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Muslim Conquest until 11th Century 624 Death CHOSRAUS II King of Persia. Pax between Byzantium &Persia 628 Death of MUHAMMAD 632 632634- Muslims capture JERUSALEM 635 MUHAMMAD, 570-632 born in Battle in JARMUK blunted pow- 636 MECCA. He is believed by Muslims er of Byzantines. HERACLIUS to have communicated God`s revelaEmperor of Byzantium tion in the Koran CTESIPHON Persian capital falls into muslim hands Byzantine has to leave Balkan to Slaves FIRST 4 CALIPHS ABU BAKR UMAR IBN AL-KHATTAB 622 Islamic calendar begins with flight of MUHAMMAD & followers from MECCA to MEDINA =HIJIRA (migration). Medina becomes first muslim city. Constitution of Medina. The clans accepted Muhammad as the Prophet of God. It defines the role of non-Muslims in the community. Jews & Christians were allowed religious freedom upon payment of a yearly tax. 630 Muslims capture MECCA. Ka’ba is cleansed, pilgrimage rites are Islamicized 633 Muslim conquest begins 632-634 under Abu Bakr MUHAMMAD Battle in BEDR. Muslims against Meccans ALI ABI TALIB Wends 622-632 under Muhammad Tours 732 634-644 under Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Lyon Venezia The Muslim state administered the conquered territories with a tolerance almost 661-670 under Umayyads unheard of in that age. In DAMASCUS they would grant to the inhabitants to give them security for their lives, Byzantine propertyEmpire and 622 churches. Their city wall shall not be demolished, neither shall any Muslim be quartered in their houses. In contrary the Longobards Byzantines were always regarded as intruders. Zaragoza Toledo 712 638 Battle of SIFFIN 657 Mery (813-22) Casarena 647 Palermo Tanger Tahert Athens Carthage 698 Siege in CONSTANTINE 668 fails -691 Dome of Rock built in 685 JERUSALEM Damascus after islamification. First basic approaches of an islamic architecture are formulated ABD AL-MALIK IBN MARWAN 685- UMAYYAD DYNASTY. DAMASCUS AS CAPITAL 661- 661 Rhodes The Dome of Rock,Jerusalem, built in 685 by caliph Abd al-Malik is the first great building to have been constructed after Arab conquest. The building surrounds the rock from where Muhammad is believed to have embarked on his journey to heaven 705715 Hamadan 644 Antioch Jalula Zyprus 649 vNihawend 642 Siffin 657 DAMASCUS 635 (661-750) Tripolis 647 Barka 643 Tanger Battles Basic social &legal institutions of the newly founded Islamic world were established. Some of the most beautiful existing buildings in the Muslim world were constructed. They organized a bureaucracy able to cope with the complex problems of a vast and diverse Empire &made Arabic the language of the government. Ramla Ctesiphon 638 Kerbala 680 AL FUSTAT 670 Babylon 641 Faiyim ISFAHAN 643 Susa Wasit Kufa Jarmuk 636 Istahar 648 Mansura Basra 656 Quadisiya 636 Jerusalem 638 Babylon 641 Ainadain 634 Heliopolis 641 Shiraz Dschiraft Tebuk Tama Suhar 630 Chama 670 HUSAYN (son of ALI) the last relative of MUHAMMED gets battered to death in KERBALA. Which becomes a pilgrimage site of the Shi`its. His death marks the beginning of the division between Sunnis and Shi`its MALIK directed the cleaning and reopening of the canals that irrigated the Tigris -Euphrates Valley. A key to the prosperity of MESOPOTAMIA ever since Arabic becomes official written language (instead of Greek and Persian) and Arab coinage is established. -710 final conquest & islamifica- 700 tion of North Africa AL-WALID I.IBN `ABDALMALIK Multan 771 Homs Thagaste Nishapur 657 Rayy Mossul 641 Halebo 638 Ikonion Alexandria 642 MU`AWAIYA ABI SUFYAN Melitene Tarsus Akroinon 740 KAIROUAN 670 Trade routes Roman Damascus 400 AD Balkh 664 Kabul 664 Kyzikos 674-81 Tlemcen Agadir Tiflis Nikaia Tanger Sassanids till downfall in 642 656- Sebastopo 672l Constantinople 674-78 / 717-18 Napoli Valencian Cartagena West Goths till downfall in 711 Pilgrimage Cities Caliph UTHMAN has the Qur’an written down. And also established Arab navy. He was accused of favoritism to members of his family, the clan of UMAYYA. He was Capital killed.- An act that caused a rift in the community of Islam that has never entirely Expansion under first 4 Caliphs been closed. As ALI was chosen caliph this rift even widened. The conflict came to climax in Expansion under Umayyads SIFFIN Samarkand 712 Bukhara 709 Rom Sevilla 711 Franks under Merowingians after death of Chlodwig in 614 650 Schasch 751 Arles Narbonne 720-59 Barcelona Avars 567-791 644- KHAZAR EMPIRE Cavadonga 718 644-656 under Uthman Ibn Affan End of the SASSANID Empire 642 in Persia UTHMAN AFFAN ISLAMIC CONQUEST 632-750 UNDER THE FIRST 4 CALIPHS AND THE UMAYYAD PERIOD 705 -715 Under WALID I. The WEST GOTHS in Spain get conquered. Spain and Sicily remained islamic for the following 800 years and benefit from great trade and cultural blooming MEDINA (632-656) Aswah 622-632under underMuhammad Muhammad 622-632 WestGoths Gothstill tilldownfall downfallinin711 711 West 632-634under underAbu AbuBakr Bakr 632-634 Sassanidstill tilldownfall downfallinin642 642 Sassanids 634-644under underUmar UmarIbn IbnAl-Khattab Al-Khattab 634-644 PilgrimageCities Cities Pilgrimage 644-656under underUthman UthmanIbn IbnAffan Affan 644-656 Capital Capital 661-670under underUmayyads Umayyads 661-670 Expansionunder underfirst first44Caliphs Caliphs Expansion ByzantineEmpire Empire Byzantine Expansionunder underUmayyads Umayyads Expansion Longobards Longobards Traderoutes routes Trade Avars567-791 567-791 Avars Battles Battles Abbasids Abbasids Franksunder underMerowingians Merowingians Franks Aghlabids900-909 900-909 Aghlabids UmayyadCaliphate CaliphateininSpain Spain Umayyad RELIGIONS in Rustamids776-906 776-906 Rustamids Unorganizedterritory territory Unorganized Idrisids789-926 789-926 Idrisids PilgrimageCities Cities Pilgrimage Tahirids824-873 824-873 Tahirids Capital Capital ByzantineEmpire Empire Byzantine Expansion Expansion Longobards Longobards Traderoutes routes Trade Avars567-791 567-791 Avars Province Province 715 Muslims unsuccessfully attack CONSTANTINOPLE 717 HISHAM IBN AL -MALIK 724743 Carmatssince since10th 10thc.c. Carmats Hamanids Hamanids Aghlabids900-909 900-909 Aghlabids Franksunder underMerowingians Merowingians Franks Break between Byzantine & Roman Church 726 Fatimids Fatimids UmayyadCaliphate CaliphateininSpain Spain Umayyad Idrisids789-926 789-926 Idrisids Karakhanids Karakhanids Tahirids824-873 824-873 Tahirids PilgrimageCities Cities Pilgrimage 732 Muslim empire reaches its furthes extent. Battle of TOURS (France) prevents further advance northwards Hadschar Muscat 631 Akraba Al-Yamama 656 Badr 624 Mekka 622 Sama Franksunder underMerowingians Merowingians Franks Great Mosque of DAMASCUS gets built under UMAYYADS These first conquests had a great impact on cause of world history. It was the starting point in the evolution of great civilisation of medieval Islam & beginning of end of a late Antique World. 2 basic developments marked the rise of Islam: - integration of arabian society including the Nomads into unified state - emergence of a ruling elite that dominated the state Bosacha ByzantineEmpire Empireinin1000 1000 Byzantine Capital Capital Saffarids Saffarids Expansion Expansion Europe and Middle East till 632 AD RELIGIONS in Europe and Middle East from 632 AD Buyids Buyids 740 715 Damascus Mosque built by the Umayyads is one of the wonders of the world. DRAFT 14 ETH Studio Basel © MARWAN II. IBN MARWAN Victory over Arabs in ACROINON. They have to focus more to North Africa and Spain and become less important. Arabia looses its importance. 744750 747 Revolt defeats the UMAYYADS. Under the UMAYYADS an arabic aristocracy is initiated MainlyChristian Christianterritories territories Mainly MainlyBuddhism Buddhism Mainly Jewishcolonies colonies Jewish MainlyHinduism Hinduism Mainly MainlyParsiism Parsiism Mainly Islaminin750 750 Islam MainlyZoroastrianism Zoroastrianism Mainly Islaminin1500 1500 Islam MUSLIM CONQUEST UNTIL 11TH CENTURY Dido Schumacher 15 Muslim Conquest until 11th Century 750- AL MANSUR 754- AL MAHDI HARUN AL-RASCHID ABBASYD DYNASTY BAGHDAD AS CAPITAL ABU AL`ABBAS AL SAFFAH 775- 786809 CHARLEMAGNE acclaim 800 Emperor of Byzantines AL MAMUN AL-RASHID 813833 The ABBASIDS, who succeeded the UMAYYADS, shifted the capital to Baghdad (built in 758 within 4 years) which soon developed into an incomparable center of learning and culture as well as the administrative and political heart of a vast world. The four Orthodox Schools 850 of Law were established Under KARL IIIthe Frankish 887 Kingdom gets unified First FATIMID caliph in 908 Tunisia. 754 ABU AL`ABBAS builds ABBASID Caliphate. 755 AR-RAHMAN founds UMAYYAD Dynasty in Spain & established CORDOBA as most sophisticated city in Europe. He improved trade &agriculture, patronized the arts &made contributions to science. Talas 751 Santiago de Compostela Lyon Schasch 751 Pavia AL MAHDI begins to set up a superbe court &organises the state of Iran &Persia as one big Empire. They sustain their reign on Irans &Turks. Kashgar 757 Zaragosa Samarkand Bukhara Corsica 850 HARUN AL-RASHID marked the high point of the ABBASID period, called the Golden Age. It was a period of unrivaled intellectual activity in: science, technology, literature, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and chemistry. They had a massive policy of expansion &adopted the scientific heritage of the Romans &Greeks Kesh CORDOBA derrberit Rom 846 With the Idrisides, Rustamids and Aghlabids gain independence the ABBASIDS loose control over Andalusia and Maghreb Tabris Tunis Tlemcen Syracuse KAIROUAN IDRISIDS 789-926 RUSTAMIDS 776-906 622-632 under Muhammad West Goths till downfall in 711Crete 825 632-634 under Abu BakrTripoli Sassanids till downfall in 642 900-909 Aghlabidsof the Caliph Empire. In Innerasia, Spain, Since 800 increasingly fragmentation Marocco und Egypt independent Dynasties were formed. 776-906 Rustamids 789-926 Idrisids Expansion under Umayyads Trade routes Avars 567-791 Battles Herat Rayy Herran Kadahar Mossul Samarra 838 BAGHDAD Kerman Damascus Kerbala Jerusalem Crustan Kufa Wasit Alexandria Expansion under first 4 Caliphs Longobards Antiocheia Beirut Pilgrimage Cities Byzantine Empire Nischapur Edessa Cirmisin 762 foun. Bengazi Capital Kabul Ardabil Marash Tarsus AGHLABIDS 634-644 under Umar Ibn Al-Khattab 800-909 644-656 under Uthman Ibn Affan Abbasids Tyana Armorion Athens 661-670 under Umayyads Basra Cairo Siral UNORGANIZED TERRITORY Aila Suhar Muskat Franks under Merowingians Medina 824-873 Tahirids Aswah Byzantine Empire 622 Longobards 900 Balkh TAHIRIDS 821-873 Dorylaum 798 Messina Algiers FES Mery(813-22) Erzurum Palermo 810 Tiflis Constantinople Sardinia 827 Sevilla Seville Tangier The ABBASIDS were more fortunate as UMAYYADS &converted the Arab Empire into a multinational Muslim Empire. Because Islamic rule unified much of Eastern world &a uniform language was spoken thus abolishing many boundaries, trade was freer &more extensive than it had been since the time of ALEXANDER THE GREAT. The creation of an office &postal system was an invation that brought the ABBASIDS to statecraft. FATIMID DYNASTY CAIRO AS CAPITAL -867 MICHAEL III acclaim 842 Emperor of Byzantines. New hayday of the Empire advances Christianization of Slavs in Balkan. Muslim pirates capture 846 ROME THE ABBASIDS 750-848 Avars in 567-791 While the ABBASIDS ruled BAGHDAD, a number of powerful Dynasties such as the Fatimids, Ayyubids andunder Mamluks held power in Egypt, Syria and Palestine. Franks Merowingians after death of Chlodwig in 614 Umayyad Caliphate in Spain Unorganized territory Pilgrimage Cities In the years following, the Turks (MAMLUKS) made &unmade rulers at will, a trend Capital that accelerated the decline of the central authority. Although the religious authority of the ABBASID Caliphate remained the next four centuries saw Expansion under firstunchallenged, 4 Caliphs political power dispersed among a large number of independent states: Tahirids, Expansion under Umayyads Saffarids, Samanids, Buwayhids, and Ghaznavids in the east; Hamdanids in Syria and northern Mesopotamia; Tulunids, and Fatimids in Egypt. Trade and routes Abbasids Franks under Merowingians Aghlabids 900-909 Umayyad Caliphate in Spain Rustamids 776-906 Unorganized territory Idrisids 789-926 Pilgrimage Cities Tahirids 824-873 Capital Byzantine Empire Expansion Longobards Trade routes Avars 567-791 Province Carmats since 10th c. Hamanids Al-Yamama 656 Mekka Battles THE BUYIDS (Persian) invade 945 Baghdad and take power from Caliph. Declyne of UMAYYAD Caliphate 948 in Cordoba. 949 The political power of the Caliph Dynasty passes over to the Emir which becomes highest officer. The Caliph only remains religious chief. The Empire is bursting into peaces Franks under Merowingians Fatimids Umayyad Caliphate in Spain MADYARS since 896 West Goths till downfall in 711 Karakhanids Toulouse Lyon 622-632 under Muhammad Idrisids 789-926 KHAZARS KARAKHANIDS Genova Toledo 712 632-634 Tahirids Narbonne under Abu Bakr 824-873 Pilgrimage Cities till downfall in 642 Sassanids Samarkand Buchara CAIRO was founded as capital 969 of Egypt. It was &still is a major centER of trade, industry &largest city in Africa 784 A forest of eight hundred and fifty pillars connected by Moorish arches lines the great mosque of Cordoba. Leon Aghlabids 900-909 CORDOBA -1025 BASILEIOS II period 976 marks highrise of the display of the power. West Africa begins to convert to Islam Malaga 634-644 under Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Byzantine Empire in 1000 Capital Pilgrimage Cities Rom 644-656 Saffaridsunder Uthman Ibn Affan Capital Expansion Ragusa 661-670 Buyids under Umayyads Expansion under first 4 Caliphs Byzantine Empire Expansion under Umayyads Algier Longobards FES FATIMIDS (branch of Shi`its) most stable of the successor Dynasties founded in the ninth and tenth centuries gain power in Egypt and attack Palestine, Syria, and Arabia. For a time the Fatimids aspired to be rulers of the whole Islamic world, and their achievements were impressive, but the Fatimid`s dreams of gaining control of the Islamic heartland came to nothing, because they lost effective control of their own mercenaries. since 912 controversial between IDRISIDS, UMAYYADS, ZIRIDS, BERBERS Jewish colonies Mahdia Mainly Parsiism Abbasids Mainly Zoroastrianism 800-909 AGHLABIDS 909-1049 Aghlabidsunder 900-909 FATIMIDS 1049-1052 Rustamidsindipendent 776-906 Idrisids 789-926 1031 UMAYYAD caliphate in CORDOBA defeated by the Christian Reconquista. Crumbled into independent Kingdoms. Mery Ikonion Nischapur Battles Mainly Buddhism Kajin Antiocheia Islam in 750 BUYIDS Umayyad Caliphate in Spain Tahirids 824-873 Capital Byzantine Empire Expansion Longobards Trade routes Avars 567-791 Province SAFFARIDS BAGHDAD Beirut Islam inunder 1500Merowingians Franks Pilgrimage Cities Ghazna Herat HAMDANIDS Mainly Hinduism Unorganized territory Balch Angora Trade routes Avars 567-791 KAIRUAN Mainly Christian territories Franks under Merowingians Sidschimase Constantine Ramla Alexandria Schiras Basra Aila CAIRO Al Hasa Medina Aswah 930 1055 Founded in 970 under the ABBASIDS, the Mosque and University of AL-AZHAR in CAIRO is one of the earliest and finest examples of the Egyptian style in Islamic architecture. DRAFT 16 ETH Studio Basel © SELJUK Turks defeat Byzan- 1072 tines at Battle of Manzikert. First crusaders 1096 SELJUK Turks take BAGHDAD. ABBASIDS now only nominal rulers. The coming of the Seljuks signaled the first large-scale penetration of the Turkish elements into the Middle East. They established a highly cohesive, well administered Sunni state. After the UMAYYADS they were the first who erect magnificent new buildings since 10 cent. CARMATS Mekka Carmats since 10th c. Hamanids Aghlabids 900-909 Franks under Merowingians Fatimids Umayyad Caliphate in Spain Idrisids 789-926 Karakhanids Tahirids 824-873 Pilgrimage Cities Byzantine Empire in 1000 Capital Saffarids Expansion Buyids MUSLIM CONQUEST UNTIL 11TH CENTURY Dido Schumacher 17