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KOA Conference
Eldoret 2016
Mutiso VM, Anzala O, Khainga SO,
Otieno C, Ogalo JP, Bundi BN
Stem Cell Basics
 What are stem cells
This cell can form all of the
cells in the human body
This cell can form
almost every cell type
in the human body
Stem Cell Basics
Types of Stem Cells
- Embryonic Stem Cells
- Adult Stem Cells
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell
Stem Cell Basics
Human Embryonic Stem Cells
These are obtained from human
embryos created for infertility
purpose through in-vitro fertilization
Adult Stem Cells
 These are undifferentiated cells found among
differentiated cells in a tissue or organ
 Can renew itself
 Can differentiate to yield major specialized cell type
of the tissue or organ in which they are found
 Primary function is to maintain and repair the tissue
in which they are found
Where are adult stem cells
Benefits of Adult Stem Cell Research
 Easy to obtain
 Potentially limitless in supply
 Patients can use their own stem cells
for treatment and therapy
 Adult stem cells are politically neutral
 Not offensive to any major interest
group nor do they generate
Limitations of adult stem cell
 The isolation of some types of ASC, for example the
isolation of neural cells from a patient's brain, would
be impractical
 Where a person suffers from a genetic disorder or
some types of cancers, ASC isolated from that
individual will retain the damaging genetic
alterations underlying the disease and so be of little
therapeutic value
 Unambiguous identification is difficult
 Maintenance in culture is difficult
induced Pluripotent Stem Cell(iPSCs)
Adult cells that have been reprogrammed to an
embryonic stem cell-like state
 By enforced expression of genes and factors
important for maintaining the defining properties
of embyonic stem cells
induced pluripotent stem
cell- (iPSCs)
Potential of iPSCs
In-vitro disease modelling
Disease specific pharmacological
treatment testing
Individualized cell replacement
What makes stem cells so valuable?
stem cells
Cell Therapy
New Drugs
No one stem cell type fits all applications.
Research must continue using all types of stem cells.
Sources of Adult stem Cells
Cord blood
Mesenchymal Stem Cells
These are multipotent stromal cells originally defined in the
bone marrow that can differentiate into a variety of cell types
including: osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes and
Mesenchymal stem cell
Dermal cell
Marrow stroma
Percentages of the common diseases now
treated with mesenchymal stem cells
Xin Wei et al. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2013; 34: 747–754;
Published by
© 2013 CPS and SIMM
What Is Umbilical Cord Blood?
 Blood remaining in the umbilical
cord and placenta after birth
 The blood is rich in stem cells
 Adult stem cells of infant origin
 Less invasive than bone marrow
OR peripheral blood
 Greater compatibility
 Less expensive
Therapeutic Use of Adipose
Stem Cell s
Growth Factor Regulation/ Survival
And Proliferation
 Growth factors known to influence cell
proliferation, motility, survival and
 Transforming growth factor beta family TGFβ,
 Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
 Fibroblast growth factors FGF,
 Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
 Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)
 Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
 Wnt family
Somatic Cell Nuclear
Transfer (SCNT)
 Used for the creation of Totipotent cells that can be
used in cloning.
 Nucleus from a somatic cell is extracted and placed in
a denucleated egg cell.
 Dolly the sheep 1996 – 20 years ago!
The Way Forward
Establish Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Research Center at
the University of Nairobi
 Research
 Training
 Clinical trials for Stem Cell and bone marrow therapy
 A Cord Blood/Tissue Bank
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