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Biochemistry & Scientific Method Review
1. What element is found in all living (organic) things? It is considered the most
important element for life. CARBON
2. What are the four basic biomolecules? LIPIDS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, PROTEINS and
3. Which elements are found in ALL biomolecules? C (carbon), H (hydrogen) and O
4. Which elements are found in each of the following biomolecules?
a. Carbohydates: C, H, O
b. Lipids: C, H, O (but very little oxygen)
c. Proteins: C, H, O, N, P, S
d. Nucleic Acids: C, H, O, N, P
5. When monomers combine, POLYMERS are formed.
6. Explain Dehydration Synthesis.
 Monomer + monomer  polymer + H2O
 An OH group from the end of one monomer bonds with a H from the end of
another monomer
 A water molecule is lost from the reactants and is formed as a product
(condenses out)
 A bond is formed between the 2 open atoms on each end of the monomers
to form a polymer
7. Explain
H2O + polymer  monomer + monomer
A water molecule is added to break the bond
The OH group from the water molecule bonds with the end of one monomer
and the H bonds with the end of the other monomer
 This breaks the bond between the two monomers
8. Label each of the following two graphics as hydrolysis or dehydration synthesis
9. For each of the following biomolecules, list the required information
a. Proteins
i. AMINO ACIDS (what monomers?) can combine through dehydration
synthesis to form various types of proteins.
ii. Proteins form through peptide bonds.
iii. List the functions of proteins.
Change the rate of chemical rxn’s (enzymes)
Regulate cell processes
Give bodies structure
Transports materials into and out of the cell ex. Oxygen
iv. Name and draw the monomer of a protein.
Monomer= Amino Acid
v. What is most important about the monomer of proteins? “BUILDING
BLOCKS” for all life on earth.
vi. Enzymes are a type of protein. What is the function of an enzyme? Hint:
use the term “activation energy”. Enzymes are made of proteins, and
act as catalysts, making chemical reactions easier. They do this
by lowering the activation energy level to speed up the process.
vii. What is enzyme “denaturing”, what can cause it to denature, and what is
the result of denaturing? Denaturing changes the shape of the active
site so the enzyme can not bind to the substrate. pH and heat can
cause denaturing.
viii. Label the parts of this enzymatic reaction (XYZ), and explain each of the
b. Lipids
i. Fatty acid (what monomer) combine through dehydration synthesis to
form Lipids.
ii. List the possible functions of lipids:
1. Insulation: store body heat
2. Protection: cell membranes
3. Long-term energy storage
iii. Illustrations – Draw a Triglyceride – Is this a monomer or polymer?
c. Carbohydrates
i. Monosaccharide and/or disaccharide can combine through
dehydration synthesis to form the polymers, called POLYSACCHARIDE.
ii. List a molecule example, and give an example of foods in which you can
find each:
1. Monosaccharide – Glucose: honey, fruit sugar
2. Disaccharide – lactose: milk
3. Polysaccharide- starch: potoatoes
iii. List the possible functions of carbohydrates:
1. Short term energy storage
2. Quick release energy
iv. Illustration – Draw and label a monosaccharide, disaccharide, and
d. Nucleic Acids
i. NUCLEOTIDES (what monomers?) can combine through dehydration
synthesis to form DNA or RNA, two types of nucleic acids.
ii. List the possible functions of this biomolecule: Store and transmit
genetic information.
iii. Monomer with illustration, and Polymer with illustration
Monomer: Nucleotide
Polymer: DNA
Explain the importance of having a control, or control group, in an experiment.
It’s the constant (unchanged) in an experiment and is used to compare the
experimental groups against. For example: In the apple enzyme lab: The slice of
apple that your group did nothing to (was not boiled, put into lemon juice or sugar
solution) was the control group.
When analyzing the data from an experiment, what is the difference between
an observation and an inference? (think about how we knew which biomolecules
were in which foods or how we knew the enzyme speed was slowed down)
Observation – using one or more of the 5 senses to perceive objects or events
Inference – a conclusion made on the based on observations, evidence, and reasoning
What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?
 Theory: Explanation of a natural phenomenon (situation or occurrence) based
on many observations and investigations over time; generally accepted as fact
 Ex: Cell Theory, Gene Theory
 Hypothesis: A testable idea or explanation to a question. This can be written as
an “If _________, then _________.” statement.
 Ex: If an apple is cut, then it will turn brown.
List and describe the 8 characteristics of living organisms.
1. ALL living things are made up of CELLS: Cell- basic unit of
structure and function in all living things. Unicellular-Single
celled organisms. Ex. All bacteria, many protists, and some fungi
Multicellular- More than one- usually lots more. Ex Adult humans
60-90 trillions of cells
2. Displays ORGANIZATION: Molecular organization –Molecules are
organized into cells and organelles that carry out all processes an
organism needs to live. Atom-molecule-organelle-cell-tissue-organorgan system-organism…
3. Requires ENERGY: Organisms must continually take in energy in
order to grow, reproduce, and maintain homeostasis. Autotrophs
and Heterotrophs.
4. GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT: Cell growth- One cell increases in
size. Cell division- All life starts as a single cell, Cells divide and make
copies of themselves. More cells = more mass.
5. REPRODUCTION: Without adequate amounts of reproduction
each generation, species go extinct. Two types of reproduction:
Asexual and Sexual.
6. MAINTAINS HOMEOSTASIS: The process of keeping a stable
internal environment necessary for cellular processes even when
external conditions are unfavorable. Ex. Blood sugar level,
Temperature, Water level, pH level and Oxygen level.
7. RESPONDS TO STIMULI: Organisms must respond to stimuli
appropriately in order to stay alive
Stimulus = anything in an organism’s external or internal
environment that causes a reaction or response
Response = a reaction to a stimulus
Ex) if a shark smells blood in the water, it will respond by moving
towards it
8. EVOLVE: Evolution - Genetic changes in a population ( group of
organisms of the same species in the same area) over generations.
Failure of a population to adapt to a changing environment may
result in the loss of that population.