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Medical Protozoology 1 1. Introduction to Protozoa • 65,000 species • more than 40 are medical Protozoa ---is an unicellular eukaryote animals with whole physiological functions 2 3 2. Morphology size--- 2 μm 200μm shape--- round, ellipse, pear like, erose 4 Morphology Cell membrane Matrix Protozoa Cytoplasm Organelle (Basic structure) Nourishment materials Nucleus 5 Nucleus (1)The vesicular nucleus round in shape with 1 karyosome, with little of chromatin (2)The compact nucleus 2 or more karyosomes , full of chromatin 6 3. Life cycle Three types of life cycle 1. Person-to-person transfer (direct or indirect) a single host only ① Trophozoite only: e.g. Trichomonas vaginalis ② Trophozoite --active feeding stage, reproductive stage, pathogenic stage Cyst---resting stage, resistant form, infective stage e.g. E. histolytica 7 2. Circulating transfer more than one vertebrate with sexual and asexual reproduction e.g. Toxoplasma gondii 8 3. Arthropod (vector) transfer need insect person to insect and insect to person 9 4. Physiology 1. Locomotion 2. Reproduction 1)Asexual Reproduction ①Binary fission – resulting in 2 daughter cells ②Multiple fission-- resulting in a number of cells ③Budding 10 2) Sexual Reproduction ①Conjugation – exchange of nuclear material of 2 ( ciliates only) ②Gametogony --- ♀♂gametes zygote • Alternation of generations 11 5. Pathological Characteristics of Protozoa 1. Proliferation 2. Transmission( diffusion and invasion) 3. Opportunistic pathogenicity (immunodeficiency persons) 12 Classification Generally, according to their locomotion organelles, protozoa can be divided into 4 groups: Amoebae Ciliates Flagellates Sporozoan 13 Amoebae Flagellates Ciliates Sporozoan 14 Cell membrane • receptors, enzymes, ligand • strong antigenicity • associating with ingestion, excretion, locomotion, invasion 15 Cytoplasm Matrix Ectoplasm gel state with function of protection, locomotion, sensation, etc Endoplasm sol state with granules 16 Ectoplasm Nucleus Endoplasm 17 Organelle ①Membranous organelles mitochondria, Golgi body, kinetoplast etc ② Locomotory organelles Pseudopodium Flagellum Cilium ③Intake of food organelles cytostome cytopharynx 18 Pseudopodium Flagellum Cilium 19 cytostome cytopharynx cytoproct ( Balantidium coli ) 20 Nourishment materials food vacuole glycongen vacuole 21 22 23 vesicular nucleus nuclear membrane central karyosome chromatin granules 24 compact nucleus ( Balantidium coli ) 25 Binary fission Multiple fission 26 Trichomonas Vaginalis Trophozoite 27 Trophozoite E. histolytica Cyst 28 Helmith nematode trematode cestode Protozoa 29