below do you recognize in yourself?
Brown eyes
Curly hair
Nearsighted eyes
Long eyelashes
Detached earlobes
Widow’s peak hairline
Blue eyes
Straight hair
No freckles
Normal eyes
Short eyelashes
Attached earlobes
No dimples
Straight hairline
Predicting Human Traits
To the student observer: Use the information in the table above to see if you can predict offspring traits in the chart below. The first example has been done for you.
Mother Father
1. normal eyesight nearsighted 2. straight hair straight hair
3. freckles
4. long lashes
short lashes
5. no dimples
6. detached lobes
detached lobes
7. blue eyes
brown eyes
8. widow’s peak nearsighted
straight hairline
Analyze: How many offspring will be pure dominant for a trait? Why do recessive genes show
up? Answer on your own paper.
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Learning About DNA
FYI: Mendelian Traits
FYI: Mendelian Traits
Your genes, units in the chromosomes that contain your dominant and recessive traits,
have been inherited from your parents and grandparents. Below is a fun list of some common
Mendelian traits. Do you have any of these traits?
Tongue Rolling - dominant - ability to roll tongue into a longitudinal u-shaped tube
Tongue Folding - recessive - to fold the tip of your tongue back upon the main body of the
tongue without using your teeth
Detached Earlobes - dominant - earlobes not directly attached to your head; free-hanging
Attached Earlobes - recessive - earlobes directly attached to the head
Darwin’s Tubercle - dominant - little bump of cartilage on outer rim of ear
Hitchhiker’s Thumb - dominant - thumb, when up in the hitchhiking position, can bend backwards at a sharp angle (50% or more)
Relative finger length - dominant - index finger longer than ring finger
Dimples - dominant - natural smile produces dimples in one or both cheeks or a dimple in the
center of the chin
Widow’s peak - dominant - pull hair off your forehead; hairline comes to a point in the middle
of forehead
Bent little finger - dominant - little finger curves in toward other fingers
Webbing - recessive - Spread fingers apart and grasp a good thumbful of skin.
Blaze - dominant - lock of hair noticeably different color; won’t take dye
Freckles - dominant - circular pattern of skin coloration
Whorl - can be dominant or recessive - Which way does the hair at the crown of your head turn?
Have a partner stand behind you to check which way your hair turns: if it spirals clockwise, the
whorl is dominant; if it spirals counterclockwise, the whorl is recessive
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Learning About DNA
Predicting Heredity
Predicting Heredity
Gene Symbols
All organisms have at least two genes for every trait. They receive at least one from each
parent. Symbols are used to help in predicting the traits of offspring. A capital letter is used to
represent a dominant trait. A lowercase letter is used to represent a recessive trait. In humans,
brown eyes are dominant. The symbol for this gene is B. The gene for blue eyes is recessive.
The symbol for this gene is b. A capital letter shows that the gene for that trait is dominant. A
lowercase letter shows that the gene for that trait is recessive. If black fur color in guinea pigs
was a dominant trait, what symbol would be used for that gene? If you’re thinking that it is a
capital B, you’re right. A guinea pig with white fur is a recessive trait, so the symbol for that gene
is represented with a lowercase b.
Punnett Squares
One way to predict heredity is to use a special chart called a Punnett square. A Punnett
square shows the possible gene combinations for a trait and consists of four boxes inside a
square. Each square represents a possible gene combination. The parents’ genes are placed
outside the square. The steps below will show you how to predict the possible gene combinations from two parents.
• Draw a box with four squares.
• Write the genes from the mother down the left side of the square.
• Write the genes from the father across the top of the square.
•Fill in each of the four boxes by giving one gene from each parent to each box—one
gene from the mother and one gene from the father.
Example of a Punnett square:
Incomplete Dominance
In most sports, there is usually a stronger team and a weaker team. Which team usually
wins? What happens if the two teams are equally matched? Heredity can work like that too. If
the gene is dominant, it usually wins over the weaker recessive gene. Some genes of certain
traits are equally strong. We call this incomplete dominance. In these traits, a mixture of both
traits shows up in the offspring. This kind of gene combination is called blending. In some flowers, the color red (RR ) is equally as strong in heredity as the color white (WW ). If neither color
is dominant, the offspring will be a combination or blending of the two colors red and white. If
neither color is dominant, what color will the offspring be? If you are thinking red and white make
pink, then you’re absolutely right. Since neither color can hide the other color, a blending of the
two occurs. A Punnett square for the cross-pollination of these two flowers is demonstrated on
the next page.
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Learning About DNA
Predicting Heredity
Predicting Heredity (cont.)
The offspring of crossed pure red and pure white flowers are a blending of the two colors.
How can you tell, observers, from looking at the chart above, that there is incomplete dominance?
If you’re thinking because two capital letters are used to symbolize their gene combinations,
you’re correct. Incomplete dominance produces offspring with hybrid genes for the given trait,
and neither one is dominant over the other for that trait. Examples in humans of incomplete
dominance are found in skin, hair, and eye color. Let’s hear it for the green-eyed people!
Genotypes and Phenotypes
The genetic makeup of an organism is its genotype. The genotype of the pink flowers is
RW. The genotype of the red flower is RR, and the white flower’s genotype is WW. The capital
letters indicate incomplete dominance. The genotype is the combination of genes for each trait
the organism has. The physical trait that shows as a result of the genotype is the phenotype. The
phenotype for RW is the color pink. Remember, you can not always figure out the genotype by
looking at the phenotype. The gene combination TT and Tt both produce tall pea plants, giving
them the same phenotype or physical characteristic. The capital T that indicates tallness in pea
plants is a dominant trait. TT is pure dominant and T is dominant over t in the hybrid tall pea
plant. Both plants are tall pea plants, but each has a different genotype. Explore the examples
below to gain a better understanding of the terms genotype and phenotype.
Trait Genotype
1. Red flower RR
Red Color
2. White flower WW
White Color
3. Pink flower RW
Pink Color
4. Brown eyes BB
Brown Color
5. Blue eyes bb
Blue Color
6. Brown eyes Bb
Brown Color
7. Tall plant TTTallness
8. Short plant tt
9. Tall plant TtTallness
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Learning About DNA
Predicting Heredity: Reinforcement Activity
Predicting Heredity: Reinforcement Activity
To the student observer: Meet George and Gina Guinea Pig. They are expecting offspring
very soon. See if you can use a Punnett square to predict the possible gene combinations of
their offspring. George has two of the same genes for fur color. He is pure dominant for black
fur. Gina has two of the same genes for white fur. She is pure recessive for white fur. George
has the genotype BB, and Gina has the genotype bb for the trait. Use the Punnett square below,
and determine possible gene combinations for their offspring.
1. How many gene combinations are there?
2. What is the genotype of their offspring?
3. What color will the offspring be? Why?
To the student observer: Meet Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Gary Jones has dark hair. He has two of
the same genes for hair color. He is pure for dark hair coloring. His genotype is DD for hair color.
Tina Jones has dark hair too. She has two different gene combinations. She has one dominant
gene for dark hair and one recessive gene for blonde hair. She is a hybrid with the genotype Dd.
Based on your knowledge of Punnett squares, what hair color will their children have?
1. What are the two genotype possibilities for hair color?
2. What percent or fraction of their children will be pure for dark hair?
3. What hair color will their children have?
4. If Gary and Tina were both hybrid darks for hair coloring, could they
have a child with blonde hair?
Fill in the correct fractions below. The first one has been done for you.
would be pure dominant for hair color
would be pure recessive for hair color
would be hybrid
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Learning About DNA
How Does DNA Work?
How Does DNA Work?
Structure and Function
Picturing DNA as a ladder helps in understanding how the substances are arranged in
the molecule. However, the two DNA strands (sides) come apart easily like a zipper. A DNA
molecule is better described as a twisted zipper. DNA not only directs every cell in our bodies,
but it also allows the cells to replicate (copy themselves) and pass the genetic information on
to the new cells. The function of DNA is to use itself as a pattern to copy an organism’s genetic
information. DNA determines how an organism looks and acts. Every cell inside the organism
has the same genetic code or blueprint that is unique only to that organism. DNA is responsible
for passing on the code from one generation to the next. During mitosis (cell division), the DNA
unzips and gives each new cell a copy of itself.
Genes are sections of DNA that code for a definite function. The DNA codes use four
symbols (A, T, C, G) for each of the four bases. The sequencing (arrangement) of the bases
determines the function of DNA. The four base compounds will only pair with one of the other
base compounds. If you know the base sequence on one side, it is easy to duplicate the entire
molecule. If you know the base pair rules and you know the sequence of the first strand, you can
predict the second strand of DNA. For example, if the first strand is AAGGCG, then the other
strand is TTCCGC. Remember, wherever there is an A in one strand, there will be a T in the
other. Wherever there is a G in the first strand, there will be a C in the opposite strand. When the
chromosomes are doubled at the beginning of mitosis, the amount of DNA is also doubled. The
process of how DNA copies itself is pictured below by using the Watson and Crick model.
How DNA Copies Itself
Step 1. An enzyme breaks the bonds
between the nitrogen bases. (strands
Step 2. The bases attach to each strand,
then pair up with the correct bases from
a supply found in the cytoplasm. The
order of the new base pairs will match
the order of the original DNA before it
Step 3. Sugar and phosphates form
the sides of each new DNA strand.
Each molecule now contains an original
strand of DNA and a new strand.
DNA and Protein Synthesis
All cells have cytoplasm—the part of the cell outside the nucleus. The information in
DNA forms proteins inside the cytoplasm. All living things need proteins. Proteins are made up
of units called amino acids that are linked together in a certain order. A protein may be made
up of hundreds of thousands of amino acids. The order of the amino acids determines the kind
of protein. Some proteins form cell structures, while other proteins called enzymes regulate
everything that goes on inside the cell. Enzymes do their work in special structures inside the
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Learning About DNA
How Does DNA Work?
How Does DNA Work? (cont.)
cell cytoplasm. The enzymes in the mitochondria specialize in energy production. The section
of DNA on a chromosome that directs the making of a protein is called a gene.
If production of proteins takes place in the cytoplasm, does DNA leave the nucleus? No,
DNA molecules are too large to pass through the pores of the nuclear membrane. The code must
be carried by a second type of nucleic acid, called ribonucleic acid or RNA. RNA is different
from DNA. It is a shorter, single strand; therefore, it can pass through the pores of the nuclear
membrane. Since it carries the genetic information as a kind of message, it is called messenger
RNA or mRNA. RNA is a different form of DNA; it has a different sugar known as ribose (R),
and instead of thymine, it has a different nitrogen base, uracil (U). RNA is made in the nucleus
on a DNA pattern. RNA is formed when strands in a section of DNA unwind and open up. The
bases, sugars, and phosphates inside the nucleus join with part of the DNA to form RNA.
After RNA has been formed, it separates from DNA. RNA then moves out into the cytoplasm, carrying the information in its base sequence. After enough RNA copies are made, the
two strands of DNA close back together. There are two types of RNA: messenger RNA (mRNA)
and transfer RNA (tRNA). Protein assembly begins with the mRNA molecule moving out of the
nucleus and attaching to ribosomes. Pieces of tRNA pick up and carry specific amino acids in
the cytoplasm to the ribosomes and temporarily pair up with the appropriate triplet code on the
mRNA molecule. When the amino acids are in place, they bond together, and the message has
now been translated into a specific protein molecule.
Sometimes changes in the code occur during replication, and the traits of an organism are
changed. If an error is made in the genetic code, the permanent change is called a mutation. The
change may or may not be life-threatening. Some mutations add variety to a species. Outside
factors, such as X-rays and chemicals, have been known to break (change) chromosomes. If
a mutation occurs in the reproductive cells, the mutation will be passed on to the offspring.
Uses of DNA
DNA has become very valuable to law enforcement officials in helping officers solve
crimes by identifying criminals. It can also be used in a court of law to prove innocence or family relationships. DNA is used in genetic engineering (a method to make new forms of DNA)
to improve living things. It is used to treat defective genes associated with inherited diseases,
such as sickle-cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, or hemophilia. Agriculture uses DNA to improve
crops and livestock. Animal breeders use DNA to produce livestock offspring with desirable traits.
Mankind has developed genetically engineered medicines, such as insulin for diabetics, that
help many people live better lives. However, care must be taken not to accidentally produce a
harmful organism for which there is no cure.
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Learning About DNA
How Does DNA Work?: Reinforcement Activity
How Does DNA Work?: Reinforcement Activity
To the student observer: Can you describe the appearance and function of DNA?
Analyze: What might occur if there was an extra nitrogen base in the middle of the mRNA
Part A. Directions: Complete the following sentences.
1. DNA copies itself when the two strands
and replicate identical
2. Proteins are made up of units called
3. DNA strands are held together by
separated by
when DNA copies itself.
are sections of DNA that code the making of a specific protein.
5. All
need proteins to build cells and tissue.
are special proteins that control activities going on inside the cell.
carries the code for proteins from the nucleus to the ribosomes.
picks up amino acids in the cytoplasm and moves them to the
Part B. Directions: Answer the following questions.
1.How is RNA different from DNA?
2. List three uses for DNA.
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Learning About DNA
Modeling the Structure of DNA: Reinforcement Activity
Modeling the Structure of DNA: Reinforcement Activity
Analyze: Before you begin to construct the model, remember what you’ve learned about the
DNA molecule.
Activity 1
Pair of scissorsTracing paper
Construction paper (white, black, blue, green, red, yellow)
1.Using tracing paper, trace the DNA parts shown here.
2.Trace and cut out 12 black sugar molecules and 14 white phosphate molecules. Be sure
to label the molecules.
3. Now you are ready to trace 3 blue T’s, 3 green A’s, 3 red G’s, and 3 yellow C’s.
4. Construct the sides (backbone) of the molecule with the sugars and the phosphates.
5.It’s time to complete the DNA molecule by fitting the base pairs correctly along the sides
of the molecule.
Activity 2
Materials: Use materials such as modeling clay, Styrofoam™ balls, or gumdrops with toothpicks or straws to build a model of the DNA molecule. Each color, size, and kind of ball should
represent each molecule that makes up DNA (the four bases and the two chemicals that make
up the backbone). The straws and toothpicks will represent the bonds between the molecules.
Be sure to include a key for your molecules.
Questions and Conclusions:
1. Which nitrogen base pairs with G?
With A?
2. Which chemicals make up the backbone of the double helix?
3. Which chemicals make up the rungs (steps) of the double helix?
4. Do you think your model looks exactly like your classmates’? Explain.
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Learning About DNA
Some DNA to Study: DNA Research Project
Some DNA to Study: DNA Research Project
Scientists have found many ways to improve our lives and the lives of plants and animals
by making use of new technology in the field of genetics. If Gregor Mendel were alive today, he
would certainly be amazed to see how far researchers have taken his early studies of genetics.
To the student observer: You have been learning the basics of DNA. Can you apply what you’ve
learned to create a fantastic classroom project? Let’s create a classroom DNA scrapbook. You
and a partner will take off on a journey to the resource area and computer lab to discover why
genetics is important. It will take the entire class to just scratch the surface of this amazing field
of science. Hardly a day goes by that there isn’t a newspaper article about the latest information on genetic research. The word “gene” has become a household word. Choose a genetic
research topic to include in your scrapbook. Below is a list of suggested topics; however, you
may also select a topic of your own.
Bright Ideas
Inherited/Sex-linked Disorders
Tay-Sachs disease
Down’s Syndrome
Cystic Fibrosis
Sickle cell anemia
Genetic Engineering
Recombinant DNA
Gene Therapy
New Medicines
Crime Investigation
Controlled Breeding
Human Genome Project
Class Scrapbook:
Keep the class reports about DNA topics in a special book. Organize the reports into the scrapbook by related topics.
How to make:
1. Make the cover from heavy cardboard. The cover should be slightly larger than the pages in
the book. Have interested students submit cover designs. Let students vote on the design
they prefer. The student with the winning idea should make the cover for the scrapbook.
2. Punch holes in 30 sheets of construction paper and the cover. Lace
it all together with a shoelace, or
bind it with metal rings. This will
allow you to add or remove pages.
Display the finished project for
your students and visitors to see.
Students may want to bring in related articles to accompany their
reports. These may be included in
the scrapbook as well.
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Learning About DNA
DNA Vocabulary: Study Sheet
DNA Vocabulary: Study Sheet
To the student observer: Below is a list of important terms for the DNA unit. Use this list of
terms and their definitions to help you complete the activities on the following pages. This study
sheet will also help you prepare for the unit test.
1. Adenine - a white, crystalline purine base contained in DNA; links with thymine
2. Base pair - two of four nitrogen bases linked together in each double strand of DNA
3. Cell - the smallest unit of life; combines to form tissue in plants and animals
4. Chromosomes - rod-shaped bodies inside the cell’s nucleus; carry the genetic code
5. Covalent bond - the chemical bond formed between the nitrogen bases and the sugarphosphate backbone in DNA
6. Cytosine - a pyrimidine base contained in DNA; links with guanine
7. Daughter cells - the two new cells formed during mitosis
8. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) - the hereditary material that makes up chromosomes and
genes; an extremely long double helix (spiral) molecule that contains four nitrogen bases
and a sugar and phosphate backbone
9. Dominant gene - the stronger gene for a trait; always shows up in the offspring
10. Genes - made up of DNA; located on the chromosomes
11. Genetics - the study of traits in an organism and how they are passed on from the parent
to the offspring
12. Genetic code - the order in the DNA molecule of the four nitrogen bases
13. Guanine - a crystalline purine base contained in DNA; links with cytosine
14. Hybrid - having two unlike genes or alleles; such as Tt or WR
15. Meiosis - a process that requires two divisions of the nucleus to form gametes (reproductive cells)
16. Mitosis - a process in which cells divide to form new body cells
17. Non-covalent bonds - a weak electrical attraction between the partially negative atoms
on the base of one side with the partially positive atoms on the other
18. Punnett square - a chart used to predict hereditary traits in offspring
19. Recessive gene - the weaker, “hidden” gene for a trait
20. Thymine - a white, crystalline, pyrimidine base contained in DNA; links with adenine
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Learning About DNA
DNA Crossword Puzzle
DNA Crossword Puzzle
Directions: Use the clues below and other resources to complete the crossword puzzle.
2.The information carried in the chromosomes of an
6.The nitrogen base that pairs with thymine
7. Smallest membrane-bound unit of life; forms tissue
in plants and animals
11. A process in which cells divide to form new body
13. Made up of DNA and are located on the chromosomes inside the cell’s nucleus
: a molecule that consists of two complementary strands connected by base pairs
18.Having two like genes or alleles, such as TT or tt
19. A chart used to predict hereditary traits in offspring
(two words)
1. Partner of Watson; helped make the first model of the
DNA molecule (last name)
2.Experimented with pea plants to learn about inherited
traits; Father of Genetics (two words)
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3.The spherical membrane-bound structure in a cell
that contains the DNA
4.The sugar-phosphate supporting structure of the
DNA double helix is called the
5.The passing of traits (and genes) from one generation to the next
8.The order of the four nitrogen bases in the DNA
molecule (two words)
9.The nitrogen base that pairs with guanine
10.Two of four nitrogen bases linked together in each
double strand of DNA (two words)
12.The stronger gene for a trait; always shows up in
the offspring (two words)
14. Spooled strings of genes inside the nucleus; rodshaped and carry the genetic code
15.Having two unlike genes or alleles; such as Tt or
16.The two new cells formed during mitosis:
Learning About DNA
DNA Unit Test
DNA Unit Test
Part A. Directions: Put the letter of the correct answer on the blank.
1. A Punnett square shows possible combinations of
a. DNA b. chromosomes
c. genes d. traits
2. The sides or backbone of the DNA ladder are made up of
a. nitrogen bases
b. proteins
c. sugars and phosphates d. adenine
3. A pea plant with two tall genes is said to be
a. pure tall b. hybrid tall c. blended d. hybrid short
4. Characteristics that an organism has are its
a. traits b. genes c. DNA d. chromosomes
5. An organism with two like genes for a trait is said to be
a. hybrid b. pure c. dominant d. recessive
6. A molecule of DNA contains all of the following except
a. nitrogen bases b. sulfur c. sugar d. phosphates
7. When one parent is pure dominant and the other parent is pure recessive, the
offspring will all be
a. hybrid recessive b. pure recessive c. pure dominant d. hybrid dominant
8. A gene that always shows up in the offspring is a
a. dominant gene b. recessive gene c. pure gene d. hybrid gene
9. The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called
a. heredity b. genetics c. reproduction d. chromosomes
c. chromosomes d. genes
10. Inherited traits are controlled by
a. cells b. mitosis 11. A complex molecule found inside a cell and called the “thread of life” is
a. DNA b. genes c. chromosomes
d. heredity
12. Adenine always pairs up in the double helix with
a. cytosine b. thymine c. guanine d. phosphate
13. The rungs of the ladder are pairs of
a. nitrogen bases
b. genetic bases
c. sugar bases d. inherited traits
14. A microscope containing two or more lenses is a
a. compound b. electron c. simple microscope.
d. stereoscope
15. A microscope that uses electrons to magnify a living cell is a
a. TEM © Mark Twain Media, Inc., Publishers
b. SEM c. electron microscope 42
d. stereoscope
Learning About DNA
DNA Unit Test
DNA Unit Test (cont.)
Part B. Directions: Match the following microscope functions with its corresponding part.
Used to hold slides in place
a. Objectives
Holds objectives and rotates for magnification
b. Nosepiece
Supports the body tube
c. Diaphragm
Supports the object for viewing
d. Stage
High and low power lenses
e. Arm
Regulates the amount of light that f. Stage clips
enters the body tube
Part C. Directions: Match each of the following descriptions with its corresponding term.
The building blocks of life
a. Eukaryotic
A cell without a true nucleus
b. Prokaryotic
Living material inside the cell,
c. Cells
except the nucleus
Controls all cell activities
d. Mitochondria
Animals and plants have this kind of cell
e. Gametes
The powerhouse of the cell
f. Nucleus
Transportation network of the cell
g. ER
Process in which cells divide
h. Cytoplasm
Cell division that produces gametes
i. Meiosis
Humans have 46 of these in their body cells
j. Daughter cells
New cells formed by mitosis
k. Mitosis
Cells that have half the number of chromosomes l. Chromosome
Part D. Directions: Match each of the following descriptions with its corresponding DNA
Found on the chromosomes; come in pairs
a. Base pair
During cell division, DNA is
b. Chromosomes
Changes that occur during replication are
. c. Genes
Order in the DNA molecule forms the
d. Genetic code
The study of traits and how they are passed on e. Replicated/Copied
Rod-shaped, spooled string of genes
f. Mutations
Two of four nitrogen bases linked together g. Genetics
in each double strand of DNA
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Learning About DNA
Answer Keys
Answer Keys
What is DNA?: Reinforcement Activity (p. 3)
To the student observer: The differences in the information stored in the form of DNA (genetic code).
Analyze: Identical or the same.
1. A large complex organic molecule found inside the
cell’s nucleus on structures called chromosomes.
2. A twisted miniature ladder or a spiral staircase.
3. Phosphate, sugar or deoxyribose, and four nitrogen
4. Phosphate and sugar
5. Pairs of nitrogen bases
6. Adenine pairs only with thymine; cytosine pairs only
with guanine.
Learning About Microscopes: Reinforcement Activity
(p. 8)
To the student observer: By the arm and the base
Analyze: You see greater details and less of the object
when using high power
1.The number of lenses
2.On the stage
3.Hans and Zacharias Janssen
4. 500X
5.The adjustment knobs; use the coarse adjustment
6.To look at objects too small to be seen with a compound light microscope; to see cell structures
7. When you wanted to see a three-dimensional view
How to Use a Microscope: Reinforcement Activity
(p. 11)
1.The letter e appears to be reversed or backwards.
2.Opposite; if moved forward, it appears to move
3. Nylon thread is thinner and very tightly woven. Wool
is thicker and loosely woven.
4. Wet-mount: place the object for viewing on a slide,
and then add a drop of water; cover with a cover slip
5. So you don’t scratch or break the slide.
6. Coarse adjustment
7.High: answers will vary. Low: usually 5X or 10X
8.Objective lens multiplied by the eyepiece lens; eyepiece times the objective lens. Example: 10X x 40X
= 400X (10 x 40 = 400)
The Cell: Reinforcement Activity (p. 13)
To the student observer: Because DNA is located in
the cell structure called the nucleus.
Analyze: As microscopes improved, scientists were able
to see and study the parts of the cell better.
1. Cells
2. Robert Hooke
3. dead plant
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4. Anton van Leeuwenhoek; living
5. Cell Theory
6. Schleiden, Schwann, Verchow
8. a.All organisms are made up of one or many cells.
b. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function
in an organism.
c. All cells come from other cells that already exist.
Cell Organization: Reinforcement Activity 1 (p. 15)
To the student observer: It protects and encloses the
nucleus and controls movement of materials into and
out of the nucleus.
Analyze: The cell would die because it wouldn’t run
1.The nucleus
2. a. Shapes the cell
b. Protects the cell
c. Controls the movement of materials into and out
of the cell.
3. a. Prokaryotic cells - without a membrane-bound
b. Eukaryotic cells - have a true or membrane-bound
4.The cytoplasm
5. A. Nucleus
B. Cell membrane
C. Cytoplasm
Cell Organization: Reinforcement Activity 2 (p. 17)
To the student observer: Organelles are cell parts that
have a special job to do.
Analyze: Cells need energy to perform life’s functions.
Muscle cells would contain more mitochondria.
1.They are filled with organelles that work like machines, each performing a certain job. It takes all of
them to run the cell.
2. a. encloses the cell b. controls movement into and
out of the cell c. offers shape and protection for the
3. a. associated plant cells b. associated animal cells,
c. free-living plant cells d. free-living animal cells
4. A. mitochondria
B. nucleus
C. chloroplast
D. cell membrane
E. cell wallF. cytoplasm
G. Golgi bodies
H. endoplasmic reticulum I. vacuole
J. ribosomes
I’m Made of These?: Student Lab (p. 19)
B. cell wall
C. cell membrane D. cytoplasm
E. nucleus F. chloroplasts
Learning About DNA
Answer Keys
Prove You Can: Reinforcement Activity (p. 20)
Part A: To the student observer:
1. onion, elodea
2. onion, elodea
3. onion, elodea, cheek
4. cheek
5. onion, elodea
6. onion, elodea, cheek
7. cheek
8. cheek
9. onion, elodea
10. onion, elodea, cheek
Part B: Analyze
1. d
2. a
3. e 4. c
5. b
Part C: Predict
Cells, rectangular in shape
Dominant and Recessive Traits in Humans: Reinforcement Activity (p. 30)
To the student observer
2. straight hair; recessive; pure
3. freckles; dominant; pure
4. long lashes; dominant; hybrid
5. dimples; dominant; hybrid
6. detached lobes; dominant; pure
7. brown eyes; dominant; hybrid
8. widow’s peak; dominant; hybrid
Analyze: 2 offspring; if the offspring receives two of the
same gene, then they inherit that trait.
Mitosis and Meiosis: Reinforcement Activity (p. 23)
To the student observer: To make sure each new cell
has the correct number of chromosomes and genetic
Analyze: Yes, a new cell is made just like the parent cell
(asexual reproduction).
Part A
1. Mitosis
2. divides
3. copy
4. daughter cells
5. chromosomes
6. gametes
7. reproductive cells or gametes
8. half
9. 46, 23
10. once, twice
Part B
1. A
2. B
3. E
4. C
5. D
You Are What You Inherit: Reinforcement Activity
(p. 26)
To the student observer: vertebrate, mammal, warmblooded, have hair, give birth to live offspring, nurse
their young
Analyze: a. Tom
b. John
1. mammal
2. bird
3. bird
4. mammal
5. mammal
6. bird
7. bird
8. mammal
Part B
1. traits
2. individual traits
3. group
4. individual
5. group
What Are Dominant and Recessive Traits?: Reinforcement Activity (p. 29)
To the student observer: Blond hair coloring in humans
must be a recessive trait, or the dominant dark hair gene
hides the recessive blond hair gene.
Analyze: Pure tall has two tall genes; hybrid tall has one
tall gene and one short gene.
1. dominant
2. short
3. pure
4. each
5. two
6. recessive
7. homozygous
8. heterozygous
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Predicting Heredity: Reinforcement Activity (p. 34)
To the student observer:
1. 1
2. Bb
3. black; hybrid - dominant gene will show up
To the student observer:
1. DD and Dd
2. 50% or 1/2
3. dark
4. yes
5. 1/4, 1/4, 1/2
How Does DNA Work?: Reinforcement Activity (p. 37)
To the student observer: It’s a double spiral like a
twisted ladder or zipper. The two sides are connected
by 4 bases. It copies genetic material and passes the
code to the new cells.
Analyze: A mutation would probably occur.
Part A
1. separate
2. amino acids
3. nitrogen bases; proteins or enzymes
4. genes
5. organisms or living things
6. enzymes
7. mRNA
8. tRNA
Learning About DNA
Answer Keys/Bibliography
Part B
1. RNA is a smaller, single-stranded molecule that has
a different sugar and nitrogen base.
2. Answers will vary. Some answers might include:
identifying criminals, proving family relationships,
creating new medicines, treating inherited diseases,
producing better crops and livestock.
Modeling the Structure of DNA: Reinforcement Activity (p. 38)
Activity 2
1. cytosine “C”; Thymine “T”
2. phosphates and sugar
3. Nitrogen bases
4. No, the base pairs can occur in a variety of ways.
DNA Crossword Puzzle (p. 41)
G E 3N O M E
3. a
7. d
11. a
15. a
4. a
8. a
12. b
Part B
16. f
20. a
17. b
21. c
18. e
19. d
Part C
22. c
26. a
30. i
23. b
27. d
31. l
24. h
28. g
32. j
25. f
29. k
33. e
Part D
34. c
38. g
35. e
39. b
36. f
40. a
37. d
DNA Unit Test (p. 42–43)
Part A
1. c
2. c
5. b
6. b
9. a
10. d
13. a
14. a
Aaseng, Nathan. Genetics: Unlocking the Secrets of Life. The Oliver Press, Inc. 1996.
Bernstein, Schachter, Winkler, Wolfe. Concepts and Challenges in Life Science. Globe 1991.
Biggs, Daniel, and Ortleb. Life Science. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 1997.
Dunbar, Robert. Heredity. Franklin Watts, 1978.
Lerner, Marguerite Rush, M.D. Who do You Think You Are? The Story of Heredity. Prentice-Hall,
Inc., 1963.
Silverstein, Alvin and Virginia. The Genetics Explosion. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1980.
Wilcox, Frank H. DNA: The Thread of Life. Lerner Publications Company, 1988.
© Mark Twain Media, Inc., Publishers
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CD-404012 L.A. Tutor: Capitalization/Punctuation
CD-404013 Language Arts Tutor: Grammar
CD-404015–CD-404019 Reading Engagement:
Grades 3–8
CD-404027 Jumpstarters for Writing
CD-404035 Lessons in Writing
CD-404051 Writing a Persuasive Essay
CD-404053 Jumpstarters for Language Arts
CD-404054 Jumpstarters for Vocabulary Building
CD-404055 Adventures in Writing
CD-404061–CD-404063 Daily Skill Builders:
Grammar: Grades 3–6
CD-404064–CD-404066 Daily Skill Builders:
Spelling & Phonics: Grades 3–6
CD-404067–CD-404069 Daily Skill Builders:
Vocabulary: Grades 3–6
CD-404070–CD-404072 Daily Skill Builders:
Reading: Grades 3–6
CD-404073 Jumpstarters for Figurative Language
CD-404078 Jumpstarters for Capitalization &
CD-404081 Jumpstarters for Root Words, Prefixes,
& Suffixes
* CD-404111 Using Graphic Organizers: Gr. 4–5
* CD-404112 Using Graphic Organizers: Gr. 5–6
* CD-404113 Using Graphic Organizers: Gr. 6–8
Improving Study & Test-Taking Skills
Listening Skills
Library Skills
Note Taking: Lessons to Improve
Research Skills & Test Scores
CD-1625–CD-1630 Preparing Students for
Standardized Testing: Grades 3–8
Statistics and Probability
Understanding Graphs & Charts
Applying Pre-Algebra
Basic Geometry
Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
CD-1578–CD-1582 Math Engagement: Gr. 4–8
Math Projects
CD-1615–CD-1619 Math Tutor series
CD-404009 Math Challenges
CD-404020 Helping Students Understand Algebra
CD-404021 Helping Sts. Understand Pre-Algebra
CD-404022 Jumpstarters for Algebra
CD-404023 Jumpstarters for Math
CD-404028 Helping Students Understand Algebra II
CD-404029 Helping Students Understand Geometry
CD-404030 Jumpstarters for Pre-Algebra
CD-404041 Pre-Algebra Practice
CD-404042 Algebra Practice
CD-404043 Algebra II Practice
CD-404044 Geometry Practice
CD-404057 Jumpstarters for Fractions & Decimals
CD-404058 Jumpstarters for Geometry
CD-404059 Jumpstarters for Math Word Problems
CD-404074 Math Logic
CD-404083 Daily Skill Builders: Algebra
CD-404084 Daily Skill Builders: Division
CD-404085 Daily Skill Builders: Fractions & Decimals
CD-404086 Daily Skill Builders: Pre-Algebra
CD-404087 Daily Skill Builders: Word Problems
CD-404088 Exploring Fractions
CD-404089 Math Reference for Middle Grades
* CD-404101 Pre-Algebra
Music: a.d. 450–1995
Great Artists and Musicians
American Popular Music
Theater Through the Ages
Music of Many Cultures
Musical Instruments of the World
Everyday Art for the Classroom
* CD-404106
* CD-404115
Promoting Positive Values
Health, Wellness, and Physical Fitness
Developing Life Skills
Jumpstarters for the Human Body
Healthy Eating and Exercise
Jumpstarters for Nutrition & Exercise
Life Skills (revised)
Career Search
CD-404056 Using Primary Sources
CD-404075 Research
*Denotes New Release