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Effective Advertising and Promotional Messages
*Explain the four Cs of communication
*Describe how to create effective advertising messages
*Explain the purposes of advertising and promotional communication
Purposes of Advertising and Promotional Communication
The goals of advertising and promotional communication are to inform, persuade, and remind
target audiences (RIP). These can be achieved in a single communication or multiple ones.
Remind (R): Remind consumers about existing products and services. Consumers are
already aware of the brand and its benefits, but marketers want to remind them why they
like it. This can be done through commercials, signs, or social media posts.
Inform (I): When a new product or service enters the market, advertising and
promotional messages are used to inform consumers about it. These messages are
designed to spark interest. Consumers usually will not buy a product or service until they
understand the purpose of the product and the benefits it offers. Advertising may be
used to communicate product benefits such as safety, nutritional value, fuel efficiency,
superior quality, and others.
Persuade (P): After the target market has a general awareness of the product,
advertising and promotional communication is used to persuade consumers to take
action and buy the product or use the service. A business will use advertisements and
promotions to identify competitive advantages in an attempt to persuade consumers to
buy its product or to switch brands. To be most effective, marketers must know which
product benefits are most appealing to their target market. Advertisements that
emphasize relevant benefits are more persuasive. Persuasive message often try to
appeal to emotional needs, such as love and self-esteem.
Internet Communication
Social Media are websites where users create and share information. The interactive
component of social media has improved communication between businesses and consumers.
By interacting with consumers, businesses can develop more effective advertisements and
Today’s businesses must have a social media presence. Research each of the following social
media outlets and indicate how businesses use each of them. Identify primary target markets for
each and overall effectiveness of using each site.
The Advertising and Promotional Message
A message that is concise, relevant, worthwhile, and compelling is more likely to move the
consumer to action.
What makes a television commercial memorable? Why do some brands have a loyal following?
Why do some promotional emails work better than others?
The Four Cs of Communication
Use the Internet to define each of these terms as related to communication in marketing:
As advertisers develop advertising and promotional messages, they should apply the 4Cs
Model. Messages should be easy to comprehend, make a connection with the audience, have
credibility, and be contagious.
Advertising that Makes an Impact
The importance of advertising in today’s business environment is immense. Advertising
campaign often determine the success of products and services.
Create a list of five memorable advertising slogans. Explain what makes each of them so
memorable and effective.
What is Effective Advertising?
Effective advertising focuses on the needs of the consumer and convinces the consumer to buy
a specific product or service to fulfill those needs. Effective advertising has the following
1. It is created from the consumer’s perspective. Consider what consumers are looking for
when making buying decisions about products and services.
2. It finds a unique way to break through the clutter. Advertisers must compete for the
consumer’s attention by using unique and memorable advertising techniques.
3. It never overpromises and underdelivers. Effective advertising must be truthful.
4. It does not allow creativity to overwhelm the marketing strategy. An advertisement that
doesn’t meet its objectives is ineffective no matter how clever or humorous it might be.
5. It works in conjunction with the other elements in the marketing strategy. Using a strategy
ensures all advertising and promotional messages about a product or service are compatible
and deliver consistent messages.
Find an advertisement that meets all of the qualifications listed above. It may be a print,
online, or television advertisement. Describe the advertisement and explain how it meets
each of the qualifications.
Complete the following:
1. You are the marketer for a local water park. Attendance has been down because of a slow
economy. Create a print ad or radio script for an ad to convince consumers that the water park
offers good entertainment value and dollar value during current economic conditions.
2. Watch 5 Super Bowl commercials and evaluate each one using the 4Cs Model. Was each of
the four C’s present? If not, which ones were missing?
Ad #1:
Ad #2:
Ad #3:
Ad #4:
Ad #5:
3. Your company manufactures a new diet soft drink. The advertising slogan is “Diet never
tasted so refreshing.” Describe how you could bring the meaning of “refreshing” to life in a TV
advertisement. How would you make this concept more relevant to the audience?