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Heating and Cooling
Introduction to Chapter 27
What process does a hot cup of coffee undergo as it cools? How does your bedroom
become warm during the winter? How does the cooling system of a car work?
Understanding heat transfer will help you answer these questions. This chapter will
look into three types of heat transfer: convection, conduction and radiation.
Chapter 27
Investigations to Chapter 27
How well do common materials conduct heat?
In this Investigation you will compare heat conduction in several materials by using
your sense of touch and then rank their thermal conductivity.
How much heat is transferred through
In this Investigation you will observe both natural convection and forced
convection. A flask of hot water with red dye will be placed in a beaker filled with
cool water. The hot red water will rise into the cooler water due to natural
convection. You are going to observe the process and take temperature data to
analyze how much heat is transferred via convection. You will also blow through a
straw to force the red dye out of the flask into the larger beaker to explore forced
Which materials are good absorbers of
In this Investigation you will use a 100-watt light bulb as the source of radiation.
You will observe and compare the increase in temperature (using a temperature
probe) in air, water, sand, and soil.
Chapter 27: Heat Transfer
Learning Goals
In this chapter, you will:
D Describe how thermal energy is transferred by conduction.
D List various kinds of materials that are heat conductors or insulators.
D Explain why thermal and electrical conductivity of a material are related.
D Analyze how energy can be transferred through convection.
D Describe the motion of liquid because of temperature differences within the system.
D Describe applications of convection.
D Explain what properties make a good absorber of heat.
D Explain the color-temperature relationship.
forced convection
heat transfer
infrared light
natural (or buoyant) convection
thermal insulators
sea breeze
ultraviolet light
thermal conductivity
thermal conductors
Chapter 27
27.1 Conduction
Thermal energy travels as heat from a material at a higher temperature to a material at a lower
temperature. This general process is called heat transfer. How is heat transferred from material to
material, or from place to place? What materials do we use to keep things warm or cold? It turns out
there are three quite distinct mechanisms of heat transfer. In this section, you will learn about
conduction, which is the transfer of heat by the direct contact of particles of matter. By comparing the
heat conduction of different materials, you can rank their thermal conductivity.
What is conduction?
What is Conduction is the transfer of heat by the direct contact of particles of matter.
conduction? Conduction occurs between two materials at different temperatures when they are
touching each other. Conduction can also occur through one material, if one part
of the material is hotter than another part. For example, a metal spoon placed in
hot water quickly transmits the heat to your hand.
Figure 27.1: A metal spoon
placed in hot water quickly transmits
the heat to your hand.
Conduction is the transfer of heat by the direct
contact of particles of matter.
How is thermal Imagine that you are the size of an atom. Things that used to look unmoving like a
energy table or even air now appear as a sea of atoms and molecules in constant motion.
transferred? In solids the molecules and atoms vibrate in place, in liquids they move over and
around each other, and in gases they shoot around. Collisions are occurring
everywhere as atoms and molecules jiggle and zoom.
All these moving atoms and molecules have kinetic energy. Now imagine what
happens at the atomic level when a warmer material comes in contact with a
cooler material. The atoms and molecules of the warmer material are moving
around faster than the atoms and molecules of the cooler material. Where the two
materials are in contact there are lots of collisions between the atoms and
molecules of each.
Figure 27.2: When a warmer
material, like the hot water in this
cup, comes in contact with a cooler
material, like the spoon, there are lots
of collisions between the atoms and
molecules of each.
27.1 Conduction
Chapter 27
What happens as Imagine the beginning of a giant bumper car rally. Some cars start out fast and
these collisions others start out slow. Soon they are all hitting each other. When a fast car bounces
take place? into a slow car, the fast car slows down a bit and the slow car speeds up a bit. The
cars may even change direction as well! As each car changes direction it then hits
other cars around it. Pretty soon all the cars in the giant rally are bouncing off each
other at about the same average speed. When this happens, they are in equilibrium.
The collisions
happen until
equilibrium is
The same thing happens at the atomic level. As collisions occur, the atoms and
molecules of the warmer material slow down, and the atoms and molecules of the
cooler material speed up. Some of the kinetic energy of the hotter material is
transferred, one collision at a time, to the cooler material. Soon, both materials are
at the same temperature (figure 27.3). This is how two materials reach thermal
equilibrium by conduction.
Conductors and insulators
Which state of Conduction can take place in solids, liquids and gases. However, the more densely
matter conducts packed atoms or molecules of a solid can conduct more heat because there are
best? many more collisions taking place. The low density of gases mean that relatively
few collisions take place per second and therefore air is a poor conductor of heat.
This explains why many things we use to keep things warm or cold, such as foam,
fiberglass insulation, and down jackets, contain air pockets that slow down the
transfer of heat.
What are thermal
insulators and
In general, materials that conduct heat easily are called thermal conductors and
those that conduct heat poorly are called thermal insulators. For example, metal is
a thermal conductor, and foam is a thermal insulator. You may remember that the
words conductor and insulator are also used to describe a material’s ability to
conduct electrical current. There is a reason for this common usage. In general,
good electrical conductors are also good heat conductors. Remember, metals are
good conductors of current because the metal atoms have electrons that escape
easily from the atom. When a metal conducts heat, these free electrons also
transfer kinetic energy easily.
Figure 27.3: In a hot glass of
cocoa, the particles in the liquid and
air collide with the particles in the
glass. Because kinetic energy is
transferred by these collisions, cocoa,
glass and air eventually reach the
same temperature.
Figure 27.4: Styrofoam is a better
thermal insulator than glass.
Therefore, liquid in a foam container
will retain heat longer than it would
in a glass container.
Chapter 27
Thermal conductivity in the building and manufacturing industries
materials conduct
thermal energy at
different rates
Thermal conductivity is a measure of how well a material conducts heat. Although
solids in general are better conductors of heat than liquids or gases, each material
conducts heat at a different rate. We can compare thermal conductivities by
measuring how fast a certain amount of thermal energy flows through uniformly
sized pieces of various materials.
Thermal Measuring the thermal conductivity of different materials is important in the
conductivity in building and manufacturing industries. We don’t want hot air to leave our home
your home when it’s cold outside and we also don’t want hot air to enter our home when it’s
very hot outside. A home built with good insulators lessens heat transfer in both
Windows and energy loss
The thermal conductivity of a single-pane glass window is very high
and heat is easily transferred through it. Air leakage also occurs
around windows, which results in even more heat transfer. This means
that about one-third of home heat in the United Sates is lost through
windowpanes and window frames. This energy loss is about equal to
all the energy available from the oil flowing through the Alaskan
pipeline in an entire year.
Figure 27.5: Heat flows from hot
to cold. On a cold winter day, heat
flows through the window from inside
to outside.
Thermal Sometimes you want to conduct heat away quickly. Did you know that hammering
conductivity in the a penny or paper clip makes it hot? Some of the work done on the penny or
workplace paperclip is converted to thermal energy. Drilling, hammering, and many other
manufacturing processes create unwanted increases in temperature. If the heat has
to be transferred away quickly, structures like metal grills and fins are often used.
Metal is a good conductor of heat, and grills and fins add surface area to increase
cooling by convection, another form of heat transfer.
Heat flows quickly if the temperature
changes a lot over a short distance.
With single pane glass the
temperature changes from inside to
outside over the thickness of the glass,
resulting in a large heat flow.
Double pane glass spreads the
temperature change over a much
longer distance, and puts a layer of
insulating air between the glass
panes. As a result, much less heat is
lost through the window.
27.1 Conduction
Chapter 27
27.2 Convection
Another type of heat transfer that is due to temperature differences is called convection. This type of
heat transfer is responsible for global weather patterns, the heating of our homes and the circulation of
waters in the oceans.
What is convection?
What is Have you ever warmed up your hands by putting them over an open flame? You
convection? can do this because the air right above the flame heats up and expands. Because
the expanded air is less dense, it rises, bringing the heat to your hand (figure 27.6).
This heat transfer process is called convection. Unlike conduction, which occurs
mostly in solids, convection occurs only in liquids and gases. Convection comes
from a Latin word meaning to carry together.
Figure 27.6: The air right above
the flame heats up and expands,
transferring heat to your hand.
Convection is the transfer of heat by the actual
motion of a fluid (liquid or gas) in the form of
Convection can occur in all fluids, whether liquids or gases. Convection occurs
because warmer fluids are less dense, and rise. Cooler fluids are more dense, and
sink. This motion of fluids causes currents.
Convection causes The currents caused by convection occur constantly in our atmosphere and are
the weather responsible for much of our weather. On a global scale, hot air near the equator
patterns on Earth rises and is forced toward the poles as shown in figure 27.7. The sinking air forces
cold air at the poles toward the equator. Combined with forces due to the rotation
of the Earth, convection and unequal heating are the primary causes of weather.
Figure 27.7: Currents caused by
convection are responsible for much
of our weather. Warm air rises off the
surface of the Earth. As it cools, it
sinks back down and replaces warmer
Chapter 27
Natural convection
Why does warmer There is a natural upward force called buoyancy. This force occurs whenever you
air rise? have an object submerged in a denser medium. An example is an inflated ball
under water. The ball is less dense than the water. There is an upward force equal
to the weight of the displaced medium that pushes the ball out of the water. But
this force not only applies to solids, it also applies to fluids and gases. As heated
air or a fluid rises, there are density differences, which act with gravitational
forces to produce natural or buoyant convection.
Sea breezes are On a smaller scale near coastlines, convection is responsible for sea breezes.
due to convection During the daytime, land is much hotter than the ocean. A sea breeze is created
when hot air over the land rises due to convection and is replaced by cooler air
from the ocean. In the evening, the ground cools rapidly but the ocean remains
warm, due to water’s high specific heat. Warm air rises over the water and is
replaced with cooler air from over the land. This is known as the land breeze.
Heating a room As a clear example of natural convection, we can analyze how a room radiator
heats a room during winter (figure 27.8). As the temperature of the air around the
radiator is increased by conduction, it becomes less dense than the cold air in the
room. This warmer air rises and cooler air from the far side of the room replaces it.
This air circulation transfers heat from the radiator to the cooler parts of the room.
Figure 27.8: During the day, a sea
breeze is created when hot air over
the land rises due to convection and is
replaced by cooler air from the ocean.
At night, temperatures reverse and a
land breeze occurs. This happens
because the land cools more rapidly
than the ocean.
27.2 Convection
Chapter 27
Convection in the Another application of natural convection is cooking on a gas stovetop. As with a
kitchen candle, the heat from the burning gas rises to boil the water in the pot above it.
Even the water in the cooking pot itself experiences convection. The hot water at
the bottom of the pot rises to the top of the pot, replaced by the cooler water. Next
the cooler water is heated. If this did not happen, we would have to rely on the
slower method of conduction to boil a pot of water.
Why wearing a Through the process of convection, air carries heat away from your body. A wool
sweater keeps you sweater prevents this from happening by trapping air in many small pockets so
warm that it cannot flow and carry the heat away. Similarly, in cold weather birds trap
pockets of air by fluffing their feathers.
Wind chill If you expose bare skin to cold temperatures, natural convection can quickly
become dangerous. As the air surrounding your body warms up, it rises and carries
heat away. The effect of air carrying heat away is greatly increased on a windy day
when a steady stream of air flows. The faster the wind speed, the more effectively
heat is carried away. Antarctic explorers created a commonly used method for
“measuring” the chilling effects of the wind, called the Wind Chill Equivalent
Temperature or wind chill factor. The wind chill factor was originally based on the
temperature at which plastic jugs of water placed on top of a high pole would
freeze, given a certain wind speed.
Figure 27.9: Convection in water.
The hot water at the bottom of the pot
rises to the top and replaces the cold
Why does smoke Convection causes the smoke from the fire in a fireplace to rise up the chimney
rise up the instead of entering your home. This is because convection is extremely efficient in
chimney? focusing the heat in one direction: up! Smoke particles are carried upward by the
rising hot air. If you have ever toasted marshmallows on a campfire, you may have
noticed that if you hold the marshmallow on the stick right next to the fire, it gets
nice and toasty. However, if you hold the marshmallow directly above the fire, it
quickly catches fire and burns to a crisp. The air directly above the fire carries
much more heat by convection. At the edge of the fire, the heat is mostly carried
by a different kind of heat transfer called radiation.
Figure 27.10: Convection is
extremely efficient at focusing heat in
one direction: up.
Chapter 27
Forced convection
What is forced Another type of convection is the one in which a mechanical device is used to
convection? force the fluid or gas to move, as opposed to the buoyant force. This is called
forced convection. Air or liquids can be forced with fans or pumps. Warm fluids
can carry heat to cooler regions and cool fluids can take heat away from hot
Most heating systems use a combination of forced and natural convection. Let’s
of forced return to the example of a radiator for home heating. Water is heated in the
convection basement and pumped into the rooms of the house. The process of pumping the
hot water through the house is forced convection. In a room, the hot water releases
heat to the air surrounding the radiator through conduction. The heat is then
carried away from the radiator by natural convection (figure 27.11).
The opposite occurs in an air-conditioning system, where cool air is blown
through a room with a fan. This forces the cooler air to replace the warmer air in
the room.
Figure 27.11: Both natural and
forced convection help to heat a
Forced convection In the radiator of a car, there are two examples of forced convection. In the cooling
in a car system of a car, heat is transferred from the engine to the water by conduction.
Then the heated water is pumped to the radiator by forced convection. After the
water is inside the radiator, heat from the water is conducted to the radiator fins.
The radiator fins are cooled by air blowing over the radiator.
27.2 Convection
Chapter 27
27.3 Radiation
Have you ever stood in the sun on a cold day? If it is not too windy, you will feel the sun’s warmth, no
matter how cold it is outside. On a warm day, you will feel even hotter if you stand in the sun. How
does the warmth of the sun reach the Earth? In this section, you will learn about another type of heat
transfer known as radiation that is responsible for the way the sun warms our planet. Radiation is a type
of heat transfer that does not require matter to travel through.
Electromagnetic radiation
Radiation is heat transfer by electromagnetic
What is One form of heat transfer due to radiation comes from electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic such as light, ultraviolet rays, X rays, and infrared rays. You know that conduction
radiation? and convection require matter to transfer heat. However, as you learned
previously, electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. This is fortunate
because the Earth receives most of its heat in the form of electromagnetic radiation
from the sun. Since space is a vacuum, radiation is the primary way we can receive
heat from the sun.
Energy-radiation relationships
What types of All objects emit radiation due to their thermal properties, or because they have
radiation do some internal thermal energy. Some objects emit mostly visible light, some
objects emit? ultraviolet, and some infrared. The type of radiation an object emits depends on its
temperature. Hotter objects have more energy per molecule than cold objects.
Thus hot objects emit light with a higher frequency than cold objects. Ultraviolet
photons have more energy than visible light. Visible light has more energy than
infrared light. You learned previously how the colors of the rainbow, Red, Orange,
Yellow, Green, Blue, and Violet (ROYGBV) are related to the energy of the
visible light.
Figure 27.12: Most of the Earth’s
heat is electromagnetic radiation that
comes from the sun.
Where does solar
radiation go?
Of the total incoming solar
30% is returned to outer
47% is absorbed by the
23% is used to drive the
hydrologic cycle.
0.2% drives the winds.
.02% is absorbed by
plants to be used in
Chapter 27
What is infrared Infrared radiation has lower energy than visible light. While human eyes cannot
radiation? detect infrared radiation, certain species of snakes can. You may have seen popular
spy movies where the hero uses an infrared viewer to see people in the dark. In
addition, firefighters use infrared equipment to find people in smoke-filled rooms.
Color-temperature You may have noticed that when a light bulb on a dimmer is turned on slowly, the
relationships bulb will begin to heat up, then glow in the red, then orange, and then yellow areas
of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is because different temperatures cause the
filament in the light bulb to glow at different colors (figure 27.13).
Why do stars Stars also have different colors. The coolest stars are red, such as Antares in the
appear in different heart of Scorpio the scorpion. The warmest stars are blue. A bright blue star is
colors? Betelgeuse, in the knee of Orion the hunter. Astronomers can tell the temperature
of a star by looking at its color. But that does not
mean the star only emits light at that color. The
star emits light in a range of colors; however,
the peak color is what we actually detect with
our eyes. The light emitted by a star can be
represented using a spectral diagram, like the
diagram at the right.
Light bulbs
If objects have to be incredibly hot in order to glow in the visible
spectrum, why doesn’t the filament in a light bulb burn up?
Remember that a fire requires two things, fuel and oxygen. One of
Thomas Edison’s contributions to engineering was developing the
tungsten filament, which could withstand high temperatures. He also had the
idea of removing the air from the bulb to prevent the filament from reacting
with oxygen too quickly. Edison invented the incandescent light bulb in 1879.
Figure 27.13: As the temperature
of the light bulb increases, the light
glows in the red, then orange, then
yellow areas of the spectrum.
27.3 Radiation
Chapter 27
Absorption and emission
Absorbers and Some objects are good absorbers and some objects are good reflectors. Good
reflectors reflectors reflect most of the radiation that hits the object. Shiny metallic objects
are great reflectors. Generally, materials that are good conductors of electricity
and heat are also good reflectors. White and light colored objects also make good
Color and Remember that white objects reflect light of all wavelengths. Black and dark
absorption objects tend to absorb all light that falls upon them. They take the radiation and
convert it into thermal energy, increasing the temperature of the object. Solar cells,
which convert sunlight to electricity, are black so that they will absorb as much
light energy as possible.
Emitters of Objects that are good absorbers of radiation are also good emitters of radiation.
radiation Thus, after sunset, a black road surface emits radiation and cools quickly, whereas
a white sandy surface of the beach would not emit radiation efficiently and would
cool slowly (figure 27.14).
Reflection and planets
When we look up in the nighttime sky, we can see stars, planets
and our moon. The stars generate their own light, just like our
sun. The planets and our moon only reflect light that the sun
emits. The albedo of a planet is the percentage of the sun’s light
reflected from its surface. A planet with little or no atmosphere (such as Mercury
or our moon) reflects very little light because rocks tend to absorb light. Clouds
tend to have a high reflectivity, thus Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn have very high
albedos because they have lots of clouds. Ice and snow also have a very high
reflectivity. The icy moons of Saturn reflect over 90 percent of the light that hits
their surface. The albedo of Earth varies with the constantly changing cloud cover
and the amount of snow covering the planet’s surface. Given the low albedo of the
cloudless moon, why do you think it appears so bright in our nighttime sky?
Figure 27.14: A black road
surface is a good absorber and good
emitter of radiation. A white sand
beach is a poor absorber and poor
emitter of radiation.
Chapter 27 Review
Chapter 27 Review
Vocabulary review
Match the following terms with the correct definition. There is one extra definition in the list that will not match any of the terms.
Set One
Set Two
1. heat transfer
a. A method of heat transfer by direct contact of
particles of matter
1. convection
a. The transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves
2. thermal conductors
b. When energy in the form of heat travels from a
hot object to a cold object
2. forced convection
b. The process by which radiant energy raises the
temperature of a material
3. conduction
c. Materials that conduct heat poorly
3. natural convection
c. A process where the buoyancy of warmer air
causes a current of air to carry away heat
4. thermal insulators
d. Property of a material that describes how well
(or poorly) it conducts heat
4. absorption
d. A process where a mechanical device is used to
move a fluid or gas to transfer heat
5. thermal conductivity
e. Heat transfer by the movement of
5. radiation
e. Heat transfer caused by the actual movement of
f. Materials that conduct heat easily
f. Heat transfer due to density differences in solid
Concept review
What properties make a material a good thermal conductor?
Give three examples of good thermal conductors.
What is a sea breeze? When and why does it happen?
What is a land breeze? When and why does it happen?
What properties make a material a good thermal insulator in a
solid? Give three examples of solids that are insulators.
What is forced convection?
Why is air a bad conductor of heat? How can air be used as an
insulator? Give two examples.
Explain the color-temperature relationship.
10. What properties make a material a good absorber?
Why does hot air rise?
Why doesn’t convection occur in a solid?
11. What properties make a material a good reflector?