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Performance Objectives
Performance Objectives: to know
1. Define cell.
2. Enumerate the organelles of cell.
3. Mention the function of cell.
1. Define cell.
2. Enumerate the organelles of cell.
3. Mention the function of cell.
Enumerate the types of connective tissue.
1. Enumerate the organelles of cell.
2. Mention the functions of cell.
The cell
Cell: is the basic unit of all life.
Organelles: sub division with in the cell that carry out special functions.
Organelles of cell:
Cell membrane.
Endoplasmic reticulum..
Golgi apparatus..
2. Nucleus.
4. Ribosome.
6. Mitochondria.
8. Lysosomes.
10.Cilia, flagella.
Cell function:
A. protein synthesis: carried out by nucleic acid
1. DNA: double stranded-located in the nucleus.
2. RNA: single stranded-located in cytoplasm.
B. cell division:
1. Duplication of spindle.
2. Movement of centrioles.
3. Formation of spindle.
4. Separation of duplicated chromosomes.
5. Movement of chromosomes.
6. Division of cell.
7. Reappearance of all organelles.
C. Movement: movement of substance across cell membrane, diffusion, osmosis,
iosotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, filtration, active transport, phagocytosis,
Types of tissues:
A-Epithelial tissue: covers surface line cavities.
1. Saquamous, cubodial& columnar cell.
2. Simple or stratified cell layer.
3. Glands: endocrine, exocrine.
B-connective tissue: supports, binds forms frame work of body.
1. Soft: adipose-stores fat, fibrous- consist of collagen.
2. Hard: a-cartilage: found at ends of bones, nose.
b-bone: contain calcium salts.
3. Liquid: a blood, lymph.
Nerve tissue: component
Neuron-nerve cell.
1. Cell body
2. Dendrite
3. Axoy
Key of answer
1. Cell: is the basic unit of all life.
2. Organelles: are cell membrane, nucleus, nucleolus, ribosome, endoplasmic
reticulum, mitochondria, centrioles, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, cilia, flagella.
3. The functions of cells.
1-protein syntheses.
2-cell division.
3-movement of substance across cell membrane.
Self-test: types of connective tissue.
1. Soft: adipose.
2. Hard: cartilage, bone.
3. Liquid: blood, lymph.
1. Organelles: cell membrane, nucleus, nucleolus, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum,
mitochondria, centrioles, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, cilia, flagella.
2. Function of cell, protein synthesis, cell division.
3. Movement of substance, across cell membrane.
Aims of this unit
Aims of this unit :
To define:
1.Muscular system.
2.Enumerate the groups of skeletal muscle.
3.mention the muscle movement.
1.define muscular system.
2.enumerate groups of skeletal muscle.
Muscular system
Muscular system: is composed of more than 600 individual muscle, which together
make up about 40 %of total body weight
Structure of skeletal muscle:
A- bandles of muscle fibbers(cells).
B- connective tissue.
C- Epimysium (deep facia) form sheat enclosing entire muscle.
Characteristic of skeletal muscle:
A. Excitability; (irritability) capacity to respond to nerve impulses transmined at
neuro muscular junction.
B. Contractility; ability to shorten based on sliding together of actin &myosin.
Attachments of skeletal muscles:
1.Tendon:cord of connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone.
2.Aponeurosis: broad hand of connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone or
other muscle.
1.origin: attached to less movable part.
2.insertion: attached to movable part
Muscle movement:
A-types of muscles:
Prim moves, antagonists movement, Others moves steady body parts.
B-exercise: improves circulation.
C-body mechanics: muscle function with skeleton as level.
Skeletal muscle group:
Muscles of head &neck, muscles of upper extremities, muscles of trunk, muscles of
lower extremities.
Self –test: enumerate the muscle movement.
Post-test: define
1-muscular system.
2-enumerate groups of skeletal muscle.
3-mention the muscle movement.
Key of answers
1-muscular system: is composed or more than (600)individual muscle, which
together make up about 40% of total body weight.
2-skeletal muscle group: muscle of head, neck, upper extremities, trunk, lower
3-muscle movement: prim movers, antagonise, others, exercise.
Muscle movement: prime movers, antagonisis, others, steady body parts, exercise,
body mechanics.
1-muscular system: is composed or more than (600)individual muscle, which
together make up about 40% of total body weight.
2-skeletal muscle group: muscle of head, neck, upper extremities, trunk, lower
3-muscle movement: prim movement, antagonise, other, exercise.
Aims of this unit
To define:
2-mention of bone tissue.
3-enumerate the types of bone marrow.
1-define osteoblasts.
2-mention the types of bone tissue.
3-enumerate types of bone marrow.
Types of bones
Types of bones:
1.long bones.
2.short bones.
3.flat bones.
4.irregular bones.
5.Pneumatic bones.
1.Long bones: are found in the limps. This bone composed of a tubular shaft of
compact &spongy bone with central medullary cavity contain bone marrow. The end of
this bone is spongy.
Its found in femur, radius, metatarsals.
2.Short bones: its consist of thin cortical layer surrounding the spongy bone. Its
found in carpal &tarsal bone.
3.Flat bones: its consist of two layer of compact bone between layer of spongy bone.
Its found in skull &scapula.
4.Irregular bones: consist of thin compact layer surrounding spongy bone. Its found
in vertebrae &some skull bones.
5.Pneumatic bones: its found in skull bone have cavities contain air called sinuses.
Bone functions:
1-serve as body frame work.
2-protect organs.
3-Serve as levers.
4-Store calcium.
5-Form blood cells.
Skeletal system
Bone structure:
1-osteoblasts: bone forming cell.
2-osteocytes: mature bone cell that maintain bone.
3-osteoclasts:bone cells that break down (vesorb) bone.
1-compact-shaft(diaphysis) of long bones out side of other bones.
2-spongy-end (epiphysis)of long bones centre of other bones.
1-red- ends of long bones, centre of other bones.
2-yellow- centre of long bones.
D/membranes- contain bone- forming cells.
1-peri osteum: covers bones.
2-end osteum: lines marrow cavities.
* Long bone growth: being in centre of shaft& continues at ends of bone-growing area
from line across epiphysis.
Divisions of the skeleton :
Head: cranial, frontal, parietal.
Trunk: vertebral, column, cervical, thoracic, lumber, sacral, coccygeal.
Mark bones
Key of answer
1. Osteoblasts: bone forming cells.
2. Bone tissue: compact shaft of long bone.
Spongy- end of long bone.
3.bone marrow: red: end of long bones.
Yellow: centre of long bones.
Diffision of skeleton
Axial: head, trunk.
1-bone marrow: red: end of long bones.
Yellow: centre of long bones.
2-bone tissue: compact: shaft of long bones.
Spongy end of long bones.
Aims of this unit:
To know:
1-the upper limp bones.
2-mention the carpal bones.
3-enumerate the wrist joint.
1. Mention the metacarpal bones.
2. Enumerate the types of joints.
3. Enumerate the upper limp bones.
(upper limp)bones and joints
Upper limp: the bones of the upper division may be divided into two groups:
A-the shoulder girdle consist of two bones.
1-the clavicle or collar bone.
2-the scapula or shoulder blade.
B-each upper extremity (arm) consist of the following bones:
1)the arm bone called the humerus forms a joint with scapula above &with the two
forearm bones at the elbow.
2)the forearm bones are: the ulna bone lies on the medial.
The radius bone lies on the lateral.
3)the wrist contain eight small carpal bones arranged into two rows of four each:1-scaphoid,2-lunate,3-triquatrum,4-pisiform,5-trapazium
6-trapizoid,7-capitate, 8-hamate.
4)five metacarpal bones are the framework for body of each hand.
5)there are 14 phalanges or finger bones in each hand.
Phalanx they are identified as the first, which is attached to a metacarpal.
Joint classification:
B-amphiarthrosis-slightly movable.
C-diarthrosis (synovial joint) freely movable.
Structure of synovial joints:
1-joint capsule(ligaments)hold joint together.
2-cartilage, covers end of bones.
3-joint cavity-filled with synovial fluid.
4-bursae-fluid filled sacs near joints cushion& protect joints &surrounding tissue.
Types of synovial joints:
Gliding, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, ball and socket.
Movement of synovial joints:
Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation, supination,
pronation, inversion, eversion.
Types of joints:
1)fibrous joints:-found in sutures of the skull.
2)cartilaginous joints:-found in pubic symphasis.
3)synovial joints:-the capsule is lined by synovial membrane, all the joints of
Joints of upper limp:
1-sterno-claviculor joints.
2-acromio-clavicular joints.
3-carcco-clavicular joint.
1-shoulder joints.
2-elbow joints(humerus+ radius & ulna).
3-radio-ulner joints.
4-wrist joints.
5-intracarpal joints.
6-metacarpo phalangeal joints.
Self-test: enumerate the joints of upper limp.
1)mention the carpal bones.
2)enumerate the types of joints.
3)enumerate the upper limp bones.
Key of answer
1-carpal bone: scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapisoid, capitate,
2-types of joints: fibrous joints, cartilaginous joint, synovial joints.
3-upper limp bone: shoulder girdle, clavicle, humerus, elbow, ulna, radium, wrist,
carpal, metacarpal, phalanges.
joints of upper limp;
1-sterno-clavicular joints.
2-acromio-clavicular joints.
3-elbow joints.
4-radio-ulna joints.
5-wrist joints.
6-metacarpo-phalangeal joints.