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Diploma Program: Integrated Community Based Adaptation, DRR, and Rural Development
Dear AfricaAdapt Colleagues,
CSDi is announcing the May launch of a diploma program of online field courses integrating community-based adaptation to climate change,
disaster risk reduction, and rural development.
These courses begin by introducing basic climate change concepts, participatory disaster preparedness, and mainstreaming them with rural
development—and develop as participants identify local community vulnerabilities, identify risks and hazards, investigate appropriate solutions,
design participatory M&E plans, develop full projects, launch and manage them.
Complete information and course syllabi:
OL 440 Diploma Program: Integrated CBA, DRR, and Rural Development.
Online course participants are using our courses to develop real, on-the-ground projects with real communities—both individually and through
North/South student partnerships. People from 104 different countries and 225 organizations have used CSDi online courses to develop sustainable
projects impacting 100,000 community members.
To earn a diploma in Integrated CBA, DRR and Rural Development, you must complete four required, sequential foundation courses, then select
four elective courses of your choice for a total of eight courses. Each course is two months long and this diploma can be completed within a 12
month period. With a wide variety of electives, you are able to tailor the diploma program to meet your needs and interests.
This diploma program is designed for current and aspiring humanitarian and development professionals who plan to work in relief and
development, or who already work in this field and want to advance their careers. These courses give experienced practitioners a fresh perspective
and provide persons hoping for a career change the training they need for a successful transition on the job market.
The diploma program will provide you with the skills, tools, and methods to meet today's challenges and to take on such positions as program
director, project coordinator, climate officer, CBA consultant, DRR consultant, funder, and field implementer—with community-based
organizations, with governmental and with nongovernmental organizations. You will benefit from access to development experts, a broad range of
resources and—the valuable diploma once the program is completed.
The courses use the flexibility of online delivery to help you learn through case studies, field assignments with communities, and group discussions
with fellow students—providing a complete learning environment. You will share experiences with fellow participants working in the field; to date,
we have had course participants from over 100 countries.
Learn more about the learning environment and how we deliver an online field experience.
Required Foundation Courses. These are taken in sequence prior to enrolling in elective courses.
OL 440 Diploma Program: Integrated CBA, DRR, and Rural Development
OL 341. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Designing & Funding Community-Based Adaptation Projects.
May 17 - July 11, 2011.
Gain an insight into contemporary methods of developing community based, sustainable, impact-oriented projects. Gain practical field
tools and develop a range of skills: facilitating participatory needs assessments and DRR assessments, designing projects, and evidencebased activities. Develop a real project in real time.
OL 342. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Planning for Impact.
July 19 - August 29, 2011.
Imbed impact into your adaptation project design with a powerful set of management tools. Log frames, detailed budgets, timelines,
compelling fact sheets, M&E plans, outcomes and impact. These tools will communicate to donors and stakeholders exactly what you are
trying to accomplish and can be used for effective management of the project once funded.
OL 343. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: The Community Focus.
September 6 - October 31, 2011.
What does climate change adaptation mean at the community level? What practical tools are available today for communities to use in
adaptation and in DRR? Conduct a baseline survey including climate vulnerability, risk assessment, an adaptation capacity analysis, and
gain an understanding of local knowledge of a changing climate and of coping strategies. For practitioners who wish to begin working
now at the community level to successfully adapt to the challenges that face us.
OL 344. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Sustainable Implementation.
November 8 – December 19, 2011.
How do you launch and implement a community based adaptation/DRR project? The importance of community engagement and project
co-management. Developing skill sets for your community to use in the adaptation process. Learning tools: monitoring & evaluation.
Community empowerment during project hand-over. Sustainability, follow-up & mentoring.
Elective Courses. Enroll in four of these elective courses after completing the four foundational prerequisite courses above. These courses start
throughout the year.
OL 303. Food Security, Nutrition, and Home Gardens 1
OL 304. Food Security, Nutrition and Home Gardens 2
OL 224. Participatory M&E
OL 345. Community Based Disaster Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Management
OL 346. Small Island Developing States and Climate Change
OL 326. Developing Livelihood Resilience in your CBA project.
OL 332. Water Conservation and Management in your CBA project.
OL 333. Improved, Integrated Agricultural Practices for your CBA project.
OL 334. Incorporating REDD+ and Forest Stewardship into your CBA project.
OL 202. Impact Analysis
Visit our compilation of 300 Hands-On Field Activities for Community Based Adaptation projects.
Be sure to join the adaptation working group at CSDi’s Development Community. Join 450 colleagues in sharing resources & collaborating online:
Like us on Facebook.
Questions? Please contact us:
[email protected]
Tim Magee, Executive Director
Center for Sustainable Development