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Joints Quiz
1. Describe (in terms of characteristics) and give one example of a fibrous joint, a
cartilaginous joint, and a synovial joint (3 points).
A fibrous joint is one where the articulating bones are in close contact and separated by a thin layer
of fibrous tissue. An example would be the sutures between the bones of the skull. A cartilaginous
joint is where disks of fibrocartilage separate the articulating bones. Examples would include the
joints between the vertebrae, symphysis pubis, and the sacroiliac joint. A synovial joint is one in
which the articulating bones are surrounded by a joint capsule of ligaments and synovial membranes
and the ends of articulating bones are covered by hyaline cartilage and separated by synovial fluid.
2. Name an example of each type of synovial joint, and describe the parts of the joint
as they relate to the movement(s) allowed by that particular joint (6 points).
Ball-and-socket Hip joint. Shoulder joint.
Condyloid Joints between the metacarpals and phalanges.
Gliding Joints between the various bones of the wrist and ankle.
Hinge Elbow joint. Knee joint.
Pivot Joint between the proximal end of the radius and ulna.
Saddle Joint between the carpal and metacarpal of the thumb.
3. Joint movement occurs when a muscle contracts and the muscle fibers pull the
muscle’s moveable end of attachment to the bone, the ____________________,
towards its fixed and, the ________________________________. (2 points)
insertion, origin