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Honors Cell Cycle/Stem Cell Project– 100 point major assessment grade
All drawings should be neat, colorful, correct, and complete.
Your project must include the following:
Title page: 5 points - name, class, date, and title
Page 1: 5 points - Cell Cycle vocabulary
Page 2: 10 points - Drawing of the Cell Cycle Pie Chart showing the comparison of
time spent in each phase. (see text page 155) On your pie chart, indicate the location of
the 3 checkpoints (see text page 159)
A drawing of a sister chromatid pair (label each sister chromatid and the centromere)
(see your notes or text page 152)
Page 3: 20 points - A labeled drawing of each of the following parts of the cell
cycle: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase. Be sure to label all of
the parts (spindle, nuclear envelope, chromosomes, etc.) in each phase! (p. 156)
Page 4: 10 points - A labeled drawing of a plant cell AND an animal cell undergoing
cytokinesis. Be sure to show the differences between cytokinesis in plant cells and
animal cells. (see text p. 157-158)
Page 5: 15 points – A neatly written or typed description of what happens during
each phase of the cell cycle, including interphase, mitosis (prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, telophase), and cytokinesis. Include a discussion of the 3 cell division
Page 6+: 35 points – In a well-developed, multi-paragraph essay, discuss the
following points about stem cells:
1. the purpose of stem cells in embryos and adults
2. how stem cells change into other cell types and how the type is determined
3. how scientists use stem cells and how they hope to use them in the future
4. ethical concerns and issues that surround stem cell research
5. your personal response to the use of stem cells, including why you feel that way
( Use and text p. 160)
Cell Cycle Vocabulary
1. Asexual reproduction
2. Binary fission
3. Chromosome
4. Histone
10. Chromatid
11. Tumor
12. Spindle fiber