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Comparison of Evolution Standards
2009 WA State 6-8 Standards 2009 WA State 9-11 Standards
LS3A The scientific theory of
evolution underlies the study of
biology and explains both the
diversity of life on Earth and
similarities of all organisms at
the chemical, cellular, and
molecular level. Evolution is
supported by multiple forms of
scientific evidence.
LS3B Every organism contains
a set of genetic information
(instructions) to specify its
traits. This information is
contained within genes in the
chromosomes in the nucleus of
each cell.
IB Biology Guidelines
LS3A Biological evolution is
due to: (1) genetic variability of
offspring due to mutations and
genetic recombination, (2) the
potential for a species to
increase its numbers, (3) a finite
supply of resources, and (4)
natural selection by the
environment for those offspring
better able to survive and
produce offspring.
5.4.1 Define evolution. [ Evolution
is the cumulative change in the
heritable characteristics of a
population. If we accept not only
that species can evolve, but
also that new species arise by
evolution from preexisting
ones, then the whole of life can be
seen as unified by its common
origins. Variation within our
species is the result of different
selection pressures operating in
different parts of the world, yet
this variation is not so vast to
justify a construct such as race
having a biological or scientific
LS3B Random changes in the
5.4.2 Outline the evidence for
genetic makeup of cells and
evolution provided by the fossil
organisms (mutations) can cause record, selective breeding of
changes in their physical
domesticated animals and
characteristics or behaviors. If
homologous structures.
the genetic mutations occur in
eggs or sperm cells, the changes
will be inherited by offspring.
While many of these changes
will be harmful, a small
minority may allow the
offspring to better survive and
College Board AP Biology
Guidelines (2012-2013)
Big Idea 1: The process of
evolution drives the diversity
and unity of life.
Essential knowledge 1.A.1:
Natural selection is a major
mechanism of evolution.
Essential knowledge 1.A.2:
Natural selection acts on
phenotypic variations in
2009 WA State 6-8 Standards
2009 WA State 9-11 Standards
IB Biology Guidelines
LS3C Reproduction is essential
for every species to continue to
exist. Some plants and animals
reproduce sexually while others
reproduce asexually. Sexual
reproduction leads to greater
diversity of characteristics
because children inherit genes
from both parents.
LS3D In sexual reproduction
the new organism receives half
of its genetic information from
each parent, resulting in
offspring that are similar but
not identical to either parent.
In asexual reproduction just
one parent is involved, and
genetic information is passed
on nearly unchanged.
LS3E Adaptations are physical
or behavioral changes that are
inherited and enhance the
ability of an organism to
survive and reproduce in a
particular environment.
LS3C The great diversity of
organisms is the result of more
than 3.5 billion years of
evolution that has filled
available ecosystem niches on
Earth with life forms.
5.4.3 State that populations tend to
produce more offspring than the
environment can support.
LS3D The fossil record and
anatomical and molecular
similarities observed among
diverse species of living
organisms provide evidence of
biological evolution.
5.4.4 Explain that the consequence
of the potential overproduction of
offspring is a struggle for survival.
Essential knowledge 1.A.4:
Biological evolution is
supported by scientific evidence
from many disciplines,
including mathematics.
LS3E Biological classifications
are based on how organisms are
related, reflecting their
evolutionary history. Scientists
infer relationships from
physiological traits, genetic
information, and the ability of
two organisms to produce fertile
5.4.5 State that the members of a
species show variation.
Enduring understanding 1.B:
Organisms are linked by lines
of descent from common
Essential knowledge 1.B.1:
Organisms share many
conserved core processes and
features that evolved and are
widely distributed among
organisms today.
College Board AP Biology
Guidelines (2012-2013)
Essential knowledge 1.A.3:
Evolutionary change is also
driven by random processes.
2009 WA State 6-8 Standards
2009 WA State 9-11 Standards
IB Biology Guidelines
College Board AP Biology
Guidelines (2012-2013)
Essential knowledge 1.B.2:
Phylogenetic trees and
cladograms are graphical
representations (models) of
evolutionary history that can be
LS3F Extinction occurs when
the environment changes and
the adaptive characteristics of
a species, including its
behaviors, are insufficient to
allow its survival.
5.4.6 Explain how sexual
reproduction promotes variation in
a species.
LS3G Evidence for evolution
includes similarities among
anatomical and cell structures,
and patterns of development
make it possible to infer degree
of relatedness among
5.4.7 Explain how natural
selection leads to evolution.
[Greater survival and reproductive
success of individuals with
favourable heritable variations can
lead to change in the
characteristics of a population.]
Enduring understanding 1.C:
Life continues to evolve
within a changing
Essential knowledge 1.C.1:
Speciation and extinction have
occurred throughout the Earth’s
5.4.8 Explain two examples of
evolution in response to
environmental change; one must
be antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
[Other examples could include: the
changes in size and shape of the
beaks of Galapagos finches;
pesticide resistance, industrial
melanism or heavy metal tolerance
in plants.]
Essential knowledge 1.C.2:
Speciation may occur when two
populations become
reproductively isolated from
each other.
Essential knowledge 1.C.3:
Populations of organisms
continue to evolve.
2009 WA State 6-8 Standards
2009 WA State 9-11 Standards
IB Biology Guidelines
College Board AP Biology
Guidelines (2012-2013)
Enduring understanding 1.D:
The origin of living systems is
explained by natural
Essential knowledge 1.D.1:
There are several hypotheses
about the natural origin of life
on Earth, each with supporting
scientific evidence.
Essential knowledge 1.D.2:
Scientific evidence from many
different disciplines supports
models of the origin of life.
Note: Standards are listed from top to bottom in the order they are published in source documents. Rows do not indicate any relationships.