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How do the musculoskeletal
and cardiorespiratory systems
of the body influence and
respond to movement?
Human movement results from the complex
interaction of the skeletal, muscular, nervous
and cardiorespiratory systems.
The shape and length of bones and how they
join other bones influences the movements
those bones can make.
Bones can be classified as long, flat, short or
irregular bones.
The interface between bones (the joints) play
a significant role in human movement.
There are three categories of joints:
immoveable, cartilaginous and synovial joints.
Synovial joints have common features that
influence their efficiency of movement;
these include hyaline cartilage, synovial
membranes, joint capsules and synovial fluid.
There are six types of synovial joints in the
body: ball and socket, hinge, condyloid,
saddle, gliding and pivot.
There are three types of muscle in the human
body: concentric, eccentric and isometric
Muscles usually work in pairs known as the
agonist and antagonist.
The respiratory system controls oxygen input
and carbon dioxide output from the human
The key components of the respiratory
system are the nose, mouth, trachea,
bronchil tubes and alveoli.
Gas exchange through the walls of the alveoli
determines oxygen and carbon dioxide levels
in the blood.
The efficiency of the respiratory system can
be measured by simple field observations or
complex scientific analysis.
Total lung capacity (TLC), forced vital capacity
(FVC) and forced expiatory volume are
important measures of respiratory capacity.
The heart is a complex organ that regulates
blood flow around the body.
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