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BIOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS OF AGGRESSION 1. The role of genetic factors – A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein that is found in cells. It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. Chromosomes also contain DNAbound proteins, which serve to package the DNA and control its functions. YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED TO EXPLAIN THIS IN THE EXAM, BUT IT MIGHT BE HELPFUL FOR YOU TO KNOW IT. Most individuals have chromosomes (23 from each parent). X or Y? Female chromosome = Male chromosome = How many chromosomes do most people have? How many chromosomes does the XYY male have? It is possible for a male to have an extra Y chromosome. Sandberg (1961) identified the 47 XYY karotype. Court-Brown (1965) claimed that 47XYY males were more aggressive than normal males and should be hospitalised. This incorrect view was accepted by scientists and was difficult to shift. How are such misconceptions often spread throughout society generally? 1 Theilgaard researched the personality traits of XYY men and compared them with XY men. She found that approximately 1 in a 1,000 males are XYY. The single characteristic was . But there seems to be no consistent link between genotype and aggressive nature. However, when Theilgaard used Thematic Apperception Testing (such as the Rorschach test) she found Give two reasons why this can’t be taken as proof that XYY males behave more aggressively? 1. 2. Cairns created aggressive mice and Nelson also created aggressive animals by selective breeding. This is evidence that genetic manipulation can lead to aggressive behaviour. Discuss. Genetics have an influence. Research evidence shows that a greater number of aggressive behaviours tend to be reported in humans with XYY karotype, but it is complex as there are other biological influences on behaviours such as Animal studies have shown that aggression can be passed from one generation to another. However, there are environmental influences that should be taken into account such as 2