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Unit 4 – Roman Republic to Roman Empire
In this unit, we will discuss the following standards:
6-2.3 – Describe the development of Roman civilization, including language, government, architecture,
and engineering.
6-2.4 – Describe the expansion and transition of the Roman government from Monarchy to Republic,
to Empire, including the roles of Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar (Octavius)
6-2.5 – Explain the decline and collapse of the Roman Empire and the impact of the Byzantine Empire,
including the Justinian Code and the preservation of ancient Greek and Roman learning, architecture,
and government.
6-2.6 – Compare the polytheistic belief systems of the Greeks and Romans with the origins,
foundational beliefs, and spread of Christianity.
Use pp. 295, 298, and 338 in the
textbook to
Label the following on your map:
1. Seas – Adriatic Sea,
Tyrrhenian Sea,
Mediterranean Sea
2. Islands – Corsica, Sardinia,
3. Mountains – Alps and
4. Cities – Rome and Carthage
Rome’s location helped it become a major ________________ in the ancient world. The geography of Italy
made travel _______________________, but helped the Roman’s prosper because it created
__________________ from invasion. Most of Italy is covered in hills for ________________________. Two
major mountain ranges, the ______ and the ___________________, created rugged land that was hard to
cross. These geographical features provided protection from enemies and invaders. The Romans (Italians) also
built cities near ____________ for a source of fresh water. Rome lies on the ____________ River. Rome had a
mild climate that led to a plentiful _____________ supply and the city’s early growth. Rome was also located
on a _____________________. The peninsula was narrow, allowing Rome to get to all parts of the
Mediterranean Sea quickly to stop attacks and invasions. These bodies of water also allowed for
______________ with other lands.
Rome’s Beginning – Little is known about Rome’s early history because
______________________________________ exist. The Romans believed they could trace their history to a
great Trojan leader named ___________________. Aeneas was a hero from the epic poem The Aeneid, who
fled to Italy after the ___________________________ and formed an alliance with the kings. According to
legend, the founders of Rome were orphaned twin brothers raised by ___________. Their names were
__________________ and __________________. Romulus killed Remus because _________________
____________________________________________________________. Romulus then built the city and
names it ________________, after himself. Roman records list ___________ kings who ruled the city, some of
whom were Etruscans. The Etruscans made many contributions and improvements to Rome. Life was good
until…___________________________! This king was said to have been a cruel man, who had many people
killed. A group of nobles rose up against him and __________________ him. The nobles no longer wanted a
king, so they created a new ________________________ instead. The Romans created a
________________________ in 509 BC, in which elected officials ran the city. They protected themselves
against anyone staying in ____________________ for too long by limiting the term to ___________ year.
Rome faced challenges from the outside and the inside.
Challenges from the
From the beginning, Rome found itself at _____________ with other people.
During difficult wars, the Romans chose ______________________ (rulers with
absolute power) to lead the city. They could stay in power only __________
months. This kept them from abusing their power.
Challenges from the
Rome was not a democracy. The elected officials came from a small group of
INSIDE: Problems with
wealthy, powerful, men and other people had
the Government
_____________________________________. This caused big problems in Rome.
The ___________________, or common people, wanted more say, and the
________________________, or nobles, wanted to keep all the power. The
plebeians were made up of
_______________________________________________. They called for a change
in the government to give them more say in how things were run. They formed a
__________________ and elected their own officials. The patricians held almost all
political power because they were nobles. Only patricians could be elected to
office. Fearing that Rome would be split in two, they decided it was time to
____________ and the plebeians got their say in the government.
Rome sets up a Republic – Rome set up a Republic that was made up of _____ parts, known as a
__________________. These 3 parts worked together to run the city.
1. __________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
Each part had its own ___________________________ and __________________. To fulfill these duties, each
had their own powers and privileges. Fill in the chart below to list the powers of each section of the
Roman ________________ could take part in the assemblies during their ________________________. The
tribunes could only serve for ________ year because the right to _______________ made them very powerful.
The Roman Senate and Assemblies and Tribunes are very comparable to the Legislative Branch of the US
government. How are they similar?
CIVIC DUTY – Rome’s government would not have worked without the participation of the
____________________. People participated because they felt it was the _____________ to the city. Citizens
attended assembly meetings and ____________. Wealthy and powerful citizens held
__________________________. American citizens have a civic duty as well. What do you think is the civic duty
of Americans?
CHECKS AND BALANCES – Checks and balances were create to ensure that
_____________________________________ ______________________. Checks and balances are methods to
_______________________ power. They keep one part of the government from becoming
____________________ or more influential than the others. The US uses a system of checks and balances. In
the US, only ______________________ can declare war. The ____________________ can veto bills from
Congress, and the ____________________________ interprets the laws. Every branch has some form to
check up on the other two.
ROMAN LAW – City officials made laws and enforced the laws. Only _______________________ knew the
laws because they were the ones who __________________ the laws. Laws were NOT
______________________________. Many people were punished for breaking laws they did not even know
existed. To prevent this, Rome’s first law code was written down and then displayed for all to see. These laws
were written on __________________________________, known as the
______________________________________________. Like the American system of justice, these laws
applied to ________________________________. Written laws helped keep _______________ in Rome.
These laws were on display in the _______________. The Roman Forum was the heart of Roman society, and
it is where the Law of Twelve Tables was kept. It was the site of many important
__________________________ buildings and temples. It was also a popular
______________________________ for Roman citizens to shop, chat, and gossip.
THE EXPANSION OF ROME – Many people inside and outside of Italy began to attack Rome. Rome defended
itself and gained control of lots of land. An area would attack and Rome would take control of that area. Rome
had a well-organized _________________________ and ____________ to defend itself. The army was divided
into a _______________ and a _________________. A legion is ______________ soldiers. A century is
___________ soldiers. The generals would ____________ the men to fight for them. This caused the med to
be loyal to the generals and not the government. The _____________________ also led Rome to gain control
of new lands outside of Italy. As the Roman Empire grew and took over new lands, they began to control the
entire Mediterranean world. Rome had many reasons for expansion:
As the empire expanded, _____________ increased in Rome, both within the empire and with other people.
To pay for their goods, Romans used _______________________, or money, which included
______________________________ coins. Nearly everyone accepted Roman coins. This helped trade grow.
FROM REPUBLIC TO AN EMPIRE – In the 70s BC, Rome was a dangerous place. Rome was facing
______________, breakdown of __________________________________, riots, and
__________________________________ as many moved into the city.
______________________________________ rose to power and became the sole ruler of Rome. Caesar was
a very powerful general. He formed a partnership with __________________________________________.
The three ruled Rome for about 10 years. Caesar was very ___________________________, and Pompey
became _________________________. This sparked a war between them. Julius Caesar took his troops across
the Rubicon and defeated Pompey. When he returned to Rome, he named himself _____________________
for life. Many people resented the way Caesar gained power. Senators did not like that he reduced their
power. A group of senators, led by _______________, killed Caesar because the feared him becoming king. So
what happened next? __________________ and _____________________ avenged Caesar’s death by
attacking his killers. Caesar’s murderers were with killed or killed themselves. Octavian returned to Italy.
Antony married ______________________ after divorcing Octavian’s sister. The divorce led to a civil war
between Antony and Octavian. Octavian was left to rule Rome by himself. Over the next few years, Octavian
gained ______________________ power in Rome. He took on the title __________________, or first citizen.
In 27 BC, Octavian announced he was giving up his power to the _______________...or did he…
Octavian actually kept the power and the senate gave him a new name, _________________________!
Augustus means revered one. Many historians use this as the mark to the
_____________________________________________ and the start of the ____________________. The
republic ended when Octavian Augustus became Rome’s first ____________________. This is the beginning of
the time known as _____________________________________. During Octavian Augustus’ time as emperor,
_________________ things started to happen in Rome. People were making money and life was good. The
first ____________ years of the Roman Empire were ___________________ and _____________________.
That is why it is called ____________________________, or Roman peace.
ROMAN ACHIEVEMENTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS – Fill in your graphic organizer about Roman Achievements
and Accomplishments!
THE FALL OF ROME – The Roman empire grew to control the entire
________________________________________. Rome had many reasons for expansion:
Everything was good…or was it? Many problems threatened the Roman Empire, leading one emperor to divide
it in _____________. Rome declined as a result of ________________________ and political and economic
problems. In the _____________________ empire, people created a new society and
_____________________________________ that were very different from those in the west. At its height,
the Roman Empire included all the land around the Mediterranean Sea. The empire became too
_________________ to defend or govern efficiently. Emperor ________________________ divided the
empire to make it more manageable. Emperor __________________________ reunited the two halves shortly
after he took power. He moved the capital to the __________________, in what is now present-day Turkey.
The new capital was called _____________________________________. Power no longer resided in Rome.
Even though land had been given up and the empire divided, new threats were appearing. It was costing more
and more to keep up the _____________________ to protect such a vast empire. Because so many people
were needed for the army, no one was left to _______________ the land. German farmers were brought in to
farm the land. They ignored the _________________ of the emperors. _______________________ and high
______________ threatened Rome’s survival as well. The city was becoming _________________________
and it was harder to take care of the people. Wealthy citizens began to leave Rome, making life more difficult
for those who remained. _________________, or the decay of people’s values, in politics, led to inefficiency in
government. Bribes and threats were used to achieve goals. Barbarian started to invade Rome. The word
Barbarian comes from a Greek word that means someone who does not speak Greek. The Romans adopted
this word for anyone living outside the empire. Another reason Rome fell was due to the invasions of the
_________________, ______________________, and __________________. These groups were all
considered barbarians to the Romans. In the late 300s, a group called the _______________ invaded Europe.
They were from Central _________________. The Huns were strong and the Goths (living outside Rome),
were not able to defeat them, so they were pushed into the Roman Empire. The Romans were scared of the
Goths and _____________ them not to attack. This only worked for a while. The Goths
__________________________ Rome after Rome quit paying them. The Goths sacked, or destroyed, Rome in
410. This left Rome terribly _______________. The military leaders took the power from the emperors, but
didn’t protect the western empire. The barbarians took advantage of this weakness. A barbarian general
________________________ the last weak emperor in Rome and named himself king in 476. This event is
considered the end of the _______________________________________________________.
Remember that only the western portion of the Roman Empire falls. The eastern portion will flourish and
continue on as the Byzantine Empire.
RELIGION IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE – Like most cultures found throughout the ancient world, the Greeks and
the Romans were ____________________________, believing in many gods and goddesses that ruled and
lived in the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. Although the gods were very powerful, they looked and
acted very much like ___________. They had human ____________________ such as love, hate, jealousy,
compassion, and vengeance, and even played games, had families, and fought wars. These beliefs held true
for both ____________________ and ________________. Much of Roman religious belief was adopted from
the ______________________, including many of the _____________ (gods). However, instead of maintaining
Greek names for the gods, the Romans gave them __________________ names. Both the Greeks and Romans
sought to appease the gods, built ___________________, offered sacrifices, and _________________ for
assistance in their lives. While both Greeks and Romans believed in an ____________________, more
attention was given to living in this world than preparing for the next.
THE DEVELOPMENT AND SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY – As the Roman Empire grew and expanded, the people
they conquered were allowed to maintain their own ______________________________________, as long as
those beliefs did not ______________________ Roman rule. One religion seen as a threat was
Christianity grew out of __________________________. Unlike the other religions of the ancient
Mediterranean and Eastern worlds, Judaism and Christianity are
______________________________________, which means that they believe in ______________ God.
During the time of the Roman Empire, followers of Judaism believed that God would send a Messiah or Savior
to restore the nation of Israel. Christianity grew from the belief that ______________________ was this
Messiah. The ____________________ contains the sacred writings of Christianity. Christianity was first spread
beyond Jerusalem and Judea as Christians _____________________ to other areas due to
________________________ for their beliefs. The religion continued and flourished throughout the
____________________________________ and ____________________________________ world due to the
preaching and teachings of _______________________ of Jesus, such as Peter, John the Apostle, and Paul.
Despite early _________________________________ by Roman authorities, Christianity was eventually
adopted as the _________________________ religion of the Roman Empire and became entrenched in
western civilization.