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Evolution Test Review
1. Moths that are light colored live on light colored trees with dark moths. Which
moth will predators eat more often and why? The birds will eat the dark
colored moths because the light colored moths are camouflaged and are
therefore more likely to survive and reproduce on the light colored trees.
2. What adaptation do the light colored moths have in #1?
3. What is an adaptation?
Any inherited characteristic that increases fitness and allows an organism to
survive and reproduce.
4. The above picture of a pelvis in a whale is considered to be a vestigial structure.
What is a vestigial structure? Structures that are reduced in size and/or no
longer function in a species.
5. Because of the whale’s vestigial structure, who should they be considered more
related to? Fish or Mammals (circle one)
6. What is the idea of common ancestry? The idea that all organisms can be
traced back to a common relative/ancestor.
7. What are the five homologies that we discussed that support common ancestry?
Homologous structures (like structures)
Vestigial structures (non functional structures)
Embryology (study of embryos)
Biogeography (where organisms live)
Molecular Evidence (comparing DNA/Amino Acid sequences)
8. What will happen to organisms that can breed together, but become
geographically isolated, or live in different areas? Populations will evolve
differently and therefore different appearances will evolve and eventually a
different species.
9. The above two graphs show evolution over time in a mosquito population. Which
type of selection is shown? What trait becomes ‘unfit’ in 2000?
Disruptive selection-Mosquitos with a body length of 2cm have become
disadvantaged in this environment.
The above picture shows common embryology. What is embryology and what
does it suggest? Embryology is the study of early developing embryos.
Vertebrate organisms like the ones above develop very similarly and therefore
this suggest that all of these organisms have a common ancestor.
What is behavioral isolation?
Organisms do not breed together because of different courtship rituals.
Ex: Birds of Paradise sing and dance to attract a mate.
What would have to happen for evolution not to occur?
A new species (evolution) would not occur if we had survival of organisms but
not reproduction.
What has to happen for evolution to occur?
Inherited variations are essential for natural selection to result in a new species
What is Darwin’s definition of Natural Selection?
Individuals that tend to survive are those that have characteristics that are
best suited to their environment.
What are some of the problems with the fossil record?
Very few organisms are preserved as fossils
Most of the time, only the hard parts of an organisms are preserved
Some fossils do not contain every part of the organism.
When an organism has genes that increase their fitness, those genes will
increase/decrease (circle one) in the population over time.
In the above cladogram, who is closest related to the primates?
Rodents and Rabbits
18. The above picture shows homologous structures. What are homologous
structures? Structures are similar but perform different functions.
These two snakes strongly resemble each other. The king snake’s bands are
an adaptation. The king snake is not venomous, but the coral snake is. The king
snake’s adaptation is known as mimicry. (it mimics/copies the coral snake) Why
would this adaptation be beneficial to the king snake? Protects the king snake
from predators that believe it is the coral snake because of mimicry.
Scientists sometimes use genome maps to compare organisms. They look at
their DNA sequences through genome maps. By doing this, what could they
determine about 2 different organisms? They could determine how closely
related the two species are to each other.
What is gene flow and how could gene flow be prevented?
Gene flow is also known as migration and occurs when genes move from one
population to another. This could be prevented when 2 species do not
interbreed even when they grow close to each other.