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Origin of Life
Spontaneous Generation
(abiogenesis)- life comes from
nonliving material
Biogenesis- life only comes from
other living things.
Important Experiments
 Francesco
Redi – disproved that
maggots came from dead organisms
 Miller
and Urey
- early atmosphere had very little
- used to create organic compounds
(amino acids)
 Louis
Pasteur – completely
disproved spontaneous generation
Lamark’s Explanation
a. believed that traits were
“acquired” and not
determined by genes
b. traits were results from
organisms experiences or
c. “necks of giraffes”
Charles Darwin’s
Theory of Evolution
 Galapagos
a. Darwin’s finches
 Origin
of Species by Natural
Selection – by Charles Darwin
 Evolution
– concept that species
have changed over time
Natural Selection
“organisms best suited to their environment
reproduce more successfully than other
1. Adaptation
2. Competition
*selection conditions change as the demands of
the environment change
*if change is too extreme and organism can’t
change, they become extinct or die
Patterns of Evolution
Genetic Drift – the alteration of allele
frequencies by chance events
Punctuated Equilibrium – speciation occurs
during brief periods of rapid genetic change
Divergent Evolution – two or more
related populations or species become
more and more dissimilar
- domestic dogs
Convergent Evolution – 2 organisms
seem to be similar but are not at all
- shark and porpoise
Co-Evolution – 2 species evolve together
- plants and the animals that pollinate
Types of Natural Selection
1. stabilizing selection
2. directional selection
3. disruptive selection
 Stabilizing
- individuals with the AVERAGE
form of a trait have the highest fitness
- most common
 Directional
- individuals that display a more
extreme form of a trait have a greater
fitness then those with an average
form of trait
- one extreme > average
 Disruptive
- individuals with either extreme of a
trait have a greater fitness than those
with a average form
- either extreme > average
Evidence of
Evidence from Living
Homologous and
Analogous Structures
a. Homologous –
similar features that
originated in a
b. Analogousfeatures serve
identical functions
and look somewhat
 Vestigial
“useless features”
a. appendix
b. human tailbone
 Evolutionary
- similar DNA, homologous features,
vestigial structures
 Biochemical
- similar amino acid sequence
and Chemical Studies
a. human and chimp DNA – very
 Embryo
a. all vertebrae embryos are similar
at 4 weeks
b. all vertebrates have gill slits at 4